HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-18.. RESIDENTIAL" =r",,*oFrEr-D'' APPLICAIIC*'PERMIT 225 Nofth |th Street springfietd, Oregon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Location: Tc.z Int #Aeaesaors MaP il Subdiuieion: Aile?: Phone:Addtess: Describe l,lork: N ot,, qPt, ValueDate of APP Licatian Additian RenoCel r RcceiPt I \4\o1S Date: General P1urnb EJ,ec t ectr:iclanl-nS OR Sani'-aty seset capped at propertg Lire Septic totk p:tqed atd filled trtth grattel PinaL - l{hen abcoe'Ltens ate eonpleted and uhen d.etnolition ie canplete or struc- ture mooeC artd pterrisee cleaneC up. Blocktng otd set-:tP Plunbitq connectione -- aa)er otd uater Eleetrical Connection - Blocking' aet'up ,ini oltnbinq connectiona nust be appnor:ed be fore requ-eating elec lrLcal inspec lion Acceasory Building Pinal - After pcrehee, ekirting, decks, etc. ate completed. Page 1 of 2 that aLL inaPections are nade at the front of the ProqertY' Building Site at aLL- tines. at the ProPe?tine,that eceh cddtees reaCab te It ia the reepottaibility of tlo permLt lolder from the otre'et' atd tlat the -p*mtt -catd ie-tBuilding Nuici.on aP?roted pLan gtlcLL 'aemaln to aee Lxated on the PRocsDURE FoR INSPE1NON =W||EST;CALL 7 requested ar.d uhen Vou trLLL be reaay lo-ruiil te nnde the eane dcy, requeata mad.e 2 6 37 6 I (recorder)s tate your ci ty designa ted job nwnber,iob al.dt'ees' tYPe Requeate receit;ed of inspec'-icn inepection,Ahrers and phone nwtbcr.befcre 7 00 Cort tractors oI ncne after 7 00 @n ItL LL be nnde the nefi wrking dag. ,unbe,,," EQ}Ef'-t'\Iour ct tg Deaigr,ated Job SITE INSPECTION: ?O 'ffi16fr1 prio, be wtde after to aet uP of fo a forne UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, E'ECIFI1AL & T4ECH|NIAb To be made before ang ffi7i-iaered. , DRY1\ALL INSPECII1N: Tc be nade after aTt@GTTte in Place, but prior to anY taPing. POOTING & FO-UNDATICN: To be rmde @A tvenctr; a"e &eattated and forrns a.re erected, but Priot to pouring ccncrete. uNpxRcRouND PLUMBrNG? Sgil.lR. w,1T=81. DRAIIIAGE: To be nade Prlor to !LL- T@-iV6n hee. UilDERFL11R PLUI.EING 4 MECI!-4-NI,C!L: ^To be made prior to inotaLLatlon oJ floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BBAM: To be made Ptiot' to TietiTGiffof floon ineulation ott MASINRI: Steel location, bond 666{grouting ot' rserticaLa in accordalrce vtth u.B.C. Section 2415. WOADSTOVE: enpTetA. After inetallatton ie deckitq. ROucH PLA{BrI\G. ELECTRT?AL E MECH; ANICAL: No wrk is to be covet'ed .GTlTthese ir*pecti-ons haue been nnd.e and, approred.. |LPEPLACE: PrtoY to Plccirg facing,,dt;;|ffi and befone franing inePee- tion. FRAIIING: ttust be requeated aftet @rooat of rough plttnbing, -electri-cal E neclanieal. ALL roofing btacittg E chinmeya, etc. rruet be , cotmletod. No uork ie to be con- cecled until thia inapection lae 'been nade anC appt'oted. CURB & APPRCACH APPQN: Afbet forns ar.e et'ecte[nut frot' to Pout'ing con=rete. SIDEI\ALK & DR|VEWAY: For aLL con- crete pau6;liil; atreet right- of-wA-, to be nade after aLL etca- oatina canplete & forn wk & sub' fose -naterLal tn Plzce. FITIAL PLUMBING FillAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL ALL pnojebt condibi.ono, such aa the instal-Lation of street tree_s-, conpletion-of the *nquinl"a-iina","ipi.rg,-Lto,, itt be oatisfied, beloTe tlle BI)rLD|NG F1NAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDIN7: the final Building Inapection mtat be requeeted after the linal Plwnbing Electricai', anC Mechanical Inepectlons hqua been nade atd apptotted' TAI,L I4ANIICT,ES AND CLDANOUTS MUS? DE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'ITDE A? NO COST TO CITY --\rr\MDh tr V lcwce: h4ren conPlete -- PtouiCe | ff"; ,"";;;;"L1;' sectiane thnoush n P, U, E. JOB NO. taL SO LAR ,'-C cEss rrEQ.-L-CO G+ Bedt'ooma: ldte I I\AW CAREFULL| EXAI4INED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornwtion heneoi ie true ard correct, and f furth-er certi-fg that any ard aLL uork perforered ^alnll be doae in accor' 'dance wtttr thZ- OrdinancZs of the City of Springfield, and, tha La;a of tha , State of Oregon pertaining to the r;ork Ceecribcd heretn, end lhdt N0 OCCU' PANC| ;itl b"e ,m\e of any etructute witlout permtcsi-on of the Suilding N' uision, r further clerfiiil that otly contractorl and enplcyees dho ore tn canpliance uith oRS 701.,05s uiLL be used on thia project tr.lt^ r7 Signed Enerau Sounees Tltne[ot Facee - Setbacks !teat llouse Can aae Acceaa.Water lleate"P. L. Not,tlt Ranee East FirepLace South [aodstoue West % of Lot Cooerage_ TOT TYPE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhattdle CuL-de-sac I of Stortes Total Height Topography Iat Sq. Ftg. -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis perwit ia granted on the ecp"ess condition that the said.eonstraction "hoLL', in all r"espects,- conform to tle ordirnnce edop.ted by the City of Springfietd, i,ncludtng- the Xoning Crdittance, tegulatilg t|rc cazstntcticn irra "-ie of buildings, and nay be eusperded or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lal;ion of any prcttisi.ona of said Ordinances. rOTAL VALUE F?G VaITETI * { S.D.C. 1.5 x Buildi.ng Pemrit Iotal Clnrgea State Date Paid: Sigted: Receipt #: Plumbing Permit No person alnll conetntct, inatall, alter. ot clnnge_cny rurD-cr ezisti-ng ptunt;,ng or drainage ayetan in uhole or. in part, unless euch person is the iegal pbsees"oo o1'o uZlid pl*,ber'l Lic-ense, elcept that a pe"lon ^av q1 ptirntthg uork to propertA ihioh i" oumed, Leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. NO.FEE CIIARGE * Fi.eturea ResidentiaL (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pern:it State Swch,arge Electricol Permit wete state l,tnt requirea tlnt the electrical uork be done by -an slectrical contractor., the electrical portion of this permit etnll not be oalic wttil the Label las been aigned by the Electrical Contractor, Total