HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-08-10- I.. RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLrCAriwfl/PERMrr 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield' )t'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD l?e Al 31Job Locaticn: fc,s tat il QAasessors MaP # *bdipision: Otmet: Addtess: lg ? lV 37 J-,.4 sr -7L >nPhone: city:zip: Date of Applieaticn Descz,ibe h'ork: VaLue fefA,ri,43 W'; ,r^i ^7 ,il la ,tddition RenoCel i.lobile Hone rS t Date: General ; P lurnb in l,lec n]-c EJ,ec E.r a Srrpe EIeC ET cran rt ia the responsibility o! tle penrtt hower to see that aLL inspec-tions ate nade at the pro?er tine' that aech address is readabie fron the st?e'et, and tlnt the_perrrit_cand i,e. Located qt -t_hg- ft,ont of .the-pr2pertu.isuitdi,ls Nuisiot apptoxed plan.slcll remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. pnocgDupE FoR INS1ECTI1N RIQUEST;GALL726-3769(recorder,) state your City cesignated iob nunber, iob acdt'ess, type-of inspecli-cn iaaiorinspection,Contr'actor'so"na-n,"-none-andplonenumbel,P'equest8reeeitedbefcr,e7:00cl ;^iLL be made the sdne day" r,equests-mcde after ?:00 aq uvtll be nade the ncct:'n?king day. Iottr City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs:atL UNDERSLAB PLUI'EINC. ELECTRICAL & utcttrtilclr,: To be made before any ffik7i-i6uercd. FCO?fNG LFOUNDATICIT: ?o be naCe Af;;;-rien;D; are eccattated and forns are ereeted, but Prioz' to pouning ccnctete. UNDIRCPOUIID PLLIMDINC, SIWER, WATER' .!6iAr[tAGE: To ae naCe priol to fil-Tfi'Tiin hes. UNDERFLOOR PLUI.EIIIG & MECHANTCAL : of floor insuTation ot' decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be made PrLot' to Tiā‚¬TilTilGTof floot insulation oz' decking. ROllCil PL,UIIBI!]C. ET.EC?NTCAL & I4ECH- ANI1AL: -N;i;n[-i; to be co"*et'ed ffilTthos" inspecti,ons haoe been nad.e atd approued.. FIPEPLACE: Prtor to plaeir4 faeing mcterials and before franing inspee- tion. IRA\IINC: Wst be requested after apptoual of rough plw,rbing, electni- cal & necLanical. ALL roofing bracing E chinmeys, etc. trust be . conrpleted. llo acrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspeetion lns 'been made anC approt;ed. SITE INSPECTfON: To be nade after etcA;ion,-but prtot tc set uP of fotme. FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER II'ISPFCTIO .IL: To be tnaCe after aLL insuleticn avd required oapor bat''ie?s are in plaee bui before ang Lath, gupsun bcaz'C or tnLL couet'ing is dpplied, artd before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECII0N: lc be rrude Vfiet' atT-&yuaT-ts in place, but priot, to any taPinS. MASONRY: Steel location, bond Sffiiigz,outing or oet'ticals in aceopdorce vith U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: After installation is cctnpleted. CURB & APPRCA1\1 4!39N: Aftet fonns A,e e;ectiEt piot' to pouring conerete. SIDEIIALK & DRI\rEl'lAI: Fot' all con-<erete pauing uithin street right- of-txy-, to be made after aLL erea- oatinq cqnplete & for'n wrk & sub- base -naterial in Place- ,;'' ri r PENCE: hhen conPlete -- Pt'ouide j&ei on mouable sections thnough P, U.E. ALL p?oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet t_r,e_e-s., conpletion-of the n"q"7"2"a-1i"i.cping, cte., nast be satisfied before the BUILDIN? FINAL can be requested- FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnspection mtat be requeeted after the Final Plwnbing \J Electtical, otl. Mechanical rnspeetions lrauc been nade ard approoeC' DETIOLITIO!] OR olt Scnilary seset' capped at property lite J , ,,rtrt.t.r.r;lild Lfi/tf/r,',,:)l :.,'r,i . ,I Septic tork p';uryed and filled uith gra:,tel Final - l'!?ten abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is cornplete or stras- ture moued cnd prewises cleaneC up. Iulobile Hcnes Blocking od, set-uP Plwnbing connections -- aa)et' otd uatet Etectrical Connection - Blocking' let-ua and plwnbing connections rrust be apprct;ed before requesting eleetrical inspeetion Aeeessori BuilCing pcnches, skirting, decks, leted. Pinal - After etc. are cornP Page 1 of 2il,Ar,L UANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEII? TO BE I.IIDT /1.? IIO C2ST TO CI?Y T tr SOLAR AT-ESS REQ.