HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1999-05-27Thls Slde To Be Filled Out by Applicant ,:. This permit is required for any site activity in the flood plain and everywhere site alteration consists offifty (60) cublc yards of material or more and/or if a dralnageway ls affected, wlthln Clty llmits and ,I.ri;);; Permit Expiration Date: '' o v Property Owner City Date'of Appllcation Address : Site Address:Sprlngfiold, Oregon Zipq4& Phone: Journal number applicable Land Use Appl Tax Lot:2y'oo ication tr ucB Tax Map EXCAVATION, Ouantity em 1t l-<- Destinatlon Source Location tr tr Dt4 s 4-<- s r *x-- d- tr J4 al f l-Project Supe rvisor FILL, Oua GRADING, Oua Supplier €o Phone Supplier: Address E( tr tr tr tr tr cRoss sEcTtolts, SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN ADDITIONAL INFORMAT]ON, and nd e BEPLANTING PLAN PHONE CITY STA PHONE STATCITY COMPAMY NAM COMPANY NAME: PROJECT SUPEBVISOR ADDRESS: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: ADDRESS: ztP: a " " 37 oFFtcE pHoNE3jH6 L? /4 /? CITY: O^a uo- I l)'sC),oy Zo+ FAX s EMERGENCY PHONE: 46 7 -4 o Expiratlon Date MOBILE PHONE STATE: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME: PHONPROJECT SUPERVISOB: Registration Number: I understand that l'or mv succo8sors may have future_plane for.my proporty whlch may bc anticipated or unantlcipated atthis timo' I understand thariuitr-tritu;,iljl,iiii-,nlviequire permits'aho iivitopement_aiprovaiiiiom ttre city of Sprinsfield.I understand that notwithstandins any a'ppiovat o? ihii-L;,ia-;;A-d;il.se Xiappricaiiln'ot iri,'ii il'i"it'.o-r alplolarS-t'ne c'iry- ,n"y reviow and iCC;;io;ItifitlH,f;lTh[tPi5]';?t:rT*".ii,Tiii;undertakon persuant io ttrts.loeFli unairi-iano ihit th" iiti rni;;;;;il'iuil;6;i'fi;'iil,'ililairi'.ib;;;';;,y',,EiiLi.I'irni;r, ii,i,i,hii'n-,iffigT,3lrr'i[lllTt,ilPJ";X;*:,,l,.,lllSrr^, F -t = rvE- IJJo- Zo -rF M I.IJFJ tJJ U Z tsl r\/ -c oZ oz 5 fli.1,'g:tl"1td,:l"ti? ilI1""tl3t;"t}3L',1'"',;i,i1'*[:11, examined the completcd-applcatlon rnd. do hereby ."rtiry tr,.t .rrwith the Ordinancos of thsi;i;;id,"1,ffi;-q,",!;r$:$"::-$rfti":,r*rrtif,lliilii:lll*#kh*1"[ifl{#i*fi111'##lffiT:q; comptiance wirh ORS 70i.06E wil Or ucid on tntr prcjsct, G,ulz =o ltJh C" zo E TEut5 oz 5 at-zut =() kolrj CE5a IIJ(E aFz h :)ozoo ccot-o (EFzoo cDz 5(L tu TE:)F3rL IU TE3 E>gq, ,1Penvu* tG 99 0s/? %oo of Springfielda'- : ' '!* , to IJ}'f,lty:nv-]1999t tnc work ttto dsccribed tn thts pormtrtn€ srry or nouc! ot complrtlon of the deccrlbeO woik-Cni'yg1!, 11cu i r9o to return rtie iif,i- to a iia noaiil-i.-.iot. or. to ffi :llffi ,'ilil'X,iiii3;:'#'f.?EiiiJ'ffi,'H,oiH:lli.'trlir,ltfliffi illifr{iTlx,*iiir*}l{"*i?,e}iil"" $i1B! [i,!lTliT: ll?ffi:t.work not oomprilio it]rr,r iii or Hfi :TiJX1:'i,',1H.,31"f,"1",X,:?":**91S,"':addressisreadabrerrom q I romain Signature that all -J-7€7Dato f @ wtr Date: tr L DRAINAGE, EStorm,0D itc , E Culvert, Cl Natural WETLANDS, FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.: FLOOD PLAIN, Zona;FEMA Community Panel No.: $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 S40.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards. plus $2O.OO for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $220.00 For tho'first 100,001 cubic yards, plus $2O.OO for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof, $340 For th€ first 200,001 cubic yardc, plus 96,0O for each additional 1O,OOO cubid yards or fraction thereof. 930.OO 130,00 For the first 100 oublo yrrdr, plut $14.00 for each additlonal 100 cubic yards or fraction theteof. e156.OO For the firct 1,0O0 oublo yardt, pluo 4t2.00 lor..oh.ddltlon.l l,0OO oublo yerdr or tt.otlon thar.of, t264,00 For the first 19,000 gublc y.rdt, plur it1.00 lot eaeh eddltlonal 10,000 cublc yards or tractlon thtruof , $750.00 For the first 100,001 oubic yards, plus a3O.OO tor ..oh rddlrlon.l tO,OOO oublc y.rd. or ft.otlon th.r.or, & V)M, :r{ 0) Receipt No.!i4-257 Date Receipt No:oV,tbbf o"t",blL+q1 Received By 50c o"r",5lbl 2OO,OO1 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE O Zo'"o Received by: out ,5fZL Estlmated Volume: Giading Permit fee: Plan Check Fee: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 cuBlc YARDS .10,000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS 100,001 To 200,000 GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YABDS 101 T0 1,000 cuBlc YARDS 1,001 TO 10,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1o,o0o T0 100,000 cuBlc YABDS 10o,oo1 To 20o,oo0 ng: a tr Maintenance: Engineering Date: Date Date: Date: { Plannin Date: Date:lssued by Date ReqJrired Final lnsf'eetions' Permit Number Planning: Engineoring: Building: Date Date O tf3.rfly"Br,iiTfinir"Hi,H,i: outlined in this permit has beon completed in accordance with tr ufil$,1{tdfr53[p"q.".%?tiyigf3,3..y,,]i"ed in this permit has not been completed in accordance tr Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit. F EI rv --rIJJ o- ZoErF rv -IJJFJ tJJ U Z EI rv --to cZ nZ 5 tuoz F(Lul()() 't16/1998 Sicle To IJe Fil By City Staff' ulc, z Eo EItulL azoF6zoo atu =ttl =ul [E