HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-04-30o" RESID*tlTlAL", APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 BulLdl.ng DLuLsLon 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFTEI..D k-F f 4 -3o- (S Date: General ELectrical Meclut:ical Cons*uction_Lender It ie the rcepotnibility of the permtt hol.det to eee that alt inapeetiow ate made at ttp EEo?e! time, that each address is rea"C.ab'.e fnan the atteet, and. that the petnrit eatd id Loeated at -!h,e f"ont of the-ploPe?ta.i*uitdins D.Joiciot approu^ed pLan sTnLL remain on tle Bui|ding Site at aLL tines- qROCflDUI,E EOR INS4EC\ION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769(t,ecozd.et) state you? City desigrnted iob nttnbet', iob aCCtess' lUelof +nspeezi'^cn "iay7o*inspection,Contractot,siraners'naneLndphonerultlber.Requestsreceixedbefcr,e7:00an;,,tit te nade the edte dcy, requests-made after ?:00 an uvLLL be nade the nert',totkirq dag. rour city Desigtated Job Nunber '"' t { ': i 2 I # rob Locaticn, /37 , A-37 rr/. ,tf Srfla 6/f , Aeseesore Map # t 4nZ 1O Z4 rc.r Ipt # lr< E/\t Slbdits't-sion: Asner:i c 7rPhoneAddress: d Desq,Lbe Hork: Gen*q t C*ntfiucn'a^)Additian lo,7A t- l RenoCel ra Date of I,{ Value Page 1 of 2 Pomti.rai fonns. to UI\DEPFLOOR PLUTEING 4 MEC!#,NIC;AL: ^To be made Prior to instaLlatlon of floor insulation ot' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pr"ior to ffiii|Tfili{of floor insulation ot deckirq. No these inspe ctions haue been nade &td. approoed.. DRYlrAlt, f!E!E!!I9!: rc be nade after att d.r'yuall is in place, but priot, to any taPing. MASINRY: Steel Location, bond 666ilg?outirq or oerti,cals in aceordatce utith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. \\OODST1\/E: After installation is anrpleted. IENCE: hlhen cotnPlate -- Protsi,Ce @6i or mouable seetions through P, U.E. CURB & APPROACH ALoQN: After forns - ee erecteC but Pt'ior to Poumrq concrete. SIDE TALK & DRI',WAI: For all, con' crA;nao"?-r,g M"fr" street right- of-tng, to be maCe after all e*ea- oatina cawlete & forn wt'k & sub- base inaterLal in Place. DEMOLruIOI] OR Sanitoty seset' eapped at propart:ri Line Septic tank punped and fi-Lled with gta:;ei Final - l,lhen abct;e itens are ecnpl-eted and uhen CqtolitLon is contplete or strac- ture mot;ed and pz'ertrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-uP Plunbing cortnections " saneY ozd' uater Electri.cal Ccnnection - BloekLng' set-up and plunbing connections rnist be qprc"^ed befoie requesting eleetrical inspeetiott Accessory Bui.LCing Einal - After pcrches, skitting' decks' etc. ate eonPleted. crao Til<DnanTnN. e*;A;tloa TC ETP.EPLACE: - materlaLs FIIIAL PLUAAING fINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Io be nade after prtor tc set uP of INSI]LATION /VAPOR BARRIER I!]SP,CTION : T;-Ee *aDzfte" aLL insulaticn and required oapor bawie?s @e in Plaee bui be|ore aty Lath, WPsun boa.rC oY' t'nLL cotsev:ing is appli-ed, and before otg insulation is concealed. DttrT hf 'lac ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCnAttICat: Io be nade before anY ffiE-li-iZ,teved. dZ poormG & FOUNDATT)N: ?o be tnace lA ;fr;;-ttenci;s a"e ercatsated and - forns ate et'eeted' but Pnior to pouring ccnctete, PrLor to Plaeitq and befor:e froning faeing inspee- tion. FRA].!ING: Ihtst be requested after 6pffit of rough pltrr,bing' eleett'i' cil & nechanical. ALI roofitq braeing €, chhrmeYs' etc. rmtst be . eompleted. Ilo ucz'k i-s to be con- . eeCled until this insPeetion lns 'been nade anC approued. ALL project conditions, suck as the i.nstal-Lation of street tree_s'_ co:tpletion of the onqU.rl|- rond.s"apirg, LtL., ,*tt be satisfied befot'e the BUILDINC FMAL ean be tequested' a.The Einal Building fnspection rmtst be requested after the Final Plunbing uZ|it*rL""t rnspectlions'hatte been nade atd approoed'FINAL BUILDING: LLectr.LcaL, Gnd *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T1|UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIY TO BE I'L4DE AT NO CCST TO CI?Y Wrourru ro^n tr SO LAR *JOB NO.ESS REQ.-L-CO Bedtoons: Aceess Lace DT House Lot Faces -Sourees lleat er/ of Lot Cooez,age_ # of Stories Total Eeight Lat Sq. Ftg. ?opogrqhy LCT ?WE Interior Cor.ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted an the ew)r,:ess condition t\nt the said-constraction il',ott', 1., aLL rZspecti,- "on\om io the Ordirnnce adop.ted 6iy the city o.f Spi'tngfieta, ine|itdrng- the 2oning Ct'dinance, negulating the ccnstmtcticn trA ""oZ of LuiLd.ings, otd nay be suspend.ed or TettokeC at cny time upon oic- l.a.tion of fri! prcuisions of said 1rdirances. TOTAL VALUE Date Paid FTG x Va *Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 c 6O ao ao Building PennLt Iotal Changes State Plumbing Permit No pelson sha.Ll consb"uet, inelaLL, alter or ehmt4e -any nel)-c? existing plintlrq or drainage s,sta'n in ulale or'- in pott, unlees such pet'son is tle iegal plosees"ot ol" a rtlolid pl*rbnr's License, cept that a P?"son nay 40-pfirntiitg uork to ptope"ta ihi.h is ot)ned, Leased o, operated by the appli- cant. NO FEE CHARGE Fistw,es Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Pl;nbing PevrrLt L Electrico I Permit Whp"e State La reqtires that the electrical uork be dane by an Electt'ieal Contractor, the eleetrLeal portion of thi,s permit slnlL not be oaliC until the Label has been sigzed bg the Eleettical Contz'actot'. Total l5 a-tI|a,s/Extend Circuits lanpotey Seruice 6o /5 ea -- EIICROACHMENT -- I?EM F!E ru A Drt * Mechqnicol Permit bhanet Eood. llcodstoise Vent Fot PermLt fssuance Mechanical Perrntt Storagg tta'irztenatee Permit C'utbcu! SideuaLk Penoe El.eetz'ical Label ,20 Mobile Hone Receipt #: ?otaL I HAW CAREEULLY EX,A],INED tle cornpleted application for. pernit, and. do hereby eertify that aLL infonnation hez,eon is trae and. cbrrect, aruC f fartket, eertify that any ar"d aLL aork perforned s?nLL be done in accor- dance vLth the 2rdinances of the City of SpringfieLd, and the Laaa of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, md tlat N0 OCCU- PANCy tLlL be naCe of anA st"uctu?e uithout pernission of the Building DL-uision. f further certify that ol.Ly contracto"s otd anplcyees who dne in eanpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project roTAL AMOUNT DUE: *s?e * te LJalan 9tate &tt'cllan ge hnnzce PTll'S ?otal Chat,oes State Sec,ritg Deposit 1/zz/s g uatq /