HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1987-04-08F,l Co ff 59''ngf ,el9 Nel,a (D -t7 Lane County Authori za,trorl for'Application,/ Permit * ozRANGE SECTlON/2 3/rAx r,or Eour oF oa?@ID!NiS H I P /7 BLOCK +5 dentia U C r us tr ial ]-C S'JBDIVISION,/PARTITION (if applicable) azAnears, 4oZes _14 LOT,/PARC]EL aPF 0 8,'lg7r t l-s r\,J 6-.1 !.CCATIO}J ADDRESS (]I?Y ZIPSTREET La Y ON PR,OPERTY ? a DECI,ARED S VALUEDiscRrprroN'oF pRoFosED wonr( - BE spEcrFrc Mzv 1y'77sca*-a 6nre,q4pr72ru-y- 3 ^9.,r? ,/ou5a, ?ER SUPPLY ProposedExisti # OP STORIES # OF EI.,IPLOYECS - "= OF BEDROOMS3 7S O;!NER'S NAI"IE AND ADDRESSftz*rt .lnsc-ra,y- zSYo A/Q 27P S"p4>. >7. ?>/?2 TELEPHONE M]MBERCONTRACTORrclrffiE AND oSRT bz,y5 ?z=<*. B.-t<r2./r*a Dzw. , 2 2-f /<F,fru 57; 1,rT*D -q? ?ry2) F=EFiII TO BE MAILED TO (NAI"IE AND ADDRESS)TELT]PHONE NUMBER 26-7€6,? I HAVE CARSEULLY EXAI,iINED THE CO|,IPLETED APPLICATIoN l'oR PERMIT, arid do hcr.lrt certiiy thst all infomation hereon is true and correct, and that I the following legal interest in the property, [orn.. of record; f corrtrar:t prrrchaser; Iauthorized agent. I f:rther certj.fy that any and all work perfomed shall be done in accorda:r.-'': with the ordinances of lane CoMty and the Iaws of the State of Oregon ther certify that registration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effeet as required by CHECXXD THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. e g DATE to the work described herein, and that No oCCUPANCY will- be nade of anl slrircture without the pemission of t}le Building Division. I fur- is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ed enployees who are in with ORS 7O1 {o 1.055, that if exempt the basis for exempti be used on this project. I IIAVE RE"AD AND READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION I{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Date, tlaximum DepthAeOof Trenches e (oe &(e4-Date GrouDfl emns EXAMTNATToN: COM}IENTS: Date: r 7t421I ooo e4 r ln+COM}lENTS 4s Use Installation Record Issued?! v.= flN" eo,nr{,.rL.! fs-,- B. P. # t rtsaotlt\-f* F,../ COI4\1ENTS interior rear Parcel *ParceI Size GaIIon Tank Lineal Eeet of Drainfield I senrterrou: s Installation Specifications: fl pmuurnc,zzoNrNG: Minimum Setbacks: Zone Partitlon # "", fro. PERMIT BY BUILDING OFF IGNEE ORS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION 6 Fqf ,fi3' cr4-2s R* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY fla T tr of inspecEion, uhen it will be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special directions to site SETBACXS AND OTIIER CONDITIONS OF APPROI,IAL MUST BE STRICTL\'OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CAiIO:'l OF TIIiS !|RI1IT, CITnTIO); UNDSR PROVISIOi-S Oi LAIiE CoU):Tl"; INFRACTION ORDiI-.qNCE, AND,/OR OTI{ER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. !iHEN RE.\DY FoR I^"5PECTION, CALL 687-,1065.ffier]--Iiifthe ro A }lINII'1U}1 OF.\T LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- Ll.owing infornation ready: pernit number, job address, type BUILDING DIVISION REQUIRED I\SPECTIONS: 1....Foundation Inspection: To be'made after.trenches are excavated and forms erectcd and when ;1I materiais t-or the founCation are delivered on the -rob. iihere concrete from a central mixing pLant (comonly termed "transat nixed") is to be used, nateriaLs Deed not be on rhe job. 2.'Concrete Siab or Under-iloor TnspecLioni To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building