HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-01-07{I: - '. RESID. JTIA[.. ' APPLICATT2N/PERMrs 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, ?regon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 Job locaticn:1r 7z Aeaeeeors llaP ll ?cs Lot I *tbdiuision:1 O.tner: Adiress:v7 S citu:7 DescrLbe llorl<: SPF,'IvGFIEI-D t-l Ne.t Adtiiticn Nr",^"- 1 Siqned ,[Q-, t ltobi anr€4 t-)-2<-16 r- 'l-E{ Date of AppL LcdtlCn VaLue \^r;.k \* 4?2 Phone: -)q("' | 3 o o Acirbess General Puncir4 D IV*ArK tledtaiccl C o-ry! rl cti on Lerui e? __ * It b the respottibility of tlc penrit t@Ua. tb lee tlnt al] inapections oe nad,e at tte pto?er tine' tlat e@h -'lireas is v2asaii, fltt the atreet, atd tlnt the p*trrit catd ia located at the frant of the ?ropert!tBuidi.y Dloisi.on aQrw^ed pbt slall remain on tilz Building Sitc dt aLL tines. P!?OCTDUPE FOI?. nts?|llolt.IS_CyIS?:CALL726-3769 (reeorder) state 1!ou? City design-zted iob nrz::ber, iob aiiresll type of inspeclicr' requesxecj ana uien lou ILLL De ?eaay yor tr,spcction, Conttaeto?s ot Ane?s lnsne cnti p|tone rutrtbct.'. P.equesxs receixeri befcre 7:00 g^ Lrill be tnatie the eotze tbg, tequeats ncde after ?:00 ott viLL be tmd,e the nart uorking i Reottirer rnsceeticnsa'cy' lequeac' ^*" 'o' . lour citr Dedigra*ed Job Nunber.r", "''8800 \ ( I l E 4 l l l I l SI?! MS?ICTIOI: lo be narie after eacauexlon,but prior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAD PLUI{gTI|G, EL'C?PICAL 8 }.9CL';.:;;C;;: To be naae beiore anyffiiG-iueted. PC)TfiC 1 FOUNDATfCil: lo be naCe afxer trenches a?e ard forms ate erected, but prior topuring ecnctete. UND,RGPCU:]D PLUI,IDI];C, S9hE?, W.1T!P. 284!!!i9i: To be naie prLcr to fii-Lir4 xrench.es. UTIDEPILCA? PLUI:BTil G 8 I,!EC!|A,I:I CAL : lo be naie prior to installation oi floor ineulation or deeking. P1ST Af:D BEAI.,: To be nedc prior toTiililTilliof floor insulation or decking. DAtt.t D?tb,of,t^ rfeMDTcAr t |!!cl:- A!|ICAL: iio uork is to oe cou^e?ec friL these ittspeetiors have beer nade anl cDoroue!, FIPEPLACE: P?ton to plccir4 fceinemcterials ard before ircting inspee- tion. FRll'JE: ltuct be recuested after 6irov"i of rough plttnbing, eleetri- cal d necinnical. AL! roofirn bracing E chinmcys, ete. rrrst be ; conrpletcd. llo ucrk ia to be con-..'oecled until thio inspeetton laa 'been naie anC approved. r il su LArroN / v Ap)R BARRtESJIIE!!!!!9!!:DE::3LI?rc:: OP :-:3W) E',.:|LD;::CSIo be maie after aLL insulcxi-cn ed requ:-red oapor ba'riera @e in p'la.ce bttt before ory Lath, ggpsurt bcari or tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealeC. DRYIIALL IIISPEfiION: lc be made after aLL arguall is in place, but prior to cng tapir.g. tlAS1NPl: Steel Location, bond beans, grouling ot'uerticdls in accondanee tLth U.B.C. Section 2415 , After installation ie Sotiloy eeoer eapped zt PtoPer4i Lir:e Septic totk p'nVed, ann fnlled tith gza;se Final - \hen abcoe ite::;s ote ccwleted and uhen Cetclltion i.s c*.:alete o? at?uc- ture mooel ai pnetrises cleanei up. llcbile iicrnes 'Blocking otd Set-ttp Plttnbing connections -- aa)e? c,l. uatet 1- Ccnnectiott - Bloeking, aet-u= ani plwnbino connections trrist be apprc"-e; beforc pequestang eleclrteal inspectiol il)0DST1yE: empL"-A. CUPB A APPqCACI| APPOI}:Afte- formsee ereet,eC but ptior to pouring conetete. l-71 SIDEI.IALK A DRI',Eh',1y: For all eon- l.X I ctet" iifu-ultfii stteet right- - of-rey, to be maie after aLL ezca- oatina complete & fotn uork & sub- base naterial in plaee.