HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-02-01t.. RESIDT\TIAL.." APPLICATiVI/PERI4TT 225 North Sth Stv,eet SprLngfield, )z'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-s7 53 Job Locaticn:a 222 Con*"uct'ron_Lende" Remti,noi Tnenan|,c' nna -1 tn _YLtq5 M-LP SPIIINGFTELD Date: Iout, Cifu Desigra.ted Job lhnnber fs:€L4y2 It ie the tesponoibility of tle pernnt hode? to aee that all inspeetiolrs are nade at the F;?ope" time, that each address ds rea.Cable iron the stneet, ad tlnt the petmit catd ia Located at the fuont of the orooerkt*Building Nuicion apprw-ed pTatt sTtcLL yemain on the Bunlding sitc Zt aLL' tines.- PROCEDUPE F1R INSPECTI9!-3!9W9!;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City Cesigtnted job nwnbet,, job aCdz,ess, type eadyforinspection,Contraetoisoia*n,"",*,.L"ipno".mlnbel,.-R'equestsrebei.i;Zd ',vtLL be nade the sane dag, "equests mcde after, ?:00 antrLLLbe rnade the nest uotkin7 day. of inepeericn befcre 7:00 an Ias Lot # OaAesessore Map #2- 1€Stbditsision:6 Phone:Addtees:2 city:/> *. ,s /-67 2a. ;n fia>U.G- B, Desa"Lbe Nork: Additian RenoCel VaLue?Date of App Licatian Hcmes Blocktng ord set-up , Plunbing comtections -- aarre? qtd. uatet I Eleetnical Cannection - Blocking, eet-up and pLutnbing conneetions rntst be apprct:ed before requesting eleelrtcal inspeetion Accessory Building Pirnl - After pcrehes, skLrting, dec\<.s, etc. ane conrpleted. Y Page 7 of 2 17 roormG & FIUNDATT1N: ro be rmCeIrI Afier tt.nctes a"e e"catsated and. forns an,e ez,ected, but prior to pou?ing ecne?et€.. ANDSRGROUIID PLT]MBTNG, SEWR, WATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be maCe g,ior to fil-7@-6inehee. AilDER?LOOR PLUT,IBING & MECIIANICAL : o1 floor ineulation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade pr[or toiliidTattan o7 floot, insulntion or deckirtg. ROUGH PLUIBING. ELECTRTCAL & MECH:. ANICAL: No uork is to be couered ,ffiiT-these inspeetions hante been nnde and approoeC. FIPEPLACE: Pyiot to placirq facingmatey,ials and before franing inspeb-tion. FRA.I.IING: l'tust be requested after approuaL of rough plumbing, electni-cal & mechanical. ALL roofing bracing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be cotnpleted. No wcrk ie to be con- eealed until this inspection lws:been mole anC apptooed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?f0N: lc be nade @erJAT@tTis in place, but prior to any taping. IUSONR!: Steel Location, bond beans, groutittg or oerticals in accovdqtee LtLth U.B.C. Section 241s. W)ODST),,/E: After installation is anpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APP)N: 'After fonnsee erecteC but prtor to pouring co7l.c?ete. SIDEWALK & DRfIWAY: For aLL con- a,ete paoing tLthin street right- ef-utaA, to be made after aLL erca- uating conplete & forn uork & sttb- base mater\al in plaee. IENCE: hrhen cotnplete -- ProuiCe. gates or mooable sections thz,ough P,U.E. SIIE fNSPECTI)N: lo be nade afteren;aoarl;;; but pz.tor tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBIIIG, ELECTRICAL & WCHLIIICAL: ?o be made before ang .uark is eooered. -7V INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ITLSPECTION :V)required oapor beriez,s ee in place but before ang Lath, Wpslnn boa.rC oy, unLL cotseying is applied, attd. beforeaq insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLTTIO!] OR Scritatg saset, capped