-L-co d --'JOB NO P.L House Cdraqe Access North FirepLacEastllSouthltWest Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cooerage I of Stortes Total Height Iopogrcphg ValueITEMF?G LOT TYPE _ Intetior Co"ne? Panlundle CuL-de-sae I'lain Getace Carport Acoessoru TOTAL VALUE ucS.D.C. 1.5 x Check Fee Plumbing Perrnit No pe?son stull construct, instal!, alter ot clnnge-cny nel-cr ecisting yl;nqing or drainage sy2!? in uhole or in part, unless such petson is the iegal pbsses"o, oio DaLLd pLunbers Llcense' escept that a pe"son nau 49pti^tl..ig uork to property uhi.h is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli'- cant. CARGENO. Seuler * rTEM Residential (1 bath) Fixtutes Plunbing Pernit State Electrico I Perm it Where State La,t requites tt"at the electrical aork be ilone by an Eleetrieal contractor,, the electrical portion of this pernit slwll not be oali.c unttl the Label lns been sigzed by the Electrical Contractot'. I?EM NO, 6D 7 Total fe i v-wayb- Nau/Eztend Circuits Sensice NC.FEE CIIARGE * Mechq nicol Permit bhanst Hood, llcodstote Vent Fot Permit fssuanee Meclnnicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,rita Deposit Storage l4ainterunce Permit Cutbcuf Sida,talk lence Eleetrical ta.bel Mobile llone Bedrooms Lot Faces - -- Fzes -- lleat Date Paid Receipt ll: Signed Building Volue & Permit This pertn"Jt is granted on the erpress condition that the said construction slwll', in a'l.L r"espects, confortn'to the lrditnnce adopted by the City o-f Spring|ield, including- the Zoning Crdinance, negulating the ccnstructicn od uie of buildittgs,- and nag be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- lation of any prcoisions of said ordinances. * Building Permit State Total Clnrges !otaL PLan E&ctnlner Date f HAW CAREFULLY EXANINED the eompleted application for permit, and do herebg certify that atl information hereon is tnue ard coz't'ect, and I fltt,th"er centiiy that aiy ard aLL uonk penfor'ned eLnL-L be done in accot'- danee rrLth the- Ordinancee of the City of Springfield' and the Lane of thet State of 2r,egon pertaining to the wrk Ceseribed herein, cnd. tlut N0 )CCU' pANCy LyLIL bL rnie of any sttucture without permiaaion of the Building Di- oision. I furthet' cettiig that otly contractora atd .enplcyees uho are in empliance uith cRS ?01.Oss wiLL be ueed on thie project t -io 1o ATOTAL AMOUNT DUE:, Sigttc.d [\z l:e. FEE Hctet, Total Charoes aa-",r( \furyl,4ry' /) Permit No:?'/o 717 ,.1 Address: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Fill in the applicable blanks, qnd initial box 1 and either box 24 or 28 1. rlzJ I own, reside in, or will reside in the compreted structure. 2. A. l-_l My general contractor is Contractor registration number l.will.instruct my generat contractor that all subcontractors who work onthe structure must be registered with the Consirr"iion Contractors goaro. OR Note: Oregon Law, ORS.701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicantsyf.o ale not registered with the Construction ContractorsEbard to'sign thefollowing statement before the building permit can be issued. t-icenieO Aiinitectand Engineel applicants, exempt from iegistration under ons zor.oid17j, neeonot submit this statement. This statement will be filed with tne permit. B I will be my own generat contractor. lf I hire su.bcoltractors, I will hire only subcontractorid rGi ru ;t i6i"co,it,actors Board. r r r c h an s e my m i n d SrlSgStf''rB%t[X J,l":contractor, I will contract with a contra"cior'who is reoisleie6 wlin'inCconstructibn contraCiois eodio ?no t'witi-ihiiieiiiieri"n-ot'iiiine"ortl""issuing this building permit of the name ot tne contiiitcii:.''' " I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that t have read and understandthe lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side ol this form. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0r4N 10t24l89 Date -WH66 COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE "+S*'COPY TO APPLICANT 'Pl,s ) !.. RESIDT\TIAL".. APPLICATIVN/PERMIT 225 Nonth ith Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diutsion 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIEI-D a- Date: res Ceneral rPlurnbing Llechanical Ii J, ec E r i.r:a StrDervca;irr El-ec Er clan It ie lhe tesponsibitity of the permtt tolder to aee that aLL inepeetions are nade at the p?oper tine, that acch address is readabie fnon the stteet, and that the permit card is Located at th-e frcnt of the -property.-tBuilding Diuicion approxed plan.sfu:LZ remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. PRO1SDU1E FoR INSPEqIIJN_I&IEE!:CALL726-3769 (recordet) state your City desigrated iob nwnber, iob aC&'ees, lUVe-of inspeclicn eadyforinspection'Contlactol,soianters-rcnneindplonenwtbet,.Requestereceit;edbefcle7:00clt',itl be nade the sone dcg, ?equests nade after 7:00 @n vtLL be made the lottt Cifu Desigr,ated Job ncat :mrking da11. Nwnbe? fs:qutL SI?E INSPEC?ION: ?o be nade afteru;au;tl;;:Tt prior tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUI,EING. ELECTNICAL & ],{ECH{\IICAL: ?o be made before any GiE iii6'oered. FCO?IN? & FOUNDATfCN: ?o be rruCe ;ftet tt,en;ies at e eieaoated attd forns at,e erected, but ptiot, to Wuring ccncreta. U!!D!RCPOU!]D PLUM?INC, SSWER. W.4TER, DRAIilACE: To be naCe prion to fil- T@ii6nches. UT|DERFLOOR PLUI,DING & MECHANICAL : of floor. insulation or decking. POSL 4!p BEAM: To be nade priot to iifrTGiliof ftoor insulation ot' decking. ROLtCil PLU!!BIilC. E|ECIRT1AL & t|ECIl- ANICAL: No uotk is to be cotet'ed ffilTthese inspectior:s haue been made ard approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Prtor to plccirq facingmcterials and. before franing inspee- tion. EE{!!!J!C: lhust be "equested af+,er apptoval of rough plwr,bing, electni- eal & nec?anical. Alt toofing bracing & chinmegs, ete. rrust be eompleted. llo wctk is to be con- , eecled until this inspeetion lns 'been nade anC approted. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FIIIAL I4ECHAI'IICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IITSULA!IOlIlYW: ?oE tnade after. aLL ii{ulaticn aid required uapor batriets are in plaee but before @ty Lath, gypswn bcarC ov' rnLL cottering is appLied, and before oty insuZation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEtrION: ?c be made a$en-alT@oatTis in place, but pnior to cnA taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond Eifrijgrouting ot' uerticals in accordorce uith U.B.C. Section 2415. V1)DSTO'/E: After installation is ccnpleted. V tr CIJRB & A?PRCACII APION: ue evecteC but prior concrete. Aftet formsto pouring SIDEI.|ALK & DRIVEIIAY : Fot aLL eon- ;Cte paoGArE; street right- of-txA, to be made after aLL erca- oatina catrplete & fotn wtk & sub' base -rmterial in Place. IENCE: hhen conPlete -- Pt'ouiCe @6i on morsable sections througli P, U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallatton of street trees, conoletion_of the requ'ired. Landsecping, cte., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be nequested. PINAL BUILDINC: The Finat Building Inspection nruat be requested aftet' the Pinal Plwnbing ElectricaT, anl Mechaxical fnspections hqre been nade ard approueC, Job Locaticn: Ic.c Iot ll3Assessors MaP # Stbdirision: 0.mer: Phone:Address rac corsn Describe h'ork: Ir/Ja_r5O "fl.l t '5^q0 YalueDate of App Lieaticn Additicn RenoCeL DEI.IOLI?IOII OR :.:OVED BU Scnilaty eeaet eapped at pt'opertg' Lir:e .