HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-05-22" RESIL=NTlAL" zzs North stt s;t nffPLrcArr)N/PERI'Ln Sprtngfield, }regon 97477 Bui,Ldi,ng Ditsiston 7 26-37 53 SPFTINGFIELD Atner: . Addtess: city: 4(- oLt t--t Descrtbe h'otk:iluril^f/t u lla) Additian RenoCel Hone Date of AppL GeneraL Construeticn Lender C4,-- Value Icut, City Desiarnted Job Number fs: thA Signed aq2-z -f,O It is the rcspaasibility of the permit holler to see that aL?, inspections ate nade at lhe p?ope" tilne, that eceh addtess is read.;'-" fron the at?eet, and tlnt the permit eatd is Located at the frcnt of the goperty*BuilC.irq Dioiciot ac.pro'"'ed plan shclL remain on tle Buildtng Site'at aLL' tolmes." ?:1oC:r';?E FOR JNSPaC?rcil RISLEST;CALL 726-3769 (yeeordet) state you? City Cesignated job nur;ber,, iob aiitess, type of ir-spec=i.cn ?eoues;ea anci ai':en you uiLL be ready for inspeetion, Contyaetc?s c? Aile"s nc:ne end piane n:,nbet. Pequesis receii;ed befcte 7:00 an'ttLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests made aftet, 7:00 an trill be maCe the ncct aoz,kingl dau, St"csbo ?as lot #'70a o Job Iocaticn: -Aeaessots Map # Svbdioision: Phone:/ ,--l S:,-g f,'J-(:J:::3::: To be made after i_l e*canxton, Oux pr"ioz, cc set up oJ- - fcrns.I I)|SL'LA!I0:I /V.rtP1R FARRM I\\SP|C!I)I: : ?o be naie aftet, aLL insulaticn a:od required oapor bet iers @e in place bat befcre ory Lath, gypsun bootC ot, tnLL couering is cpplied, cnd. before or.y insulation is concealed. DRYWALL IilSPEC?ION: Ic be made after aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to any taping. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accordorce Lith U.B.C. Section 24L 5, . VOODSTO"IE:@;tA.After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: After formsee erecteC but prior to pourLng concrete. SfDfiIALK & DRf'"EWAI: For aLL eon- erete parsing uithin stneet right- of-uny, to be nade after aLL ecea- oating canpLete & forn Lsork & sub- base naterLal in plaee. }i,,::LIT:C:] CP ::3V': tsJIL'::;'S n roor.rnG t F2UJDATT1N: To be na.Ce'J ;fte;Aen;ffi;scauated and forns ate erected, but prior to pourtng ccncreta.I I a Posr l,uo atnt: To be nade prLot to, I ilifrdTioi ftoor insulation ot, deckirq. - ROI.ICH PLUIEI:IG. ELECTPTCAL & I,IECH- 'l - w:til these inspeetiors itaue been nade and appnooed.. a rtpwtlcti prLor to olceira facinaI I Affi;G antl before frottini ir"p"L-tion. a yall:rruc: I.tust be teqttesteil after J dpprooal of rough plionAing, eiectni- a,L & neclnnical. AL! roofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. rrust be . conrpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- . cealed unttl this inspeetion lws-' 'been nad.e anC apptotted. AilDE.?SLAts PLU!.D!\C, ELICTRICiIL & iECI!.4-ilfCAL: To be matie beiore any wz,k is eorsered. UNDZRGPOUTD PLLIMDTNG. SEWEP, W.q?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be naie pri.ot, t.o fil-Tfr-dinchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLU,NING & I,IECIIANICAL: o7 fLoor insulction or decking, IENCE: gates P.U.E When eonplete -- ProoiCe or mooable sections thtough I _l l _l o FTilAL PLUIIBIIIG FIilAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL proiect cort&ttions, such ae the installatton of stteet ttees, conpletion o;' tie required Landsccpizg' ete., rmtet be eatisfied befoTe the BUfLDI\'\C FiltAL can be nequested. PINAL BUfLDIN?: The Final Buildittg Inspection mst be requested after the Pi.nal PlunbingElectrical, od Meclnr.ical fnspeetions haoe been nade and approtteC. Saniloty se-ter capped ct ptopetlT Lite Septic totk pu,ned cnt ,"illed uLth gratel Pinal - I{hett abcoe itens aye ec::t-oletei arui uhen Canclltion is cor.wlete o? sttac- xuye naued anL prerrises cleanei up. Le Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa)e? otd. uatet Elech,ieal Cotnection - Blockitt, set-ut and plunbing connections rn;st be apprcxed. before requesting el,eclrical inspecliot Aecessory Bui.LCing Fitnl - After pcrches, skirting, decks,etc. @e eornpleled. vere: ot z*ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOII?S HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\II TO BE IIINDE 1.? IIO C1ST TO CPY # /J?.i l/od. 1f,3rr/ A17ao /),r1 /) L1,sc - fl t'i1.ona ) SOLAR AC( S REQ.-L-COG* Crouo:BeCroons JOB NO. -- Fees -- Value lleat th t I?EI,'x Df House Lot Faees - LACe tou-e i.b.in fuaae Catpcrt Accessortt TOTAL VALUE PLan Check Go Date Paid /5.bo NO FEE iat Sq. Etg. 7 cf Lot Ccvetage LOT TWE _ Interior _ Cot'ner _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac i# of I i ?ota 'Stortes L Height Iopogtcphy Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the eryress eond.ition that the said eonstrwctions-hal.L, in,all -respects, gonforrl to the 7t&Lnance adopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, ineT.uding the Zoning C,tdinance, regulctTng thb ccnsttubtibn otd .use o^f buildi,gs,. and may be, suspended or rbuokec Zt "*y time upon uic-lation of an4 prcoisions of said Ordinatrces. s.D.c. 1..5 e BuiLding Petnit State ?otal Chatges Receipt #: Signed: liztures Plumbing Permit No- pe"son sha_1.L .consttuet, lnstalT-, al.ter ot cVwnge anA nev cr ecistingqlmling or drainage syste!1 in uhole or in patt, inlesi such pe,son is theLe-gal.possessoy of a oalid plumber,s Licensb, etcept thlt a pinrson nag dopk nbing uork to prope"tA uhich is outned, Leased or operated ty tt. ippli-cant. Electricol Permit were state Lan requires tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by an Electriealcontrd.eto!, the electrical portion of this permit slnll rot be ualic untilthe Label lns been aigned by the Electtical Cont?c.ctor. Mechqnicol Permit Resiimtial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pewit 1 !,1au/Erterui Circuits Set uice Total SeTtanst HooC Vent Fot lJcodsto;te Pentn,t Issucnce Mechanical Pez,mit -- ENCRCACHI{EXT -. Pcrwit IataL )urbcut Sidasalk '4obile Hane L Permit PLant r EAw 1AREFULLY ExAr,trNED tle eonrpleted application foz, permit, and do het,eby eertify that aLL infotnati-on het,eon is ttue anC. eorrect, anC f furtkez, eet'tify that any ard aLL uork perforned sLnLL be do:;. i,n accor-dance.oith the Ordinanees of the City of Spr"ingfield, and the La;s of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribbd hnre.r, cnd tlnt No OCCU- Pl.Ncy DiLL bb na-de of any structure uithout pernission -o7 tt " Buitd.ing D|.-oision, I further certify that only eont?actot,s ai;d enplcyees al^.o arZ inconpliance uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project :io i'Ei CiJARGE al!ADaiF!! -3TAL ATIOUII? DUE:'lS tn o Date