GE?vT-E-e;ilrpmmtl-EonElltlpfpug rcrcssorres, and otner ancillarv equipment itefrs are inplace but before any concrete rs poured or floor sheatiling trrstalLed, rnciuding the subfLoor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all fram.ing, fire blocking, andbracrng are 1n.lace aad all pipes, lireolaces, ciinneys, and vents are complete anC al1 rough electrical and plumbing are approvei. AII wall rnsulation ani vaDor barrier are an p].ace. 4. Lath andlor ql?ry. Eoufd llipqcqign: To be made after all lathing and qypsum board, interior anE-extuI6rl-IE-TalTrcc ET:--6E:=oie any ptasLering .is.applied ana Ue:oie, qypsw board joj.ncs r and fasFeners are taped and .frnis.hed. 5. Final Inspectj-oni To be made after the building is coftplete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUIRED. No uork shall be done on any part of :he builCing or structure beyond the point i.ndicated in each successj-ve inspection without first obtf,inrng the approval of the building offtcial.Such approval shall be. given cnly after an inspection shaII havq been made of each successive stepin tbe gonstructi.on.as,inaicatea,by each of thl inspections. reciired. . NoTE: AtI builcrng permits reouire inspections for the work authorizea, sucn al uut not limited to: A. Block I'iall: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but befo:e any grout is poured. This IilpEccf6n is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrj.cal inspections have been made and approved. B, l^lood stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is completq Installatlon sha-Ll be in accordance wrth an appioved, national-ly recognized tesring agency and the manufacturer's installation rnstructioos. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the nobile home is connected to an approved EEw oreptic system for setback requirements, bLocking, footing connection, tiedtwns, ski!ting, and plwbing connections. L. Footings and piers to comply with Stale foundation requirements for mobile hones or aslecomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home mj,nimun finish floor elevation shal1 be certified when required by a flood-pIai"n managemenL letter. 3. HobiIe home Liedowns, when required, and skirting shal.I be instaLled and ready for inspec-*-ion withi-n at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skj.!ting shalL be installedper enclosure. D, swiming Pool: Below grade when steel.i-s in place ano before concrele is poured. Above grade ;Een p@I-Ts instalf ed. APPROVSD PLANS:4UST BE ON ?HE JOB SITE AT ALL TTMES DURING WOR(ING HOURS. THIS PERI{TT WTLL EXPIREIF !iORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR fF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR I'IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I'1AY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDTNG PAST THE POINT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO A1 THEIR OWN RISK. It! SUBSURPACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEIIAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. Permics shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance Upon completing the con.struction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the Lane County DcpartienL of Planning and Conmunity Development by submitting the install.ation record form. lhe Departnent shal.l inspect the construction to determine if itcomplies vith the rules conLained in this dj.vision. If the construction does comply with suchru1es, the Department shaII