HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-27Rccei b.. RESID,qNTIAL.. APPLICAT. -. /PERMIT 225 Nov'th Sth Street Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 BuildLng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPF|INGFIELD 3Job tncaticn: I - 0L-0lTa.r L,ot llAssessors Map # Subdioision: a Srrt,I0tmen: j frfrbD OL Address:Phone zip Ald. a {tt u '' t ',n1(r-LL a- Deseribe llot'k: Val,ue W,",il0r4 dD"' RemoCel + D-e,Date of App Lieatian Pl-umbing icall.lec EJ.ec tr a clanElec t t:Srr BU ILDI;ICSDEI.IOLITIO!] OR Sanitary seuer eapped et property Lite Septtc Lank purpcd" and filled. uiLh gna;el Final - lfiten abcue itens ate ecrry>Leted and uhen Cenclitior is eonplete ov' struc- tute moueC and pranises cleaneC up. I'lobile Hcmes Bloeking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -- sar)el' and ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing connections rrust be apptcu*ed befot,e requesting eleclrical inspeclio:': Accessor.g BuilCing pcrckes" skinting, decks, Leta,C. Pinal - After etc. are comp Pege 1 of 2 PnocEDtlPE Fon INSPECTI\N R1QUEST :CALL 7 eadY for'siLL be made the sane day, requests made rt ie the responaibilitg of the pernit holder to see that aLL inspec-tions at,e nade at the proper ti-ne, that eceh addtees is neadab'-e frat the stnebb, atd that the permit card is Located at.!h-q front of Lhe_property.is"ltdirs oiuisToyt approted pTan efu:Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. 26-3769 (yecordet) state yout, City desigrnted iob nwnber, iob acdress, !uo1 of ;,nspeelicn inspection, Contractors o'i Arnnr"" r*re Lnd phone nwnbcr. Requests recei"*ed befcre 7:00 cn after 7:00 on uiLL be nade the ncat',nrking day. ^ rnr?,t .tnh Nttmhcr. rs: 81 I /2?11 t** City Designated Job Nunbet' rs: h4ren complete -- Prouide or nooable section:; thtough SITE INSPECTION: etcao;tlol, but ?o be made after ptiot, tc set up of INSULATION /VAPAR P,'1RIi tP:E T,NlSPECTI)N : ro ie made after aLL insulal:i'cn atd required oapor batriers ate in plaee but before any Lath, (iy[)sum boarC or tnLL couerinET is appli.ed, and before ony insulation is conceaLad. w UNDXRGPAUTID PLUMDING, SEIIER, W,ITER, - 1fu-TFinchee. l--1 unmnruooR pLIt.ErNc & MECIIANTGAL:llof floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Pniot to ffitTTfflo-i-of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLUIBITIG. ELECTRICAL & I,IECII- nVrcnf': No wrk ie to be coueted ffilT-these inspeetione lnoe- been made and appz.oued.. ry88?L4gL: Prion to placirq faeing materials and befone froning inspee- tion. FRAI'ING: l,tust be requested after approtsal of rough plwnbing, electri- cal & neelnnical. ALL roofing bnacing 8 chinmeye" etc. nrust be cornpleted. llo uctk ie to be con- 'cealed until thta inepection lws 'been made anC appror:ed. forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHAi\ICAL: To be nade before any ffiF1iZooered. FAOTIN} & F)UNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;fter6encfes a"e ercauated anl. forms are et,ected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. FTNAL PLUMBITIC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DRYWALL INSPXCTI1N: 'l'c be nade fit;n Ai CryuaLL Ls in place, but prior to any ta1.ting. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond difiilgrouting or oerl;ieals in accordattce Lrith U,B.C. Sectictn 24L5. wobDSTo,lE: After ittstalkttion is ccrnpleted, CURB & APPRCACII AP]?CN Afte;. fonns at e eiectei tut pioi to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aLL con- ;;ete paoiln,rfffi stu'eet night- of-rx:y, to be nade after aLL erca- uating coaplel:e & fonn aork & sub- base material in Place. aa;; P. U.E ,AT,L IIANHCT,ES AND CLEANOUTS MI,I::T BE ACCI1SSTNLIi, AD,II]ST!'iT'1,'T TO BE II,4I1E AT IIO C:]ST TO CTIY ALL ptoject conditions, sttc,t't as the i.nstallat'iorl of street trees, ccnoletton-of the *nqulir"Z Lantl.sccping,|tc., ,rust he saLisfierl ltcfor.e thcz BUILDLNC FI\IAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDIN7: Ihe linat BuildinlJ fnspeetion mtet be requested a!:cr the Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechanical lnspeebions hauc been nade and approued' Date: oar Additicn General @ JOB NO Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cctserage # of Stories Total Height Topography TotaL Cro. LCT TYPE Intericn [,ot Faces - t lltl ?( soLAR AC-pIss REQ.-L-COG* Bcirooms: 2 t: Co?ner Parthtvttlle CuL-de-sat: I Il,4W CAREFUL)y TXAMINED the contpleted appltcation-fon pennit, artd do in'ilot,i cetti that aLL information het,eoi-is true attd.coryect,. and I fut,th."er aertiJ'1; that any ard- aLL uork perfomed slnll be fune in'993{-,, dance uith the ordinanil"-o1 ilrn Cita Lf bp*ingfield, .dt1d tk@*Q? the it"l" if Opegcn f)ertaining to the uoik Cesctibed herein' dnd trwt N0 1CCU- IUNcy DiLL Ac nn,le oS any" stru.ture dithoift petmisai-on of the Building Di- u.is/I,tt. I furtlLer a-erti"fy thet only contractol'8 and 9nplcyees uho are Ln conrpli.arLce iith cns 7()1,-055 ui.LL be used on this pt'oiect ,I()'TAT, A].'IOUIIT D{IF': * J,tne !!eatSe llolise {:ar,Qge Aecess llot,t.lt tl !'trepLacef}as t Soulh ll waodstoie II{lest -- tctts -- This petntit is gnante:d an the erpress condition tLnt the said-constraction slutlt', i.n til rZspects, confotrn'to the Ordirnnce aclopted ttiy the City o.f Sln,irtilfi.elrl, incllu4ing- the 2oning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstmrcticn ancl u's'e o!'bti.Lclings, and m:zy be suspe.nded on reookec at cny time upon uic- LaLion of any prcuisions of said ordinances. sq. t'!c Fee: X S.D.C. 1.5 x Va ue d T':EM llain TOTAI, VALUE Euilding Pernrit Total !)harge;: State Date Paid S'Lgned: Reeeipt #: Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pet,t:<tn shal!. aonstrtct, install., alter or ctnnge -any ned-c? existi-ng plinb't.ni1 or rlr'ainage systen 'in ahol.e o-n in pat't, unlese such pet'son is the iegnl po"sea"o* o7"o uZlid pL*,bnt"s Lic-ense, ex-cept that a person nai. 1o pliunbiitg uork to pr:operty uhich is o,,med, Leased or opet'ated by the appli- cantt. cilAlt(;L'N0.FL'1,' 41ta ITEI| ['irtures Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuen Plunbing f'eYn:tt Etate Surcl'.arr1e Electricol Permit Were :.]tate Latt requ'it'es tlnt the eleetrieal uork be done by -an Electrtcal ConLyactor,, tlp elici;rical po|tion of this petrnit slnll not be oaliC until the l.altel ha:; been ei.gtned by the tlectt'tcal Contracto?' NC L' * Na,s/Ertend Circuits Seruice ELectric:aL State Total cilA|il';ANCIT!M C Mechq nicol Permit Eshagt HooC Hcodstooe Vent Fan Pet,nrit rssuant:e lleclnnictl Pet'rnit .) 2//Sea,tt ttu Deposit 1'yStorage Maintenance Perntt Cwbcu Sideualk Fence Electt,ical Label Mobile Hcme /fr5 Date 4' Wetet 0nla7 lhnnnaa State -- TNCROACIII'IENT -- '4\