HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1991-10-31-rz COTIRTBSY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRTNGFIBI,D ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: ,&37il oI{NER: 2qLlS ilu ott't Z BTIII,DING DI\ISION PH0NE NUMBER: 717- 3/6f OWNER'S ADDRESS I,?ads Zr> RENTER:ttAl 0-'r qffirr.9 r PHONE NUMBER: SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER): FoR ACCESS T0 PRoPERTY - TELEPHoNE NUMBER: 7+7-7/f TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY K DUPLEX MULTIPLE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: COMPLIANCE OBTAINED - DATE: FOR OFFICB USB ONLY COURTESY LETTER SENT: DATE OF INSPECTION: NOTICE AND ORDER ISS DATE FOR COMPLIANCE: UED TO DATE:JOB NUMBER: qt27 b e , ..-TA FOIM No. c53-GtNERAt POWER Of ATIORNE KNOW ALLMEN By THESE PRESENTS,That I', E-t'\*t 8,"*ol\('Y- have made, constituted and appointed and by my true and lawful at lorney,lot me and in mY name, Place and stead and tor mY use benel it, (1) To lease,lel, !1ant, batpain, sell, contract to sell,convey, exchan|e, rernise, release and dispose ol tttty real or Personal property of wlir:h I ant now or lrcreaf ter ntay be po,ssessed or in which I rnay have any ri|llt, title or itilerest , incluclinP riEltts of ltontestead, Ior atty ptrce or sunt ancl up<.ttt suclt /r'rrrts and corxlitiotts make, constitute and ffip- as to my said atlotney fiay seetn propcr; (2)Tofakepossessionof,ntanap,e,maintain,operate,repairandimproveanyanclalltealotpersonal property now or hereafter betonpin$ to nte, to pay the expense t'lrcreot, to insure and keep flte sanre lnsured and lo pay any and all taxes, chat$es or., o..".r-enfs tftat may be levied or imposed upon any tlrcreol; (3) To buy, sell and !,enerally deal in and with poocls, wares and mercltandise of evcry nanle' natLtre andde,scriptionandtohypothecate,pled$eandencumbettlrcsar'ne" (4) To buy, sell,;rssifn, tr;rnsfer attd deliver all or any share.s of stock in ny ttarrte irt arty corporittittrt l<.tr ittty price ^trcl ,porr s,<;It 1c'rltts ;t.s t<t ttty sair/ atf,rrre y ttttt)' 'seerrr ri{hf zrtt! propt'r ;rncl to receive a,d make payment tltetefor; (S) To borrow any surns ol money on suclr terms and at such rate ol interest as to rtty said attorney may seem ptropet and to $ive security for tlrc rcpayment oi the sarne'' (6) To ask [ot, demand, tec(,vet, collect and teceive all moneys, debts' rents' clues' accounts' lepacies' bequesfs, inderesfs, dividends and claims whatsoever which are now ot which lrcrealtet rnay become due' owin! and payable or belon!,inp to me and to l'tave, use and take all lawful ways and nleans in nty nante lot the te- covery of any tl"rcreof by attachments, Ievies or otlrctwise; (7) To preparc, execute and file any ptoof of debt and otlrcr instruments in any court and to take atty proceedinps under the Bankruptcy Act in connection with any sum of money or clemand due or payable to me and in any such ptoceedin$s to vote in my name for the election of any frusfee or frusfees and to demand' re' ceive and accept any dividend or distribution wlmtsoever; (!) l'o adj161, settlc, ccntp:ornise or srrborif to ailtitration any accournt' debt' claim' dentand or dispufe as well as mafders which are now subsisfinE! or herealter ntay arise between nte or ny said nttornev and anv otlter petson or persons,' r .. -r-.