HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1985-04-29.. RES'\NTIAL.. .,',, . . APPLICYTION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngftald' )regon 97477 BuildLng Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPRI]{GF!ELD $& c-. Date: PLutfui.ng L i4echanieaL Constm.slion_ledg!_ It ie +.he respottsibility o! tle penrtt lolda. to see that aL! inopections ee nade at lhe E)?opet tine ' that each cddress is t'e44ch'-e fz.an tlu at?eet, and tlwt the p*nrit eatd id Located at the frcnt of the Wope"ty.*suildiry Nuicior apto"'ed pl.an shcll remain on tha BuiLding Sitc at aLL tines. PPOCIDUPE FOR INSPEC?IOII RIQ.IESTTC,ALL 726-3769 (yecoydet,) state your City designated job ntmber, iob aCitess, lAPe- of inspee=icn @eadyfoz,inspection,cont?aetc?sct,0,mersncmeandplnnerwnbel,.P,equestsreceiuedbefcre7:c0anuiLL be made the sone day, "equests nade aft* 7:00 an urLLL be made the nczt r,totking day. yot* Citg Desigra.ted Job Numbet, Is E5C3,ac R eauir c- 17 Tn so p, e ti cn s \.1 0 r{ 51,Job Locaticn: Assessore Map # Subdhtision: 0tmer: Address:Phone ,;rvrshLQ.,N-[0]t-q+4qA DescrLbe llot'k:l-J-,, c/)ValueDate of Additicn RenoCel GeneraL Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPEC?ION: -..iii=i-..----.--..-- ercaoaxLcn, Dux lo be nwde after pt tot, tc set up of fomns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEC?RICAL 4 @CIQ!ICA!: To be made befot,e anyffi-li-iSoeyed. FO)TIN} & F)UNDATTCN: Io be ttpde afdffis ate deatated and forrns ate erected, but prioz, to poumtng ccncrete. AT|DERFLOOR PLU,ETNG & IIECHANTCAL : oy floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade prLot, to inetallatian of floor itaulation or decking. ROUGH PLI]I.BTilG. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH:- ANfCAL: No uork is to be coxeted urt Tth.". inspeetions hnrse been nal,e and. appz,otted. ELP.EPLACE: PrLoz, to plaeirq facingmaterLals and befot,e fradng i-nspee- tton. W!!9: ttust be appt'ooal of rough cal & neclwnical. tequested after plwnbing, electri- ALL roofing INSULA?ION/VAPOR BA '?o be made aftet, aLL insuLaticn and. tequired tapor bmrie?s @e in pl.aee but before ay lath, Wp€un bcarC or rsall eotsering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPECTTON: Tc be made after aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but prior to ang taping. MAS1NR! Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in aceordatee Dith U.B.C. Seetion 241 5. WOODSTO',/E: @mpTetud. After installation ie DEil)Lnralt 0R !.!owi B Sanitatg saser eapped at property Line Septic tutk p;,it-,ped and filled rrtth gra.;el Fi.nal - h\ren abcue itens ate ccnpleted cnd uhen Cerncll tion is cornplete o? sttae- ture motted and. prewLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plwtbing eormecti-ans -- aar)e! od, aatet Eleetrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing eonnecti,ons rntst be apprcxeC before requesting eleclrical inspeeliol Aecessor,r. Bui.LCing - uNDlRGpourD pLaMlJllta_llwE!2_ w!!E&,J Lirq trenehee. CURB & APPRCACH APPON:d,. er,..t764;lo"After fonnsto pour.tng conc?ete. SfDgrlALK & DRTIAWAI: Eot' aLL con- c"ete pMAffi stueet right- of-reu, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & forn uork & sttb- base materLal in place. gatee or P.U.E. When eonplete -- Prouide mooable sectians through Firal - After etc. ate contpt pa,ehes, skirting, deeks, Leted. bracing & ehimegs, etc. nrtst be . conrpleted. lto ucz,k is to be con- . cealed until thio inspection las'been mod,e anC approoed. EINAL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL projeet conditions, such as the installation of street trees, eonpletion of tie required Landsccpir:g, ete., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfNC FfllAL can be requested. FINAL BUILD1NG: The ti.nal Building Inspection mtst be tequested after the Fi.nal Plunbing \_/ Electrical, and. Mechanieal rnspections haua been nade and. appnooed.Ir *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S l,tUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?!\ENI T0 BE I\|ADE AT Il0 CCST T0 CIfy **,r n*?lY)\34 i:rAral T l tr 2 SOLAR Lot Faces - cJOB NO.L-CO Bedtoons :ESS REQ.- Building Volue & Permit This pernttt is granted on the erpt,ess condition ttut the said eonetntetionshall, in-a-Zl -res_pe-e.ts, conform to the 7rdinance adopted 6iy the City ofspr"Lngfiel_d' includrng the zoning cndinance, regulatTng thZ ccnstra-ctibncnd.use o^f building3,. cttd nay be, suspend.ed oz, reuokeC at "ny tine upon oic-LatLon of any pncuisions of said 1rdirwnces. DT -- Fe Value TOTAL VALUE House Aceess rTEM IJU x NO FEE L,tuttiu L s.D.C. 1.5 t !!eat Soutees Bui.Lding Pe?nrrt ?otal Clurgea State LCT TWE _ Interior _ Come? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cotserage # of Stories Total Height ?opography Ftbtw,es Residential (1 bath) Sa,ter NO.T LL Res. Sq. ftq. Neu/Ertetd. Circtits Ianpot @U Sentiee NC.FEE CILARCE Mechqnicol Permit Echaot HooC Ucodstoite Vent Fot PetmLt Issuqrce l,leclnnicel Pennt Seatrtt! Deposit flgrog. Maintqnance Peririt CWbcut Sida,talk ?enee t8.oo Eleetrieal Ia.bel Mobile Hone Date Pa'id: Reeeipt #: Plumbing Perwit Plumbing Permit No_ pereon slnll construet, instalT-, alter ot ehan4e anA ned cr eristing 1l*fu-l.rlS or drainage sAet?-n in ahole or in pant, -unlesL such person is theLegal -possessot, of a ualid plutnberrs Li,eensZ, eceept th,at a pZr"on nag doplunbing uork to prope?ty ihich is omed, Leased or operated by th" oppli-cant. Electricol Permit where state L@) requives that the electrical uork be done by an Eleety,icalCont?acto?, the electtical pottion of this permit stnll not be ualid untilthe Label lns been signed bg the Electrtcal- Contyactoz,. 9tate State ?otal ?otaL * Pf,an f HAW CAREFULLY gXAltfNED tle eonrpleted application for. pernrit, and do hereby certtfy that aLL information heteon is true and. ebrueet, cnC I furtket, eettify that any ard. aLL uork petfotned sltall be done in accor- dance vith the )ydinanees of the City of SprLngfield, atd. the La,:s of theState of Oregon pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, cnd tlzt NO OCCU- PANCy tlill be nade of any st?ucture uithout permiseion of the Buitding DL-tision. f further certify that only eontraclors ad. enplcyees uho arle in eanpliance uith CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet uate ?OTAL A}4OUN? DUE:I Itoc)Signed Date 7- ?otal Clanqes -- ENCROACEMENT -- *