HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-01-21D - ('l< 6pi Lane County thori zation (on tLh GP -44;z /7 L ,ION €s /z Application/Permit # rCE USE ONLYFOR RANCEo2 /?-7t TAI BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ! rnaustrial I eruri. 26f,o 2-2 ?747ACITYztESTREET Y ON PROPERTY .F ceaz.6 .4 il? VALUE 8aDESCRIPTIONSPECIFIC €- !.iA LV Proposed Exist ESor sTo OF ET,IPtOYEES TELEPHONE NUMBEROilNERS NAME AND lrr'5 ? NUMBERAND OSRCCNTRACTORs is true and correct, 'laN 2 o lqno*Ylie"Laws of the State of thtaDBi}iirtg Div t the ba.iis . I HAVE I IIAVE CARErULLY EXAMINED THE CO4PLETED APPLICATION !'OR PERMIT, arrd do hcrolry certify that all inforrat have the following Iegal interest in the property, Ior..t of record; I c<,nrra,,t I,rrrchaser; !authorized I f:rthe! certify that any ad all work perfored sha}l, be done in accordatrcg Hith th.: ordinances of Lane co pertainj.ng to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUpANCY wi1l. tre made of ar,) strrrcture sithout the pem ther certify that regislration with the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect- as required by ORS 701.05 is noEed hereon. and that only subcontractors ed employees who are in conpfiance with ORS 70I.055 will be CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. I fur- AND / READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Zone Paltition# - Parcel# - ParcelSize Installation zd Trenches PLANS EXA.I,'INATION Use COM}IENTS: Date re arc" Date Speci /fto Date Grorll_ B. P. #SANITATION: s. I. * l, lnaxinurn DePth rnstallation Record rssued? [ xu" f] oro !{inimum Setbacks 3 cot'$lENTS , fron interlor fl pmuurnc,zzoNrNG: GaIlon Tank Lineal Eeet of Drainfield "", t 4/rs' BY OFTICIAL,/DESIGNEE Der oRs 455.805 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION DATE -4061, cr4-2s R* SECTlON X r.esidential l-l Cc,mmercial LCCATION ADDRESS I tr I ,:r- SETB|.CKS AND OTIIER CC::OITIO:lS oF APPROVAL $UST BE STRICTLv oBSERVED CATION OF TIIIS PERTIIi, CITATIO:J UIIDER PROVISIONS Oi LA}-E-:JL::TY,5 I] RE}IEDIES ALLOIIED BY LAW. REQU I RE?I NS PECTI ONS Mobile Home: An inspect.ion is requi sewer or septic systen :or setback r VTOLATION CA]I RDSULT IN REVO- NFRACTION OF.DI}iANCE red after the mobile home is connected to an approved equ.irenents, bJ.ocking, footing connection, tiedowns, A!'.DIOR OT HER.. J' , -..hHEN REApy FJR INsPtCTION, CALL 687-.i065. A UINlIlLiil Or AT LEi\ST 21..llOURS ADVAI.ICE NOTICE FOR INSPEC-* .'i:fffi-: G:r. iruus-lEEe rottowiirg'.in{orrrI ron readyi iernit ndmberr job addresi, }ype'oi inspecrron, when !E wrll be ready, i,our natne anC phonu'r rw5er,. ahd any spccial Circctions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: , 1. foundation InBpectibn: To be'made aftser.trenches.'arb excavated ardd forms eregted and when aXI, naterials for Lhe foundati.on are c1eli-./ered on the -rob. IJhere concrete fron a central mi.xing plant (comonly termed "trans.it mrxed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete SIab or Under-a1oor In€pection: To be nade aftei all inl.l"g or'undEr-floor bui)-di'rig EE?ii* e;ilrpmmcl-EnEut, prpin!r-e-essorres, and other ancillary equipment iLems are in " .,.. 1. . '. '. /.,13.'Framinq & rnsulation Insdection:: ro b<j made a!ter the roof, aLl framing, fj.re blockj.ng, andbracing are in Dl-ace and a1l- pipes, firepLaces, L-hinneys, and vents are complete and all rough . electrical and pJumbing are approved.. Ail wall rnsulaiion anc vapor barriei are rn place. 4. Lath and/'* G\'9sum ^Board--lnspec.tron: To. be made irtter all Iathing and qypsum board, interior .. \ , , . a-5d-ei-rc5iqr]-pn--$T- Iace-Eua--56Tqe any plasteririo is applicd u-d b.:ore'gypsm board joints .' .. aoq f asten-ers .nt€ caped and'ftnls.hed., \, .:. 