HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1978-10-05lt, l2No. & JJno. Sr.I1 bTRS, TL Location Written Directions Subdivision:Gle ru AcREs Privo t rvs uot la Btock - SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS CnlnLes GrurE !? Crrurrrirulal l-ooP, EucErrrE. 9?hOl OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Gleir Dri*r ?0 Gn ru (!axs Dir VE Mail report to ()iaAppticant ( ) Owner STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY DvEi-t nrc WATER SUPPLY Rl t iir:ov tr,tar r:r D t sr.WITHIN ONE I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, contrac,t purchaser; potential buyer; i){ realtor record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. certify that (if not TEST HOLES READY q-?1 -?B Signature p6sng 3}lq-q8:n errone 68.9-8o9f ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call Puuprr0us[ To tiE DEhr$Lls]lED , etc.) when ready. (NO) -owner of record; to act for the owner of and that I or agent. I have !owing am authorized Date g-Pl^1,1 F THE CITY O in the * r * oFFtcE usE oNLY BELOW THIS LINE . * * ITS t,F 75 e E STANDARDS E DOES NOT MEET STATE STANDARDS.LAND USE COMPLIANCEiiiZoning i:t Zn "A *tfi nfr, U IZED SIGNATURE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-?? Acreage or Lot Size Partitioning (TOTAL) ( ) ComPleter fi)f Pending Parcel #- THIS IS A PBELIMINARY BEPOET WHICH DOES NOT ENSUFE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI. TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE. JEAN OTSffiffiUN lo-0r-73 I DATEAUTHOBIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 ,.r.u -1,{'"-i/ i' a LANE COUNTY NEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EA- dTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9 I PIANNING DMSION Current Zon Partltlonlng l_ f]Rendins Parecl No._ D^rtltl^hlhd I red }l^?EN POLLUTION CONTROL I.e Slt. In3pcctlon(.) lols AVERAGE PROCESSING ted 6DS Conatructlon lJ Uey Nulrb€r ol Bedroomsr. Conncrclal,/Industrlal - Othcr J--'l Reoalr I of Enrployee!_ t, Fv, H .rr fi!'!- oc E'o.H' H tn Ho.z Eru r.Ho 'tHo tl CONSIRU TION PERI4ITS AND INSPECTION(Seo abovc lor I of bedrooms,/f of enployeee) E] :,bbllc Horoo' tl permanenr tr Temporary t] Renesal Structu16 FEE TotaI Vtluation S . Plurnbing fixtures at t _ Sewernater Conn. at 9 al StEt. Surchargc Plana Check Fee Change of Occupancy ltlnlnruro rtructura I I backg: Froo centerlinc o!reets Front Frolo lnt.rlor PUBLIC sq. Ft. valuatl Each S llach 3 TOTAL BUILDING PER}'IT FEE U 6)F' I o!, Exterior Slde_ Iincs: Side_ Rear tl E fl f cono'l pI aheet to appllcant I CurU cut to appllcant PUBLIC IAN tr Addresa t] Minimum Elevarion tr Faciltty perrnit c'd TOTAL S APPIDAVITT If thIE permlt ricu I tuuill be used for aglor no other E}IV Cat thla appliea purPose.tion are for an agricultur.l bu11din9, I he reby declare thrt thiB bulldlng I purpolres as allowed by zoning and/or the state Bullding Code, andr certify that the statemcnta and other informatlon submltted ontrueaccurate, and that I have the following legal intercst In the opttonproperty:oljne r of record;cont.ract purch.Eer i lesgee i holder of an excluclveto purchase,d uly authorizeif-Eo act for ! person wE6-hag the Elflowing legal lnterestr am no or th.t