at properfu Liz:e Septic tutk y"ttrped and. filled ttith gtatel !ina and tu?e x m B FNIAL PLUMPING PINAL MECEANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL ALL proiect conditions, such ae the installation of street trees, conpletion of the rcquired Landscaping, etc, , rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIN? FINAL can be requested. ?INAL BUTLDING: The FinalELectrical, and, Meclnnical Buildirry. Inspection rruot be requested after the Final Plwnbing fnspections haue been nade and. approued. x x E *ALL MAIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?ITENI TO BE I,L4DE A? NO COST ?O CI?Y \'-, \o\ 0tmer: Lasc. #Uont?actors Address EWLr,es ?hon GeneraL ELectrical l,lecharical JOB NO. rat Sq. Ftg. % bf Lot Coveraga # of Stor"ies ?otal Height Iopographg SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gtott- LOT TWE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhand'l,e CUL-de-sae L-co * BeCtooms: Lot Faces - Ileat Df Sourees House Aceess ITEM Sq. FTG x VaLue lilain / ?za 7S=o #7rd.go Ceaqe L/ry /o.o-q.zya. eo Caroort Accessot'u TOTAL VALUE -B,&g 1* S.D.C. 1.5 c 7f, Building Volue & Permit This pennLt is granted on the enp?ess condition tlnt the said eonstntctionslull, in aLL respects, conforrn to the 0r.dtnance adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Cvdinance, z,egulating the ccnsttwcticn and. use of buildings, otd nay be suspend.ed ot, r,eookeC at dtA tine upon tic- T,ation of ery prcuisione of eaid Otdinances. * Building Pa,mit Iotal l,h-rges Stnte Signed:-)1. No person shall consttaet, install, alter or change any neu cr existi.ngplwnbirq or drainage systan in ultole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessoz, of a oalid plumber's L'icense, escept tlwt a pe"son nag da plutnbing vtork to pyopertlJ uhi.ch is ooned, Leased or operated by the oppli- cant. Plumbing NO PEE UrufrUL 5o € o Pe rn't ir Z. u UEM Fi.otutes Resilential @tatnl Seuet ab Plwnbi.ng Petwtt 20-o6 Electricol Permit Wlere State La,t reEtites tlnt the electrical uorkbe done by im Eleetr.Leal Contraeton, the electz"Leal portion of thts permi.t slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont?acto?. ZZ.9 AD .c, ',1 7S NC.FEE .:io a €d aa * Mechqnicol Permit .az. Neu,/Extend Ci,cuits Sev"uice State Iotal D> khanat Hood Ilcodstooe Vent Fo't Peztnt t fssuqtee Mec?nnicel Permtt 3:.67 ./3 -- ENCROACEMEN? -. Sec"ritu Depoeit Stotage Mainterwrzce Pormit -29/C\sbcut /1.2o SidataLk 7G/2/. 1A ,qence LET,ecttical fabel L l-hE -2d Mobile Home /386&2vrrfu fu <ffia S*rym aa T0TAL IN)UNI DUE:*d z/g,e/ f HAW CAREEULLY EXAMINED t?e cotnpleted application foz, pennit, and. do hez,eby cet,tify that aLL infortnation hereon is true and eorueet, ord f furthet, certify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be dpne in accor- dance trLth the 2rdinattces of the City of SptingfieLd, and, the Laas of the* State of 1r,egon pertaining to the aork Cescribed herein, end. tlnt No )cca- PANCy wLLL be nwd.e of any struetute uithout permiseion of the Building DL-oision. I further eertify that only eontractors otd enplcgees uho ore in eonpLianee uith ORS 707.055 uiLL be uaed on thie projeet 2- l-(q L DateSigned * Caraqe vorxn Eost tt FirepZaee ruth tt WoodBtoxe West lt PLan Check Peet 2?.? b Receipt #: ,/ O Q/9 %nu><.2a^ oc 'tldte? )-- Total Clnz'qes State Sw,ehange T ,.