HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-06-01)Tc.x Lot ll zip: oar ..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATI( 225 itot'th Sth StY'eet Springfteld, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-37 53 Job lncaticn: Aaaeeaore MaP ll $tbdiuision: A-men: Address CL Deacribe tt'ot'k SPrlINGFIELD,DRMIT r-l Additicn ()-- RenoCeL r 1., -\Data: ValueDate of APP licatictt General P Iurnb tng l.lechanica I lj].eccrlcal Supervisin DIec t r ( !,il rl It io lhe reaponcibility of tle petmit ho-tder to saa that aLL inopec-tiona al.e nada at the ptoper tine' that ecoh cddtees ie readab"e J'ron the street, and thit the _pci'nrtt -o-ard ia. Lxated at .t-h.1 fto-nl of .the.proPertV.iSr;ldirg Nui:1oy: c:pVt'otetl plan shcll renain on tlp Buildbryt S'itc at aLL tinea. 26-3769 (tecot'der) atate yout'City ileo ignated i'ob ntrnben, iob aCdrcaa, type of inspec'-icnPnocSDUPE N)n INSPEL"IT1il fSQyES't':CALL 7 ;a,lt estcrl-a;Anii you uill be ready for''sitl be rade the oane dcy, requeate mcde inspect ion, Cotltractora or A,mers nctna and p hone nwtbcr. PequestB recei;ed befcte 7:00 c't after 7 00 on viLL be nade the nctt l,torking day. lour City Deaigrated Job Nwnber fo Aqa',53+ Reouired fnsp;,r: SITE INSP9C'1ION: I'o be nade aJ'tet es;"wtf-o",'r;; prior tc set uP of forme. I UNDERSLAB PLL'I,IBINC, ELECINICAL & uecaLlitcep: '!o be nade be!'ore any i6ik--lr]6u.r"d. FOOIINC I FOUNDA?ICII: To be nnCe aftei trenchcs are ctcauated and forns are erectad, but Pt'iot' to puning ccncrete. -'-1 uxDsRc!?oulD PLUt\tt INc , ssttEP , v.trE:?, )-f.ir4 trenchee. -l uilDERpLooR pr,ut.lBl:tc ,i itECltANrcAL:I To be nade prioy to ittttullation of floor inaulction or decking.l I NSUI,A'I' TON/VAPON BAfiRIT:R IIISPEC'IION : rcquired vapor ban'riero are in plaoe but before atry lath, gyPBLa board or unLL couering ie applied, crd bafore ay inaulatiotr is concealed, DEilOLilIOII OR !.IO Sanilaty aaet capped tt property Line Septic totk pwped ard filled uith gratel Final - l{hen aboue itens are ecnpleted and uhen denolition ia oanplete oP sttl.l2- turo noued atd, prarrriaea oleaneC up. tlob e llcneg Blooking otd. sct-up Plmbing connectione -- la")ar anC uater DnYHAl,t, INSPEC"I'!)N: lc be nada a1' teidT6ynllto in place, bub prior to any taping, i,\AS1NRY: Steel location, bondtifiilg"outing ot' vertioals in accortlance Lrith U,D.C, Section 2415, HooDSTOyE: Aften inatall.ation io ccnrpleted. not,cll Pt,U!lBMc. Er.t:ern!cA!, .r Nl:cl|- I tiNICrtL: No uori,. 'is to bc act"^ered - " thcse inspec,iot:s ltauc been matle uru| app:'ou,::!, 1 frygfUger Prior Lo plccir4 facing --) ,,wtei;G aruI before 'fruning inop"L- POST AND BEAl.l: To be rrndc Priot' to TiitalTailan ol floor insr:Lation or decking, CUNB & APPI|OACII APSON:Aftet fonny ale erect;n but- priori to pouring conete te, SID!:;\A{,N ,g DRIVL:UAY: For aLL con- .*"7" p"orfrilTili otYect right- o1'-Lx:y, to be nuCc after aLL erca- Dating canplete & fona wrk & cub- base mterial in place. Eleatnioal Conneotion - Blooking, let-u, ard plwtbing conneotionl mrat be apprcr;ed before requeeting eleolrical inapeclion Aooeosory Bui.ldiq Pinal - Aftot, pcrchea, akirting, decks, etc. a.re oanpleted, l l l l l tion. F!{,U!