--.-4^ -rar . (9) To sell, discount, enclorse, rtelotiate and delivet any check, dratt, order, bill ol c,tc/tart6ie, prolrllssory note or other ne!,otiable paper payable to me, and to collect, rcceive and apply the proceeds tlrcteof [or my use foranyofthepurposesaforesaid;topaytootdepositthesameoranyothersurnofnoneycomins'intotlte Irands of my attorney in checkin( and in savirtdls accounfs in Iny nanle with any bank or banker of my attor- ney,s select ion and to draw o.ut moneys deposited to my "ridit *itt, any bank,incluclin$ deposifs irr savinEls accounts, and to apply the same lot any of tlr" p"pos"s ol my business as my said attorney rnay deern ex- pedient; to purchase and sell certificates of depisit; to appoinl any bank or trust cornpany as escrolv aSent; .$eneral.lytoconductanyandatlbankinptrarrsacfionsonfilybehalt; (10) To makc,cxccute atri clcliver any arr! all manrrcr of contractswith telerence to ntinctals'oil' Pas'oil and Qas rilhts, rents and royalties, including a!,reements tacilitatin! exploration lor and cliscovery of oil, mitt. erals and dePosifs,' (11)Tocommenceandprosecuteandtodelencla!,ainst,answetandopposeallactions,suidsand ptoceedinp,s touchins any of tlrc matters aforesaici ot any othet matters in whiclt I am ot herealter may be interested or concerned I (12) To vote any sfock in my name as ptoxy; (13)Toftayeaccesstoanysafetydepositboxwliclthasbeenottnayberentedinnynameolinthe name of mysell and any othet petson or persons" , ,t------.r^st^ (14) In connection with any ol tlrc powers lrcrein ptanted, to sifln, make, execute, ackttowledle and de- livet in my name any and aII deeds, contra'cts, bills ol sale, /eases, ptomissory noles' drafts' acceptances' evi' dences of debt, obli[atiotts, mort[,a!,es, pleclke's, safisfacfions' '"I"""'' acquittances' receipls' lronds' wtits and arty anr! all <ttlrct insfrrrnrenfs wlttrtsoever,iitt, srrcl, fi<tn<'ral or special ad,rccnrcnts and cot'cnants' includin! tlrose of wotra,ty, tts to rrty sui<l tttlornay tl'ttty scr:tlt ri4ltl, propat trrt<l axltt'tlicrrt; (15)Toemploy,payttnddiscltat[eclerks,workmen,brckersandotlrcrs'includin{courtselandattor' neys in connection with tlrc exercise ol any of tlte toreloitl! powcrs; (t6) (t7)Generallytoconduct,manaseattdcontrolallmybusinessandmyproperty'wheresoeversi(uale' as my said attorne y rnay deem ior ny besr interesrs, heraby rereasin! a, third persons tront responsibilitv lor lhe acls and ornissions of my said attorney; Ilrcrebyliveandlrantuntomysaidaltotneylullpowerandautlrcrityfreelytodoandperlornevery actandthinp,wltatsoeverrequisiteancl,u""..,,ytobedoneinandabouttlrcprenrises,aslullyloallitttetils and purposes, as r mi$ht or could do'if personally present, ltereby tatifyin! and confirnin! atl tlnt my said attorney-in-tact shalliawtulty do ot cause to be done by viilue hereof' 9r !orporotc. u*'-S's(r' do i : i I I I I ii lr \ I In construin{ /Iris power of attorncy, it is to bc undarstood that thc undersi{,itcd rttuy be tttore than.one nrcan ttn<l in<:lttde tlrc trtlural , tlrc rttusculitrc, tltc fenrinine and tlrc neuter and lhat f,artt.'rally ttll ltammqtical ., c/rirrr{c,.s slttil 1u: rtt:ttla, irssgrrrcr/ itnLl inrpli<rd !