HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1978-10-05s.t. # .3 *qb rRS,7'_ Subdivision: APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Job Location Written Directions Lot- Block SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1LE Phone OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Phone Mail reportto ()Applicant ()Owner RUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready. PROPOSED USE OF PROPEBTY , WATER SUPPLY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, contract purchaser; potential buyer; realtor record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. WITHI NE MILE OF THE CITY OF (NO)_ have following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of and that I or agent. I TEST HOLES READ Signature Date * * * oFFlcE usE oNLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * il SITE: t] MEETS STATE STANDARDS E DOES NOT IVIEET STATE STANDARDS LAND USE COMPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size (TOTAL) /*Partitioning #( )'Completed( ) Pending Parcel #- THIS IS A PBELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OB EXPENDI TURES IIIADE IN RELTANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUB OWN RISK, IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. ?5.u;*.! P P /bd*?il AUTH6R IZED SIGNATURE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-32 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section DATE 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 , I OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-020(61: This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation repoft issued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and apply for a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owneror contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. ) ) ) Flcare Print - Rcr rm Af'pl1(atlon r(' AllDolrrnn.0r nrri l...lt lonlrl Ltren C'rq'l.tr.d APPLICATIO N Offlce Uee On ; ,rpLtc*lalE</ -D€sLerzl-: !-ffi;$;: n5,"., s{t - Tddo'Et, 2 lO r. IH a zo orDl?r (lr I)lttt:rINT) AlllU t fr! - @NTR^CTOT IP t ! r *,c)5 Gi anig (, u hng 9 a >, d I'l t( )N F. ,_ lltv Z t,hol{E coN rRA(:',l()N' s ORf,STATT LICI,:NSE_ PICK UI, CAI.L ADD'{ tS S }t^IL COr.{l'r.r-TIr) PriRMtT T0 l. PRESLIiT USR Ol' PRoI'!RTY (roild.'nt t!l; r 4, FUTI,RE ILANS:- - _rtylZAl '. PLOT TLAN Sketch (a) aLL roa.ls proposed seage dlspo (g) oascu'nts (h) dr or lnduetrr,al, ahoe f ,N) ^RE:-.- Suld-t <./tdt ttrrt 6CDO/,1) ypc of fn tmt,rB i /coNTtr croR ((:IRCLE oNr)[ -] pTEFER To corerclal or .lndutrlrl; v.cant; "tc.)r - Fze-nc) -tat r Z, fazaes' ANE l/r2rP \\ \fr.4t?-f -.ap-( //_dp)-*?? l, DESCrltrE srRU(:TtlRr:S NOIJ ON TttE pt0t'tiRly. N()lE AN\ Sllilrc.ruREs ro 8t. DLH()LIriltfr)tlE d 7-o- --?-z--- / H;));:_Y;;;f)\ .,:.) .)J oE (b) bc'rndarlce of property sal arets (c) exlst in8,/pro rlnsBsays, streaosr creeks rrestsndlng 81Bns, parklng ' (q) exlst tng/proposed butldtnga (d) axlatlog/ 'posed vells (f) exlstlng/proposed drlEU.ya . aDy othcr pertlnent fettures. If cocrclalarers. INDICATE DIMENSIONS. h I I I I I l I I l I _l _-. I I l i I lJrLt__ stRrNc._ sI.R|AH LAKI: slTE INST,ECTION Tt.ST ltoLEs RFjDy (DATE) J e l. E t.xv|, z iN l* l\ 1..t\ i r.Ac-- 6. 3. 9. t0. I l. 12. I t. l(. ,nror ,) t'x t cnFAr;E -,/9 o o1z !D.,/_r-y t HrlloD ol' sEr.rA(:E rirsposAt -_l__,€-A_r_1C --HA T-7 2 J II'X()l'()SEt) H,\tl.lt sIl't'r Y EI,E(:TRICITY IJI]ILiISIiTD BY _*€vta IiATURIL (;AS ttY __ ['lRt: lrlsTR tcJ scllo()1, trl s] R lcT PLulr! lli(: DY atlltr.trt.tttttttrrr.rr.rtrir.i rt) N(lM JTt Bt.l (ri Tl ls LJNE trtrrrrrrtttrrttlttrtrrl.rtttrt lf fORl YoUll Al'Pl.lCn1 lfiN ()\{ EU Pl{OCt:SSt;t) )'(}t, HtrS'f tlrRt,t tstt tllr I I PLOT It-A!'lS L!:CAI, DttSCRtpTlON ( D r l,rL\S 10N t:D) ldne courty-:fupw,6r\- A,,L /\NE COUNTY DEPARTMEN'T OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 i, I'- - t. --- I I I I I i +-. lrr I I I :, I I i I t.' I l I l i I-- ,l./ | I'I I I I'l I,t i I I _l I I t, I' s