HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-12-15C;|TY OF OREGO'V 0 225 FIFTE STREET SPRINGFTELD, oREGoN 9 INSPECTION REQI.IEST: oFPICE: 726-3759 Authorized 1. LOCATI a1 Pl SPFrINGFIELO PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Nunber FEE SCEEDT'LE BELOV A. Nev sidential-Single orMulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: Itens Cost 1"000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 s300.s 40. u -4s iJ I.,EGAL DESCRTPTION o, JOB DESCRTPTION Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date O Signature of Supervising Electrician '<* ^) Ovners Name ab Address )')B I N a5lvo ) t ciry €ZO-^1,*t Phone v>G'olI7u/' OVNER TNSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. 0vners Signature: DATE:9 RECETVED flffiffi:?"rjrur#,:;:,T: E:,';,|,2:'W*CTRICAL471 Zoning Srgnature 5 ON OF INSTALLATTON Sum t- Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 days Each Manuf,d Home,or -of issuance or if vork is suspended for Modular Dvelling 180 davs. sertice or Feeder 2. cONTRAcr0R rNSTALLarr0N ONLY B. services or Feeders 1,.2-Ins ta11at ion, Alterations Elec t r i ca 1 Con tr ac tor L 5 L ltCfZ,z_ *,_rt t".*llflfrhr ReI oca t i on : Address P o Bo. &-.{9a'q 200 amps or less 20L amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amps- over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect 0n1y Ci ty Phone ("PA */6 , q Supervi-sor License Number aLl qZ S Expiration Date -o C 00 00 00 00 00 00 S so. $ oo. $100. s130. Temporary Services or FeedersInstalIation, Alteration or Relocation D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel 200 amps"or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55.00 over 401 to 600 amps - $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 voT[s see I'Brr a6m- E One Circuit IEach Addi tionalCircuit or vith Serviceor Feeder Permi t Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ Sign/Out1ine Lighting- $Limited Energy/Res - S Limi ted Energy/Comm $ SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 72 State Surcharge 32 Admini.strative Fee TOTAT $ 3s.00 $ 2.00 not 40. 40. 20. 36. do included ) 00 00 00 00 5 Undcrlloor plurnbln g/ M cclr:rnical - Prior to lnsulatlon or dccking, Post and Bcanr - prlor to floorlnsulation or cJccklng. Floor llrsulation - prior todccl<lng. Sanitary Scvrcr - prior to Illlin0lrcnch. |_l Storrrr Scwcr - l)rior Io Iiilin9.J trcnclt. Watcr LInc - ptlor to lilling lrench. Rouglr Plurrrbirrg - prior to covcr. Curbcrrt & A;.1;.rro:rclr - nltcr(orms arc crccled bUt prior tol)laccrnclit O( concrclr:. Sidcwalk & Drivov;ry - nlrcrcxcavatiorr is cornplc.tc, Iorrrrsan(l sul).basc lnalcriill irt plilco. Fencc - Whcn con.lplotcd Elcctrical Corrrrcctiorr - Wlrcnblockirrql, scl.up, anc/ pluntbing lrt...;pcclion:; lrnvc bccn approvcdirnd tlrc ltorrrc is conncctecj totlrc scrvicc lrancl. /,O I--l woocJ Stovc - n f tcr lnstall;rlion. 3g-<o MOBILE I.IOME INSPESTIONS lnscrt - Aftcr flrcl.rlacc approvclano tnstallaIlon oI unll. [l O]octring ancl Scr.Up - Wtrcn all - blocl(ln/.I is cornplctc. Plrrnrbinp Conrrcctions - Whonlrotnc llrts bccn conrrcctcc, tow;tlcr iul(l scvr(,.r. {itroot Trccs - Wl.lcn all rcqulrccllrccs arc plantcd. Final - Altcr all rcquircdlltspcctions arc approvcd andporc.lrcs, $l(lrling, c,leclrs, andvcntlng havc bccn lnstailcc,. 