-_ Reeeiptr /g{7b.. RESIDF.NTIAL.. APPLf CATt-tl/PERI/tI 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, ?r,egon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 t Loeaticn:2 22? sessors Map fl /7-A2-lat lat # bditision: Asaer:5 Address:Ph,one: ci zip:{> =. D,/-€7 2 Electytcal PPOC9DUPE FOR INSPEC1I?I\ N1UESTTCALLT26-3769(recoydet) state yout City Cesignated iob requested ard, uhen you uiLL be ready for ittspection, Corttracto?s o? Anne?s nctne cnd pTnne ,'*ill be rwde the eane dcg, teEtests nade afte.t ?:00 on vLLL be nade the nert:,ntking dag. Iout,Job llwnbet, fs:aB6 SPFINGFTEI.D a !Ll ( 2 Itfl r 2 ,\% ,s c4-LP Date: Cong!ruetion Jedet It ia tha reaponeibility of tle penrit lold* to aee tlnt atl inopectiotu oe nad,e at the pto7te" tine, that ecch cddtess is rcatabte fwn the at?eet, atd tlwt the permit catd ie l,ocated at the froat of the goperty it'**uiAiry Diuisi,ol apprw^ed plot slull vemain on tlte Buildtng Site at aLL tines. | . of i,nspeclicttnttnbet, nunbez, job aldtess, type P.equests teceit;ed SI?E fNSPEC?f)N: To be rnade aftez'@carratlonfr prtor tc se*- ip of forme. AilDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: ?o be nale before angffiii1oergd. t\ I frfurpc * rouf,idrrca: ?o be rmde after trenches a?e eccaoated and. fomns are ereeted, but ptio? to potn"itlg ccnctete.)L . _ ANDSRCROUTID PLUMDING. SEWER. WATER, 0ts4!ll4!E: To be nad.e prior to fil- @-6dnchee. -- Ht, ANDEP:FLOOR PLAIE IIIG & I,IECHANTCAL : oy floor insulation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be nade pr"Lot, to ffidffiffof ftoor insul)tion or&ckittg. -r) 'J€-) 'n ROUGH PLI]![BII\G. ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH:- ANICAL: No uork is to be couered ,ffilTthese inspeetions haoe beer, made od approtted.. To required oapor bez,ie?s @e in place but before ay Lath, Wpswn boarC or tnLL cooering is applied, md. before ag iraulation is concealed. DRTilALL INSPECITON: ?c be nade @erdT@tr;s in place, but prior to ang tayttg. \1AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oertieals in accordorce tLth A.B.C. Section 24L5, |,|O0DST0',/E: After instalZation is anpLeted. C) t'; ,'"l i CURB & APPRCACH APPON: 'After fornsd,e e"ectAEtVfrA tu pout"ittg con2?ete. SIDEWALK & DR|',WAI: Eor aLL con- ct etenet@ffi street rtght- gf-txA, to be mole after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn uotk & sub- base nnterial in place. befcre 7:00 an Sanitey serser capped at property Zir:e Septic tank y"t-,tped @1d. filled ttth gta;tell- Pinal - t{hen abate i.tens ate edpleted and uhen danolition ie eorp;Lete, o! atvuc- htre noued otd. prarriaes cleaneC.up. '{ti- z Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up | : Plwtbing connectiana -- aa)e? ad, uatet I ElectricaZ. Connection - Blocking, eet-up ard plwbing conneetione rrust be approoed before requesting eleclrtcal inspectiol Acceesory- ButlCing Final - !,fter pcrches, etc. are completed. 