NO. L { Ileu/Eztend Circuita Seroice ITSM NC.FE' * Mechqnicql Permit bhanat llood llcodstoue Vent Fdrl Permit fsauanca Mechanical Perwit -- EIICROACHMENT .. Sacartta Dewsit Stordqe Maintenance- Permit Curbcu! SidanLk F"nJe Electrical Iabel Mobile Hone T+\C \ '"4r, AMOt!,^tT "' -' I S Date fTEM Uatan lotal Charoea CIIARCE Fwnnoca FTIItS 'lotal- ?.horoan State Surcharae t nt)rlNn ToP V rEw I qg N 33RJ ST R, L, 8- rc-v1f/R/2 Ft a" o I1' : I fcot vEurSt1) q,csl +. {o3 @ {,ql G -;r e, ,C$ ,x*n ej^tm nE) JI (9 I S. AtI J--J t --J I ?( a,- l &11, *t*-fL noru-{ frFl sT,+nF P, Y" ct'tv Y //';" lO'' &41 f ?" t--f- qs e-o 80, Rr///{ //T,et-? l-d- / , -/- -/ dza-4--rfl ,L//,d-", o sT*tu,D / 1) ^r / e n ,.;,*L *//sLt-J /e4 E-r/erlirr T//ay Fyen ll l,/1.1/ _l / -/1 6 ,) sAa.4/,,)e &?, / s/y/zs sh^*t'/f _l _-____]_ *c4 A-* oor%^il )n .// -./+-4.2-{z-<-, ,&./ uRaytrg 2 * 6r-tr*' *-*/"ti - u24:4<t .T/L4 ) / ' ,LH/4/&4 .*4r*! ly l- l /4 -j-l -f-- tt T l_ L L w og F/ooP- v-oLt)t/t RL T r I C*lzozt>t*J ,/""r-* . , e,turzt-^cc { Z'*)"'*T; fu{"4, zv.f-r-i--. aJ*//lu F. ,-#/ */l h flTtZt<tPL f+ L r 6(/r'8rc r,ltet at *ils il Epds So 'il.' f1 ilo*1t'es l) +tLElz NAL.?*f-t e B^t cNo, 1tc P gto. DotAlE Ta/;,'tnll /6/ \} { \\ s rl--r,ii tz' - LED T6- 9-- .t #z 5 Y4 /6 /ritT6 h t*wr- E r . N€sf fr4 ? vC 7y T- \ 5l"tf -fI r/hr,{DS€ 4L ?-YG a-* 6ellEE l,/ / 1. Y,l /'1" \t ( f{"\c'( t I f (t if ,tt ) t- -----+\T DGGIZ C€rnAp i- pl*slio fton, /, -Frc*rntng R, L, ,ATE# f + /Jr+tt E T aC 1 E e a+,sr'*9 p<)LR. W Rfrc€gsta c(t(3 , /r/o/(T \ALL ^vo /2+ 6GiT', F- Ct f.a Al E*>r Ir N ljF t- fr I/ b?"l+ |+ 70" 13" tt /6t bESC S"-*^Ii^ l"J9-vtn wwLt oQ lr/c,L T [6 J F*aT il Brt ?q F a,s (,^r EST Al oarh 5 tq"vt € F\ Soufh * t'1 .JL,-*0. T _ rs fi F' ]T t: *l$$t I T T-1 +fii \ \ro b J- ? 1 Y UNrt-ER olJ /'t g" Sl *TF e S roC 0 ? ,- a r'R/ tn r /U,4/ r-v tr Kau74 at Es l"' Wt tlEtoe n94M fi7frR 4'i14" frLL SraD 5 L\C FtR Rt- #/ *l W FLL +' t! \)It u" N s _1,, iiv\ ii mqD s ft 1o g €tfe-1 t?4L5 ?v to { z\ta TREtfEll i)'tnDatut 5€/-Ls , - dY(." Ber*e P PtA,+es t$o a&pER et,Ps Ll t ccn.N6€> T*asto'{t' rc' se4L * */[ L +-- /2'lLn # F*5r D*LL o.vtsf-i*1 w*ll F,?otn f{' t Srrr^,{-1. t p-u6'4.717Lp-rt7t'4 tl; €Sr f n*^i"1 t v{ o td'f */l *z+ScrrbtFB r-'7/r Lry4 F,i< gvo N6krh I L---77,| nJ\ I't2' l I tb r -Lr(r*',tr"T,l,* ,l/t:L{*rAf Pnz{& C'- &d&z".ffi. '1or, 'r :":;:n)*u ,,yJ",,| u'{:-ll,n::^ 1o slr :1-'i^.* 4'e r,r< oloo'do ,,- ,ril hft ' ,r1rtX'i" w+lts {. ilnln22*a s a?naol El o b J'7'y \v?4ff{y 'r.qf,aul fih .noP\,l .n l+- ,,'lt, Ir-l T =a:'L , ,rE ,t/ t )t' I I , V ,,, 17t 1 h# 3t -4 6# J l,l' I T Ie #h*o -.-..f.----f--F 1- 1 -7 v \6\ L_ )I \ (u3wd tr!fl tSIoQ t"rrr3C lPSsn? ryPls 1+"51 -,ztild 1.trtt sys Svr).J ' l*t4\ -12)?q lri-i ? A'(, 1*-th a o alo I i--t-.f f) qt OlO q- K/Elu P/*r/,,, Trra Lra€5 /K, oQ 1 Ft-lttrea / D Rfrtn I I t I I I I I I - - - - - . - -l 1- at lfl r" DrcPn lil /tBs '/e" Co7rz.< # At{qn fhno.,r2A l?