5. Final fnspection: To be made after the building is conpLete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the pointi.ndicated in each successive j-nspection wj.thout first obtaining the a?proval of tlte buitding oificial. Such- approval shatl be given ,nIy after ai rnspectio:: sna.Ii have teen.ilade.of-eacIL sueqeisive slep , i i-n.the consLrucqj.er.as.indicated, by each ol.the inspecticns reouj.red \.' .. .. NOTE: A11 buj.1din9 pernits require i.nspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited td: A. Block I^IaII: To be maCe after reinforcing is ra pLace, but before anlr grout is poured. ThisIi-sprcti6n is required ior each bon,1 beam pour. There wiLl be no approvaL untii the plunbinq and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. t'iood Stove: To be made after conpletion of masonr), (if applicable) and when installation isconplet4 InsEaIIatron shall be in accorciance witi an appioved, nationalLy recognized testingagency and the manufacturerrs lnstallation lnstructj-ons. C D skirting, and plubj.ng connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply wj"th State foundation requirenents for mobile homes or asrecomended by the nanufacturer. 2. Mobil-e home mininun finj-sh floor elevation shall be certified when required by a f).ood-plain management letLer. 3. .\lobile home tiedowns, when required, and ski-rt.ing shall be i.nstalled and ready for inspec-tion with.in at Ieast 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowas and skirting shall be installedper enclosure. swiming Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade;fren p@l ls installed. APPROVED PI,ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMTT WILL EXPIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR I!'WORK IS SUSPE}JDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i4AY OCCUR IF THIS PERIIIT '.JAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDINC PAST THE POIi;T OT REOUIRED INSPECTIO:Js WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE Permits shaII be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. UPon completing the construction for uhich a permit has been issued, the permit holder shatlnotify lhe Lane county Depa!tnen! of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting the installaLion record form. The DeparLment shaII inspecr the construction to determine if itcompli.es with the rules contained in this divis.ion. If the construction does comply uith suchrules. the Department shal.L i-ssue a certificate of satisfactory compLetion to the permj.ti hoLderIf the constructi.on does not comply with such rules, the Departrent shall notify the permit holder and shall requrre satisfactory completion before issuing the certif!cate. Failure tomeet the requirements for sati-slactory compLetron wlthin a reasonable time constitutes a vlo- Iation of ORS 154.605 to 454.145 and this ruIe. Setbicks - Subsurface Seraqe L!!_posaL Septic Tank Drainfiel.d From: Intelior propert,T lrncs 10' 10, ECge oi road rlght-of-way l0 | I0' Ruildinq foundation 10' t{eLls, other uate! sources 50' 100 ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS -7/' '7' Pur 8' -7' Pore. -1 (u Ja- L 4g' ,} : I9 to' l**t t, ,.* ',bd ''! 9f 1z' Q€.?IAC6TIFpT ArLEAt"l w(6 .9 UJ- (vr I i I I i.9itot- :/\l'l OAIf rr t itt?l,l.F fA.:DR,IVE\,4) , .-.' c t J1< S7 .-t=. 32s AJ l0t Dr>kt' I*O ur:E 3 Cf Otj.t:C t 4 /DFN I tl ' €t .)!0?.1l\ i)Li Ne 52.+te : .''. Zc'-A' l-p'\ I -+ I LI BE IN form c55-11YICINITY MAP rl 3 Permit No Twnshp Ran n Tax Lot g EL Standard SystemIntte rnative System tr (Specify Ty Job Location (Street Address) Su bdivision / Partition Parcel- L Block- DETAIL SYSIEM PLOT PLAN AS CONSTRU TEI' Scale I "=P' w'BLACK INKge O2- Secri -# 7> I\r I tfr{r\,C 0erfsgvtrirr.\( giJ:$6(r'GO tliE s\gIEt^r tl*daM w€,ofrctU rtr^4 oE(xt FY \ttr+<r Ls us [Uw5(v,4crEA Cu. RLtlod\,t'tA Lrriilc{- r!v$t 'tttrE p&€s o{' W 19r.O UtUl'l( s-tQ^-'A-_ lnstall Telephone License No "ryr*z^1 on USE BLACK INK ONLY FO E:Trench Tank Capac ty Manufactu Measured Distance from Well to Tan From Drainfi COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUMP WAS ON THIS INSTALLATION: I (installer's name)- certify that a ( and Switch (d No. Signatu Gravel Depth Below Ti Total Length of Li L (Model No.)-PumP have been installed with this sewage installation A{o( Bonding Company {Signature of lf lnstalled By Owner- B nfiiii'lu AUG Z 5 1989> - Lci'; ;.,;r;,;, t!tn11n;;;;1,',,r1 Date- (Signature of Owner)FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY COMMENTS Approved n System Disapproved Needs Correction O-t 7Apps Name I Address System Capacity #.jO-gal./day Sign INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidenceasperORS454.665 ofsatisfactorycompletionofasubsurfacesewagedisposalsystemattheabovelocation. System Corrected Date.--------.- oater C *r &7 (