8 B E E ;tr FIPELACE:nat;fr;l; tion. FRAT.ITNG: PrLor to plaeirg facirqard befote frantng inepee- l,tttst be teqtested aftet skirting, decl<s, ?ENCE: When cotnplate -- Ptotside gates o? mottable eections through P.A.E. ALL project conditiow, such as the installation of street trees, eoryLetion of tie required Landsccpirq, etc., rmtst be eatisfied befot e the BUILDfNG F|NAL ean be teques ted. apptooal of rough plutnbing, electri-cal & meclanieal. ALt toofing btactng & chitmegs, ete. mast beieotnpleted. llo uctk is to be cotz- ,cecled unttl this inspectton las .rbeen rude anC apprcoed. :t FTilAL PLAABINC Bdi PINAL AECHANICAL \a\ FTilAL ELECTRTCAL FINAL BUfLDIN}: The Final Building Inspection mtet be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, od Meclnnical fnspections lwe been nade and approued ,;.n fir,>/u.G- B. ; I DescrLbe Hotk: Value n 7Date of App Licaticn ad&tti,an RmoCel Y Page 1 of 2 x E .ALL MANHCLTS AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ANAST!{ENI TO BE l,tADg AT nO CO|? lO CW ( ts m r T @ JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ptg. 7 bf Lot Cooeraga I of Stories ?otal Eetght Topographg Building P*nrit State ?otal Chargee SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Grc Ipt twE _ Intetiot _ Corne? _ Panltandle _ Atl-de-aac L-co d BeCtoons: fnt Faces - Building Volue & Permit ?his perwlt ia granted on the erptess cotdition that the said. eonstmotionshall, in all tbepects, eonform to the 7rdinance adopted 6iy the City of Spryngfield, inol,udtng the Soning Cydinance, regulating the ccnstmtbticn otl. .use of buildirqs, utd may be suspended ot, rbuokeC it cny tine upon oic-la,tion of dt7 prcoisione of iaid 2rdinances. ' * P. L.Ilouse Cotaqe Aceess. North tast Fireo South Heet I?EM x Value I'bin / ?za 7S=o #zto.* C,aace qry /o.*?.zre. ea Carport Accessoru TOTAL VALUE B,&tb / z.zrl Itot" eoid' /r7 A* No- person sha._Ll _constraet, inetal?., alter or cltatqe an7 ned cr e*isting qlmb-ing on drainage sgetan in ulple ot in pott, ,nless such person ie- the le-gal.poseessoz, of a oalid plwrberrs Licetts-e, escept tlnt a pZrson nay doplmbing uork to propetty uhich is omed, Leased or opez,atei ty the "ppli.-@tlt. Plumbing {,o Signed: N0.FEE CHARGE 5o c10 € * -r 2,. 5 P errnFtbhtres Resid.entia,L Qtath) Saner -A aE a> Plunbing Pernit State Electricol Permit where state La reqtires tlat the eleetrtcal uork be ilone by im ELectrLcalContractor, tlw electr.ieal portion of this pernit sttall not be oaliC untilthe Label lne been signed by the Eleetrical'Cont?acto?. -c,Penrit 7S \ NC.FEE a.> -So &f(5 ae' t * Mechcr nicql Permit Il a,t,/Ect end Circui ts Setnsice zz-# 6e State Total Ezhanet Hood. llcodsto;te Vent Fot PermLt fssudtee Meclnnical Pernri.t ./3 6V !9cartfu Depoeit Storage Maintanatlce Penrit Cvrbcut / -28//1.2o si.daralk 76/2/. yO ?ence LElectt icat t^abel f*lb_E _2o Mobile llane fu@a,rvfu * 1s- 1r+z-z oo TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:'e zlael I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI|INED tle cornpleted appli,cati.on fot pernit, d?td. da hereby cettify tllat all infornation heteon ia true atd. cbrreet, attd. I furtker eertify that any ard aLL work perfotned elall be done in accor-' dance ?tith the 0tdinancbs of the City of Sptingfield, attd. the La,;s of the* State of 0regon pertaining to the uork Ceeeribbd herein, cnd tlnt ilO OCCA- PANCY t^rill be naCe of anA stracture tithout pernrtsaion of the Building Di-l) oision. f further certif'g that otly contraciors ad. atplogees uho arb in conpliance uith )RS 701..05s uiLL be used on thie ptojeotr1 1q 2-lqr ?otal Signed Date, ry-Erir::-:;k-. ttltlt s.D.c. 7.s, (u"L'"' A.A,B /r'.,4 . / it PETITION FOR ANNEXATION AND CONSENT TO ANNEXATION To: City of Springfield, Lane County, 0regon. The Petit'ionen, Crp',t L F*osrtlfi pet i t i ons, consents , and represenE as f ol I o-lvs 1. Real Propenty: The undersigned Petitioner(s) owns real property Iocated outsi de t City limits,but located wlthin the adopted Urban Gnowth Boundary depicted in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Genera'l P1an, herein referned to as the Property and more particularly described in Exh'ibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Petitioner(s) I rrevocabl e Pet'i ti on and Consent to Conti uous Annexati on: ere rrevoca y pet t ons an consents to con guous annexa Thetion of the Property to the City of Springfield pursuant to ORS 222.170. Petitioner(s)petitions, consents and agrees that the City Counc'il in its sole discretion, now or at any time hereafter, may adopt a resolution initiating contiguous annexation under }RS 222.170 and ORS 199.490 (2) or any other state statute, a proceeding to annex the Property to the City. The Petit'ioner(s) consents to including in such pnoceed'ing any other property the City Counci.l may dinect or which the owner(s) have petitioned and consented to the annexat'ion. Petitionen(s) understands, consents, and agrees that this Pet'ition and Consent may be used by the City to meet the requirements of ORS 199.490 (1)(b) & (c) and ORS lee.4e0 (3)(b) & (c). Petitioner(s) also irrevocably authorizes the C'ity to present this Petitionand Consent to the Lane County Local Govennment Boundary Commission to init'iate any minor boundary change under ORS 199.490 (1) as an interim measure to provide service to the Property prior to its annexat'ion to the City. In considerati on for thi s Pet'it'ion and Consent Agreement, the City agreesthat the Pet'itioner(s) Property may receive municipal services from the City and Petitioner(s) may undei'take the deve.lopment of the Property'in accondance with the Spr_ingfield Development Code and other applicable City p1ans, pof ic'ies and standards and wlth the requi rements of Lane county. 3. Bi ndi ng on Successors :Petitioner(s) agree that Petitioner(s) and Petit ioner(s) heins and successors in 'interest in the Property shall be bound by thisPetition for Annexation and Consent to Annexation which shall run with the Propenty, and tha+, notice of this document wj l.l be recorded by the City in the deeds and records for Lane County. A copy of the notice has been executed by the Petit'ioner(s) and is presented herew'ith to the City. 4. New Use: Pet'itioner(s) must obtain C'ity's approval for any new use, changeof use, 6F-intensification of use of the Property. The City will grant approval ofthe use if it 'is 'in complr ance with the Spri ngfield Development Code and other applicable plans, pol icies, and standards as interpreted by the City. 5. Cost of Serv'ice i n the Event Annexati on Deni ed: If an admi ni strati veagency or court of competent Jurisdiction determines that the Property or part of itmay not be annexed to the C'ity or that the City may provide no service to theProperty or the part, the City may retain al1 consideration theretofone paid to the C'ity fon serv'ing the Property and may collect in addition thereto whatever additionalconsiderations are due the City for senvices the City has provided prior to thedetermination that the Pnoperty may not be annexed to the City or the City may not provi de serv'i ces to i t. 6. No Limitat'ion on First Amendment Rights: Although this Petit run