HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1991-05-14PERMIT #'-'iz:-7 REOUEST FOR: Doranav ( site adCr )aro I andI have carelully read BOTH sldes of thls Carol E. Doran lnformatlon ls READ CAREFULLYT Your Authorlzatlon !s Based on The Fol Condltlons . \-^,2 ,L 7/DATEFEES DUE: $APPROVED BY: CALL FOR INSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FOBM SEPITC permlts are good for one Year . ALL other permlts expire after 180 days unless inspections are cunent. tNSTRUCTIONS) 687-4065 SEPTIC TNSPECT]ON FOR LOAN REVIEW qFn tora citrivaluE DIBECTIONS TO AITE FFOX COUATXOUSE""i':'105"'to- Mafloia Rd; Ieft at llght; riEht onto l4arcola Rd; left on 31st; riEht onto Hayden Bridge Rd; right on 32nC field APPLICANI NAUE I A99iE9!David & Carol Doran PieiE 7 47 -B4oo( site addr ) 01 ! SEPT]C INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW a oR 97477 YIOLATIONS SETBACXS AND OTHEN. CONDMONS OP APPNOVAL MUST BB STRICILY OBSER,VED. VIOI-ATION CAN RESI,,LT IN RBVOCATION OF TH]S PERMIT. CITATIONS MAY BE ISSUED UNDEN, THE PROVISIONS OP LANB COUNTY'S INFP.ACTION ORDINANCB ANDPN. OTHER, RBMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GrVEN FOR TNSPECTTON REQIIESTS Ilave the following information ready when you call: 6874CF5 Permit number - Job address - Typ" of inspection required - When it will be ready Your name and phone number - Any special dtections to the site '.,/ERT.ENTERU,.,NLAT{D. "*.omtlf.tTffi#3ffi;ffif".H#Jfffi"##THl.BHfl1*ff """ *oFrHBrRF,NcrroNs,MAy ENIERI,'PON ANYLA}.ID AND MAIGEXAMIN.IITIONS AND SURVEYS ANDPLACB ANDMAINTAINTHENECtsSSARYMONI,'MENTS ANDMARIGRS THENEON. REQT.TTRED TNSPECTIONS FOLJNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place. LTNDERGROUND PIPING INSPECTION: To be made after all undergrormd piping has been installed, pnor to any backfill. CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-flo* building service equiprneng conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items arc in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing hstalld, including the subfloor. ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made after all ducting and gas piping has been instaltd and prior to being covered. ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION: To be made after all plumbing rough-in is in place, pior to being covered. FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, fire blocking, bracing and roof are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have beelr made and approved. INSULATION INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers ale in place, prior to covering. LATI{ AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum boardjoints and fasteners are taped and finished. ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQIIIREp, such as but not limited ro.; BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place but beforb any grout is polned. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made jusiprior to the stnrcture or iemrileled area being occupied and prior to operating any equipnenrnNat PLUMBING INSPECfiON: To be made jrsipri* to the building, structrrrc or rcmodeled area being occupied. FINAL BLIILDING INSPECTION: To be made after finish grading and the building, structure or remod€led area is completed md ready for occupancy. MOBILEMANUFACTURED HOMES: An inspection is requircd after the mobile home is corurected to an apprroved sewer or septic system, prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requirements, blocking, tiedovms and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State formdation requiremens for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. Minimum finished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowns, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection within 30 days after occupurcy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosure. APPROVAL REQTIIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without fAst obtaining the aproval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in thc construction as indicated by each of the inspections required APPR,OVED PI.ANS MUST BE ON TIIE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. T}[S PERMIT WILL E)(PIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WTI}IIN IEO DAYS. OR, IF.