HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-04-28" RESID',.- {TIAL" zzs North rrt, irrnff""oruo*/PERt'rr Springfield, 2regon 97477 Buildirq Nuision 726-3753 tt .JSPFIIIvGFIEI.D -?"8 Value ldditicn RetnoCel Date of App Licaticn GenenaL Ddte 4 .L4ooo-9 c nb roeaticn: S-3 Z ,/ 33 </ -sr 1 ?c.t lot # QAeoeeoore Map #u Sttbdiuision: ,4tA / ur*O,nter:o S== s- /1/ 3 j /???rAddress:5 , tf/e{a/&F tcze-D 7?- Constmtctiott Lendet It b tha rcapotwibility of tl* pentrit nbUa. to 8ee ttut all itupectiotts oe nade at tte ptoper tine, tl.at s4sf :,1,ltsss is vsa)ni,i. fltt tle atreet, atd that the penrit eatl ie l,ocated at the front of the property*Buildi.H Divicipn aVproxed pLot slrcll remain on tip Building Site Zt atl' tikes.' Mecha:icaL Reouincd fnsnaaxians H?oemUP\ F1R TNSPEITON RI?UEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordet) state your City designated job tequeated arti ohen you uiLL be readg fot inspection, Contpdotors or Asners ruyte and pitone ,;.il,Z be rude the aane dcy, ?equeats nade afte.t ?:00 a,1t viLL be tmd.e the nest:,nrkitti dag. nwi;ber, job ol.iress, type numbc.y. Requests yeeeited of inspeclictt befcte 7:00 e.bg., YotE City Job Nunber Is: qTan filcDtiafnit. ".;do";l;; b"t ?o be nvde afterprior tc aet up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBING. ELEryRICAL & WCH!.|IICAL: ?o be maie befone any .wrk ie eaeted, AilDEP,FLOOR PLUI,EIIIG 8 I4ECIIANICALiobe@of floor ineuktion or decking. P)ST AllD BEAI4: To be nade Pt'iot' toinstallatian of floor ins ulation or decking. E l, l-n DRWALL rilSP|trfoN: Ic be made I I I ;rn;;u@;;n-is in ptace, - but pnior to cny taping. TNSULATION/VAPOf, BARRIER IIISPECIION :DEI1OLfiIO!] OR :.:OWi BUILDI;:CSIo be nwde after aLL insulati.cn ed tcquired oapor bavieta @e in p'lace but befote oty Lath, Wpswn boati or rnLL couering is applied, otd before ozg insul.ation is concealed. Soti2oy eeuet capped at property Line Septic totk ptc:ped aad fi.lled vith gra;te Pinal - I{hen abcue itezs are eonpleted and uhen Canolition is eotplete ot atruc- ture noued otd. pratrLses cleaneC up. llobi e Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aat)e? dtC Datet Eleetrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-up anC plunbing conneetions rntst be apprct;ec before requesting eleclrical inspectio:t Aecescory BuilCing Firal - Aftcr pcz,el:es, ekirting, decks, etc. at,e conpleted. 7 poornG & F)UNDATT2N: ?o be naceI I Afxe"-xz,;ncies ar,;;acatsateti and. forms ate erected, but prior topurtng ecncrete, --- uNDERGpoultD pLaMp tuL_EE:r_ w.q!B)J Lir,g vreneiue.l l a _J ROUGH PLU:BI:]C. ELEC?PICAL A IIECH- ,GiiTthese inspeetions ll"ztte been 6-Sa tu/l aann,-) FIFEPLACE; Prior to plceius faeingmcterials and before froning inspee- tion. FRA|IJO: Ptust be reqiested after approval of rough plwrbing, electri-cal & nechanical, ALL roofirq btactng E ehinmeys, etc, nast be i eonrpletcd. Ilo wcrk is to be con- ..t.oealed until thio inspeetlon lue'been rrud,e anC approued. '' I I { rtfiz PLUrErtc 'i/ "X) unet UECHAilIIAL y) nur ELE?TRT)AL J I,|AS2NI?I: Steel Location, bond beans" grouting or uertiecls in accoyd.otce LtLth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI,/E: anpleted. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APP)N: Aftet fornsoe erecteC but prior to pouring conc"ete. SIDEIIALK & DR|IEWAI: For all con- erete pauing uithin st?eet right- of-tey, to be naCe after aLL e.