forAnnexation Petitionen(s), and may be usedfor the purposes for which Petitioner(s) has agneed, nothing henein shall beconstrued as limiting or infringing upon Petitioner'(s)' right to speak out, commentupon, or present a rguments negardi ng the advi sabi 1 i ty of proceedi ng wi th the annexation pnoceed'ing. It is specifical ly understood by Petitioner(s) that in executing this Agreement, a situation may arise wherein Petit'ioner(s) may be opposedto the annexation and would have all rights under the Finst Amendment to anticulatethat opposition but the Petition and Consent of Petitioner(s) as contained hereinwill be used for the purposes herein described by City in order to achieve and demonstrate comp.liance with ORS 199.490. 7. Prov'ision of Senvices:In executing this Petition and Consent it'isspecifical1y undenstood tlat anlr annexat'ion shall be contingent 'in its appl'icat'ion toany particular annexat'ion request upon the annexing City, within a logical and neasonable time, to provide key urban facilities and senv'ices, includ'ing, wheneapplicable, sanitary sewens, solid waste management, waten service, fire protect'ion,police protection, parks and recreation pnograms, €lectrical serv'ice, land use contnols, communication facilities, pub.lic schoo'ls on a district-wide basis (in other' wonds, not necessarily within wa'lking distance of all students senved), paved streets with adequate pnovision fon storm water run-off and pedestr''ian travel. 8. Application: The City shall not levy assessments, taxes or fees aga'instthe conseiffi!-TElIlowner not app l'ied to properti es of s'im'i I ar character" throughout the rest of the City. .cl- DATED this / - day of 19 et t Petitioner ACCEPTANCE BY CITY: fl The City of Springfield Consent to Annexati on and meet,ing the requirements of hereby accepts Petitioner(s) Petition for Annexat'ion andby this acceptance acknowledges this as an Agreement Lane County Code 10.1 rou g 55. (, cannIvomen or NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT NOTICE OF AGREEMENT C"BY L, foa-s.np and , herei nafter referred to as "Pet'itionen(s)", andthe City of Sprt ngf i el d, a muni c'ipa1- c_orporat'ion of the State of 0regon, herei nafter refenred to as "city", on the I sE day of FgrePol?-t , Lgpg , entered'into an agreement govenning an annexation to the City of real property identified asTax Lot GOQ rt7 - Assessor's Map lJ02 t93l , a 1ega1 description of whichis attachel-1il-En-iEE "A" and incorporaffiE reffince herein. The use and development of the above property is governed by the terms and @nd j t'ions of the agreement si gned by the parti es. The agreement 'is f i I ed i n thecentral files of the City, to which nefenence 'is hereby made for all mattens andthings therein contained. This Agreement is binding on the Petitioner(s)' heins, assigns and successors in interest 'in the property. I,I ITNESS I,IHEREOF , the part'ies hereto have set their hand and seal this /-t-a- e./19_Od . IN day of By STATE L/r / qO L Date- Cou nty ioenticffiscrib vo'l unta ri 1y. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I above written. By a n n eve Di cto re n and who executed the same freely and have hereunto set my hand and seal the da and year last wne r OF OREGON of Lane e SS. 0n this i F day of f'a9prreq , 1986, befone me, the undensigned,a^notarypuoTiE-l.iitnesa.i@personal1yappearedthe,withinnamedCqy L f::-ru|*A and known to me to be the the My Co ssion Expires:s*?eE Reeeipt #" RESIDEI''TIAL" APPLTCATIO,.