_A.C: ttust be requcctecl afler ipfiooat ol rough plwnbing, electri- cal E neclutnical. ALI roofing bracirul C chinmcya, etc. nrtst be . conpletcd. !!o ucrk ;e to be con- . cecled until thio in:spection lao 'been made anC approv'ed, FIIIAL PLUI:BIIlC FINtlL ttECllA,lICAt, gutcc or P.U.t:. hthcn conplete -- ProuiCe notabLe sactiona througlr AIL project c:onl.itions, euc!^. ao tlrc i.natallation of slreet tteee, conplotion-of the ,n.qrirod lanclsccpit:g, ctc,, tmtot be aatisfied bcfore the BUIAINC FINAIcan.be requested. FIN,,1L BUILT)1NC: 't'he I'trruL Builcling fnopection mot ba requeotad alter the Final Plwnbinn Elcctr'tcal, anC Ltechar.ical Inspectiony hqvo been wde ard approoed Page ! o! ! T'INAL ELECTRTCAL IAI,L ITANilCLTS AND CLEAIIOUI'S III.I::'1'DE ACCESSIBLI|, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE IL4DE A? TIO COST TO CITY I Photrc:t \10+ J O r.] No.SOLA :;CESS REQ.-L-co Gor [.ot I'aceo - Se thack:t llouoc Acaeslt. Nortlr C(tt'agc Eaa t South I of lot Cotterage I,OT NPE I _ fnfurior _ Cor.net, _ Panhand,Le CUL-de-aao Sq, FTGITETI x ! of Sbrteo Total lteight, Topography l,/cnt thirr Cct'ac o Carrcrt tlcces sortl ?OTAL VALUE DCs,D,c. 1.5 t cllAnc6NO.FEE FLxtwee Reeidenti^a.L (1 bdth) iianita Seuar RGEITETINOFEE Rec, So, fto Neu/Extend CincuiLa ?etnporary Serutce I?EM NC nrF CIIARCE htrntce ETU'S Exhant llood, Vent Fan llcoddtolte -- ENCROACIIMENT -. Sectri a l.ta1'.ntcnance Pcrmit Cttrbcu! Sida,taLk Fertee 6'oo Electrical La.bel Hobile llane 'o18t,Bt,irOOiis Ete So:t !leat fe c Laco tou 4 -- Feea -- ' Building Permit State Total Clargee Ptunbing Pernit l Building Vqlue & Perm it Thio pctmtt i.a oranl:ttl on tlrc ca:prooa corvli.Li.,:;n t.lnl. tlre ttirj con:;Ltac'Li.drolnll., i.n-all, ren1tc<:Lt, con!'otn Lo Llrc Orli.tttn;cr:klol:.l.tt.l 1t,,1 ilto CtLy ofSprinlTfield, i.rtclurlit.t Lhe Xoning Crdjnanr:c, ra,ruLr;t.tn,t Lli,: ccnsLrt-ctictt and.use ol bui.Ldinos, ancl n.zt1 bo eutpcwlal or rcuokcd ,tL c,:!j t.ina ttTon ui,la.l;ion of <zrty prcuisiono of eaid,1rdinances. Mechq nicol Permit PLan Datc Paxl Rece ipt. ll Signed Electricql Permit l{here Stnte Lau requircs tl:at Lha clo.ctt,ical utotk be donc by att Slectrical. Contracbor, tho. electrical portion of lhh pcnntt slni.L rot be ualiC until tlre label lna been aigned by t;he Electrical Contractoi, Plumbing Permit Nq pcrcort alnll cortlLt'ttct,, tnolal!, aLter or clnnoe Gnli neu cr e:istirtgplrnbing or drainane aUstaTt in ulole or in part, w:Lccs cuch percon is thalegal poeaasnor of a ual.i.d plwnborts Licotse, aiccllt bhdt, o pc"sotr nto.:t do plwtbing uork to propcrLy t,thieh is oanad, Lcascd or oitct'at,od by bhe cppli- cant. Totat Penrit faeu@oe Naclu.nical Permtt Total ['Lant Excnitrar LtaLr: I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXAI'IINED Lhe completed application lon parmit, and do horeby certify Lhat all i:;foruntiort heteon ia true and corrcct, cnC f f\trther certily l;hat; any atd. aLL uork parfotrncd alnl! be do;te in accon- danca tvith the Ordinancea of tha City of Springficld, and thc tc.te of tha Stata of 1relJott pertaining to tha utork Ceacribcd harein, cttd llnt N0 )ccl- PANCI r,till. be mtle of ana atructure uithout pennioeion of the 9uildin11 Di- viaiotr. I fut,tlnr cenLify thet otLy contractots at:d cnpLcileea ul.o are in cqlpliance rtith CfiS 701.055 uiLL be ueed on tlde pro,iect dbe 6-*e-<, I\r il.trrlr hna 6, oo Signed /.fl llcte.r State Sul,cl,atge ?otal Clnraea _Electrioal Pennit Stata Stato Surohar<te Total CTaraaa i ll ,, t',i'rtrllll{r A A