HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-05-11ZG6+ N 3zuD sll?Ge'l " RESIDIT{TlAL" APPLTCATI0N/PER\rrT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision nd^ -dF4/ zo-o / Do Reeet # SPRIIi|GFTELD /s*'el ltll \0\ l-xl Descri.be htoyl<: Qoxf n. c\,tor- 51' ,R<r - Sr^;/e SFK Additicn Ntut e2 81,t-t RenoCeL Date of App Licatian 1/- z7 - I ? GeneraL Plwnbing *rgga.-Zef_Date: Job Loeaticn: e qao' Tcr Int #Aesessots Map # Z: / ?-3/ r/"7oca<subdiuision:L ToA,mer: g 2 Ad.dyess: City: Phone 1 Constmtction_lede!_ 2 g r: i8 ihe teeponaibi-lit-y of -the pentit hold.e* to aee tlat att insoeetions ee nad.e at the p?oper tine, t?,at each a4,tness ,i,e v2aiai.igf.y!-tJp atree.t'. and. tltat the-petnrit_eotd is Located at the rrri or tn -p;"p";ta:'- *Building Diuiciot approxed plarz shcll remain on tle t";lii"ig- iiie at aLL times. PI?OCIDUPE, FOR INSPEC?IOII RI?WST..CALL 7 requested atti ahen gou uiLL be t eaciy fortiLL be matie the s&e dcy, r,equests"mZde 26-376 9 (z,eeorder ) state yout, City designeted job ntcnber, insp e eti on, C ont?d etc? s or Asners nane end pTnne nunber.afte! 7:00 ott viLL be made the nest :mz,kirg da.g job aCiness, tgpe Requests teeeiced of inspee;icn befcte 7:00 c:t Kry 0a72 €I?E INSPECII)N: To be nade aftet, ezcansaxicn, buc pr"ict, tc set up of rorne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBII,IG, ELECTRICAL &wcy,t-;iici@ny uoz,k is eotset,ed. p ,o=o , , ,ornlfnrror, ?o be rmcela\ I after trenches are escaoated and forns are erected, but ptiot, topouring ecncret€ r, i )L )'l,a Lirq trenches. TNSULA?TON,/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?TON :robeiaW required uapor bot ie?s @e in pl.a,ce bat before ory lath, Wpsum bcaz,C orrnLL eouering is qpli.ed, and. befoneotg insulation is concealed. Iout, City Job Is: WS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, gTouting or oez,ticals in aceotdozce Lrith U.B.C. Section te. Fot, aLL con- erete ,n street night-of-rxy, to nade aften aLL ecea- Oatinq conplete & forn uork & sub- base matertal in place. nrtl,ar rFTntt aD \ Sanilary seuer eaptped at propett;ri Lire Septic totk V,*,zed and filled rrith gra;;ei tl fal DRYVALL IilSPECII)N: ?c be made I Al after aLL CryuaLL is in plaee, - but prior to ang taping.- Final - l{hen abcue itens an,e canoleted and uhen Certclition is conplete br stuuc-ture mooed and. prewises clbaneC up. n x n rl AilDERFL?OR PLUI.EING & MEEIIANICAL 'l'o be maa.e pnior to instalLation 241\-\ ffi vooo'sFiw: After installation isl'\ I ccntpLeted. GA ly I CURB & APPRCACH AppON: Aftet fonnsY' I ue erecteC but prior to pourtng llobile Hcnes Pital - After pcnches, skirting, declcs,ete. a"e eanpleted. of to o? to be L these inspectior.s haue been tr nad.e arui approved,. I FI.o.EPLACE: tuior to placir4 faeino -) materials and. before fratzing inspeb-tion.,ty I PR/t,lIilG: I'tust be requested aftenI I approual of rough plwnbing, eleetri-cal & meclunieal. ALt. noofing bracLng & chinmeys, etc, nast- be . completed. Ito ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspeetion ltae'been made anC approoed. ?ENCE: h4ten complete -- fuouiCe gates or notsable sections through P,A.E. \4 ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstaLlation of stl,eet ttees, conoletion of therequired Landsecpir:g, ete., m)st be satisfied befoTe the BUfLDfNG FINAL eanbe requested. 