<t nraltc llrc provisiotrs ln'reol apply cqually lo corporations and to tnore tlmn otrc irulividual. IN WITNES,S tyIlERItOf', I lr;rt,,, ltcrcrtntr.t si{rrer/ tlris irlslrttrtrt'rrl, <tr il.ii cr,r1r,,r,ttittrr, its corporate <tl <lircclors, otr tltis t \+\ tl;t5' s1 Oe\ g\o e-r -- , /' q \ ' (Il it cottrotaliotr, ollit corporula stttl, s7'A'rE OF o I lnnlvlr)rrAr, ACrNo$,l,Dr,cMt.:NT l-' tlt; I'r REM:IMIIERED- Ttr;tt ,rr tltis. ttr. / 7 '9/ , b"fr>rr!' trr, , n Not;try Ptfilic irt and for saicl cortrrlf and stale, personally Coutttl, 11[ clay of appeared krtowrt l<t tttt: lo ba tlu, (loRM No. 853| SIEVENS.NESS LA$ TUF, CO.. PORTLANO' OFE. 't'L) e ;M" Vq=nllL.L-r ?3) ,l acknowled[ed to rne tltat exacttlcd tl therein nentiorrcd. 0lZ) IN 7'DS'f tA4O^tl/ l,Vlltit?ti?t;, I ltava lu'rcttrtl<t sr:/ rrr1, lr.:r.xl ;trnl it[[i:it'cl ttry olIit-.ial scal on tlti tlre day and year /;t"^f /tcr.:irtabove wtitten (Sn,w)1V Public lor dm lll y commis.sion e.xpires 7: a6- I coRPonarE AcKNowLIil)cMIrrirSTATE OF I uv^rv*'rrE I ss. I a E IT REMEIuIBERED, That on fhis, ffie :- .. .CountY' sf I <lay of ,lg ,lx:fore tttc, a Notary ltublic itt ttrrcl f<tr said cortrrll',:rrtrl sfitlc, personally appeared arrd ,. "..'-- '':""" " ' botlr to me personally known, wlrc bein$ cluly sworn, did say that |rc, the said is flre president, and !rc, fhe saicl is f/re secretaty ol . , the witlrirt rtitrtrcd cotporatiott, and tlnt /hc sea/ atlixecl lo sair/ instntment is tlrc corporate settl of said corporatiott, artd tltat the said insttu- ment was si4ned an<I sealecl in l:clrt.rlt o[ saicl corporation by aultwtity of its l)oarcl of Dircctor's, and said . artd ac..l<ntnvledd,c'd xtid irtslrrtrtrt,trt lo lNt llu: lrt,o tr<'t anrl cltvil of said <'ctrltornli<'trt. lN 'I'ESTIMONI/ Wiltil?liOF, I lrttve lrcrcunto set ilry hand an<! allixcd try <t[licial seal <;rr lhis, tlrc day and year first in this, ttry ccrlifit"ate, written' (Srnr)Notary Public f ot My connnission expires 'r;):""y q/y",,,atitv and ror ttn t,ses nnd purposes General Power of Attorlley STATE OT' C<turtty'of I certiI y tltitt tlrc witltin ins/ru- rnenf B,as re<'eiv'ed ior record on the ................day rtl .......... .......'...r.., I 9..--..-..-, irl .....,.. ........ o't-'/ock M., and tecotclcd irt ltxtkf tt't'l.'volrtttn' No. .(rtt 1r;r{r' ........ (,r ils (/r,('trrltt'nt /leeililei Record o,l <>l :,aid Colr nt t . l,fifrr,'s. r,ry ltitrtrl irtrl t'ttl ti ()tttnly trllt,rcd. 1[i I @ NOTANY SEALICIALOFF J. MY AFTF-R RE(ir)f?t)lltlG llF rl,JriN To sPA(:t: RISt.RVt:n li()ll Hr cor{DEri s tJst: I)cpuly ,..--.........-' <lt':;<'rilre<l irt artl rvlto <'xncu/r'rI tlx. loralloitrli I'r>rrcr ol At!orncy arxl ) i rr' t'-