HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-11-12" RESIDI* JTIAL.-t1 Zzs Noyth rrr rronrlPPlrcArro*lP,R,r? Sprtngfield, 2t'egon 9?477 Building Noisio.n 726-3753 Job lacaticn: Aeseasorc t'!ap tl Subdiuision: Osner:7 I ndrirn"",5//32 SP'II'uGFIEL.D ?cz lot i Phone: U- 3 7- 2/r Ll Or<- f o*rrr"n f1 ," or,, Date of App t l-Licaticn f I /7-r7 Yalue 7, OOO eserlbe Nork: t,{ s 7a/c /{.il c acrr/t/t/ ? 7o4 //ear ,/r*/ w /71/ forrn 2*.o.rcr7 -rrcl^>'"'dc ET .Siqred: tlco 0r(/ ,, "liVw c/>a- -tZ-6 io?s Aaaress -2 9 7>v GenenaL r-t)c F o?{w oO437 t 7'30-V7 3 ELeetricaL e582 Zso ,/oo l-/7' s Constmtctiort Lendet It i^, tha respoto'ibility of tlc pernrit holda to aee that aL.L inapecti-ona oe node at tle pro?er tine, tLdt s44ft -=iAtsss is vsasah'1. fra n the atreet, and that the penrtt easd ia Located at the frent of the g,operty.Building Diuision approxed pLot sltcll remain on tie Building Site at aLL tines. PROC9DUPE FOI? filSPr*ION RSOUEST:CALL726-3769(teeorder) stdte lour City designated job nto;;be?, job aLitess, type of inspee2ictr vequestecj aiilen Eou uiLL be ready for ir,spcction, Corrtracto?s o? Oane"s ncne cnd pinne nstnb*. Requests receit;ed befcre 7:00 e, ttll be nntie the sone dcy, ?equests nuie after ?:00 an vLLL be nad.e the ne.ct:,nrking da'g. Reati.roi Ts <aaafi.eaq 8lo s/.u ;-l Sr?S MS?SC!rcI: Io be rncie after I i ffio"Y priar xo ee= up of7 fotms.I UUDERSLAB PLUt4gIilL ELTCTPIC4L A l,9cE:.::ic;L: ?o be matie beiore any ttoyk is eooeted. il]SULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTIO\I : To be rmd.e after aLL insulati.cn el rcquiz,ed oapor ba,rie?a @e in plaee btt before ory Lath, Wp&n bcati or tnLL couerina is applied, otd before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL IIISPEtrI)N: Tc be made after aLL aryuall in place, but prior to cny tapirg. HASON!?!: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or verticcls in aceoz,ciance Lrlth U.B.C. Section 2415. DE|I3LITIO!: OR :.:OW) BUILDI;:CS Sotiloy se.ser capped et propet4i Lit:e Septic tork p:.c:rped and filled ,f,tt, gror" Final - l{hen obcrte itets are canpleted and uhen Cezclition ts carcLete o" st?uc- ture mooeC oa premLses cleanei up. Blocking ad Set-tp Plunbing connections -- aa)e? od. uatet Electviccl Cennection - Bloeking, aet-uc anC plunbing eonnections rlrlst be apprc"*ec beforc requesting electz"tcal inspectiol Aecescory nuilCtng Pinal - After pcrehes, akirting, decks, etc. ate conoleted. a roormG & FOItNDATTcil: To be naCe ) Afxer rz,enci;;-a";-acaatea and. forms ane erected, but prior to pow-irq ecncrete. - UlW Gp ou:: D pLut'llJl: :2_ Eg.r.:)_ hlltLJLir4 crenchec. 1 ano*vrooR pr,urEritG t tEClrAurcAL:troit@of. floor insulction or deekin-a. 1 Posr nrc atn:: To be nade prior toI insxaiiacian of floor insulation or dccking. ---l R)t-tcll PLL|IISMC. ELE???I:A: n trcr- I - .wztil these irspectiors i",aue been trule anC approued. 