- After Dcrekes, akirt;-ng, decla, ate ccrnoleled.etc Z FnuL pLUrlBrtG ) ulm HtcHAtrcAL fl nn;z ELEciRTcAL l c IENCE: hhen conplete -- ProoiCe gaxes oy mooable eectians through P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the instdllaxion of street ttees, co:lDletion of tie tequired Landsccpitcg, ctc., iast be sati.sficd before the BUILDII:G FINAL can be requested. PINAL BUILDIN7: The Final Building fnspeetion rust be neauesteC after the Final Plwbing Electrical, anC Neclanical fnspectlons iaue been nade arui approvaC. I 'ALL t,A!:!!iLts AND CLEAil)WS ffuST BE ACCESSItsL', ADJUg:!i::!:C 9t tJ,D! /.? l:0 C?ST TO el:v Page 1 of 2 L-CO G+soLAR Ac.cEss REQ.- Bearo*s: Zone: tot Sq. F*". Z cf Lof Carseragc I of Stortee ?otal Eeioht Toooc-twhu Builiing Pendt State ?otal llo:gea Resilientia,L (1 bcth) Pltnbing Perrit 9tate Cr. ITT ?YPE _ Interior ieaa kan4c Ldc? ilaoastove Cor.net Panhatd,le C\l-de-sac Cir;E3a Building Volue & Permit This pernrt ia granted on the esress eonl,ition tlnt the said, eonstruetiott e_hall, -in all.nespccts, eonforn to the Ordirance adocteC by the City ofSpr,_ingfield, inehtd,tn-o the Zoning Cydlnance, regutcting thb ccnstr,ietiZnotd.uce o-f buildings, ord maq be suspend.ed or reuokeC ot ay tine upon uic-lation of oty prcuisiona of eaid Orci.ir,ances. a Ddte Paad Reeeiot ll: Sigzeti: Plumbing Permit No person slull eonstntet, instal!, altet on ciuroe cny rJeD cr e:isting qtur,2ing or drainage sltsten in uiole or in part, inless euch person is- theLegal posseasor of a ualid plwtbet ,s Lieens-e, e.seeDt that d D'erson mn do,Hir"n aork to ppopertu uhieh is ounteC, Leased or operated. by the qpli- 808JOB NO. [-ot Faeeo - Setbaeks AceeasCa?aoeP. L.Houae I'lotth East Sot;th l,lest r3s.rt x VaLuc lbin .- -^ Za.gr,.Ef,6 qal Cmcrt 298 Aceessoru /qa bDffi ?O?AL VALIJE /&>.* S.D.C. I.5 c /7 ??6. 8A /8. aD Sanits.rt Seuer /?.q tlcte!,^-->/>- 4,St>z,n Zhy/--t 6tb@ /O.-e 3.5>77.fo Neu/Etend, ciral:"ts Set vice ?otal Electrico I Perm it vhere state La't reouites tha.t the eleetrical uork be done bu an Elecl:rlcalconxraciai, the electical gortion of titis pernix siall rot be oalii unttlthe kbel ina,s been signe<i by the Eleetrical Cont?dctot.1f.'ao /*e62-* ,/- <2 3/. Sa Mecho nicql Permit 'E=ltant HooL Vent F@t 'rlcoCsto;lc Perr.t fssustec Me:ianiccl. Penti; -- txcRcActil.lr::? -- Sectitu Sto?aoe /-ry^*e f HAW CAREFULLy Er/-|iINED tlw connleted aeolication for oentit, dnd dohereby cettif.y that aLL ,t-fonation hereott ie true oli .'orr".t', *rl Ifurther eerlify that any arl. aLL uork periortei si;atl be ciote 7, o""or- <iance :.rith the Or:iinznces of the City of Sot-intfictd, ar,C th: Ies of theState of Oregcn pcrtainino to the uork ieseribc,i hcre)n, cnC tl,at NO OCCU-Pl.ttcy rtlL b'e na'ie of a\!- sx"uctur,a- uithott permission of the suitding Di-uision. f further certify that o:tly conttacto?s ar;d etplcyees uho are incanplrance uath CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projec-t Totc! Ctsracs hrbcu! Sile.wlk !ensc tleetrical Labc 4B lobile Hav /2./?.", .