HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1978-10-05s.l. # TRS, TL 1"3.1 +qol Job Location Written Directions Subdivision Lot- Block SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS TT tl OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Ph PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY - WATER SUPPLY WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (NO I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I the following legal interest in the property: -owner of record; contract purchaser; potential buyer; realtor or agent.rther certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action TEST HOLES READY ;Signature Date * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * + * x x xQpplQf EONLYBELOWTHIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.n r( * * * * * * * * * * SITE: E TVEETS STATE STANDARDS t] DOES NOT I\NEET STATE STANDARDS Partitioning ( ) Completed( ) Pending Parcel #- THIS IS A PBELIMINABY BEPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSUBE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI" TURES |\,!ADE lN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ABE AT YOUR OWN RISK. lF SITE lS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. *o1l ) AUTHORIZED SIGNATUBE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTTVIENT OF ENVI RONIVIENTAL TVIANAGEIVIENT c55-32 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section DATE 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 :lfllp .rlm Mail.eport to ( ) Applicant ()Owner ( ) keferto pickup. Call - (ownq, etc.) when ready. . -9UCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY LAND USE COMPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size- (TOTAL) Tn, l,*l ^/-./c,tl 'l )OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-O20(61: This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental lVlanagement and apply for a building permit. Exact specificationsfor the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation.) ) LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EI 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON )1 NG DMSION Current Zonin Partlttonlng t-- [pencti.ng f]co.p 1e ted Parccl No,_ Partl tlon nq Requlred Other I ll ?EA POLLUTION CONTROL I of NGV Slt. Inspectlon(8) 6DS Constructlon l-l New ! nepalr Nunber of Bedroomgt-- Comacrclal,/Industrlal - I o! Employee! OthGr AVERAGE PROCESSING v,cto.H, Hv, il!'-!- ts,Ft,tsro trHot}l tl to thls permlt.D"r. g/2t/79 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION(Seo abovc for I of bedrooms,/l of ernployee n :{obll6 Hotoe' t] permanent tr Temporary n RenewalStructurE- PEE $ Sq. Ft. Val t lon Total vtluation s.-=- t_ Subtota I {l St6tc Surchargc Plans Check Fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT TEE l,tlninul! rtructura Betbacks: atreet 3 FrontFror! centerlina Exterior SId€ FroE lnterlor ot Iines: Side Rear f] conuo'l p aheet to appllcant f] Curl cur ro appllcant I Evol{ oI , Plujtrbing fixtures at -_ Sewery'dater Conn. at PUBLIC PUBLIC tr Address tr Minlmum Elevation n Pacillty perrrit Each S Dach S s s s, s tlnft Carh E}IvI HEALTH Roc 'd ffiTieorrnea-i further agree AFFTDAVTI: rf thls permlt ls for an agrlcultural buildting, r hereby declare that this bulldtngulII be used for agricultural purposes as arrowed by zoning and/or the state Building code, andf9T n" otler PurPose.. r furthir certify-that the statemenfa and other Lnformation submltted onthls application are true anrl accurate,'and that r have the forlowing 1egal inter€st in theprop€rty: onner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an excrusive optlonto purchasEl-_dury authorizeil-to act ro''a perion'"t -;;;-til r"'Ti;;;;; i"sli ii..r."t, ?OTAI, S t or that the ovner of record ls knowledgeable of this hrle coLinry comp wt all lca codeo relatlag Applicant'B Signature THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERIi.IISSION TO BUILD. lon INFORIIA?ION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMTT CONTROL, 687-{357 (687-HELP) ltea I tsod Address lmum Elevation I s\--^6; $ s s s -'ri sr# 7y -7ao $t'[E EVALUATIoN WORKSHEET LocArroN , rwp. /7 **.u Ol.