*ea- v4eut.q vuttytvec d J v- ,r base ncterLaT in pbce. ??^t^t.h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe or mooable seetions throughgate6 P.U.E 11,?1 I q> tZ ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, eottoletion of the nequired Latisccping, etc., rmtst be aatisfied bcfore the BUILDIT:G PINAL can be requeated. PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtst be tequesteC after the Final Plwtbing Electnical, otC lleclw:ieal Inspectl-ons l:p:tse been made and approued. 'ALL l.tAt:HcLES AND CLEAN)WS ilus? BE AC?ESSIBLE, ADJAST:IZiI! T0 BE r.AD' t? UO C1ST 7o crlv Page 2 of 2 [-l ,-,'/r;;11 /fu.- Phone: @ 5"oLAn AccEss REe.-r--coS Becroons: Iat Sq. F'-t. Z of Lot Cooerage_ I of Sbrtes ?otal Eeight Topography Building PernLt State Total Chargea ITEI,! PLunHng Petrtt TDT TWE _ Interion _ Corfle? _ Panhandle Cal-de-eac !ieat e [4aoastoxe -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pertntt is gtanted on the eipress condition tlat the said_eonstntctiott elnll, in all respeets, conform to the ordinanee adopte,l by the city of Springfield, includtng the ioning CYdinance, requlcting tlrc ccnstntcticn otd use of buildings, otd mzy be suspended or reuokeC at c.n! t;-ne upon uic' La.tion of @ty ptct:isiona of eaid Ordir,ances. 4 Reeeipt ll bLoti.ed: Plumbing Permit No person sltall eonstruet, inslal!, alter op ehange any net cr e:isting plwnbing or drainage syltan in u'role ot in part, unless such person is the legal possessot, of a ualid plwtber's License, eaeept tl",at d De?son rnal do plunbing uork to pyope?t! uhieh is otazeC, Leased or openated by the appli- cant. 1 ,lhe?e State La) Cont"acia", the the Zabel has been Eledtrico I rea'uirosl, tl.at the elec=rLcb.L por+.ion bu the Eleea.ica I Permit eleettLcal uork be done bu dn 9leetn'iealof this pernix shall rot be uali.C, util 1 ^^-t-^-+^- tla,t/bterd Circuits Total Charces DJoB No. & Zorto: Iot Facee - Setbacks Df House Canaae Aceess. North Ran East South l,leat I?EM x Value l,bin Gaace Coocrt Aceessorll Tatum<</@.* ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. .I.5 c PLan Date Pald:.L-z-23 _f6.8 ^!14-aFE' Fthu.ves / Resilettti.al (1 bcth) S@titerq SeDe" tlcter /s.*-2{ ?S Res. So. ftc 2-<11*t*;Z<-f,a Ianocrou Sem;icc I Zet4,ofuu /5'^ a Lezt?L *-Sa 1- 8e 323e r73!| blwtet HooC Yent Fot t llcodsto;se Mechonicol Permit Penmt'Issusce tlecha.nical Perwtt F;J honaee P?UiS / /s*.?u /.e zf -- EticRoAcHt'lElt? -- : e€,tf4- Storaoe / -z?' Ks. e I HAW CAR9FULLY EXLAINED t\e eornpleted application for oermit, md do hereby cettify that aLL itfonnation hereon is true ar,.C. correct, antC f fut ther eertifg that any ard aLL uork perfot*ned slall be done it aecot- <iance tLth the 2rdinences of tne Citu of Spriryfield, anC thc la;s of theState of )regcn pertainina to the uork Cescribcd herein, cnd that ll0 OCCU- PLNCy ttill be nale of any structu2,e uithout petmission of the Building Di-vision, f further certif-g that only contractors at;.d. enplcyees uho are incatpliance u'tth CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project Penrit Total Charocs Clttbcut Si-da,b.lk tabel Mobile Hane ITTAL AEOU!,'? DUE:'// 7.6/Signed Date State Surehcr(tc State Surelztge