HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-11-04225 No,th sth 'tteeaPPLrcAfl,N /PERMrr Springfield, ?regon 7Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIT.qNTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD- 7 >2:>"< . 'c> "rob [ocaticn: 2 ? Aeseesore Map #Ics Iat # Subdioision: a T 1Anter: Pat Phone:747 _CgLg ,Addtess:-cZnd St.22 3 No. zip: 974?7rlleld. OB OpuJ<-/."-^, - ^R_^J4 {e*.) S-.^r. L0- Desez4be l,lotk: Additicn oDtt- 4-8a ValueDate of App Lieaticn J-t t E-&2.-c-cr rS<--ta-- U ecsneral LandsCa Page 1 of 2 # 8 ll c)eS \ ld La.ndsca t 1 Date Irra s Bd.1 -3t-o,/), Plrnbi.ng Electrieal l4eclutical Const?uc,!!on_Lender SI?E TNSPEC?ION: ezeansation, but forns 2c\ FTilAL PLUMBINC PIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ' Io be nade after pz.ton tc set up of TNSULATIO!/VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTION: To be made aftez, aLL insulaticn ad z,equired uqor ba*ie?a @e in placebut before any Lath, Wpsun bcatC ortnLL coueting is applied, and beforeotg irnulation is concealed. DRYHALL INSPEC?f1N: ?c be nw.deafter aLL dtguall is in place, but ptiot, to anA tapirq. e rt is the respontibililu of-tte perfttt holdet to aee tlnt aLL inapections ate nad,e at the prope? time, that ecch aa/lress is reqcnhleIy.-t!p stree-t, and. tlat the-p*nit card is Loeated, at the r',"l'o7 the property. -*Building Nricion approced pl.cn shcll remain b"-tG e":.t'at"b'Z'iie at aLL. tihes.- PRCCEDUPE FoR TNSPECfi)N Rgqwsr:C4LL 726-376\(reeord,et') state your city ,l.esigrnted. job ntnbet,, iob aci,.ess, type of inspee=icnrequested and ahen uou uill be t'eady for i*pictnon, b;;"";;;;-o" anne?s ncne and pTone number. pequeste teeeixed. befcre ?:00 cn'*tLL be nade the sdte dcg, "nq"-niii"i"an ijtu z,oo- * vtLL be nn4e the nect aotking day. Iour City Designated Job Nwnber fs:A8O9? T ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL &wc!+YcaL: ro bi-ffiiTffiiAny .t'lotk is cotlez,ed. FOOTIN} & FOUNDATfCN: ?o be rm.Cedrte? ttenehes a?e e*cauated and. fotns. are erected, but prioz, topou?ing ccncrete. D.IlIllAcE: To be na,l.e prton to fil-Lirg tuenchzs. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT,EING & MEQITA! CAL:robe@oy floor insuT,ation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be made oyLoy toilildTGiGi-of floor insuialion ot decking. ROUqH PLAIBII,|G. ELECTRTCAL & T,{ECH- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be coxere{w:til these inspeetiors h,auc- been ndde and approueC. FIiW4.nC_e, : Pr.tor to plaeirg faeingmatetlala and. before froning inspee-tion. FRAI.'IING: Ivfust be recuested after apptouat of rough ptunu;ng, ilnit"L- eaL & neclnnieal. AL! roofiztg btactng & ehinmegs, ete. nrtst be . cotnpleted. llo uork is to be con- . eealed until this inspection lns'been nade anC approtsed. DEI.IOLI?IO!! OR BUILDI;ICS Sanitaty saser capped at properel Line Septic tutk purped ard. filled uith gra:tei PinaL - l{hen abcoe itens ate cc,ttptleted and uhen dqtcliti-on .ts cornplete br sttae-tt*e mooed and. prenrtses cleaneC up.I Ir IIASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot oerticals in accotdotce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. W00DST0|/E: After installation is rctnpleted. Le Hcnes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aaie? otC uater Electuical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uo and plunbing eonnections m;st be apprcr;bd befoz,e requesting eleclrical inspeclio:t Aeeessory* BuilCing Piral - After pcnehesetc. a?e canpleted. skirting, decks, CURB & APPRCACH APP.1N: After fomsee erecteC but ptior to pottt"trq concyete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL con-c"etenao@Affi street right- ef-r.nA, to be made after aLL exca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base rwtet LaL in place. IENCE: Vhen conplete -- ProrsiCe gatee or mouable seetions thnough P, U.E. ALL y'oject conditione' such as the installation of street tz,ees, cot:rpLetion of tierequired Landsccping, etc.' mtst be eatisfied before the BUfLDIN| FillAL ean be requested. ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: The ?inal Building_ Inapection nuat be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, otd. Meclnnical fnspections h.a,ue been mad,e attd'approuei. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIETII ?O BE M\DE AT NO CCST TO CT?Y , I .,l-- t_ P.L House Carage Aceess. North Eost South Vest ITEII SQ. FTG x Value Win C,aaae Carport Accessoru TOTAL VALUE DCS.D.C. L.5 c CHARCENO.FEE Fistures Resil.enti,al (1 bath) Sanitary Seuet, Itat*?2z- -^- kn > c--.7 . ),{- 1* 15 "S-UffiULNO.FEE Res. Sa. fta. Neu/Ectend Cite"dtc Iartpotey Serl;iee NC IEE LilAIAL Mechonicol Permit llcodstooe Vent E@t Eehanet HooC ,s Permit Issuance Meehanictl Petmtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- 9eaurit! Deposi;L Storage Mainterunce Permit Apbeut 5ida,:alk Pence Electrical Label Mobile Honte JOB NO. Zone: Int Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cotetage # of Stories Iotal Eeight Topography Building Permtt State ?otal Clnrgea Plunbing Petwit State State ?otal SOLAR AC.CESS REQ.- Gr LOT TWE Interiot Cormer Panlnndle CUL-de-sac L-co d Bedrooms Lot Faees - Iteat Fi toxe -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pernr.t i.s granted on the erpreas condition tlnt the sdid-eonstruction slnll-, in all r.bspects, confonn to the Orditnnce adopted 6y the City o-f Springfield, including the'Zoning Crdinanee, regulctirtg the ccnsttwcticn anl use of buildings, artd nay be suspend.ed or reuokeC at dty time upon oic- I-ation of dtA prcoisions of said 2tdinances. " Check Fee: Date Pard: Receipt # Signed: Plumbing Permit No person slnT-L construct, instal!, alter or ehan4e anA neD cr ezisting plutnbing or drainage sAste'n in ulnle o" in pant, unless such person is the Legal poseessor of a ualid plunbet,'s L'Lcense, ezeept that a pe"son nay do plwnbing uork to prope?tA uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- caaft. Electricql Permit Whe"e State l,an reqtires tha.t the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contractor,, the eleetyLcal portion of this perrnit shall not be ualil. until the Label \ns been signed by the Eleetrical Contyactot,. PLan Eo@m,ne?uate s f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI4INED tle cornpleted appli.cation for pertnit, and. do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon is tzue and, cotz,ect, cnC f further certify that ang ard aLL uork perfoz.ned slwll be done i.n aceor- danee ryith the Otdinanees of the City of Spz,ingfield, and the Laas of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the work Cescribed herein, and ttnt NO OCCU- PANCy ?ttl,L be rmde of arlA st"uctu"e uitLput pemniseion of the Buitding DL-uision. f further certifr- that only contl,acto"s od atrplcyees uho atb in eornpliance uith oRS 707.0ss uiLL be used on this project TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *Signed tt tt tl r Total C'lwroes State ?otal C'hanqes W