fr-6{.9-7 - _ __.,,^r,.1Q,14,_e / - / ZZA ,J 78 - 7e/ RANGE SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET SECTION /7OJ TAX LOT #LOCATION: ZON ING: rwP. r RA PROPOSED USE:R^) SIZE OF PROPERTY: WATER SUPPLY:COMMUNITY PUBLIC SUBDIvISI0N/PARTITI0N 6/enrlon 1"."s IF SITE MEETS STA}.IDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: ltuIti-family Connnercial A}IOT'NT US$LE AREA:6llnAoO6?ft't INDIVIDUAL I] ot /y' sl-ocK----PARCEL-L Single Famlly Indu s tria I gpd//C,",tso 8Pd gPd Ins ti tu t, ional 8pd 8Pd MINIUU}I DESIGN REQUIREMENTS : Length of disposal trench required ^fo tu or 75 ln.o/ f/./L5o gaL. Dlstribution Method: Curtain drain required: Other: Equal [l SeriaI NoYes ^E SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: NA}IE:DATE OF EVALUATION:rrtil 7L Ddc Aapi/7 c7 4-126 a 3tJon 7{ I #2 TEST HOLE#T TEST HOLE PROFILE PROFILE lnch Inch aL ,u,, 1at 6 a u? SATURATED ZONE Rc s tric t ive LayeE-g14_in r lmpe rviou s Lay ec -fr,lnJ in, ftotcling_--zfr,.,p )5-&D in. S LOPE o/ in, ln. PERC}{ED WATER ]-Il r in. Pre dic te d Obse rved Dat,e Predicted Obse rved Date 36- lo t/48- 12- 24- 60- PREDICTED WATER SATURATED ZONE Restrictive Layer _lnImpervious Layer in IN ln SLOPE o/ IN 1n 1n Mot t I ing Predic ted Obse rved Date Predicted 0bse rved Dat,e 12- 24- 36- 48- 60- SITE DOES DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS. ADMINISTRAIIVE RULES REOUIRE A MINIMI.J}I DEPTH OF: 36 inches to an impermeable layer 30 inches to a rest.rictive layer 60 inches to a perrnanent water table 24 inches t.o a t,emporarily perched wat,er table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH I{AS: inches inches inches inches PLOT PI,AN: Streanr ..-^hra..},i- Drainage or pond l...\rtaa...laIa Road Test Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut Bank ,1, f Ir- l'e nce tl- X-X Su. pL+ M^p Lof // 92/ Y LANE COUNTY- 'OARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL I' ^NAGEMENT 125 EAS'I 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97*- r NG DMSION Current Zoni Partltlonlng l_ lPending ted Parccl No._ Partltlonlnq Reoulred Other r TEI POLLUTION CONTROL I o( Sl Dlcr Stt. Inspectlon (e) 6DS Con.tructlon [-l Nev f] nepatr Nunb€r of Bedroorner_ Comurclal,/Industrial - I o! Enployea!_ Othcr AVERAGE PROCESSING octo.H H v, e FInIt ,rUtr.H c) >t H tl CONSTRUC'TION PERTIIITS AND INSPECTTON(See abovc for I of bedrooms,/l ot ernployeoa) tl :,{oblt. Hoto. $ tl p€rmanent tl TamPorary t] Renewatstructurc sg. Ft. valuation rEE s s s TotaI v!luntion S . Plunbing fixtures at g _ SeYern.ter Conn. at t Each S rach 5 5 ot, Subtotr I {l statc surchargG Planr Check Fe. Change o( Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT TEE ltlnlrnun .tructurll aetbacka : FroE centerlinc of atreett Front Exterior Sldo-- Proto lnt.rlor lot linccl Side_ Re!r_ fl Cono'l planr sheet to appltcant f] CurU cut' ro appllcant PUBLIC TANDS t] Address t] Minlmun Elevltion PUBLIC l.roRxs i] Facility it ENVI Ch.slCarh AFFIDAVIT: If thlcuil} be used for agr 'd bv for an agricultural buildlngr I hereby declare thrt thiE bulldpurposes as allowed by zoning and/or the State Building Code,certify that the atatemcnts and other information submitted onate, and that I have the followlng legal intercst in the lng andfor no otherthta applicat PUlPOse.ion are permlt i'1cuI tura,. I furtrue andproperty: _orner of record con tract purchaseri lessee; holder of an excluslve opt lonto purchaae; _duly authori zeil-To a ct for ! person wE-o--hag the fdflowlng legal lntereats or that the opner of record is knowledgeable of thisam not L (: owner further ag y with all le codes relating bne county to thl8 pernlt.nv ?r/ zr/ ?8 Applicant I a Signature 4zur THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERITTISSION TO BUILD. I'OR INPORXATION AAOUT AHE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERIIIT CONTROL, 687-{357 (687.HELP} I I I I I v ( I Address Mlnlmum Elevation I tl fl fl ( TOTAT. S s s CL/