- ERMIT 225 Noyth Sth Street Spi'rLngfteld, ?regon 97477 Butldtng Dhsiei.on ? 26-37 53 Constflic{liot _Eeidg!_ Date: Iou" City Desigttated Job Nunbet ra: 88 6 /> SPRINGFTFLTT e', reaC^hleI^t ia the neeponeibi-lily of -tle peryrit lolder to aee that all inapections ate nade at the ptopet tine, tl,at each cddreeefln tlo at?eett atd tltat the p*nrtt catd, is tocated at the frctti of the orooetht.*BuiUing bJoicipn apptoxed p|;an ehall retlain on tlte Bui,Ldilh site'at aLL' tolmee.- PP0C9DUPE Fo\ I\SPECII1N.E-9=Q?EST:CALL726-3769 (recotdet) stdte Aou" Citg desigrated job ntmber, job aCCtees, tgperequested ard _uhen you uiLL be readg fot itapeetion, Contraetots o7 ottnere nane Lnd plone mrnber.' -Requests rcceii:Zd'*'i,LL be rrude the eane dcg, "eqltelts mcde afte.r ?:00 a tiLL be tmde the nett l,ntking'day. of inspeeticn befcre 7:00 ol ,li I Roati aa.l h 22?Job laeatlotr:D Aeoeeeots tbgt #Ia lot ll Ae S:ubilitieion:I a Osnet: Phone:Addreas:2 /^6 ,N ZE;'U.G- B, Date of Appliootio, y' '/ ? ^83 DeecrLbe Work: Ailditian VaLue SNE TNSPECTTON: ereaoation, but Io be tmde after pr.tor to eet up of AflDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECARICAL E WCItr'flICAL: To ba nade befote angwk ie eottered. ?1OTINC ,! FOANDATfiCN: To be trude 4te" t-ffi a"e acaoated attd f,orne ote etected, but priot to Wurtng ecncrete. UNDSRGROUND PLTIMBING, SSWER, \I,4TER. DRAIIIAGE: To be np.d.e priot to ftt-lirq trenehee. ANDERFNOOR PLU,IBING & MECHANICAL: o1 floor ineuktion ot ilecking. POS? AND BEAI|: To be nade prLot toinetallatian of floot ittaulation ot fueking. ROUGI| PLIJMBINC, ELEMRTCAL & MECH. ,util theee inspeeticne hatte beeri nnde at'd, approtteC. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : To be nade after aLL inoulaticn and. raquired oapot burie?a @e in pl.a.ce but before ory lath, Wpeun boarC or tnLL avering ie qplied, atd. beforeoty inaulation ie concealed. Sanitatg eanet capped at ptoperQl Line Septic tork y;.mped ad. fitted. wi.th gta,tel i Final - l{hen abcoe itene ate o"i.L"t"d and uhen dqnolition ie eanpleteiZt atnte-ture nooed otd. ptenrieee cleaneC'. up. t{ etz,eet treee, eonpletion of tie tl',e BUILDIIIG F|NAL can be tequeeted. oR !,i)wD f,orna. FTP.EPLACE:ffi tlon. DRIVALL IllSPEClf1N: Ic be madeaftet aLL dryoall i,a in place, but priot to ang taptng. \IASONRI: Steel location, bond beano, grouting ot oerti.cals in aeeordorce dth U.B.C. Section 2475. IIOODSTOYE: enaT;ffi,Aftet itutallation ia Prtot to plaeirg facingand before frafttng inepee- CURB & APPR1ACH APPOII: After forneoe erecteC but ptior to pouring @nc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRIWIAI: Pot aLL con- erete paoi,ng uithin etreet fight- af4eg, to be nade after all ecoa- rtating eanplete & forn wk & aub-bse nstertaL in p|.aee. FRAIIIING: ltuet be requeated after approoal of rough plur,bing, eleetri- .q,L ll neelanieal. AtL noofitrg btaeing E chinmeye, etc. taet- be i eonpleted. No wrk ie to be eon- + cealed tmtit thid inapeetlott laa I beet nad.e and apprcoed. IENCE: gatee P,A.E. hrhen cotnplete -- PtouiCe ot nooable sectione thnough n AIL p.noject eonditiona, such ae the inetallation of,requited Latdaeaping, ete., mtet be eatisfied befoteFINAL PruIAINC FTNAL UECHAilICAL FINAL ELECIRTCAL n FrNAL BI\TLDTNG: The Final Buitding rnepecti.on nrunt be requeated after the Final plunbing \_/ ElecbrLeal, attd ueotnnie"i iiipiit7o"o 'taui i;";-,*d.