@ 1-2s 77lAL lllCL'ii7 D!r:.d yru.Br SLOn2Cl Dzte Res. Sc, ftz. t,',r. '*rar. l/tx . .. RESI-,ENTIAL APPLICTfiON/PERI.EI 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, )negon 97477 Butlding Diuisio.n 726-37 53 aa SPRI,{GFIEL.E'- \";.k \* a?2 Phone: -7q6- l3 o o ttl Job toceticn:a Vz Aaceaoors llao ll Stbdiuision: Qsner: Adtiress:v7 S ci ?cs lot il Z 1 Describe htorl<: N"t -*- )t3,I t\-l ? 1al\n Ns-t Add.iticn Date of I S.* ".2- cP \ ( J)u @J"fu') ),-/7e -G r- 1-gK Sioz:ed: Va'!-ue Aaa"ess GeneraL Pltni,tin-c D W*SrK Electriccl Z> trrZl* Mecita.iccL co-@e?---.,'--:: It i, the neepono'ibility of tlc perarit \told* to aee that all inapeetiotts ce nad,e at tle proper tine, tla,t ecch addrees is vsaia'ni, fry tle etreet, anC tlat the perrrtt eatd ia t^tcated dt the frcnt of the ?"oDe?ty.BuiTditq D;-oisipn aryrw-eci ptan slcll remain on tiu Buniding Site at aLL' times.- P:tocspup,. F0!? ills?rc|roil 8icptrs?:cALL 7 reauescecj a.ra, u:ien uou uiLL be reetiy fortiil be nacie the e&e dcy, ,"qr."""- ^i. 26-3769 (teeordet) std.te you? City Cesigr,ateci job nu::ber, job aiiresl tuoe of irispec2icr,irSocction, Contrc.cxo?s or A.>teis ncne cnci pnone nurtbcr.. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 c,afxet, 7:00 an vLLL be nade the nc.st :Jo?KL|?s C,a' 8800 \(your City Desigr,a.ted Job Nunbet IsRcati,nel Tr.n cn9I l E 4 l ezcauaxion, but pyio? tc set up of forms. tlunFpcT ta Df frtbfr'a r?f^-ori.f o c7-F 7ri^-a/h7Ai,?o be na.d.e after TESULAIIOII/VAPOP BARRIER IT]SP|C?IO\| : ?o be ttaie after aLL insulcti-at ed. tequ'-red uqor bawie?a de in place bttt befcre ory Lath, ggpslllt bcari oy tnLL coueying is aoplied, otd before oty insuTation is concealed. a=t,af f6?nt, h2 tralE- ir, Soiley aetser =apped et propert! Line Septie to& p'aped, and fnlled tith gtate lincl - hthen abctte itezs are cqaleted a..i uhen Cetclition is corrlete ot st?uc- xute nouei ai pratrLses cleanei up. l!cc Blocking ad. Set-rp Plunbir.E connectioas -- aa)er otd, ualer triccl Ccmnection - Blocking, aet-u= ani plwbinc connections m;st be apprct;ec beforc requesxtng elec:rteal inspec;iot: BuiLCzrry - Aftcr ',cnehes, "kil.rti'ng', decks, etc. are cornoleled l.s!!:.iI ICAL: fo oe maae bejore cnuptork ia ewered. L< FOCTI:;C 2 FOU;:D,1TTC::: ?O bE NACE - afcer xrenches a?e ezcauatei and forms cre enectei, bux orior xoptgin-a ccncrete. --. . ' ,,),. DRYWALL NJSP,EION: Tc a7'ter aLL ctyuall is in bux ptict to cng tapirg. be made pl.ace, U!:D|RGP3L'::D PLI]:,21i::, SS^:.2., h'.i:!?. DiAIil;Ga: ?o 'oe naae prLcr xo fii-Lir4 creneizec. AilDEP?LCO? PI.UIEI\]G 8 I.|IC:TA.]:ICAL:Io be maoe prior to insxallaxion of floor insuT.c.tion or deckina. tlAS)!]!?!: Steel location, bond beans, otouling or ve?ticcls in accorci.otce Dith U.B.C. Section WOODSTO',/E: ccmo Leted. 1 Posr nt:o aril.!: To bc natic prior to ) frti:;--.i-;of ftoor insuta;ion or &cking. onllatl DflDraf,tF ffca DT^. .| r'.!;IC/,L: io uotk is to oe cotcrei - .uncil xhese inspeetiors iuue been nade at;l coorouei.--1 nP*ucz: pr.ior to plccir:t fccin:l -J mcceyiats anC bcfore irctino ineoee-tion. 7 Fpnt:r::c: l'tust be recuecteC after -) dppr"rrl ci rou-oh plunbinq, e'Lecxnz- cal d neciunieal. AL!. tociin: braeirw C chitmcys, ete. must be : cotnpletcC. llo ucrk ie to bc con- ...