HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-10-21#?,,1.. RESID-NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfiald, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGF!EI-D %?zrz d,6q00 fltD Date: GeneraL ELeetrical Construet'ion Lende" SITE INSPEC?ION: etcauation, but ' To be nade after pr.tor tc set up of It i8 the tesponaibility of the per,rrtt holder to oee that aLL inapections are nad.e at the prope? tine, that ecch cdltess is t,eaCable fz.an the stneet, atd tlut the p*mtt eud ie Located at the frcttt of the wopqta.*Suitding ?ioision appro"*ed pl-an sVcLL remain on bhe Building Stt; at aLL' tikes." PROC9DUP,E F1R TNSPECT{ptt-tlpUEgg.'CALL726-3769(recotdey) state yout, Citg designated job ntoribet,, job aCi-tess, type of inspec;i-cneadyforinspection,Contlactaisoia*n,""n",nL"apt,"nnunber..-R'equests,nLe,:iZabefcle'7:00an ,viLL be nade the sane dag, r,equests nade after ?:00 an urLLL be nade the nect aorking day. 97aeos fozns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELSCTRICAL & WCH4IIICAL: To be nade before ang .uotk is eooet,ed. P0)IIN1 & E)UNDATICN: Io be nwCe AfierEenenes a"e eseaoated and forns ate erected, but prior to pour'ittg ccncrete. UNDERGROUTID PLUMETNG. SEWR, WA?ER, DRAilIAGE: To be made pr.Lot, to fil-Lirq trenches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI/IBfNG & MECIIANTCAL : oy floor insulation or decking. ?1Fl 4!! BEAM: Io be rnade pnioz, to6ffiT7f,6Tof ftoor insuLZtion ot, decking. - .'2 .r,J -) !, J , .. , R0UGH PLA4BIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & l,tECE:- ANfCAL: No uoy'k is to be co"-eredu Tthese inspeetions haue been made and approueC. EfPEPLACE: Ptior to plccirq facingmatetials and. befot,e froning 'Lnspec- tion. FRAI.IIIG: l,tust be z.equested after 6i6it of z,ough plwr,bing, eiectyi-cal & meelwnical. ALL roofittg braeittg & chitmeys, ete. rntst be . eoitpleted. llo uctk is to be con- , eecled until this inspection has'been made anC approoed. Iouv,Desigr,ated Nwnbez'Is: ?o a required oapor bur.iera are in place but before ozg Lath, gApsum boatC ot, unLL coueting i,s applied, and. before oty insulation is conceaLed. DRYWALL fNSPECIfON: Tc be made -., after aLL d.r,yuall is in p'l-a.ce, but priot, to anA taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting ot, uerticals in accozd.qtce tLth U,B.C. Section 241s. WO2DST)IIE: Aftet, installation is ccnrpleted. Sanilary seaer capped et properQl Lire Septic tork pranped and. filled ttth gra:sel Final - hrhen abctte itens ate ccrnoleted and uhen Canclition is conrplete o" struc- ture moued and. prenrises cleaneC up. Ecmes Bloeking and Set-up Plutnbing eonnections -- saie? ad uater E'Lectrical Ccnneetion - Bloektng, set-up and plutnbing connections rn;st be apprcued before requesting electrtcal inspeetiott Accessory Buildirq Final - After pct,ches" skitting, decks,etc. ate eompleted. tr l\ CURB & APPROACH APPON, ee erecteC but ntiot, After fotmsto potning eonc?ete. SfDEWALK & DR|IWAY: Eor all eon- a,ete paoirq uithin street right- of-DaA, to be made after aLL etea- oating conplete & forn uotk & aub- base matertal in place. !l!!E: hrhen conplate -- Pyo'tsiCe gates or mooable sections thnough P.U.E. 1r'tol' I PTilAL PLUMBING \q FTNAL AECilANTCAL LrA piNA,,L ELtcrnrctr ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of tie required Landsecpittg, etc, " rmtst be aatisfied before the BUILDING FII\AL ean be requested. FINAL BUTLDING: The Final Building Inepection nrust be requested after the Fi.nal PlunbingEleetz'ical, anC Meelnrical fnspeetions hq)e been made and approoeC. rob Locaticn' /? S r/am fa 3 = '2D 57 Aasessore ruap r //-OZ-7)-7)rc,s Lot X Q//* Subditsision: Addtess: ., /qS {? 37mD 57 . Ph,one: 2 ?7-7262 Otmer: ci 7 Describe Hotk: ,/anfuaf 4rfV4<e ,Z 54, sro 6rva-a-o' . Date of opptioorio, /2 3/-8 ? Additian value 7.{O4 's r P'age 1 of 2*ALL \|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS t,tUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\\EI\I TO BE I,L4DE AT NO ClST TO Cr?y tr \q @ l/z <,vz Kr.<,< f1 ,-,, 2 JOB NO.6gd5s-oLAR A',-- E S S R EQ.-L-co d Bed.t ooms Ileat D^^^ Reeei.pt #: a/^5 ) I HAW CAREFaLLy EXAMINED the conpleted application fon pennit, and do het,eby cez,tify that aLL information hereon is ttue and. eorrect, cnd f furtker eettify that any ard aLL uork perforned sLnLL be done in aecot- dnnce..rith the Oydinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laos of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uotk Cescy,ibed herein, end tlnt NO 1CCU- PANCY l,vi|L be mad.e of anA st"ucttffe uithout permission of the Building DL-vision. I futthen cer.tify that only conttactoz,s and entplcgees uho are in eonpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pz,ojeet ?otaL ro/*,/WI Lot Faces - Setbqe:ks P.L House Cd?aqe Access. North East Fire South LCT TWE _ Interior _ Cor.ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac VaLueI?EM FTG x Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Couerage # of Stories ?otal Height Iopography llest ltui.n Gaaae Carport Aceessot u krrWaa-</,{*.* TOTAL VALUE ues.D.c, 1.5 c a62 /- zt Date Paid: z6 -zS Building Vqlue & Permit This pennr,t is granted on the erp"ess eondition that the said construction sLnLL, in aL1 respects, conform bo the 7rdirnnce adopte.T 6iy the City ofSpningfield, ineluding the Zoning Cr.dinance, regulctittg the ccnsttucttcnqnl use of buildirqs, and mey be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisions of said Ordittanees. Building PerwLt ?otal Clnrgea State Signed Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall cansfuuct, instaL!., alter or ehange anA net cr eeisting plwnbing oz, drainage sgstan in'ahole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal posseasoz, of a oaLid plwnber's License, eseept that a pe?son mag do plwnbing uork to prope"t! uhich is oamed, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. NO. 5> 2,-; Sani.Seuez, CHARGE ->Fictuz,es Resil.enti.al (1 bath) Pltonbing PeywLt 1 Electricol Permit Where State Lan requites tlnt the electrical uork be done by qtt Electrieal Contractot,, the electz"tcaL pontion of this permit slalL not be oaliC until the Label ltas been sig:ned by the Electrical Contracto?. Iotal da q ,75 * Neu/Eatend Cincuits Setoice ITlM NC.?EE hntnce 8?UtS Erhanst Hood Vent Eot Itcodstoise PetmLt fssucnee Meclnnical Perqrit CHARCE e? t, Mechonicql Permit .J> -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seatz4tA Deposit Stot,age Mainterunze Permit Asbcut SideuaLk .qenoe EXectrical Ia.bel Mobile Honte TOTAL AIAOUN? DUE: *77.(e Signed C. Date FEE / llaten State Suteharge State Sureharge ?otal Chanoes *