HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1978-10-05s.t. # TRS, T L Jdb Location Written Directions Lot ,' Block SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Subdivision: Phone OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Phone Mail reportto ()Applicant ()Owner OTRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready. oo.rDosED r-!sE oE pRCTpERTY WATER SUPPLY WITHIN E MILE OF THE CITY OF (NO I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I contrae;t purchaser; potential buyer; realtor or agent. I have lowing legal interest in the property -owner of record; certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action TEST HOLES READY- * * * OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * { Signature - Date SITE: E MEETS STATE STANDARDS E DOES NOT IVIEET STATE STANDARDS i .; ,.. , ,rr LAND USE COIVIPLIANCE Zoning Acreage or Lot Size (TOTAL) Partitioning #-( ) Completed( ) Pending Parcel #- THtS tS A pRELtMtNARy REPORT WHTCH DOES NOT ENSURE THE TSSUANCE OF A FUTIJRE BUlLqtlc P-!!lrlT ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI- iunEs nanoe tN REL|ANCE upoN THts BEpoRT ABE AT YouR owN RtsK. lF slrE ls APPBoVED, sEE REVERSE slDE. AUTHOBIZED SIGNATURE DATE Division of Water Pollution Control LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONT\4ENTAL MANAGEMENT c55-32 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Permit Processing Section DATE 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 I 7J /1, ,4 :::^ff,ff, yorJ*- I 2 {,b tz( ) OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-02016): This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- sidered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and apply for a building permit. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the permit. lf the property is only a portion of a tax lot, a partitioning or subdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation.) LANE COUNTY / 'ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL M ^ \AGEMENT 125 EAST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 974-. PIANNING DIVISION CuTrent Zoni Partltlonlng l_ f]Pending Parccl No. AVERAGE PROCESSING eted on Other r nATEA POLLUTION CONTROL I of St llsv Slt. InBp€ctlon(8) dtu\U,V\tr Htsots,>I}l t)c t0o.H' HoHo 6DS Conatructlon n NGu Nunb€r of Bedroomar Connrarclal,/Industr laI - Other I nepatr I ol Employee!_ I tl D CONSTRUCTION PERHITS AND INSPECTION(See above for I of bedroons/f of employeea) t] i.tobttG nolao g f] permanent A Temporary tlStructura Cc.h_ Ch.cL ArPIDAVIT: lluill be used forfor no o Renerral le perml agr lcu I t th ti8 Total v!Iuation s , Plumbing fixtures at t. _ Sewerftater Conn. at t Sg. Ft. valuatlon Subtota TOTI\L LDING PERHIT PEE s ldo Rear $ E 6ltt oE tlt State SurchargG Plans Check Pee Change o( Occupancy linlrnun ltructural Betbacks: Froro centerlinc ol etreet: Front Exter Froo lntcrlor lot lines; Side f[ Conno'l plans sheet to appll I CurU cut to appllcant PIJBLIC I-ANDS. tr AddresE tr Minlmum Elevation PUBLIC t{oRKS - paciliry perrnit EMvIRONHENTAL HEALTH \\d TOTAI. S thi8 app ther purposeIi-cation are ura I purposes as alloued by zoning and,/or the State Building Code, an agricultural buil.dling, I hereby declare that thls butld lng andI further certify that the statemcnts and other information submltted ontrue and accurate, and that I have the followi ng legal intereat in theproperty:orrner of recordi con lract purchaser;lessee;holdertdflouing of an excluclve optlonto purchase; _duly authorizetfto act for a person wE6-has the legal interests tPp ca or that the owrler of record is knowledgeable of this am e ouner further agr y with al.l !ab codee relating bre coLrnty to this Dernit. Drt. d/ zt / zA----7----7-Applic.nt's Signature ?EIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERIITISSION TO BUILD. IOR INFORMATION AAOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATION, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 687-,t35? (687-HELP) i I \ Address Minimum Elevation 6l!' - s s q q\cf- sr# 78- LOCATION: TWP. SITE EVAIUATION I.IORKSHEET SECTION /7 PROPOSED USE: /7 RANGE CJ TAX LOT # ZONING:RA Ril SIZE OF PROPERTY: WATER SUPPLY:COMMUNITY PUBLIG SUBDIVISION/PARTITION 6/eilon /c.