the oerer of record is knowl edgeable of thiaovner.further agree y with all 1c Ie codea relatlnt kE acunty to thls permlt. , .ut -4_-2/-/_.79 Applicantra Signature 464df 1 THIS IS YOUR RECEIPt, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PER.UISSION TO BUILD. TOR INFOR!,IATION A.BOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 687-'357 (687-IIELP' lr/ i I I i I s $ Address Eleva I s c(_r' ll.6rc lrlnt - Rcr rm Applltatlon t,' L...It lonlrt Lltcrr Cr.nl,lel r.d @NTRACTOR Alfolntnn.It Dxlr. - AppLlcATl o N orrrce rrrc 'nrv*"*@:' ffi2f;! -15,,.,. s{.r - Tido' ^Dp,{riss*_ _ _€a^27-zAu-arr_e_1*;i ;;_;-;iA} r,i__e t 6 Et, o,z a 4 7 EoT Ei ofllr?r (lI DIrl'r.Rr:NT) _,-_ Aot)l t s:i TIIoNE ztP fl rtetL c()!u'r.l.Tril) mRHlr rot-Jl. PnESENT USE OF tRor'ERTY ( - _ _. __coN'rtA(l'r()N's oRE. STATE Llcl:NsE ER/corrt croR ((:lRcL[ oHrll -J pRTFER To prcx ul. rerld.'ntlal; type of fnmlng; cot@rclcl or indutrl.ti vacrnti ctc.)/Z a / tlo 2, DESCIIBE STRU(:TURES NOU ON TIIE PROPIiRI'Y, NOIE ANY S]'RUC'TURES tO BI: DEMOLISIIED.,lt/L aruE l/rtrPTrr---?-4--'atz 5,42b THIS PROPERTY (TIIlS APPLICAT ) ^RE )r <,ttdt ttat - it e zo F l.- tI i" l.'. l- l. I HF \\l\ hN t lht' 4. EUTUIE I't.ANS:--_-_ 5. PLOT rLAJ{, Sketch (a) aIl roads (b) proposed seage dlsposal(g) easeoents (h) dralna r 1nd[strlal, shry frees borndarles of propert!, (c) exlstlng/proposed bulldlngeareas (e) exlstlnB/proposed vells (f) extstlng/propose 8eeys, streaN, creeks, any ocher pertlnent fertures.tandlng si.8ns, parkln!t srees. INDICATE DIHENSIONs. (d) extattng/ drlveuayt comrclal d IT o o o I i.i t' ir.i l'.i.- I I I I I i7 irl l: 1 'lit .! .l .t- t-.t.i.. ll llrlitlt I t.' Iitlrlirlrl ,I,l I+-,l J A ..l E t, ut{ 3 ozq rJo -tr acE roId oz \ \]- N .\ $6 I 9 l0 il ll tl l4 ,nr^rG,) ttn rcxF.t(;E /4 oog {?-,/lt, HrlIoD of sfL,,\{:E tlrsposAL -_5.F}*TIq--- StTT: INSI,ECTION TEST ITOLES READY (DATE) l'N(),,0Sil) t,li\ Il:R St'l',,t.Y Il.t(:Tlr IcIT1', r'r'Rr,i I :irtil) BY Lr[_Lt._ st.RlN(;.__ Sl.t(t:AH LAK!: EYTA }iATURAL (;AS BY l lRl: l)lliTH l( r sc[o()1. DrslRlcT PL[I}iD IS(; BY Ittttt.trtttrttttrttrrr...tr..r. D0 NtlT U-RITt: BEl,Uii TlttS LINE trrrrirrrrtttrrttrttrrrt.rrtrrl EETORI: YoUR AI.PI.IGll IoN ()\N BE rIOcESsED YoU MI:ST TTr}NISH: ..---__8!xI I PLoT T,LANS LEC^L DESCRIPTIoN (DI MENS lOri t:D) ,4_6 1.9_f -- ___ __ D.\rr:7B ldne carty l /---' LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 NA TT EY.ffiIt -7 I i Itl-: I tzl ,rl; l: I i1... i -r- I I I l. Ii. + n:r{ 'r# 78- ? /9 LOCATION: TWP.RANGE SECTION /? ZONING:PROPOSED USE: SIZE OF PROPERTY:/Dooos?f|'t AMOUNT US$LE AREA: WATER SUPPLY:CO}TIUNITY PUBLIC SUBDIVISI0N/PARTITI0N 6leilon 1"."s SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET /F IF SITE },IEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of st,ruct.ure and approximat.e se\^tage flow: CJ TAX LOT # Ril 4ll INDIVIDUAL LOT I2 BLOCK PARCEL ItuIti-family Conrnerc ia I 8Pd Single Family Indust.rial' tso gpd/#,, cPd 8pdcPd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREI.{ENTS : Length of disposal trench required Discribution l'let.hod: Equal Curtain drain required: Yes Other: lfo *oc 75 lnoo/ f/. Institutional 1750 BaL,x r1Se aI fl no .El SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: DATE OF EVALUATION:tr/",/ 7l NAI"[: DQC Q"^ 7,'rl e I I c7 4- 126 StJon 7{ )lti #Z EST HoLE#t TEST OLE PERCIIED WATER PROFILE Pre dic te d Observed Da te 1 n lnch 1n L2 24 36 48 60 SATURATED ZONE q, Predic t.e d Obsc. rved Date 1n In <" e "7 I,o to Re striccive Layer &inImpervious Laye-r @iaflott ling -r**, V &O - i., S LOPE o/ PREDICTED WATER Predic red Observed Da t,e In. ]-n. SATURATED ZONE Predicte d Obse rved Dat.e 1n Restriccive Layer _in,Impervious Layer in, Motcling 1n, SLOPE o/ PROFILE Inch 12- 24- 36- 48- 60- xSITE DOES DOES NOT MEET MINIMI.]M STA}IDARDS. ADPIINISTRATIVE RULES REQUIRE A I'IINII'{IJI'j DEPTH oF: 36 inches E.o an impermeable layer 30 inches Eo a resEricE,ive layer 60 inches to a perrnanent water table 24 inches E,o a cemporarily perched !.rater table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH I./AS: inches inches inches inches PLOT PLAN: Stream --h-.i-l^-Drrrinagc or pond Road Test Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut Bank //t tlr Fe nce x-x S* pL+ M^p Aof tl t a\ T tr T tr 1n s.l. # I l 1 I : TRS, TL Subdivision b. B lock SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Job Location Written Directions Lot ,4. APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Phone OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS - Phone (owner, etc.) when ready.Mail report to (' ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call IUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY gLL I ItPROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY WATER SUPPLY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I contract purchaser; potential buyer; realtor or agent' I record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action TEST HOLES READY WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF (No)=- have lowing legal interest in the property: -owner of record; certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of Signature Date * * * * * * * * t+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x xQfFlCE USEONLYBELOW THIS LINE ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * tt * * * * * * * * SITE: E MEETS STATE STANDARDS E DOES NOT NNEET STATE STANDARDS LAND USE COIVIPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size (TOTAL) U4 Partitioning ( ) Completed 1 ) PendingA Parcel # - THIS IS A PRELIMINARY BEPOBT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERI\4IT' ANY PLANS OF EXPENDI- TURES I\4ADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPNOVCO' SEE REVERSE SIDE' AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONT\4ENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-32 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section DATE 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 4.&.!1o (1 (OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-020(61: This report shall remain in effect until issuance of apermit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered inany manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con-sidered null and void' Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report isued pursuant tothis section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and applyfor a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposalsystem will appear on th; permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before thepermit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owneror contract purchaser or his regular employeesmay install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issuedif persons other than the above perform the installation.(. LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PIANNING DMSION Current Zon Partltlonlng l_ f]eending Parccl No._ P6rtl t lon lnq Requ i, red Other ntTEA POLLU?ION CONTROL I of S DlcY Slt. Inspectlon(.) 6DS Conltructlon l--'] uen f] nepalr Nunb€r of Bedroomst Comcrclal,/Industrlal - I o! Ernployeer Other AVERAGE PROCESSING ted v,Cto.H' HtnHo il!'-- H'nvg)rcrtr H|rOr. ,, 'iloz tl fl CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION(See abovc for I of bedrooms,/l of enployeea) t] :{obrt€ Hot!€' t] permanent t] TcmPor!ry t] RenewalStructur6 ' FEE Sg. Ft. Vsluatl TotEl V!luatlon S , Plumblng fixtures at g _ Seyery',,iter Conn, at t Each S rach 5 Address tr ttinlmun Elevltion Pacillty Permit .Y\ i, oF' ory, al al Stata Surcharg. Planr Check Pec Change of Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERHIT FEE Ittln lrnr.rn t truc turr I Froo centerlinc of treeL; Front Froo lntorlor I Exterior Sldo lines: Side-.- Rear f Cono'l pla aheet to appllcant fl CurU cut to appllcant PUBLIC PUBLIC u n EMv C6rh ChrcL- AFFIDAVIT: If thlsuil} be used for agr (--, permlt lcultu c'd TOTAL S for an agrlcultural buildllng, I hereby declare th.t this buildraPurPose!t as allowed by zoning and,/or the state Bulld ing Code,for no other purpose. I fu r certi,fy that the statemcntg and other intormation submltted onthlr application are true accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in theProPerty: _ometo purchase, d o act for a person wE6*hag the r of record;contract purchaser;lessee;holder E6fIowing lng and of an exclurive opttonIegal lnterest: Ie codes relatlng 462nt7 lffE colrntyuly authorl.zei[-t, aPDIlcati,on,lt I am not thc owner I further agree ; or that the orrner of record ie knowledgeabte of thig c y uith allto thls permlt. rxlr. ?/ z// "8 n/Applicant'a Signature THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERIqISSION TO 8UILD. TOR INPORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OT ']R APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 5I Addresg l.{Inlmurn Elevation '57 (687-HELP) I s $ I I s s Il..rc Irlnt - R(.t rm Anpll(at1on t(, l...fi lontrt tltr.rr Coq,lel r.d AFPL ADill( l:ss otnl[r ( IF Dlrtt.l{t:NT) AU)rtss_._.- @NTRACTOR APPLICATIO lv8y elaeLEJ H.6uadDz,ur craz -&6?_uZ___PHONE - ,. "-{? -6.?o z4*-w-/_49* kq Offlcc tlE. Only 3{,t - ?4do' ,t,, - 81_6EgE- r.tr.._.? 7 ttO / l,loN f, LIP A}nolrrnx.ilt Drtr PHONE q T d ln ts B, ! P Eo -6 or{iADDIESS_n _. _. --CON'rRA(:rl)l'S ()RX, STATE LICt:NSE l.l^ll. c()rtlt.