HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-09-28" RESID=-..lTlAL". APPLICATT)N/PERMLT 225 lforth |t/t Street Spn rqfield, 1z'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 s3 # SPFIhlGFTELD -0fc Date 2aa It ie the rcspol.ribi.ti*g af tl* W"ntit lDUd to see that aL! inepeetions ee nade at the pto?er tine' that ecch ad4ress is ?eaCqbie fron the at?eet, @td eM the pqnit eatd id Located at th9 fiont of tlze ptopet'ty.*Ouilding Noision ryrot;d pLoz ehcll remain on the Ouilding Site at aLL times. PROCEDURE FOR rnSp4Cyf1n nEqrnsr:CALL726-3769(reeoz,der,) state youz, City Cesigna-ted iob m.onbet', iob aCdz'ess, lUee-9f inspec=icn eaafor,inspeetion,Contr,actol,soiannei8nclneandp7nnenu-,bel.Eequestsreceil:edbefcr,e7:00cn ,,vill be nade the sane dq, requests ncde after ?:00 an trill be made the nert aoz'king dag. You? CitA Desigr,ated Job NwnbeY fs P o m t t'. n a,4 Tn <n a nLti- m e 8?c 5*l aa33 3Prr"rob Loeaticn: Assessore Map # I -02 - a.t Tar Lot # Subdioision: 1tmer: Phone:Addtess: 37?- 4ycity: /foa.n Q-s/ -r? &r.r,r,*fl4b Do, Desarry{.be Vat:k: /,y'w,v,y+ n Ned Date of ndditian RenoCel. GenetaL i Plranbi,n4 'n - l Etectyi.cal |QL-L ueaawtatr/tr-gr9 Pege 7 of 2 Vl toornc & PauND,{rrEN: To be twcetxl@@fr. forns ee *retad, bwt griot, to pou?iflg ecuereie. AIIDEP,FLOAR FWWBNWA' & MEC9ANTCAT, : a7 floor insw.Latie* ar de,eking. POST AYD SNAIf: Ya be made Prdax to ffiffio7 ftaar irr,u'{ati"o* at decking. noucu etustrc@ wcw; ANICAL: No uapk r.s to be coDerea ffilTthese'tnspeeti*ns ?tsts e beeri made cnd qpruoed. DRYWALL fNSPECTI)N: Ic be made aftet, aLL fuyaall is in p'Laee' but ptior to anA taping. I"\AS0NRI: Steel Location, bond dZdijgrouti.ng ot, uerticals dn aceordutce tLth U.B,C. Section 2415, WOODSTOI,/E: @taT;TA. After instaLZation is SnE fNSPECT,6N: Yo be rmde aftet' e*;"oatlo*,ffi prf"ar ba seL tq of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUbtsINI;\ EI.ECtrRIAAL & WCHAIIICAI,: 3o be nwde befaee any ffi7i7ooerd* TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER II|SPPCTION : To be nade after aLL insulaticn axd requined oqor buriers @e in Plaeebut before ory Lath, Wpswn bootC ot' tnLL eouering is applied, and. before ay insulation is concealed. DEl,l)LIfIAl! 0R Sanitatrl secer capped at properQ; Lire Septic tattk pzir;rped and fi.lled trith grauel Final - h*ten abcoe itens are ecrnpleted and uhen Cernclition is eotrplete o" st?ue- tuye mooed and. prernises cleaneC up. BLocking otd Set-up Pktnbing eonnections -- sare? qrl. uatet Electtical Connection - Blocking' set-up anl. plunbing connections mtst be apprc"^ed before requesting eleetrical inspeetion Aecessory BuiWnng Firal - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. one cornpleled. to tuior ta pT.aairq and. before frufting CURB & APPRCACH APPQN: Afte? forTnse,e e"AtAnut p;lo" to pouring conctete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEWAY: Eor aLL con- cret; pA@Affi street right- of-ucA, to be made after aLL eaca- oating canpLete & forn w'k & sub- base material in place.f,aefuzg inepee- tion. Wl mMntg: ttust be reqtestd af!.a llL "pp"ou"z lf yal pltir,bins, -e1etu"i-cal & nenltst'ical. Al! noofiztg' braci.ng & clrtmnegs, etc. rrusi be ; conpleted. flo uork ie to be can- ., ceaLed unti,l this inspecttot lae 'been made anC approtsed. EfP.EPLACEt;a;fra; FTilAL PLUAEINC FTNAL MECHANTCAL Wen conplete -- ProrsiCe oy, notsable sections through !ENCE: gates P.A,E. ALL p?oject con&Ltions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees,- conpletion-of the o"qi.tn.