|ri, r.r,,,lirlt rry,,[,Y!.,,,.jt1 ],.; ; l,'. , I Septic totk p:nped and. filled uith gratel Final - h1ten abcue itens are canpleted and uhen Catolition is complete ot st1,u3- ture moveC and, pretn ses cleaneC up. Ilcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa)et and. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing conneetions rrust be apprc,-ed before requesting eleclrtcal inspecliott Aceeseony BuilC'!..ng Ptnal - After pcrekes, skirting' decks, etc. ate cornpleted. Pyte 1 of 2 Flr .AI,L I,IANIIC.,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIIIS? BN ACEESSIBLE. ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I.IADE AT IIO CCST ?O CNY 6 OLAR A^:ESS REQ.-L-CO C Access t P. L.Itouse tpt Faces - % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stories LOT TYPE _ fntenior _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac FTG ValueITEM JOB NO. Topography Total Height Int 5q. Ftg. llain l-a1,ac e Carport Accessory TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 7.5 x Qb CHARGENo.FEE Fi*tures Restdential (1 bath) SariiLzny Seuer l,later CIIARCENODtt Res. So. ftq. Neil/ktend Circui,ts TanpordrA Seroice F4n CIIARCEIT!M NC, { Mechcrnicol Permit bhanet Hoo,7 llcodsto;te Vent Fat Permit Issuanee Meehanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarttv Dzposit Storage Maintenance Pcrmit C\rbant Sideualk ?enee Electrtcal ta.bel Mobile llonte BeCroons -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the express cond-ition ttnt the said consttaction shall', in atl nZspects,-;";;'i;;'tu the 1rdinance adop.ted' 6iy the ci'tv qf Spiiigfield, inctlud.ing'the 2oning Crdinanc-e, regulctittg the ccnstmtcticn *ra ""oL of buildings," arrd mry be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any pt'crsisione of said 1rdir,ances. * Euilding Pentrit State ?otal Cltatges Plunbing Pemit State Total TotaL Fee Date Paid Reeeipt ll Sigted: * Plumbing Permit No person slull constntct, install,,- alter or clnnge,cny /!ed-c? eristing pt;nt-i.ng or drainage sgstel in ahole o-r in part, unless such person is the iegol pbssea"o, oT"o rLlid pt*rbnr,s Licensb, eacept th.at a petson nail !o.ptintirg uork to property ihi.t, i" ouned, Leased or opet'ated by the appli- cant. Electrico I Perm it Vhet,e State Las requires t'lu.t the electtical uork be done by-an Eleett'ical cont?actor, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be oalic until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor' L PLan E&cnlne"Date I HAW CAREFULLy |LA]4INED the conpleted application for petmit, and do inrlnti certifu that aLL infotnation heneon ie tnue and correct, anC I i"ntiZ, centZTu that aita ard aLL uotk performed slull be dote in accot'- E)ee- vi.th thZ- Ordinancbs of the ci.ty bf Springfield, an'C the Ic';e of tha Site of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herei.n, cnd tlat NO 1CCU' Uiiy ,ittt b"e nade of any structute uithout peYmi.saion of the Building Di.- uieion. I further certifll thet only con_t?acto"s ar'd enplcyees dho dle Ln conpliance'r'ttt, CAS 701-055 aiLL be used on this project * ? -tno.^_ T1TAL At"l1UNT DUE:'oLat {ed Dzte tq A5 --r--s 0833 I n Permit No: Address lssued Date: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28 1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. 2. A. OR B I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors reqisteild with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and do hir'e a oeneral contractor. I will contract with a contrattor -who is reoistered wlth the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this lorm. 0^^ r{ - *V.A- t't rt rl (.2 - ).