[.Tltt] rrRHtT To I. PIESE]{T USE OI IIi()I'ERTY ER/coNrR.t,cloR ((:lr{cLE oHrll I I'I(TFER TO PICK UP, CAI.L tl!li typs of fAmlngi co@rclrl or lndutrlrti v.c!nt; etc,) ) ^RE: ,S 'b t dt{t c,trrt -6aZ,udarl) f ,c dt"p 7 (rcrldcn op4 2. DESCRIBE STRU(:TURIiS IiOU ON TIIE PROPIiRI'}. NOTE ANI S'I,RIIC'TURES TO 8T: DEHOLISIIEI) *{4C-b- - - _Ts- _ _&-E___ _aut S.r'E) ouE t/*1 P \ FUTURE I'r.ANs:- _ _,.firjli!.A1 5/A^;-_ 5. PLOT TL}J{Sketch (a) oIl roadg proposed silEte dlspo(g) easeoenrs (h) dr or lnduqtrlal, shou f (b) borndartee of propert!, (c) exlsting/proposed bul).dlnga (d) exlstlng/sal areas (a) exlstlnB/proposed velrs (f) exlstlnB/propoJed arir""iy"-"''alnaSseys, streaB, creeks, any other pertinent f"itures. rr co,,,"ailia1reestandlng clgns, parklng areaa. INDICATE DIMENSIONS. q N 3 I I I I l. l' I I I g rI I I I i i I i : i.l I .--.--.--_l-.-.-I- I I i , I i t\L'I * \ g '-lv o F6 3 2 >1o -t6I i r-i I I 1 I it fv\G.\ 6 3 9 l0 ll t2 tl l{ ,nr^r6,h tt* rtcaFa<;E /4 oo_g {?-[t, Hr.1uoD or srr,J^(:E r,rspos^L -_S€l_v|9-_ SITE II,iSI,ECTION TEST TIOLES READY (DATE) I'li()ltosIt) lJi\ n:R sl'l.t,t Y il.t:(:lNIClT'r fl'RiitsIII) BY liATutr.Al (iAs nY - , _-. flRI: lrlSTRr(-I lrr.Ll. _ st'R lN(; _ S].Iil:AH t.At(E NAft .J \ i\) \ _fylA : SCIlOOl. trl51 RICT PLL!)18 ili(; BY .lt.ttrt.ttrrttitt.trlrttr...rrr DO NOT URITt: Bti,ar,; Tl{lS LJNE trrrrrrrrrrrrttrlittt.artrtrrrt EEfORt: loUR Al'Pl'lC 1 loN (tr'N 8E IROCISSED YoU ]'lLlsT ]'l"rtl\ISBr .____.E\xl I PLoT ILANS LEGAL DESCRIPTION (D I MENS IONT:D) ldne currty fl6{+tr I)l'r u 7B/ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 El 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON L _11 8Y-6nIr - IHXIDIATE Pl-Ar-S FOR THIS (Tlils E F E a zo t\'r F\ i.\ u htk 1't\\t\irh\a I \\',LVt\ I il 't-'"t i I I,l I I I ,t,.1, 'I i:::'i' :1.I. I,I I I .-- -,- -ts..- I I I ; ,,'A 7 {,r,r , LOCATION: TWP.RANGE RA IF SITE MEETS STA}IDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: ltulti-family ConrnerciaI 8pd cpd SITE r MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of disposal trench required SIf 7 UATION T"IORKSHEET TAX LOT # 4ll Single Family Indus tria I Ins t, i tu t iona 1 A{o il Of 75 1,.*/ f/ /7SECTION R*) CJ ZONING:PROPOSED USE: SIZE oF PROPERTY: /D 00 0 sPf| $AI'fl3TJNT US$LE AREA: )so gpa/,4J,oo 8Pd gPd /150 gal. Distribution Met,hod: Curtain drain required: Other: Equal fil t:] .El. aISe ri Yes No SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIAI.{CE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: DATE OF EVALUATION: t(,4T 7L D O C 3tJon btglolc NAME: c7 4-126 7{ I.TATER SUPPLY: Co}o{lJNITY 6 PUBLIc Ef INDIvIDUAL ll] SUBDIVISION/PARTITTI 6/enclon Ac,'s LTTIZ BLOCK PARCTL sl# HOLE #7 TEST lnchBOLE#t TEST lnch 24 36 48 60 t? 24 36 48 60 12 to" q, 7e "7 lo strictive Layer _in ervious Layer _in SATURATED ZONE SLOPE o/ in ln IN i-n. EDPREbrcr ttling ifl. Predicted ace se rved DaLe Predict'ed ,Observed Rcri Lrictivc L.ryer &in Impervious Layer -N in Ilottling --2a,", \* 66t ', Dace S LOPE o/ In ln in in PERC IiED SATURATED ZONE WATER Predicced Observed Date Predicced Observed SITE DOES DOES NOT MEET MINIMIJM STANIDARDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REQUIPC A MINIMIJM DEPTH OF: 36 inches co an impermeable layer 30 inches to a restrict.ive layer 60 inches to a permanent, \^rater table 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH I{AS: inches inches inches inches PLOT PT.AN: Stream -.*rarfrr Drilinage or pc-rnd Road S* ?L+ M^p /,of tl Tesc Hole @ \ % SloPe Cut Bank 77'T1'.7-T irence x-,