HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-04-02g4/62/2992 zTi4s 541684e358 K & A ENGINEERING Ciry Job # PAGE 85 Commun ity .Scrviccs DivfB uildior SafervCITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ONEdbN 22.5 s'r Srrr.r;r. Springfictd, oR hat{in. izO_llSs Iob €2-7 7Y PRINGFIELD Affidavit For Site Investigation euestionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval forResidential Building site in Ambresiae Meadows - r* Addition Subdivision The.wtdcrsigned hereby affirms thar the excavation, structural fill and moisturestabilization methods for.the building site at the address srro*n uuoue was ousirved byme or an aurhorized emproycc of my firm and that trr" roiio*ing is rrue: I. The foundation su!-gr{e is-capabrc of sup-poning a minimum of 1500 psf, and isadequate ro support the building proposedfbr this-site. 2' The moisture content of thc cxcavation was adequately maintained during the sitepreparation Process and was adequately coveredio sta'uitizca moisture contcntprior to any significant change in'mois-ture coDtcnt oithe'suu-graoe. 3' The site is adequatety graded and drained to prcvent the collection of water in thcexcavated area during constnrction. 4' The accompanying report titled "site Investigation euestionnaire for consultingDcsi gn Professionals" containi n g fi eld ouseriationsia-J Lstructions madc on HI:tffi[,H:i:Trff:,:H;" knowledge, the information containea in thaitp"i i,,"rprete and accurate. Name of Licenscd Professional (print)/uttc^C**ytst-. <l--' uonrs')jh,,f rn- 1ea7. ORDGOT tS a4/92/2062 2O=49 5416849358 Community l*jliltl; Div;_auildilg g1fs1y JobCITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ONECON 2Z_5 5,h .Skcst, Springtield, OR gl+ii- pn. 726_?t7ilg K & A ENGINEERING PAGE O5 Ciry Job #D2_ - aa>z-7/* ol The undercigned desiga.profcssiontt (or authorizcd employcc) attcsts tha hc/sheobsened rcquired moisnrc-snbiri+ erirea"re, in *i'rtii,'irra ,n* r*h procedureswcrc accom?lished beforc -an1 chlnges occrurcd in rtc morlirc contcnt of thc sub-gade undu andaround the buildig (where *pansive soils *,etc cncouuored), Thcundenignedfuaher 6::tt that theiib-graac, k prrpoiii, is dequatc 0o support thebuiding prcposedfor thts sttc. Additional comments: (Note): A copy of thls tirnes report shall be kept on slSe wlth the rpproved plarc at all This rcport shall be followcd by an affidavit, signed and stamped by the designprcfessional under whose aysgi-ces this report was complercd, afnrming thc ilnformationhTtil. The signcd/stampcd affidavit togcther wirh a copy of'tnis rcport shall besubmitted ro this office prior ro requesring framing inepection for the building. ,L Title hrcwL /(€.,-rq dL/)r License #n- The geotcchnical report for thc Amblcside Meadows - l" Addition Subdivision rccornmends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub-grades, and thatexpansive soils be or,:r:9Tlylr9d Td rcplaced with ar teast tz inches orirn comf*t.a to at least 95Vo of ASTM D698 for foundition preparation. The report also rccommcnds that measures be taken to prcvcnt water from co[ecting in or around thc foundation areasduring and after the construction process, and thu positive site drainage bo providcd to reduce the infilrration of surface warer inro thc expinsive soils. The geotcchnical report funher omphasizcs that thc finish grade of landscape soil adjacent to the foundation should be at least 24" above thelxpansive bearing soils, firmly compacted to reduce the infiltration of water at the surfacc. The adequacy of filt roi]- material around the building must be verified to the satisfacrion of tni Aeiign professional. 