HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-06-23" RESID-,{TIAL", APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Ditsision ? 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD -/* U-o/( Job Iocaticn: 23 sL/Aesessors Map #Tcr, Iat # Subdioision: Asner: 3 7e q4rPl.,one:Addtess ci 0')e-rb n Nea Va'!-ueDate of Aoo Licaticn Add.iticn RenoCel Descrtbe h'ork: €*o *nt aa-Zt Genercl P Ia is the nespotrsibility of the petmLt hoZd,er to see that aLL inspections ate r,ade at lhe pyope? tine, that .'sfu crlArsss is rea.iabie front the at?eet, anl tiut the penrit eatd is Lceated dt the front of the prooerty*Zui!d.i4 Diuiciot acproued clan siull renain on t?iz BuiLd.tng Site at aLL' tines.' ?P1C!r';PE F1R. iitSPlCTICll -EIQIEST:CALL 726-3769 (yecordey) state you" City desigtnted job nunbet,, job aiitess, type of irsoee=icn ?eou.saea and. al':en 2iou'siLL be ready fot, inspcction, Contl,aetc?s c! A-mers nc;ze cni piane ni.nber. Peques=s yeceixed befcre 7:C0 ctl'iLL be made the sane d.cy, ?equests nade cfter 7:00 @n uyLLL be maie tite nczt'soykina d.au. Constrtctica Leruier tr a 03boIour Citg Desior.ated Job llunber fs :-l Si:S f.'/-e-:Ji:--r.'i: To be na<ie after i e.cav;;cn,-;C F)r.Lc? Dc set up oi - fctme.l l l -"Qt,a 1FTa" !trADaE DiODT=a ritc=ra-14".Jtt/ t..!- r-: requ':.red uqoz, boriers @e in pLace bat befare ory La.th, Wpsum bcari ot, tnLL couering is coplieci, and. before oty insulation is concealed. )8,' :,: LIT iO :J CP. :.:31,2) ts J ILD.:,''35 UID!.qSLA? FLI-':.B I:;G, ZLIC:P IC,.,L 8 iECE.:.ilICiL: io be narie beiore cng tlork is eooez,ed. F))T.tttG 1 F0U;|D,|TICN: Io be naCe afte': xteneites are escazsated and forns az,e ereeteci, but priot, to pou?1ng ccncrete, U]]D!RGPOU:]D PLUMSII|C, SEIIEP, II,ATER, DRAIIIAG|: To be naie prtor to fil-Lirq trenches. UNDERFLOCR PLUI,E II] G & I,IEC\IAI]I CAL : Io be nade pricr ta instaLlation of floor insulction or decking. FIIIAL PLUYNIUG FTNAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL DRYWALL IilSPECTION: Tcifiii-at; c.tfiiTTis ;n but prior to any taping be nade plaee, a posr awo actu: To be natie priot to) Tffiffi" oj floot, insuLa;ior, or decking. -- PO'-'GH PLUSI:]3. ELETPICAL S I.IECH- I - w:til these inspeetions Tnue beer naie and aooroved.. 1 rnwr,ami wLor to plceira fccina| ;ct;;i-als anri. before 'franini Zn"pnZ- tiot't. 7 pnu:tltc: ttust be nequested after ) @6-"L of rough plwrbing, eieca,i- u.L & neclnnieaL. AL'!, roofing btactng E ehtrmeys, ete. mtst be . eonpleted. llo uctk ts to be eoy . eealed until this inspeetion las-''been nud.e anC apprcued. \'IAS0NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, az,outing or uerticals in aceord.ozee uLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI|E: ccnpTetea. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: are erecteC but ptiot, to conc"ete. STDEI,IALK & DRfIWAI: Foy aLL con-cretenffi-G;ffi street right- of-txy, to be naCe aftet, aLL e.zca- uating complete & fotn utork & sub- base naterLal in plnce. Aftet forns 'pour.itry IENCE: Wen complete -- ProoiCe gd.tes or mooable aections thnough P.U.E. l l l l ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co::aletion of tie required LanCseqing, etc., rmtet be satisfied befote the B|)fLDINC FIIAL ean be requested. PINAL BUfLDLNG: The Pinal Building Inspection tntet be requested alter the Pinal Plunbitg Eleetrical, otd Meelur.ical Inspeetions hale been made ard aoprotseC. Sanilaty seuer capced. ct property L*ce Septic tank p:npe<i and, flLLeC vtth gratei linal - tt\ten abcoe itens are ccnclexed and uhen Cernclition is co*alete bn "t.r"-tute nauei anc premLses cl'eanei up. I.lcbile Ecnes Plwnbing connections -- sa)e? d. uc2er Electrical Ccnneetion - Blockiro, set-u. and pLwnbing eonneetions m;st be optlcei befot,e tequesting e7.eelr'Lcal inspee=io- Aeeessory BuilCing pcrekes, skirting, decks, Blocking otd Set-up Piral - After etc. are ccmp Page 1 of 2'ALL |4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S ITUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJITSTI.Z\\T TO BE \L4DE AT ilo CSST T0 CM o JOB NO.0 soLAR ACC'^sS REQ.-L-co d Iot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Caserage t of Stories lotal iteight ?opography i?E:.! Grout: LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Cor.ner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Eecltoons --F Building Volue & Permir This--permLt,is granted on the erp"ess eondition ttnt the said. consttactions^lnL.L, in-a-ll.respeets, eonfcrn to the ordinance adopted 6iy tne City ofSpr.ingfieT,d, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulctittg th."e ccnstracticnotd .use o-f buildings,. and may be suspend.ed o, r'euokeC Zt "ry tine upon uic-lation of any prcoisions of said Ordirwnces. S.D.C. 7.5 t I TOTAL VALUE Building Permit State ?otal Chetges Date Paid: Recetpt #: Signeti: - r;t: lleat Sources Setbacks House Caraae Access.llorth East South [,/est x VaLue jesiiential (i bcth) Se;nel State Sutei.:arae ,;a/Z:teni Cit,cuits Permit Plumbing Permit Ilo, person shall construct, instalL, aLter on eizange cna neD er e:istinqplwnbing ov' drainaqe systen in uhole or in part, LnLesZ such person is- theLegaL posseasor of a uali<i plunber's Licensb, esceDt tkat a o'elson nau d.oplunbing uork to pvoDettu uitich is ou'ned, Leased dr operatia' ,y ln" ippi;.-eanx. Electricol Permit khere state Lan reauit,es ti,:ax the electrical uork be done bu an gleetricel cont?aetor, tize electz,t ccl cortion of this pernit siull rcx' be xatli untilthe Label has been aigned. by tne Electtical Contrcctat. I .23. 4a a2 ,,SO ,q P?U ' ':ita.tst HooC '€nt F@1 'codsto:se Perrrit Issucnee Meeizanicel Pez,rrtt l;C.I et-rJ\e.- IViechq nicol Permit -- LiiCRCACH]4'! -- tzCJf>L totaoe :rmit I HAW CAREFULLY EXLUINED tlte eorrpleted acplication fot, pennit., cnd dohereby cet,tify that aLL itfotrnation hez,eon'is true anC ic*ect-, cni ffurther eertif"- that any ard aLL uork performed slnll be dc:;- 'in aaoor-dance trLth the Oydinances of the Ci.ty of Springfield, ard. thc Lc;s of thestate of oregcn pertainina to the aork cescribed here:-n, cnd tigt No occu-Pl.Ncy ttitl be made of anu" st?ucture uithout permission of the 3uitding Di-tsisio_n. r fut'ther certifii thet otly eont"actors and enpicyees ur-:o arZ ineanpliance D1,th CRS ?0i..055 uiLL be used on this projec't 23 go JLgned, a 'a.beu! iCeualk 'n2e tbile Hane 7 /,D Lot Faees - - )TAL Al!)UllT DUE:. \\/fl /3o )