- "rrd- ipproin,i. Ecmes Bloeking otd, Set-up Plunbing eonneetione -- aane" Eleatrical Ccnnection - Bloektng, aet-up and plwbing conneetions trust be apptoo-ed before requeating eleetrical inspeetion Accessotg Buildittg .! Pi.nal - After pcrehee, ekitting, deeke,etc. ae eanpleted. otd, uatet I Page 1 of 2 IALL MANttoLES AttD CLEA\IOWS ttUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAST!{EN| rO BE MADE A? frO COS1 lO Cny ) T T f r tr T l trtr l - --+*;X*rw--.{ 73 IGIENDOTY ACRE9 -58C7/Ory /9,T/7d R24 fr.ll OP€6O/ylPlv€coaryT4 ii: t*..:, u3 II .'t---J3.ac-zg- € Iiiiii ** {-, aDa a.q2'tbacrr-D <rrgr arrrarT?w7 t \ o ot t ! \! ri li l.vr7ral prr7 s at .rg.r.J-€ --] --:::.'7 4a tO.2t.,,c-tr i+'l-.'^,i9 ':,,9 ?-. .' o .t l--' *PA 5 t eoz ad::, , 'itir' $\a oI l}t t t\a 2s'-i.t.j"}t tq"f '-: WJr--# lr.,.t i;J-Bl l-!r T:.t-El a;-iI.tIJ:I Iir;il $?- $n",$ !E!'. =.4aa o er1\. -- tto $tI: Bo EE o \ o ruffi*Drette arIil,rt4a -,-*rt'f2C-,h3 -D --?* Grt7 cu.rc fat. G.. gifrlE rlrtlttcttt:lttl't .r.xct :lSG.I'Y (T I'E ' l. orltts r. (lrrlf . rBBltlfrEo rrEllstort L..D !t,ruE!o. Errc Ftn,ulrr=(Itrr.3l"llt? l.rf, ct-o rD I alI[l'fD .t., rrrEo lttt{ EEr tEJlErrs ,rc a.r.atE esrtsEo rtat:,laq,llt at Da (IEt t,!E IID II{f rlrftrEsr oclEr c DC 'Il,lEt oIEOTS rlltlc, r-aEcr^D E. !to. Dtc/Etf? t-.5* dL.:'iia.;n*{btF:. ,DI'IE tr tr=TElr.fr.+Eat cE?ttt troarr tr!.t, trtnrr oo lr tt I/ttr.. rIrE 2 -!iy (Ir D{E ,tLLrrE"rE rtttorl: n*E Grr" B.r, ?'2c.a 2rrg /1 i t it'-tfifr; /3 oo €3f. t=; 6 n-.:. jw._ ,tca.-i, 4,, '': -- .-- i.o= ''*.!E :', j I oo // o tNu-7 ----t:''tzl - rrr. .l I B o o\ It--r.r 2' --__J /o J --! \\ o ot aFn- <tJ ;, I GDG 74"^ o'^ ' Elaa f ,EE : 'XEE aa3Y ?xP.e. trEt 1t ^ (rlll?. saID rltlt.rrri c -& F .-lg lrit tl.rc , ,t trtlr- atrr rltE @ 1! rt|llt 1U'!'E}lr'=r.r-- -.?- +O r--1 a I lF' &rc3 l- o JlD. -in t-'r - I tr:,*:.4I "ii;,'l I ,' "t aI I I I I I t I I 'taJ' . ,r.::i . - -- rt'. ..- -, -)9.''_..*!a "ii., : I ft t-' / .t a , It -oz{ 9 3l Jaao.o-T s.rllltSse- It a.a'I 9r 1o't-\o f" 5.!r'at E. cat.L1S HAYDEN BR IDGE WAY STREET t1 COU N TY I 5o' L.+t.o 8r. ".,, 3C R F UJ IJ E.Fa R oL. Io ro i-rr'.4 ),'t, .t : )i o o 3 I F AI m 9 r i JlrlgI ) l ; = ( ) +t :!.1 3 r@2 JON i.o' o.o' 7 5))t:I 1 MON TEB E LLO A J,totS <-o+.lc N.to'rA'\.r. 1!r.a't q-r 307 Jr \ o. o TFT.t \AL ?orl{.t 300405 .o q 5.o oi tt.o o403 2 a+.o ACR al.o 404 It 400 t_tl{rrrALlrT oo.6 401 JSUFTE \oo.o' I 0 o N.l5L,lo.o 308 FIRST 500 \ oa. o ADD 507 'c ot.o 9 0 0 508 t 11.o 7 c) 509 o. cl 309 30, 5to 2 I 5il FtES o l\o.O 3to 2 30: r 505? ,E )FtU o-L { r_ o l'1o.6 o 506 o.o u,'f 3ll n o; o, a 30 n t-JANZOl Iu gBB (l) lo.o 313 N.C 30 a5'+R+.o1-' 600 -ol9 N.t6'a a 'q o oo.at '266g 906 llo.o ; 907t lca.ll 90rq ,a ZG Ao c .,( 704q + 1a.o o 'o., 702 tq 0 905 z6s9 !t. Io-t soz zLdo -'-l? E o,o o d o 9 o 0 700 s .E ,o 903 LG.4C- l.tr'ar'at'C.. o o 909 .o 9to t{.tl' a.r'at'\^l o t.ol llr o rooT I o t6t t o 802 0 i rooe ECO o o i|OOS roo4 o D t1'tur. 4 DDI l*c.o o. 2 !+'E loo.o 800 o. i'2 o o d ; ,i IOOB lo 80t +' N. o'rt'E.- tt.s+ n.at.l+ u.- lo.a.t 9 roo9 toto l\o.o I toil a lor2 JVJON . tor3 o,o BE o. !ot4 5 Lo sEE MAP 17 02 19 3 4 AC )o' ao' (.t l N) =o. 5o' I 402 504 I502 ?&cq900 )4 oo a A. Cr) 908 904