*s IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Itulti-family ConrmerciaI cPd A.I.IOUNT US$LE AREA:4l) INDIVIDUAL LOT / / BLOCK /0ooO s?fl 't PARCEL Single Family IndustriaI gpdi/U,,, 8Pd sPd tso cpd Ins t.itutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of disposal trench required L{o il of 75 ln.o/ Pl It5O gaL. Distribution Method: Curtain drain required: Oche r : Equal El SeriaI NoYes ^E}. SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIAI.ICE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: DATE OF EVALUATION:tr/",/ 74 NA}18: DQC bngl"lc c7 4-126 3tJo^ 7{ tr SI# 7 7/& PREDICTED WATER Predic ted Observed Date in. in. SATURATED ZONE Predic ce d se rved at.e strictive Layer _inImpervious Layer in t.tling SLOPE 1n 1n SITE DOES DOES NOT MEET MINII'II.JM STANDARDS. ADMINI RATIVE RULES REQUIRE A I.IINIMUM DEPTH OF: 36 inches t.o an impermeable layer 30 inches to a restrictive layer 60 inches to a permanent water Eable 24 inches to a t,emporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL 1n ON YOUR PROPERTY THtr DEPTH I.IAS: inches inches inches inches iI TEST }tOLE iI 2 TEST HOLE PERCHED WATER PROFILE PROFILE Pre dic te d Obse rved Datc 1n 1n Inch lnch SATURATED ZONE t2 24 36 48 60 72 24 36 48 60 Predicted Obse rved Dat.e .1n IN % 4rr^ ,l /o to" Restrictive Layerza< in lmpervious Laye t ztn=4-t in Mott ling -zra-rY 80 in SLOPE o/ PLOT PLAN: SEream ...4-4,.-b Drainage or 1;ond 1... latax..lrt, Road Test uole @ \ % SloPe Cut Bank ./ t r17- l"c t rctl x-x S* ?L+ M^p Aor // x tr tr T tr Il..rr Print - Xet rm Applltatlon to l...If lonl.t Lhon Cool.letr.d APPL rudl€LE/J T arac - ADDTESS _€1 ctD{tt (Ir DITTEnENT) ADtrirss APpolrtxx-lrt nrtt. APPLICATIc) N8y elaaLEJ H. 6u4 Offlc€ Urc Onlt 3/,t' 78do'PHONE.- _ l! ! I 't B 2o L _ cr,r _1{/gf,fQc_.tr i-__22-t_r t l'lt()N E I ! ?qo .E E 3 F \\ EE: 5'z $ h, Ns L \ N\h (* '{ E /t! 2 '1 -tE mNTR CToR___- __ ADD'{ES S }HONE ,_ -. --coNrRAC',r()k'c ()Rf . STATE LtCl.tNsE i.}.TII} PIlRHIT TO rR/(;oN'rRACI0R (clRcLr oHrlI I pRrrER T0 ptcK up. c^l.L E ol- PR.IERTY (rcrrd.ntrali typa of romtogl co@rclrl or rndutrreli vacent: ctc dti2 7 OpZ 2, DEscRluE STRUCTURES NolJ oN TllE PR0PIiRt'I. NI)TE AN't'stRUctuREs To Bl. DLlt()LIslEt)SlEl ---T:a--- -?-'E Er?zat-t.ttr'E> n*r,..-'f 4?'b1!t dt ttp 6G,g,Aolt) f]lrutt coro' I, PRESEHT US ,F,C apE 1lrts PRoPER'l.Y 5, PLoT ti-Ax Ske.tch (a) all roads (b) borndarlea of property proposed serte dl6posel areag (c) exlst tng/pro(8) .o!('nnti (h) dralnagcvaya, atrclos, creckr (^ N 3 l* I l. It I I E o tr1al,ehou frcestand!ng e!gns, parklng ' (c) extstlng/proposed bulldlnts (d) exlstln8/,poeed uells (f) erl.t1ng/propoced drlvee.y! , rny othcr p.rtrnent fetturea. If comrrclalrrers, INDICATE DIHENSIoNS.,r lndus I I,l'-- t. I' I I i I I I I ir1' l' l i. I I I'1' I I i I I -i. i I l. I r- ! I I ,1 I' I I l i I Il \a I I ,ll I t. ( I I I.l I i ) illrrl i ,'i: il \, ;-lJ.r\ \ rrl -tll, lfitirl- rtiilil I'.1 11 .Lr I I I I t.- I I i N il N \ \ I r.f\(\\ 6 9 10 il l2 ll l4 ,rl ^1 ,)) ox trcxt"tt:r.-1!!r*g {pfft, Hf lrroD ot slr.rA(;E r)rsposAL -__j*Zj_r. / C -- sllt tNlil,ECTtON T[:St. lt()LLS REAny (DATt:) I'N()POSi.t) lJ,\ rt.R st't'H.Y fl tr:'t'RIclTI ft,R:,itsltt:D BY lJtlt._ sl'RINC _ SI.RI:AH LAKE t,wlo* lrA r7CEyTa : ,J I \liATuR L (;AS llY -_ flRt: l)lsTR t(:r scllool. DIslRIcT.. __ PLtJllE lli(i BY """tt'rt'ttrtttl"ll"'tt'.r. [X) N0T URIll. Bt.:.(,;'TlllS LtNE trrrrrirrtrtrrrtairrrrrtrttrrtl EEfORt. YoUR Alrl.lL\] lo:t ()\N 8E PROCT.SSLD YoU HI'ST !'l.tR\ISH: ._____-8\xl I pLOT rL XS LEcltL DESCRIPTION (DI MENS ION[:D) ldne carty A*61._{/_f_ _-D,\Tf:7 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 IT 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGOI - "401 UB I,I C mlr.v l ltv ( nus ArPr. (. FUTURE |LAN5:_ _ _.fy3_n!u/{1N_ P , I rl'rt . i .l I I I I ; II I It.. I l. ;. I ! . ,l ;,44/4