}VORK IS STOPPED OR ABANDONED FOR. MORX THAN IEO DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCAfiON MAY OCCUtrIF TI{IS PERMII WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. Your signature on the front of thls fotm verifies the following: 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS coMpLETED AppucATIoN, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and that I have a legal interest in tlre property as owner of record or authorized agent. I further certify ttral any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Chdinances of L.r" iounty and the laws of the State of degon per- taining to the work described_herein._I further certify that if I am not the owner of the property, my registration with the Builders Board is in fulifor;and effect as required by oRS 701.055, and thar if exempt the basis for 0re exemption is nttea nerbnJand that only subcontractors and employees whoare in compliance with ORS 70f .005 will be used on thelob. SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: when subsurface construction is complete, the permit holder shal notifu th" courrry Land Management Division by submitting the installation recordform' An irspection will be made by a qualified sanitarian. rr**t-""ti* ""-puir with all ,urE, " "i.tit"ate of iompletion iill b" issued to the permitholder' If construction does not comply with rules, the permit holder *ilif" i.;n"a, -d "l1 ;;;ti"* .r,"u ue maaJueiore u ""irm".* of completionwill be issued' Failure to meet satisfactory completion iittrin ttre allotted tim" constitut"s a nioration oi6Rs 454.505 to 45,r.745and this rule. SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANKFrom: Interior property lines 10, Edgeofroadright-of_way 10, Building foundarion 5, Wells or other water sources 50, AIYYOhIE PROCEEDINQ PAST TIIE.POINT OF REQTIIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. .i-.:,- :.- DRAINNELD 10, l0' 10' 100' Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property ff Hor""E BarnE GarageEl irloUle. Homel-t Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED Syesl-I t\b n Water pistriqt ; ,M complete all lines inside white boxes, not Ena la OWNEHS ADORESS (il not ramc r3 rbov., 5 { zlPr CONTBACTOR .EGffi'F- q7(/77 t - -DTr 1/7-a(d a/e-i Please \,P r if possible. S -ro -Q MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on trr mrp. ln lh. Ars3m.nf & Trrttlon DGpLIk##,*r?J,!. 6;ffi.p-. E"ii.ffirffi?.-ffi ..l'fiiiifr En-s.- ffin- rifffi-n- -filfoi- Dlrections to site 1 uil)p- /l_a_ from tuT-to SITE ADDEESS ,,,,.7 c/z ztP a MAIL 'MIT For Moblle Home Placement Only No. ol Tip-outs - No. ol Bedrms License #- Brand Year Size Pl AP Land Management Div. stafl can not be held responsible for evaluatlons or recommendations based on lalse, lnaccurate or lncompleto lnformatlon I$l r r r \:, I'le t.l , O166 an Do:orlpLltrtr Lnl; o, 3le:x il, I'IrtST r,DlITi"l'l f^ L?Ili"jnE A0nr$, t s plabcoJ tnJ rrr^r:lod irt $rnit 4tlr Pr'i;,1 B, Lrno.iounty'1 rl;, .r't PI ,.t Rocor,ls, tn i.trt,e'Jounty, /)ro;on. I, Lce C. i'Irnts, g rtl1, lstared profescint.ul'Jrrglrresr', da Lrorcby oorill'y thtL I frr v'r 'n, ,lo e Sirr'vqv .ef tlrc obnlo ilrs.ri'rbell re I 1 pro:rtrty t'nl t;it'r ltnprrv't:noi'L's thofo^n. 01l bhct tfurr? iy6fo il,t .rn,.rr,rc.clrnopbr-' of lvdrIPps att Llrl." pIt t, r ru] tti,l pLr t ."itowtt heronlr 5ittls tlro true nn'i carrsoL dlrn.lnsi'rno tlrorsof ' Scr la ln : 2C'tiovombor 17, li6? i,l. .:. i''1. r- "'' f r . ,j: r ^'' i i''t -.it, ,., .l .. .,. .--. ^ ?.-.( .t-., ,r tt, -k2-./ .? _x--\_I o (.. .a ': t' t.l: a tI II hJ: 5A[i[iI- I TANT NORAN , Tt..*, 1 ?$:;I 931 0051 tt NEId EL}{; TYFE OLJHT:H Ni,iE l}ilfiAI.I,i::illlE ,lF F l- N0 r\f; B[j :fitl BF' t]t, rJF. l/f-i u I L, St.li:til I l' , Ui'!: ft ]:ri)i:li,i,:t n t.Jii:i:t'ii fiij)1 ,IItiftI[::ji Iir:'VIil ri L;rrrlil]l... ti'I)liH :;l?:i.] i{.'IIllfi llF_suH:[I]T:tr-ii',t s'ii F1' lJi'{I'i' rat- & NE: IOLJNl'Y IARr]r_ D[:F'T IlitlV Hl;TrlilllR ?'?5.1 I't H:{:;[:.II}T .ii, I 3?::;?i $3;lNii , .!F l;; l:i'{{;|tr I E:l-} , Lfi ,Fi:ti.-il1;,i 0U I l:,l-l0l'llr .t:illD , Iii[';1 I i.]L;rr I [:.t...ii , r-;Ui;T' Vr:rl-.t.Jdi'i' f. ill'l 1.. i!r...t iii!{ BLH-f4'? S,l0u-firt + F EH DA'rl; Ft Iiltt t-'1. i.iE.CH 5'Uri I-'L:H Lf{ d'F.I X.i TJfiTH l'! t I l'a,! yJ rq. H|...l:: f:'r-][i i-:tii'il:,l-.H1' I tlN nATE f J' . li.J'I lt : i'tF-*HnN l. i;fii.- FH[: ;i T ii'I tr ;:jLJ l;iill'ir:lfir-;[: lll...ili,l i:HH.i.li: f:'[:.[i F]'. iEAIN Fl' :t !" 'l u( :r t_t: 13?5?r ,SDSV ri'I rt It lii F ii.S l. l' tr ;* ?5 " {tO t;A i'i; : F'|...N iiF-ijlt:'iillt [:.i'i [iY FF L-Li I . ,:i 3oo n II i 11. t.l " :1, , ljJ (.J i.. fi. I I I a r a t a 'triR'i t.it;F .iHi iiH[:']' r-'r t Ii l{i:it_ I t'8,Ii {l lt fri.l i'i l:i I. i-:i:.iN'I I][jft$lN , iii:ll1 'tI i tli.*5i i {i Lfi-ivLLr ,I ,:ii.il.JI"i J. v ti{r i $ I*li:: nHt ;:17:i3 i ii{t tj.'r ui t-t l. i t't i,JT $i.,rH.t-r I ; l.! Ft 1r' .1, .t/ *f i'i:r-il,l jll t -rnII{t it ]k.,i. l..,lrl -1. l"' I .- !... tq ll- i-' 't' ir' ,r i'r ,!,.1'IAirlt{ i i'. .i :i ir:ii:i r-:uii I " i:ii:i .1, i'l Itnl S:n,l i l::. ,.1