-/7 TAX LOT #SECTION ZON lNG :RA PROPOSED USE: SIZE OF PROPERTY:/booo.Pfl*AI"IOUNT US$LE AREA:qll WATER SI.IPPLY:COI.MI.INITY PIJBLIC TNDTvTDUAL [f SUBDIVISION/PARTITION 6/eilon Icc*s lor_/3 _BLocK___.___P ARCEL IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow:tso P*) ItuIr.i-family Conrnerc ia I gPd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIRE}GNTS: Length of disposal trench required Distribut,lon Method: CurE.ain draln required: Other: Single Farnily lndus tria I Ins titutional /do tu Of 75 lnn*/ fl gpd spdr//J,uo, gpd cpd 1750 gal. Equal El Serial No ^Fz}.Yes SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARI.ANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNAT]VES: .o a 16rrU*Z * /1 S DATE OF EVALUATION:tr/",/ 7L NAUE: DCIC &tgle 1c c7 4-L26 StJon 7{ 6 #T TEST IIOLE II 2 TEST HOLE I Resrrict.ive Layer &inImpervious Layer -dL_ii t2 36 SLOPE 24 cv I lt du q, o/44r-a- I,lotcIing -*>**1. 1n 1n 111 48 60 8f) in PERCI{ED WATER SATURATED ZONE PROFILE lnchPredicted Obse rved I)l t-t' Predi c ce d 0[rsc rvcd Dace strictive Layer _i.ervious Layer _in 1.2 1n 1n 36 60SLOPE ,11+ 48 ol 1n PREDICTED WATER SATURATED ZONE tcling PROFILE Inch Predic re d IfI e ].n. Predic ted Obse rve d DaLe se rved te DOES NOT MEET MINIMUM STAIIDARDS. ADM]NISTRATIVE RULES PdOUIRE A MINIMTJM DEPTH OF: 36 inches Eo an impermeable layer 30 inches to a restrict.ive layer 60 inches Eo a perrnanent wat,er cable 24 inches to a Eemporarily perched \^raEer table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL SIr 7y - qe-o ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH I,IAS: inches inches inches lnches I SlTE DOES PLOT PI.AN: Stream ,tu \.Lr- Drainage or pond la I ' !a .ea r.. r,,l , Road ---- liest llole @ \ % SloPe Cut Bank // t fl-7- Ire nce x*x S* ?L+ M^p Lor /3 n x urrrr'*r6ZE// Dr,u f c./?c'G6Z,Yf - Je- 6lAzi_4"u.//)l_ bop llrerr l'r 1tr1 - l(r.r 'm lnpll(.t lon t(, 1...f' !onlr! Lirrrr Cr.4.ict Id l)lrl( t. s s O$ifr (lr l,lrtlrtxl) APF'LICATIc] N8y e,racL* H. 6q4 ofl lcc Urr ()nly 'HoNr .3/J - 7Ad; Eu6E*E zI"_ .y'"_*/ l l[ rtf ttP ,,ItONE ( ol flA{ ll'f 'li ilkE. !iTATI LICI.NS Apnot,rrniIr lr.t, { lrv ro 't ?-r. : rq o -- Fi '-tr. ai :l 9 o Ft O2 4o .l E- lrt ,) o Al'lrltl '.'. 6fiIR^CTOn ADt),{t:ss._ ,.R\ f-l tutL colu'r.r.rrr) trRxlr ro oilitt(/(:()NrR,\( :()R (( ltrclt rrtrr.)f "1 tNtFt.R T0 ptcK UI,. CAI.L l. PxtsltiT t,st. ot t,ti()t.tRTy (rortdenr lrl; tvpc oI f,r.mr ,1; - -E:+ 4-r f -- lp-q ttqp) : ,t/a ) lHltll)l^ll l'l^r-S lilx llils I'R()t,t.It"y illilS Al't'l.l(:Altl/ __tZz,eEs __-.__( Oaff) 2. Dts(.tlltl STHU(:1 titfS NnU ON nlE I,Xr)t'l:Rt\. tr(|.lt: AN\ Sllitr{;.rUI{ES T0 il Dt-Hr *5/4 a _ -_ 7-_<t* eE_ b_€oat4.{.48> 'il) ^rf :--- 5:Utd ,.orurr lel .,r !r,l,Et rlrl; vectnt; rtr. )r. /l{e=c"c:b -tttt. 7,-" fg_aCn'i.!jirril). o llty au E ,ou*tP_.J-*\ t c.tt,f I oil -6ZZ,ud/,1) {, ftjllrnE l'!.^lis L rLol I'LAX ttY 5t _8At Skttr lr (a) al I roaJr (h) born pr0posed sNige dlsloral ereas(g) no,r.m'nts (h) drrlnogeay or lndu{trial, ahou f36s9pon,11 darlcr of property (c) exlsr 1ng/proposed butldtnSs (d) cxlrtlog/(c) exlst tnt/propored yt llg (f) cxr.ttng/propo"ed drlveuayrs | !trerorr crerla, arrv othar F"f trnent fcrturro. If comrcteln8 .1Bns, parklng ereas. INDICATE DII,GNSIOIS. o(^ ilo' 'a ..et' -t oz I I 1 I I I /I 't ri I I I,i--tl | -- I I I Itlr-..1 , |,I I. I I ,N l) i., \$ h^ \ I i I I I I I I I I I t I 1 INn\ S\b 3 9 j1l rl t,t l, lc ---1,,:.\:.f ,ri . r') ,.' ^ hl.A,.r\---,2 vj i [(,1) t.)t li,-Li\(.t :,1 slr)sAL l'l.Lrl'()Sl l) l.\ll 1, i.i I I | \' ll tr'll.lr :l\ ll r,l .l,lI ll\ _1.4 q?g_{o.f{t _Sfn719. sllt lNs),LcTt()N 1[ST iti]Lts RFnt)y (DAT]:) fl I l. _- Sl.Ft lti(;siil A|!t.,\ f t.p4 r,*t !_et-'^,t.F*rp Itll'1(l y(rut ,\ll'l.l(Ilt(r\ (.^:t Bt I't(x'f s\t.l) )\)rr Ht'sT l.iltIil\lt l.^.1 l kAl r 1" 11\ I jHl. lr:: llil\ I S( llrr(,1. i, I :i l li I ( 1 I'l L'f1B i\i; SY .&z,t4&, - &\xl I ll.r)T I'l.ANS __._-l.t:(;Al. l.,t:SCRtpTION (DrHf.ltsloNt.D) ..t.rt..r...tr.rrrtrti..1.rr.ar. rf) N(,1 Lallt 8il r - IhlS l,i\F r...rr.rrtrrarttrtatt.trrrrrrrt tdne ccurty A ,46F/Jf -- __- tr,ttt..-* tQ:/7 7E I ANE COUNTY-I)EPANTMEN OF ENVIRONMENTAL {ANAGEMENT 125 EA BI'H AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9,,d1 6h - . r lt I I I ".1Ii I I I I l(A\