issue a certificate of satisfactory compl€tion to the permiti holderIf the construction does not compl-y with such ru1es, the Deparhent sha1l notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the ccrtificJte. Failure to meet the latlon of requirements for satj.sfactory conplctron ulthin a reasonable lime constitutes a vio- ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this !ule. Setbacks - Subsurfacc Seuage Disposal Septic Tank 10 | 10, 50' Drainfleld Intcrior property Lrnes Edge oi road rlgirt-ol-'ray Burldrnq fouidation lieILs, othcr ilater sources From:IO 'l0 | 10 | I00 ' - bJ 68,Au ' t ---t t1-o7- r?s, I rL7@ l4o,}orl $Rj".\ <Z -." "iitGE 0lSP0$,"- rrcT PUf lt?n0ss-tnrhd prior tt| Envircilrnentl l{caith Services Iii t:l i-t [';:: ' . Eugenq C;.;in 5,'..' (<,. \ ae Llce.r\ -*Nf t-+ Aoo p Dr5*r1bq\c1 I --.rl C4,\L ,ri; I5 I\--T .yzqa. tfaoad 38,R. 2. t{\ 2o' 21' 5</f4 lt';2oto"3g I I I t/oooo't'.,*15. A 1.,. .-:;I I t dlFSr r + ROAD r-i-r -T'-L {AYDEN BR I DGE -WAY T COUN ,NO, L-' l. .i: d G ({ IU =o. I 4cl I I , ^, -! -.J)'-:1 -l 503 ,l ,l ie i I f_*\ 3 3ll a a .o2 a 3@ 30r ?o2 1. zo 307 308 309 3ro :a<.: 20 I { 30 508 5rOa/rt , ,l\DD 1. 302 rc3F_ Fi F l.rJ tuEFa F{ E L ro ro ?o1 :F tl. zc "tl STREET I1. E, S,JFiT:I'Acnrs 2 tIr a lt I "l I 2 t 205 206 tl a, I tu.l 505 a .. I It<.a 506 5il .i 6i, 3oo t,']1__ i6 305 :i, - ' rr0 ,i l:.:l o \. I !; I 3t2 3t3 ; 306 rt a ';U- I,\il04 ; ilo3 rl a.t -{,' i..( ') 405 I rr olo . tO3 ACR 404 ? .i o I 5G) TO I aa'.. rt3 so3 703 , rot@E , aa o? t.t tor2 MON ,a EBE !ol 3 tol4 ! 5 LO ,lol3 AC roilroto a o 908 itl'\. \t E 9ro DDI oo3 4 ECO l@6 o a 0 r@a D o I 9-O4 a raf 90? ,l \; --::-l:-- .- r- iloz ::t'-I :.I ..'ti 702 "' 906a a A.q) ) 4 90t Ot Ft)9 t , 902 co (i I .C $:^to:* l2it'tl. a :a o !D.E ot ro : l iloot29il l@2 rlOOl ION T() MONTEBELLO AVENUE ,lol6 rotT/ al. ';l' it I 3 t ooo I itl \ ;iord, 800 !@6 ,a 'o a I.r rlC, c at. \., \ I t.'r it'F r 'l lr tr ES o 5o.. I al I 9@ x la 904 ,l : la'tt -i I 9t3 9t2 i .,1 I t: 5 ^;-* ,)*rcK lb 6' tt Cto>E:i- tZ- Dr!u fN$€fl€T* \ftr il {u*EA oo oo P\nn\ruq\a\ I Slnlt* T .l)r''6 6 6'\^\\ur\ \ - t, fiq,l|y- VP"ll" v' u f g-mn-r 0 I I ctr 8', Q$nrfi(+{ltt )I I ?'' ry' /Z I \ \ L_ r.> *\ 20' \,j0 I I(^.G R-t t p""r. H \*f PM USA POS # 13117 Rev. 5/82 From Sublect PHILIP MORRIS U.S.A. INTEB-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE 120 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 OFFIC E Date 2c r' D To: /;7L Y--ts,(- \(t ACTIVITY INFORIIIATION SHEETan€ ountg Please complete all ltems above dotted line FILLTNG OUT * LINES WILL GET YOU INFORMATION ONLY I N* D^rElUht 2t r 3 7 tr. " *fr'^[i-tJ ACTUAL PROPERTY OWNE l.-_BEOUEST I r arTtsrATE--aP- c t7CITY\l stlre D o'ztp TELEPHONE (BUS v {cpnopeRTY ADDRES L t- / oME) "7-' TELEPHONE(BUS) . '(HOME) ' ' G Dept.)Taxation OR Townshlp Townshlp Township Range Section Tax Lot TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY lN SAME OWNERSHIP: ACRES 3t 3.rd( MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & /7:"t'7 oc'?cc ( Range Sectlon Tax l/1 Ac''d \) \ \ s..STAFF WILL DETERMINE - Zoned Flood Plain Zoned Flood Plain Zoned Flood Plain Lot -(rt/ Range Seetion Tax Lot\ \ f- d N { \- \ { *REQUESTlaescribe what you want to do N Directions to site'b s ,.rrarrrrsrarrfaafttstaff use onlyttt..ar.rara.f.r.r.. Co m ments: Land Management Division, Public Works lhpartment 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, 0R 97401 phone 6g74061 W \2 a\ S.\/t / 2L { t I \i { ) {- /1 r