-t0 Signature of Permit Applicant CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD o24) 10t24tp Date U COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE COPY TO APPLICANT Os +)et C'TY OF OREGON DEI/ELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PI.ANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC I,VOBKS M ETROPOLI TAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM EN T 97 478 225 FIFTH SIFEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s75s This app from the January 23, 1990 l'ls. Carol GoodYard 198 North 33rd Street Springfield, 0regon Dear Ms. GoodYard: Your request for an extension of your perm'its at 198 North 33rd Street,'springfield, 0regon has been reviewed and approved. ay only be granted one time and wjll expire 180 days f this letter (Ju1y 23, 1990). If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. S'i ncerel y , Li sa Hopper Building Technici an cc lh Dave Puent, Bu'il d'ing 0f f i ci al roval m date o I I City of Springfield Planning Dept. Lisa Hopper ?85 North sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Hopper, Per our phone conversation on January 16, 1990r You to submit my request in writing for an extension on permi t . i nf ormed rne my bui lding I would Iike to request an extension number 8c)O7 L? I f or reroof i ng at 198 ----Springfield, Oregon 97478. Car.*L on ,ny bui lding permit, iob North 33rd Street, I would like the extension because I was unable to purchase aIl my materials earlier and my permit is due to run out. Thank you so much. Sincerely Earol Goody ard iti)&^5o CrF- lqt-n 3 3d" ?ct, tot # Job Location: Subdioision: Aesessore Map # Oumen:tff\L Phone:Address: \q( n 33rd h\ uL Descrtbe h'ork: Addition Value Neln oo-EqDate of App Li,eation rl . lxpires Phonpjsc.--f .Bldrs Board Reg., 4.. RESIDE*ITIAL.. " APPLICAYIh{/PERMII 225 North |th Street SprLngfield" 1regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-37 53 SPHIITfGFIELD <-" Date:( ress General C Plumbi al nlect.rical Suoervrsing Elec tr!c ian DEI,IOLNION OR Scnilary seser capped at propertg Lire Septic totk platped ard filled urith gta;sel Pinal - i4ten abctte i,tens ate ecnpleted and uhen denolition ie conplete or st?uc- tuz,e nooed otd. prenriaes eleaneC up. Hcmee Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connecti.one -- Ea)e? otd uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing connectione rntst be apprcxed before requeeti.ng eleclrical inspectio;t Aecessory* Building Pitul - After pcrchee, skirting, decks, etc. are eornpleted. Page 1 of 2 PROC9DI,IPE FOR INSPECAION REQUEST :CALL 7, eady for**ill be tmde the aante dcy, requeets mcde 26-3769 (tecordet) state your Citg desi.grated job nane and. plone ',inspaction, Contractot,s or Ailers afte.t ?:00 an uvill be trude the nert wtkittg day. Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Io It io the reepoaaibility of tla pernit loZder to eee that aLL inapections ate nade at the prope" time, that each addrees is readabie fiotn the at?eet, atd that tha petnrtt oard ia Located at the fnont of the property.*Buitding D.ioicion appro"*ed pLan slnll renu.in on tlv Building Site at all times. ntmbet,, nwnbet. job aCitess, type Requests receited of inspec:icn befcre 7:00 an aqo lE, SI?E INSPECTION: ercat atlon;TE fonns. Io be rmde aftenpriot to aet up of INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER NISPEC?ION,: io be made after aLL insulaticn ad. required oapor burie?s &e in place but before ay Lath, Wpsurn boarC or tnLL cooeting is appli-ed, and. before ay insul,ation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEtrI1N: Ic be nade after aLL dtyuall ie in place, but prior to any taping. I4ASONRI: Steel Location, bond ffijgrouting or uertieals i.n accord.dtce Ltlth U.B.C. Section 2475. WOODSTOI,/E: e,tpT;tA. After installation ie cuRB & APPBCI|CH LP:i)N: After forns d,e e;;;iA-frtnfrA b pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRfVEIIAI: Pot aLL eon- c"et;nao@Affi stneet right- of-teA" to be made aften aLL etca- oating conplete & font utotk & sub- base taterial in plaee. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHANICAI: To be nade before anyffiTffi5ttered. F)OTING & E1UNDAru)N: lo be rade aftet trencheo are and forme ate etected, but prior to Wuring ccncrete. UND\RGROUND PLUMBING, S9U4R. W,4TER. DRLI!41E: Io be nade pt"iot to fi.L- ffiT6nchee. UI|DERFL)2R PLUI'|BING & MECHANTCAL: o7 floor insu1,ation or decking. POS! 4!P BEAM: To be nwde prio" to dffilffo1 floor inauT,ation ot decking. ROUCH PL(NBIIIG, ELEtrRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No ,nork ie to be couet'ed ffilTthoee inspections haue been nade dnd approtteC. Prior to plccirg facing and before froning inspee- FWIINC: l,tust be requested af*er @;ffiL of rough plirbing, itectri- cal & necltanieal. AIL t'oofing btacing & chinrneys, etc. ttrast be i eonpletad. No uork ie to be eon- .. cealed until tfuis inspection has 'been made anC apptoved, FTUAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL ?ENCE: hthen compLete -- fuooiCe @ or mottable'sectians through P,U.E. ALL project conditions, such ae the i.nstallat:-on of street ttees, conpletion_of tie reqiined Landscaping, ete., mtst be satisfied before the BTILDING FINAL can be requested- PINAL BUfLDINC: The Ei.nal Builditq fnepection nrust be requested after the Final Plwnbing Electrical, old Mechanieal fnspeetions haue been nade atd approrsed. ,ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITENI TO BE WDE A? IlO COST TO CI?Y l l T JOB NO. IotaL PLan Exoniner uate I HAW CARE?ULLy EXAI,|INED the eonpleted appli.cation for pernit, cnd do hereby ce"tifA that aLL infonnation hereon ia ttae attd. eotrect, attd f furth-et certily that any ard aLL uot'k perfotned ahall be done in accor- danee rtith the- Ordinances of the City of Spr"ingfield' atd tha Lc"ts of the* State of )regon pettaining to the wrk Ceae?Lbed herein, and. tlat N0 occu- PANCy trtLL bZ nnZe of any stz'ueture uithout pertnieeion of the Building DL- rlision. f fw,ther certily that otly contracTore ad anplcyeee Dho are i'n canpliance aith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be uaed on thie pt'oiect Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of lot Ccoenage ! of Stortes Total Height Iopogrqhy SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Accese. c !!eat P. L.House L-CO BeCrooms:Ct ot^ Lot Fdees - Corqter Panhandle CUL-de-sac TDT ?WE _ fntetiot, -- Pees -- Building Volue & Permit Thi.s pernrit ia granted on the espreas eondition tlnt the aciid-consttwctl:on slnll', in all ieepects, confortn to the Zrditwnce adopted 6y the City 2fspring\ield, inctuding- the Zoning crdinanc_e, regulating the ccnstracticn *ra "-uZ of'buildings,- cnd mty be- euapended ot reookeC at cny tine upon oic- T,ation of any prcoi.sione of aaid 2vdinances. ?OTAL VALUE S, D. C, ?otal Changea F?G x ValueITEM A Fee State ,. 1.5 s Building Permtt Date Paid: Receipt # Plumbing Permit No person shalt constntct, inetal'!-, alter ot clange anA net cr edieting pfuintlrq or drainage systnTt in uhole ot in part, unlees auch pereon is the iegal p-osaeasor ofa ualid plwnber"s Lieenae, cept that a pe"son nay 42plinUing uork to property uhich ie oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. CHARCENO.FEE Sqd Seuer Fistures Resid.ential (1 bath) Plunbing Penrit Electricol Permit Whene State Las reEtirea tlat the electtical uork be done bg an Eleottical Contnactor', the elictrical porti-on of this pernit elnll not be ualil, until the Lobel ?ns been signed by the Dlectrical Contraetot. ,t Neu/Extend. Citcui,ts Settsice State Total .. EIICROACHMENT -. F9E { Mechqnicol Permit Exha)at HooC. ETUIS Vent Pot llcodstotte Permit fssuaTlee Meclnnical Permit Secarttu Deposit Storaqe Mainteruzru:c- Permtt Cvrbcu! Sida,talk ?ence Electnical La.bel Mobi-le llorne TOTAL AI,IOUIIT DUE: * Date /r-y7 Mn'-n Carnort Signed: rTEM lletat, ?otal Claraee 9tate SutcLange lTEM NC.CIIARCE