HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-10-14bv Sep-O1-98 CrEr! lSA BESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspectlons: 12&3169 Ot,lcei ,726.3IS9 LOCATION OF ASSESSORS MAP: LOT ADOFIESS: CITYr WOFIK: -... NEW OIJAO AREA: , OF E LDGS: OCCY GFOUP: , OF STOFTI€S; WATER HEATEF: To rcquoat en tnSpeolc'n, made tho ssnr6 wotklno clEy, 1 Ro uClr cover, Framlng - Prl6r to cover, 2?5 Fitth srTcol Srlrln0fletd. Oregon 97{27 el U 1Lll'l f pu a nt@ pa-\.rr.r-+"t d ;-/;si D,'r ,ou rrr"r*_f,$. \ P -02 _.__. rAx BLOCK:suoorvtstoN: owNEn:-_-FlaaX*_,ffl REMOOEL -_. AOOIT,ON --* OEMOLISH _*.OTIIEFI D USE: ,of:B SECOI\IDANY PHOI'JE: EXPII'IES PHONE SQL]A HF. FOOTAGE: pcr:tlo^S reque5led fjclo/e 7:0O u m wlll i)ethe loilowt nll work day. srAre: O K .--zto. Q 1.4?]_, --trury-& - 4 /p f-l temporary Etectrlo n Sllo lnJpocflon - To [:e rnarrc - Art?r excavailon, but prlor toaall lng lorm3. tl H,::il??L1,.io,lg 15,""",.", f-l Foollng - Atler t/enchcs are - olcavelad- f-l uaronry - sre6t tocalon. bond - D€amt, grouting. n Foundlrton - Atr€r lorms are-- e.€clod but prto/ tO conoreleplacimont- fl lff;i;fl# Phrumbrns - P,,or [-.l Undsrllmr ptumbtngrMechlntcat - - pltor lo lnsutatlon or dccking. [--l Fort lnd B!!m - pilot to ttoorH lnsurBilon or decklng. n Floar lnrutation - pr.or toH docktng. [-l Sa.tlp.y Sewer - pr o. to ,tltl(tq lrenctt l--l Storrn Sower - pri.)r io tril,,rg - lrencll. l--'l Watsr llro - Prtor ru fltlu\ou trench. I Rough Plumbing - p.ror rolJ c6ver fl Etoctdc.l Scrrlce - Must Dc - approvsd to ()btoln permancrllolsctrlc6l power. [-l FtreCtrco - prtor io arctnos matailals rnd lrEmlng lnsA f-l Ftnel plr3mDtno _ When eil'.- plu.rltr:ng work ls cQmplelc. f-l frnnl ErEctrrc{rl _ Wncrr atr.- e,ecirtcat work is com Dlotc I Ll4,not irlechantcrl - When atr - ,neclrAnicll WOik ts r:OfnFlete. Flnal Buildlno - Ultro^ a|ltequlted lnop.cilons navc beenapprov6(, Bnd bulldtnq lsCOrnpletcd. iv l--l Wdlrcc[rno ln.ulruon _ prtor to.- cover- l--l Drvwatt * prrgr ro taping. [--l wooa Storc - ntrer lnstaillil(,n, f l tnoert - Altat fi?upt,Eo apfjrov!, - 6nd Insrallotlon ol unlt. [..-'] Curbcur & App.o&ch - Arrer - (qrmr dfe ereclcd bltt orlur t()plACOmOt\t /rl concrete T l Stdewrtk A O.tvowJy - Af tcr - Cxcavrrtigh ls ComplClc, fo,iltsand suD-boSs fifltertrl jn placc [-'l fonco - Wtrsn cdrnDteted, T-l lilrort Trlat - Whcn a1 rcqutred - lrccs aro plantod. MOBILE HOME INSPECT]ONS l--l Slockl|lg and Sql.Up - w]rEF d,'-d Dtocktn:l ls cornpteie. l-l Pluhhing connocrtons - when'- homo ttu$ bqsn connecteo towatef ind sowt,t El.qtricat Conncclion - Whenblockln!r, set up, and plu4rbingrFgpeellDrr5 lritvo been Aptrrav.6a',d llrg t)Orne tS Connecl+)d torht servirie Danel Final - Atter alt requtredln3occllort3 are aDDroved ind DorcheE, sklrllng. dochs, andVOntlnn hEVa bee^ l^staltod. CONTFACIoF'S NAME G€NEFAL: AOORESS ELECTRICAI: J, M€CHANICAL: PLUMBINGi -'-- - oFFrcE usE [] Sep-Ot -9A OEt: ISA P-()3 Lot Jaces Loi sq ttg. Lo! covara0€ fopo0rephy Totat hglght _- lnterlo/ - Corner .