4 64/62/2AA2 2A.49 5416849358 K & A EN6I}.IEERIN6 Rddr"rs zZfr; 3" fi-rt. r.t- . City Job #oL- PAGE 04 Community Scrvfggs Div, Bu;161n" s69.1, Job CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5'f' Strccr, Springfiekl, OR 974'11 ?h.726-17Sg 6o7a / -o / Low-point crawl qrace dralns rre requlrtd to prevent tbe bulld.up of excessmoisture inside the foundrtions during (and amer) conrtruction. trrr drain qa1 Ue ingtalled afiel foundation phcement of the dcsisn professionel. a- The design professiural bas detennined rhe following.. The crawl space drain is requircd wlwn thefourdarton is lnstallcd,.,.. tr The low'point drain can bc installed aftcrfoundation placemenl without a significant moisture build-up problem wlthin tlu foundation . . . . . . . . . . .. tr (The low-point drain may h installed at thc N\ sta*e Of COnStructiOn) Pott il bca;' lrhniag' oofu* ct.- b. Has the dcsign prolessional obscrted and approved the instaltation of the required low point drain? -.. -....... Yes, --No -.t(if "yes", where is the low point drain located under tlu building and where does it'termitwte at this tfune? (must be an approved bcation, i.e street gutter, storrn sewc\ sump pump and discharge line to the street, etc. The design professional must &tcrmino whethcr the approved pcrmit drawings have adequate foundation steel. Is rny additlonal foundation steel requircd thst ls not shown on the foundation drawingp for the buitding? Yes - Na l-. If "yes", de scribe additiorul steel required (ot provide drawing). Ttrc following statemcnt must be signcd by the irdividtul bing the obsenations and providtrtg directionfor the cxcavation ard sitc preparation work on the property, 3 g4/O2/2^CI2 ZA:49 S416849388 J, K & A ENGINEERING PAGE 63 ,8;,iy!ii:Idp,.ii#,fd$,:;,,,,,Job Note: City inspectors will inspect installed Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspectton. City Job * drains prior to cover upon (202 7 l-o/ rcqucst.. 1 4. a4/o2t26s2 2A149 5416849358 K & A ENGINEERING City Job # PAGE 02 Comrnuniry Srrvices Div. uuilding Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ONTCbN 22-5 5'h.Srrccr, Springfistd. OR 9?477 ph.726- Job 1759 oo _O Thb form rmy be used ac e terrpor.ry verlfica6on to dlow @nstnrc$on to continueon the job slte until the consultrnt's stmped afiidsvit bn the slte soll comprc6onand stabilization is:"b-nttrg to the city, Tbis lorm mrrct be oorplerca u] alicc-nsed deslgn profeylonal (engineer or erchltect) or his/ber authlodzed dmployee,and submittcd 0o the bullding_lnspector prlor to requesting City inspecttonsir ' placlng foundatlon concrcte. It is important that ailquestiins be oniwer.d-completely for the foundatlon site tobe rpproved foiconstructlon, SPBING FIELD AMBLESIDE MEADOWS SUBI)IVISIONI.IST ADDITIoN - new on Owner and/or Conlractor 3. Whet was tbe size and depth of thc scevation snd /or frtl? ofla ) 1. Date of the deslgn prolossionetrs sitc cvatuotion? < lz- l"--- _ 2' Ik.-h" dflql professionel revlewcda copy olthe geotechnlcrl informatlonfor the subdivtslon thet wac pnovlded wltli ihe builiing permtt? fes[ No If not, plcase con act this ofice for a cow of the report. The destgn professional must be lamiliar with thc geotccrnical ffinrution before complelhg tilr Tor*,, NJ Site Investigation for Professionals Was existing non-stxuctural fill or expansive soil encountercd on the lot? Yes-rVo_:(If "yes", what tyryes, depths and locations? Aur vral- ft _s- what measures werE taken 1o rcmedy the soil condition (include tlpe of engineered fill uscd to srabilize the soil)? x\q se . !^-ttr.t. G+*r r t r,o I