HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Correspondence 1986-11-26SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department November 26, 1986 Ms . Vel ma Ki rlr 195 North 33rrl Street Spri ngftel o, Oregon 97478 Subject: Home Occupdtion Permit, Salsa Kitchen Dear Ms. Kirk: I am writing in regard to your inquiry about an annual review of Home 0ccupati on Permi ts. There i s no annua]. review or renewal fee requi red once a Home 0ccupation Permit has been apDroved. As long as you continue to operate under the conclitions of the approval, your Home Occupation Permit will remain valid. If in the future you are found to be in violation of the Home . 0ccupation conditions, the Perrnit would be revoked and in your case you woulcl not be Dermitted to preDare the salsa from this location. I have listed the conditions your Home Occuoation Permit was approved under for your reference: I Except for one non-illuminated L-L/2 square foot wall signpermitted in Section 16.080 (1)(a) of the Sprlngfield'Development Code, there shall be no display which wou'ld indicate from theexterior that the building is used for any Durpose other than a resi denti al dwel I i ng. 2. There shall be no outsi<le storage of materia'ls. 3. No mechanical equipment shall be permitted except that which is compatible with resiclential Durposes. 4. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors,heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the operation. 5. Only family members who reside at the dwelling may be employed. 6. The operation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions orunduly burden on-street Darking areas. 225 North Sth Street a Springfield, Oregon97477 o 503/726-3753 7. 8. 9. No merchandi se or services shapremises in a wholesale or retai'l Devel opment Permi t Coorcli nator If the proposed use requi res a bui I cti ng mocti fication to thedwelling or accessory structure of a natuie tnat is not typical'lyfound i n resi<tential di stricts, the proposed use shal I beconsidered inappropriate and therefore inel igible as a home occuDati on. Commerci al auto repai r, i nc1 udi ng but not al ignments, borly-fender work, Daintingupholstering sha1l not be permitted. limited to tune-ups,and detai I i ng, and 'lt from the I hope this answers your question about the status your Home 0ccupation Permi t. Si ncerel y, ia L. Harmon / SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department November 26, 1986 Ms. Velma Kirr 195 North 33r<l Street Spri ngfiel <t, Oregon 97478 Subject: Home Occuodtion Perrnit, Salsa Kitchen Dear Ms. Kirk: I am writing in regard to your inquiry about an annual review of Home occupati on Permi ts. There i s no annua'l review or renewal 0ccupation Permit has been aporoved. operate under the con<li ti ons of the Permit wi'll remain valid. fee requi red once a HomeAs 'long as you conti nue to approval, your Home Occupation If in the future you ane found to be in violation of the HomeOccupation conditions, the Perm'it would be revokecl and in your case you woul<l not be germitted to preDare the salsa from this locat.ion. I have listecl the conditions 1tour fl6mg 0ccuoat,ion Permit was aporovedunder for your reference: 1 . Except for one non- i 1 I umi nated L-L /? square foot wal I si gnpermitted in Sect.ion 16.080 (1)(a) of tne Springfield' DevelopmentCode, there shall De no display which woulcl inclicate from theexterior that the buil<ling is used for any purpose other than a resi ctenti al <twel 1 i ng. 2. There shall be no outsi<le storage of mat,erials. 3. No mechanical equipment shal'l be permitted except that which is compatible with resiclential Durposes. 4. There sha'l'l be no off ensi ve noi se, vi brati on, smoke, dust, odor5 ,heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line rdsultin! from the operation. 5. Only family members who reside at the dwel'ling may be employed. 6. The operation shall not create hazardous trafflc conditlons orunduly bur<len on-street Darking areas. 225 North Sth Sheet . Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 proposed useor accessory 7.the'ling requi res a bui 1 <li ng modi ficati on to the structure of a nature that is not typically If <lwe fou con occr 1 n s u d in i dered Dati on. resi <lenti al di stricts, the proposed use shal I be i napproori ate and therefore i nel i gi b1 e as a home I Commerci al auto repai r, i nc1 udi ng but not al i gnments , bocly- f ender work , oai nti ng upholstering shall not be permitted. limited to tune-ups,ancl detai l i ng, an<l No merchandi se or servi ces sha'l'l be sol d to thepremises in a wholesale or retail manner. I hope this answers your question about the status your Home Occupation Permi t. Si ncerel y , thia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator / 9 CITY'OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SPBIN(;FtELc' DEyELOPMENTSEPY'CES ADMINISTRATION PI.ANNING/ BUILDING PUBLIC WOSKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWATER M AN AGEM ENT March 14, 1990 Ms. Velma Kirk 195 North 33rd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Ms. Kirk: Your request for an extension of your permits to convert your garage into a salsa kitchen at L95 North 33rd Street, Springfield,0regon has been revieved and aPProved. This approval may only be granted one time and viII expire 180 days from the date of this letter (September 14, 1990). If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790, Sineerely t Lisa Hopper Building Technician cc:Dave Puent, Building Official th 225 FIFTH SIEEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 /<oo?E-rs .5PRI]{GFIELE, CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Office of Community & Economic Development 0ctober 2, 1987 Greg Mrs. Velma Kirk 195 North 33rd Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Subject: Z0NING 0F PROPERTY AT 195 NORTH 33RD STREET Dear Mrs. Kirk: Apparently there is some confusion regarding the zoning of your property (identified as Assessor's Map L7-02-3L-31 Tax Lot 2900). Our records indicate this property has been zoned for residential use at least since the early 1970's(I cannot locate any records that pre-date these). The recent Mid:Springfield Refinement PIan (adopted in lt{arch 1987) provided you with an option to rezone your property to Community Commercial. As you declined this opportunity, your property remained zoned for residential use (LDR). Unless you choose to pursue an amendment to the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan, your property will remain zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Cordial ly,\,#- Mott Development Code Admini strator cc: Jim Gangle, County Assessor 225 North Sth street o Springfield, oregon97477 . s03/726-37s3 ?h u__, 6:s? PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 North 5th Street Spri ngfi el d , 0reg on 97 477 Phone: 726-3759 HOME OCCUPATION APPLICATION Location of Property Existing Use of Property s Desc ri pt'i on of Proposal 33 Phone: ner Name(s) dress Phone: I dsf ppl icant tiame HFxbHAbdel .H:,d 2o'u.o ts P. t.otr t,$ \00lo^z"F lx S( R)u1 oc \ c,(\ l JJ \ (^l aaoaa H (; E 2U Up (-f o add3ts.cl'd & ls $ rBa o oP. 8. ED otrH p H 2o m6 I o ( tn o0 NEoo}]OP.shJ0q s)P. Uslclo oIctoo. ls lsl/-lrs\r\) o c+o0. tr h't l:UtoR8 -l P.\N9N(-a 2 oCIBo hJHp on t OVER *" a/aa btlA y b # Foozze CIIY OF S 7{7-77b' Address HOME OCCUPATION AGREEMENT The appl i cant' s s'ignature of thi s agreement cert'i f i es acknowl edgment of the 1. Except for the one non-illuminated L L12 square foot wall s'ign permitted'in Section 16.080 (1)(a) of the Springfield Development Code, there shallbe no display which wou'ld'indjcate from the exterior that the building is used for any purpose other than a residential dwe11ing. 2.Thereshallbenoouts.idestorageofmaterials 3. No mechanical equipment shall be permitted except that which is compatible wi th resi dent'ial purposes. 4. There shall be no offensive noise, vibrat'ion, smoke, dust, odors, heat orglare not'iceable at or beyond the property line nesulting from the operati on. 5. Only family mlmners lvho res'ide at the dwelling may be employed. 6. The operation shal I not create hazardous traffic conditions or undu'ly burden on-sf,reet parking areas. If the proposed use requires a bu'ilding modif ication to the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature that is not typically found in residential di stri cts , the proposed use shal I be consi dered i n appropri ate and therefore 'inel i gi b1e as a home occupati on. 7 8. Commerci al body-fender penmitted. auto repai r, 'incl udi ng but not I i m'itedwork, pai nti ng and deta'i1 i ng, and to uph tune-ups, al i gnments,olstering shall not be 9. No merchand'i se or servi ces shal I be sol d to i n a whol esal e or reta'il manner. the public from the premises It i s understood that 'if nelghborhood compl ai nts are recei ved, the nature ofthis home occupation wi I I be re-investigated. If this home occupation 'is found in violat'ion of the Springfield Development Code, the use will be termi nated upon noti f i cati on i n wri ti ng by the P1 anni ng and Devel opment Di rector. It is further understood that applicant from the requirements can S gna ure roval of th'is app'l i cati on does not exempt the any other C'ity codes on ordi nances. ap o p f to-2, fa Date rng an VE oprnen epar men a e