HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-08-01!.. RESIDNTIAL.. APPLICAruAII/PERMIT 225 North $th Street Spr"Lngfield, )negon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPIIINGFIEI.D NDJob Locaticn: Ics lot #Assessore MaP # Subditieion: 4 A)ne?: Addtess: zip: Descz.ibe h'otk: !.lobile Home Date of App n Value additicn RenoCeL r a xt l.lechanica Date: General Plumb E.rica Srrp Elec Er:c].an It ie the responsibility of the perwit holder to aee that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the prope? tine, that each address is readabie fran the atreet, anC that the permtt catd is Located at the frcnt of the property.aBuilding D,iuiciot appro"*ed plan sfu:Ll remain on tlp Building Sitc at all- tines. P?OCSDUPE FOR INSPECIIIN-R1WE!-rCaUU 726-3769(recotd.et,) state your City Cesigrnted job ntmber,, job aCd.rees, type of inspecliot eadyfolinspection,Contraetor,soia,m.,"-,o,,eLndphoienwtber.-P.equestsreceio.edbefcre-?:00c:tltill be rru.de the sane dcy, requests nade aftet ?:00 on vLLL be made the ncrt:,ntkittg dag. Iw, City Desigr.ated Job Nurnber fs: SITE INSPECTION:e*;at;;l;;;'rut ' ?o be made aften pt tot, tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLU\'{BIII|G. ELEC?RICAL & MECHT]IICAL: Io be nade befone any ttork i,s cotleted. FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be npCe af t er-triiiZi ar e Zccauated artd. forns are etected, but priot, to pouz"tng ccnerete. UND,RCROUIID PLAMETNC, SgWERz W.ATER' DRAII\AGE: ?o be rade prioz, to fil-T@-iiinehee. UTIDERFLOOR PLUI.EING & I4ECIIANICAL : ?o be nade ptior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade pr*to! to GiTiTTili-i{of ftoor insulation oz, deeking. Rot-tcil PLU!,IBII\C. ET,Etr?TCAL &dlttb ANICAL: No 'Jonk is to be cotered ffiiL these inspections lnue been nade and approtsed.. FfREPLACE: Pt ior to placiry faeingmcterials and. before froning inspec- tion. FRA\IINC: l'lust be nequested after approual of rough plwnbing, electni- cal & neclanieal. AIL r.oofing btaeing E ehinmeys, etc. trust be . eonrpleted. llo Dcrk is to be cor cecled unti.l this inspeetion has'been nade anC appro.*ed. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECITANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULAIIONIVA?OR BARRIER II\SPECTION : To be nnde after all insulaticn ald. required oapor banie?s a!,e in place but before any Lath, gApsun bcarC oz, unLL couering is appli,ed, and before ay insulation is eoncealed. DRYilALL fNSPICII)N: Tc be nade &e"ZlT-dy,raTfie in place, but pnior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beana, grouting or verticals in accotdorce utith U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO'/E: cc,npTetA, After installation isT E w CURB & APPRCACH APPON: a". ele"tAEt pio" Aftet fornsto pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRfYEWAY: For all con- ctetenauing t'rithin stneet right- of-rxA, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & fom wnk & sub- base mater"ial in place. PENCE: hhen conPlete -- Pt'ouiCe gates or motsable sections tht'ough P, U.E. ALL proiect cond'ttions, such as the "i'nstaltation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landsccpir.g, ctc., nust be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. FINAL BALLDINC: The Finat Building fnapeetion mtet be requested aftet, the Final Plunbing \J Electrical, anC Meclnrical fnspeetions hque been nade ard approoeC. OR Scnitoty seuer capped at pz'opertg lix,e , ..r tttl r,l,!i'lrlt'rryynid\l,,iil j.'t;fi,1i.. ,:,i Septic tutk pztnped and filled rttth gra;tel Pinal - l{hen abctse itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Canolition is complete o/, sttac- ture noueC atd ptenrises cleaneC up. Ecmes Blocking otd Set-up - Pluntbing eonnections -- aatne! and. uater Electrical Cannection - Bloektng, set-uD and pltanbing eonnections m"tst be approed before ?equesting elec*-t ical inspeetiott Aceessot2- Building pcrches, skirting, decks, leted. Pi.nal - After etc. are conp Page 1 of 2I,AT,L I4ANNCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCTSSIBLII, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,IADE /.T TIO CCS? TO CffY .\qna3() 67. phone: ?g/ZdV6/ ,ryFavro,/*sz+5,WPr4/frrA= f,oF c2#/.Y ? =-? l tr I 'J- - JOB NO.SOLAR T.^:ESS REQ.-L-CO d Bedrooms: -- Fees -- 4 lleat Date Paid: Receipt ll: Signed: Building Pettrrlt State Total Clnrgee Plunbing Pernit State Total Total Fee * Plumbing Permit No person shall const?uet, instal7.,- altet ot'cl'nnge-cny net).cP eristing ptthtLng or d.rainage systan in uhole o_r in part, unless such person is the i.jol p"o""n""o, o1"o uZlid plrranr's Lic-ensb, escept that a person ^"u 42 ptiitl..:"g uork to property ihi.t, i" otmed, Leaeed or opetated by the appli' cant. Electricol Permit whet,e state Law requites tt",at the elect?ical uork be done by,an Eleetrical Contractor,, the elictt"ical portion of this permit sLnLL not be oaliC until the label lus been signed by the Electrical Contractor' €-7-=2 tr-/ -70 I HAW CAREFULLy ELAMINED the cornpleted applicatton for permit, and do ini"Ay cirtify that aLL info;mation hereoi- ie true an'd' cot'rect, and I furth"er eertiiy that ang ard atl uotk perfot:ted alnll be done in accor- di)iin-dtn th|"ordinancbs of the City of Springfield, and the Lc;e of the State of 7regcn pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed herei'n, cnd' tlat NO ocCU- pti-Cy titl L'n *2n of any structure without permission of the Suilding D.i,- uision. I further iertiiil that only contrac'to"s ar'd enplcyees aho ate itt eanplianee'uith CnS 701.05s ui,LL be used on this projeet 0* Lot Faces - Sethacks P.L House Cdraqe Access. No"th FireEast South l,lest x VaITEM % cf Lot Iot Sq. Ptg. i of Stortes Total Height Topographg ilain fn'noce, Ca"Dort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE 0c.S.D.C. 1.5 d CIlARCENO.FEE Fi.stuvbs Residenti,al (1 bath) Sanitatg Seuer Wcter CHARGENO. Res. So. ftq. Nas/Eotend Circuits Iqnpo"@A Seruice CIIARCENC,ECn ?2, * Mechqnic<ll Permit ae khagt Hood llcodstote Vent Fal Permtt rssuanee Meehanical Perrrtt -- ENCROACEMENT --z Secarity Deposit Stotage Maintenance Permit Cvrbctt! SideuaLk Fence Eleetrical Iabel Mobile Hane /fr),Signtd Att.e LOT ?YPE _ fnterior _ CoPnel _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Total Clnroes Building Vqlue & Permit this permi.t ts granted on the erpress condition tlut the said consttaction shall', in atl r"espects, confortn'to the Ordinance edopted 6iy the City 2f Springyteld, inctuding- the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn irA "ZZ of Luild1ngs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cr,ly tine upon oic- lation of any prcuisiona of said Ordinances. * TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: I