/co,< Su,ri, T Jso asnn{ +, n-coE +li ' UeR"l l.^eot\u t€-p E-^/f 3F+ crf;.,l RrJ,t1"u DurlE KL t I I t I I t I t I I i II i. It I t a otY D rt?o ) ,{\v ** - t a\(, \J" o {r tl[A t t f 6hh, !i Q foon.t */,i^ P la nt E adla(df E d t7. t, !I; I *a- Er ?bDS t=r P &Ds / "T -&'l* a E to"A""1 ,rr= g"ta" Lco oE< a? q fr3 fruos t+" Y {" 1ltl" U.,1lh S- Boffs ?,b ? filo"kt ?tt W,,, ,;:,;- 6.e. u"rr'y'" V $ lo ekrnl eynn€RBiek C,'I A&rt p,+f to n -L-l T t @ IIqt rft 6.4R I E:= q , a. I l I I Ll I L l*+I 6.,'gfCEI'€- €rERS l-I l-r *4 frF6* 4!v ' J,! i *i i.i ii.:r( ?,/-6S$.lel J D o [']s PRo^ (,oRatGRS l_ 6looQ-,^g 0On ctslga.t- Bgf,. A q' Q S g 9* d ,, 3/s* t RAU€ L . ,/r'! R6'6*P # ,,uee Lh? A'- 3' _t Thno fl€" t^;lV I F&I ri 0 n r1 rl , a I I I I l I I I I I I I *l @ g t a Q v'a DE tr3ErEiEt= 6lo.cj< Plos+t cn qtuwJ(. Bo*o,r. o $ so itle{s *TE aP shn SlRu"etu-RCs PREPABED BY R. L, eecultui' wrTlr( (-Ii F-rl --lt N,unet<*ls i SEq^e,..rcC 0*'lP' I\ \ -F_ \' H Oo \! $ g.6 I _.\ ao o6o *3 C,+( 'flortl- tt I I t i I UfrL'rY o'.**4 #, n 0 h.P 0 s 0 c oo r'e JloAP6'6 5h€D L_. E/EerkrctL o/J +/JEtu N,bk /-rcEDt{r)p/4:s/4, uau R, /., DA;E l; *xectttioe' olnt-llI ---+ o ,)I po/E v*sLER uirzr?p s l-a*PL L Lt n i? *--rlo't-' 4. I 'l 5€T5 oN Gaccvnc'I S*?nG feerx , n'nll, - L Th€.r-rt t^/ RS ok {t< S I f'src truse g fuic F- .,r*! y's nlo/. ey J/,+/ u rREo ^;A *f,rrn t P,U.)h\QlltJI {J./s l.ora 'l-Ctttr^Rrt]" I ,lE4a.7q"/5c /eu' .f"*//)/cl ileu.)Bn,/Jr', :E lC Ar, SPIlINGFIELE' CTry OF SPRINGFMLD Department of Public Works November 3, 7982 CERTIFIED LETTER 0wner or 0ccupant 190 North 53rd Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Owner or 0ccupant: In order to correct discrepancies in existing addresses, help insure proper nail delivery, and facilitate the energency operations of the Fire and Police Depart- nents, the Springfield City Council has directed that the following adjustments be nade reLative to the address of your property located at: 190 North 33rd Street and is hereby changing it to ,198, North 3 3rd Street This change is effective inmediately, and you are therefore requested to change the address nurnbers on your buiLding and/or mailbox as soon as possible. The foLlowing companies and/or aglncies will be notified of the change thiough receipt of this let- ter: Pacific Northwest Bel1 U.S. Post 0ffice Northwest Natural Gas Group ltl Cable Conpany Springfield Utility Board and/or Rainbow llater District Springfield Police Departnent Springfield Fire Department Lane County Assessor Lane Council of Governments Lane County Elections Department Sanipac In the event that you are a renter, please notify the owner of the property. We thank you very nuch for your cooperation, and apologize for the inevitable incon- veniences which changes of this sort cause. Sincerely, 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) 10) 11) ^0*fuDan Smith Plans Examiner DS/lh 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 a 503/726-3753