- Panhtndlo ..- Cut-de.sac --Lr,ttsE GAH Acc L -ly/ Lol type APPROVGO: VALUE (A) x s/so FT. BUI] )TEM LDING PERMIT so- trt Total yalua Bulldrrrg permrl Foo S?ntc Surclrarge 'l0ldi Frro Malfl Garage Carr!$rl Bccoiul Nurnber:_ - Flgr:eived By. osto adopted bvDovolorrrrreil BU L DI N G VALU P LAN CH EC KANDBUDLNG E, PE RM TThlspctn)(9rarllori O,l tlte exprcss con(t l/on hatcOnglruCtlon saldlhcrnshail,3lt rc$l)ccts.contorm to rhe Od/nancethcollySplorin0td4CCodudc,rne theJcgu lat lng I tre cooslrucUona,1d rn6ulldinos,u6ea'td o,ny lre 5u slrended oruPo.t rovok6d al tivlo,alion a dny moznyproylSronSolsal d ordlnan c6S. FoalPl6n check Dilte paid; cHARcE (SDC) {B) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENI tehssvs o CVOlop,IUn Char0c dts onUC all undovotopediccpro pe rt wlt Itlrr lt{i frICity ls lct)aae bc rng lmDroved_ IrEM Flt tu res llL.sl(rcntiat Bath(g) Sanitary Scwcr Wato, Slo.rn Scwcr MobJle Home FEE N! ir:_ !I-_ (ct PLU MBING PERMIT Plumbl^g pormll Slato Suichnrgo ADDTTION AL COMMENTS MECHA NICAL PERM'I V/ood Stove/ tnserl/Ft roplace Uni I Mcchanlcal po(rfiit . lssuancr Strle Suichorgo + To!a, Fermtt O.yer V€nl &nu (o) ru 99,s4Jp Erhausl Hood Vent Fan 8y slg'raturc, I starc .),ld a{rree, tnal I havo oarerully oxamrnaoll,6 complg(gd apulicatron . tnrormailon horaon is tr" un'no do hDrrby cerllfy lhat rl, rha.r any atrd e, w",- ;;;;",;::::ffi:;::,ll;H"H:::l wlth tha Orctinarlcss oa the Clry o( Sprtflgflo, ;;;;;;O, lhe Stalo Of Orggqn pcrtatnlng ,, ;" ;;;;;;;;;;;hereln, and that NO OCCUT rrrsErdre wrrhou, r,,,niuo,on jlX"c;J:1.:"#11"",:,:,11 I furlhcr csrtity rhat oiliy cc,nt.aotors aruirroi",rJ".'*i"3ro.rn 6o1ng1..ce wnh oFts /01.055 wlt b";";;;;;;;prolcct. c Oatc lheon I lurthor agree to cnsuro llral all Toqulf6d lnspocltona ere,€quasled at the propar U rn€, ttrsl otch addtrcr i. taadaotr,rom llro 6lreet, th6l ille pcrmll card 16 tocatoo at tho ,ronro, lhe propefty, and thO approvod Sel ol plans wllt romatn!t all ti during construcuon, L MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobllo Horno stale l!r!ance Stat0 Surchargd Sidowalk -_ -_ lr Curbcut --- tt Ocrfiollllon SlrlG Suichargo IolBl Miaoqllaneou3 Porrlits (E) TOTAL AM, (^..8. G, g OUNT ouE (cxcl u(lin L'lcc Is ,l(:al) Eand CO.!tblned)BECEIVED BY DATE PAII) AMOUNT VALIOATION: BECEIPT NUMBER., --, -.-- /