1 fntPucti wto, f,o pZceirn fceing) ;;;e"l"t" and before'irailni inepei- tion. 1 fn*:r::c: t"tuct be reouested aften -) "pp*v"L oi rough plunbina, e'Lectrr- cal & neciunieal, ALL roofir4 bractng C chirmcys, ete. nust be : conpletcd. Ilo acrk io to be con- ...,cealed unttl this inspection laa 'been nade anC approued. r-1 tlooDsTo,"rE:l)aA**a.Aft er ins tal|.a.tion is CURB & APPRCACT! APP)N: Aftet formsee erecteJ but prio? to pouring cottctete. SIDSI'IALX & DRfIEWAY : For all eon- etete pavlfig uL thin street tight- of-MA, to be maie after aLL esca- vatine cdnplete & fora uork & sub- base matertal in plaee. ) rrnot plutlBrnc Lqtll unat HErHAttrcAL ]*tuer, ELECTRT;AL lv4 IENCE: hhen complete -- ProuiCe gaxe6 o" mooable eections through P. U. E. ALI project conditions, such as the i.nstallat:-on of street trees, eonolcticn of tie required lantd.sccpir.g, ctc., tmtst be aatisfied before the BIJILDITJC FINAL can be tequeeted. FINAL BUILDING: The Fi.nal Building Inspection mst be reauesteC cfte" the Finzl Ptmbing \_/ Electrical, otC Meclur.ical Inspecti.ons llp:ue been made ara approueC. 'ALL t,A!:tcLtS AND CLEAN)WS NUST BE A1CESSIBLE, ADJUS?!!::I! T0 9E tiDt /.! n0 CSST T0 CM Page 1 of 2 IotE City Deeigr,a.ted Job Numbet fs: L-COG+ [ot Facee - Setbaeks Aceess.Ca?aoeP. L.HouSe hanIlotth Fa st ISouth HeBt / cf Lot Cateraoe I of StorLes Valuc.t:u x TTT TWE Intetior Corael Panltandte Cwl-de-sac Total Eeight Topogrqhy l,a.in Cmcrt Aceessoru ?OTTL VALUE I DC.LUCS.D.C. 1.5.c SOLAR A*:ESS REQ.-JOB NO. Builiing PenrLt State Total Chatqea fisfures Resi<iettti.a,L (1 bcth) PLtnHng Perrit State Beauofrs Ctg"tc: iea'- c 'ees -- tL LAee tote Fee Building Volue & Permit This perrrJt is granted on the express eondition tlnt the sai.d.eonstntetiOtt elall, in all reepeets, eonform to the hditance adoctel by the City ofSpringfield, inelud.inq the Zoning Cydtnance, regulcting the ccnst?..cticn otd use of buildings, otd may be euspended or reuokeC at cry t-.ne upon uic- Lation of dty prcuisions of said Or<iirances. t n-t ^ D--' ) Reeeiot #: Sigxeti: Ci;F,3:Plumbing Permit No percon chall constntct, instal!, alter or ciunae Gny nel cr e:tsting ylwn2ing or drainaae sy6tz11 in uizole or in part, unless auch person is trle Le_gal possessor of a oalid pluttber,s Lieense, e.zeept t\".at d D-e?son ilal do Offr.r"n oork to prope?t_u uhieh is otsrzeC, Leased ot operated by the qpli- Sanitary Setter ,lcte! Nzu/btend Circuits Sentice Total Charces Electricol Permit Vhere State las reouites tha,t the electrical uork be done by an ElectmicalConxl.ctai, the electrical corxion of :izis pernix siall rox be ualii untilthe label ias been signed by the ElectrLcal Conttacto?. +l I ,5.d) /5,& ,?5 t5. 10 ai:': ^: fi 'trlltZ / 5.o0 t /fi ad ,15 /5. 15 Mechonicql Permit 'E=itaot Hoo! Vent F@l llcoCsto;se Seetritv Pen*t'Issuoce lle:iunicel Pe"rat -- E;tcncACHt!!:;T -- V A I'Lant Lrantner uateStotdoe Pern'it Totcl Ctaracs ADbclta si.da,nlk Yobile llae f HAW CAREFULLy 9XAIiINED the eonoleted apolication for oernit, and do hereby cettify that aLL itfona.tion hereon is true ani corrcct, cr:ll. f futther cerlify that any ar.d aLL uork perionteri shall be <iote in accor- dance vLth the Ordinences of xhe City of Sortryficl,7, ar,.d th: Ia;s of the ' State of Oregcn pcrtainino to the tprk Ceseribcd hcrein, cr.d. :tst NO OCCU- Pl.llcy viLL be nnd.e of anlt sx"uctt&e uithott pernission of the Build,ing Di-vision. f funther certifV thet otly contraetons at-d enplcyees uho are incanpliance uz,th ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project :MAL AT4U:|T D!::'#31qg Signed Date - /?'tr 7 -T bn, a