-cecle<i until thiB inspecdon laa'bee.n naie anC approued. After installation * $0 E1 Ql cups a appnetcp apeot:: Aftc:" forns ..lt I ee cteetel but prior to pcuring ./ cone?ete- r SIDEHAI,K A DRf\El,t!,y: For all eon- crete pauing uithin st?eet right- oi-ey, to be maie after aLL esea- uatina conolete & fotn L)o?k & sub-n , base materLal in place. /' \. lEllCE: hrhen conplete -- ProuiCe eaYe6 o? mouable aectians throuqh P. U. E. ZI A l FTilAL PLU\.EII:C FII;AL I,!I'HA:]ICAL PIIIAL 'ZICTPICAL AIL project conditions, such aa the installaxion of s:reet trees, co-olaticn of tierequired T.anzsccping, ctc., nast be aatisficC bciore the BUILDIT:C FI|iAL can be requested. FItiAL BIJILDING: The Fi.nal Building Insoeetion r:ust bc reouesteC cfte? the Fir:5,lc plwbitq Electnicai, otC Neeinr.iecl Inspeetzons navc been nade aryi aponovei. x 'ALL t'tA!:PrLEs AxD cLtA:lcU?S lfug? BE AICESIIELE, ADJL,S1!E:]T :C gl tADl /.T l:o CIST fo epy Pzge 2 of 2 1."--*&^-t^- a,7rf€4 7' tr u c JOB NO.0Ol g soLAR Accr'- s REe.-r--coc* Builiing PerlrLt State lotal Ciu.tgea ; rT.r, lResiierttial (1 bcth) i I Sotitcrt Seuer PLuHnq Pewi'. 9tate OccLrodncu Gpac: FEN Bezo*.s: Sozrecs ieaa a Lreo LacP cove -- Faes -- Building Volue & Permit This pertnt ia qranted on the eoress con"dition that the sai-d..constntctioa altall, in all respccts, conform to the orciinance adooteC by the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning CYdinonce, regulcting tlrc ccnstracticn otd. use of buildings, otd mau be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cry t'-me upon vic- la.tion of @ly pncoisions of eaid orciir.ances. Datc Paid: Reeeiot ll: Sig::eti: a!. ='a Plumbing Permit No De?son slull consfiuct, instal!, a!.ter or eicrue cny neD cr e--isting plurbirq on drainaae syste? in'aizole or in part, unless aucn person is the Legal possessor of a valid plwnberts License, ezceDt tl'zt a De:son,,9l do pltnbing uork to proDetty uhich is ouneC, Leased or operaxed by the dPPLi- -]r ! .: Lot Facea - Sctbaeks r.L Houae Cd?aoe Aeeess ilo"th kan East South I cf tot Ccueraga_ t of Stoiea ?otal Eeight Iopogrcphy Vaiuc,l Iat Sq. Fcj.TfA TWE Interion Corfiet Paniandle CwL-de-eac tleet lb,in h,*VaEa -6 5 ral C@rc?t ZS8 Aceessorq /qa Bzm.,< TO?AL VALU'/aa>.* I UCLUCS.D.C. I.5 r ??6.?{ /7sv aa /8.ffi /€,* /?.4 tlcte:"/s* 4.5p* hr-o F A.>22 70.-o 3.5> 77.fo I !t-. I I ttr;/*tnrra Ciraits Setttice Electricol Permit Itnere State Ian reouives ti'at the eleetical uork be done b'g an lleetical Conxr\zctoi, the elecziccl portion of tizis pernix siull rot. be ualii until the label ius been sione<i by xhe Electrtcal Contrcctor. L PeDrtt Suv=hatoe Total Cllctces 3) /€'"e /*e 42.o /. <2 3/52 f a.t.t \ *lwtat Hoo,l. vent Fot 'rlcoCsta)c Seet:,rj Storaoe !zin ltrr5er: Srda-rrlk lc Hane Pemit'Issuotcc Me=ipnicc! Perit -- E;lcitcACHl!!:;f -- a::.:'-Mechonicol Permit 2 r) '1 f HAW CAREFULLy !X,4"'1INE? tite conoleted aeoZication for oernit, cnd do hereby certiflt that aLL itfottation hereon is true ari eo*cct, an-i. f further cer+-ify that any arl aLL uork perioraei shall be ciote it ac=or- dance vLth the Oriinances of xhe Ctty of sorintficlJ, arul th: La,,;s of the State of Oreocn pcrtainino to the uork Cescribcd hcretn, cr.C th.zt NO CCCI- Pl.ttcy vtLL be np,ic of any st?uctu|e uithott permission of the Suilding Di- uision. f further certify tlat otly conttactors ar,.d eaplcyees uho ane in cr,tpl;.ance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project ,, 4 t1 /?.2t .?O)oar- Mrx;2 1.2s roDi lJ+cu..; p1'5.. r 6 lzo.Br 5LOn2d Date tr::