4 )oft'q _ aq/ ", t -I E tl t] Lot (accs Lot sq. ltg. Lot coveraoo Topography Total lrolOht Lol 'lypc - lntcrior'' ___ Qgrncr - Panlrandlc - Cul-<lc-sac S)c tl:acl<s P.L.HSE GNR Acc N e E IS TI-IE PFIOI'OSE,D WORI( iN TI{E . I.IISTORICAL DISTRICT. OR ON TI{E I-IISTORICAL REGISTER? - It yes, this application must be slgncd arrd approvcd by the Hlstorlcal Coordinator prior lo pcrrnil issuancc. BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrrlit is grarrlecJ on thc cxprcss concJitiorl tliat llre said construction slrall, in all respects, conform to tlrc Ordinancc adoptcd by thc City, oI Springticld, including thc Dcvclopnrcnt Coclc, rcqyulating tl're construction and usc of buildings, and mny l>c suspcrrdcd or rcvol<cd at any tlrne upon violation oI lny provisions ol said ordinanccs. Plan Checl< Fcc: Datc l)aicJ I-lcccipt Nurnbc Rcccivcd By: Plans RcvicwccJ uy Datc Systerns Dcvclopmcnt Clrargc is duc on all undeveloped propertics wi tlrin tlre City lirrrits wl'riclr are bclng lmprove<J. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS <, a.-6t- 7Qoo6,--t+-! kwy;;;r )v- 0 By slgnature, I statc ancJ agrce, tlrat I lravS caretully examlnerJ tltc complctcd application and do hcreby certl,y lhat all lrtformatlon lrcrcorr is truc ancl correct, and I f urthcr ccrtify that any and all v,,orl< pcrforn'rccl sl'rall be done in accordancc with tlrc Ordinancr.ls ol'thr: City otSprirrgtlcld, arrcJ thc Laws <lt tlre Statc ol OrcAon pcrlairring to tlrc worlr descrlbccJ hcrcin, arrd Ilrat NO OCCUPT\l{CY will bc rrra<!e of any struclurc r.villroul Jtcrrrrissiorr of llrc Buildlrrg Satcty Division. I [urlhor certily tlrat ortly contractors and cnrployecs who aro in cornpliancc.with OnS 701.055 wlll bo used on thls pro jcc t. I (ur'ther a0rec to cnsuic that :tll rccluirccl inspections arc requcstcd lt thc prol)cr Iin]e, tltat caclr addrcss ls reacJablc frorn thc strect, tltal tlre pcrntlt carcJ ls locatccJ at thc fronl of llrc llropcrty,cl tlro a1:ltrovcd sct ol plans will remaln o,l tlrc sitc ilt al Slgnaturc during corrstructlon'\ E//-u,teg / d-q .qq Lv-^ Da tc VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBEI.'I DA]'E PN ID 1 NfulOUNT RECEIVI..D -4 -f,\t" <<f) BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. ':T. X S/SO. t:T.VALUE (^) Main Carport Garage Total Valuc Building Pcrnrit Fcc Slale Surclrargc Total Fcc SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ITEM Fix tures Rcsldcntial B0th(s) Sanltary Scvrer Water Stofln Sowcr Mobllc Hornc FEE Nr !:I-__ (c) PLUMBING PERMIT Plurnblng Pcrmit State Surcharoc Total Clrargc Wood Stovc/ lnscrt / [:lreplace'Urri I Drycr Vcnt MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobilc Honrc Statc lssuancc Statc Surcharoc Sldcwall< --- tt Curbcut -- ,t Ocmolltlon Stalo Surcharge Total Mlscellaneous ['errnits (E) 6re $.1"0 NoVcn t Farr (D) JS-r-{S #ec--$ MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood Mcclranical Portnit lssuanco Statc S(trclt:.trgc Total Pcrrnll TOTAL AMOUNT OUE (cxcluclin0 cleclricill) (4, B, C, 0, and E Cottlt:incc!)RECEIVED BY _-..._-qM) APPROVED: l:'l: FL__