1T\ PINAL B.UfL-DING: The Final Bui.Lding fnspection mtst be z,equested aftet, the pinal plunbing Y-y Eleetrical, and Mechancieal rnspeetions hqDe been nad.e and'approoed. -)r- V rrnot pLU*Brnc L(l )( I nat MEIHANTzAL4 .". L) FINAL ELE1TRT1AL _l PI':o I 4c c*ALL I4AIIHCLES AND CLEAIIOUTS HUST BE ACCSSSI-ELI. ADJUS?:tr,]? TO 9I |:4DT /.? !]o.JST To cry tu tr or deeking. floor nade pnior insulation ?o be Ll Blocking otd. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- a€t)e? otd. uatet Electrieal Cqtnection - Bloeking, set-uc and plutnbing connections rrust be apprcued before z,equesting eleclrical inspeblio;t Aeeeseory BuiLC'Jtlg ; tr Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cotserage I of Stories Total Height Topogrqhy Oto t7/ /2',o^?a^ LCT ?WE X ntnnic, _ Cotie? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Building Permit ?otal Cltaraes I TTEM Fi.ztut,es Resid.enti.a.L bath) Seaer o Plutnbing Peynit Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on the esp?ess condition tlnt the said-eonsttaction sLuLL, in all respects, confom to the Ordirwnce adopted b:y the City of Springfield, includtng the Zoning Ctdinance, regulcting the ecnsttaeticn and use of buiLdings, otd may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of arry prcuisions of said 1rdinances. Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll consttttct, install., alter oz, elnnge anq neu cr eeisting plwnbing or dtainage systet in ulnle or in patt, unless such pet,son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's L'Lcense, eteept tkat a pe?son nay do plw,-,bing aork to prope"tA uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. )t f 1 .ITEI,I Electrico I Perm it Were State La,: requires tlnt the electtical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractor, the electrtcal portion of *.hia pernit slnLl not be uali.C until the LabeL tns been signed bg the Eleetuical Contracto?. I neu/tctend Cincuits ?otal JOB NO.SOLAR A-^qESS REQ.-* -J 4*L-CO BeCroons: Lot Faces -Enerou Sourees Tuoe lleat DT itouse Carade Aecess I'lorth ./2'./?'Water lleatet, ., Range '' East &i2,7 FirepLace South ./o't{ood.c to u' e ifpo. E I 4 f 7ftr Hest 1-g'< -- Fees -- I?EI.I x VaLue llain 2"8?*v Bagt-> Ctlacp, "q?. s 7q75.a Carpcrt Accessot'u TOTAL VALUE p S.D.C. 1.5 c i/4 . 4@.*o Date Paid:-2/6 Reeeipt #:4/6 .'o CHAP,GENO,FEE 7 67-fa br*D/rK 2e.o2 aD/5 ra"b<2e.4 /22. rD /-?o /27.f o CiIARGE 7"1 /5z-s> /5 00 6? So 2- 70 70 .zo ITSI,I , Ettnace i kh.anst HooC ,Vent Pot 'tlcodsto;le WIgmz-> MeeTwnical Pez,nrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Permit ?otaL Afibcu!.?C Sideualk EleetrieaL L Mobile Hcne f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED tle eonpleted application for permit, cnd do hereby eertify that aLL infotnation hereon is true and. correct, arul I futther certift- that any arl aLL uork perforned elnll be done in aceor- dance ,qi-th the 1rdinances of the City of Sptingfield, and the Las of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein, cnd thtt NO )CCU- PANCy uill be rntd.e of any st"uctuv,e uithout pemnission of the Building Di.- uision. f funther eertifr- that onLy contractors aitd enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith 1Rs 701.05s uiLL be used on this project tul- "! 7 1'lu trtrr C!!ARCE //-Sa T 7 /- ao z ,AD d:a7o. aa3 4?.Se / .2A l* Mechonicql Permit /v-70 /2.?o IB .za lesd ?CTAL A-T!OII!!T DUI:' 8', d s?a. se Signed 5 zone: /- DZI 7 / IState6it> Watey ito.FEE lawc!@u Sezoice q t//82 o,1 Ag t ?) ,l //