} Landsccping, itc,, mtst be satisfied befote the BUTLDTN? EINAL can be requested- ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: The Einal Building Inspection mtst be z,equested after the final Plunbi.ng ElectricaL, ard. Meclnnical fnspeetions haoe been made ard approoed' 'K FIIIAL ELEC?RICAL *ALL I4ANE1LES AND CLEAN1IJTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,L4DE I1.T NO COST TO CEY /d-dl t4D0 a) f iln ^-,.- -T-a^" laz ) zip: X tr JOB N Iot 5q. Etg. % of Lct Cotseraga. # of StorLes Total Hei'ght llopogruphY LOT TWE _ Interior _ Cornef _ Panhartdle - Cul-de-sac cSOT-NN ACCESS RE a.-L-CO Bedt'ooms: Gro. -- Fees -- ss Lace Df House Lot Faces - ValuexSQ. ETGITEM Md;-n Gcraqe 432 //b.* Catoort Accessotu ,4wryrryroj /r22* TOTAL VALUE booo,* S.D.C. 7.5 c n^+- D^;s. 65,67 - CHARGE Building Volue & Permit Thi.s perrr.t i.s granted. on the efipress conli,tion tlnt the said-eonstruct'LOn slwll', tn all rLspeets, eonforn-to the lrdi.nance adoptedby the City of Spr.ingfield, including the Zoning 1rdinance, r,egulating the ccnstrueticn and. use of buildings, cnd mey be suspended or z,euokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of cnA prcoisions of said Otdinances. Building Pel,irLt 4? ?otal Clntgee State Signed: ITEM NO FEE Fisttees Resid.ential (1 bath) Sanitary Seuet, tlate? ail A Dat Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttttct, instal?., alter oz, change anA neu cr eristing gLutnbing or dtainage systan in uhole or in part, unless such person is- the Legal .possessor of a ualid plwnber's License, escept that a p-erson nag do plutnbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the ippli,- cant. * Plutnbing Perrrtt aotaL una?qeg ITEM N0.!EE -Bes. sq. ftq. 2a)a>r*2Neu/Ectend. Circuits --5??anpcrug Ser"uice ?-so/-tzz-a63 - Electricql Permit Where State Lan requires that the electrieal uork be done by an Eleetz,Leal Cont?actor, the eleetyLcal pottion of this permit shall not be oalil. untilthe Label ?ns been aigned by the Electrical- Cont?acto?. Permit State lotal NC,FEE Furnaee ETUTS bhanet Hood Vent Fot Vcodstote Mechonicql Permit Permtt Issucnee Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seeuritv Deposit !!9oo.gn Majnterwnce Petmit - Cutbcut SLAeUaLk ?enoe Electrieal Label Mobile llome # f HAW CAREFULLy EYA|4INED tle eompleted application for pennit, and. do hereby certify that. aLL infotmation het,eon is true and. eorrect, anC f furtkez, cet,tify that any ard aLL aork perforned sLnLL be done in accot- dance trith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of thex State of }regon pertaining to the uoz,k Cescribbd herein, and tlnt NO 1CCU- PANCY uill be mad.e of ang strueture uithout permission of the Buitding DL-uision. f further eertify that only contractor.s and anplsysss uho ar-e in conpliance uith CRS 701.0s5 ILLL be used on this projeet TotaL TOTAL AilOAil? DIJE: *C Ez.=e Signed Zone: I IleatSetbacks :arade North East Sot;th lest PLan Check !ee: -1 e , 83 * ITSM ?otal Clwraes State " RESID*.lTlAL" 22s Noz,th sth sl;tneeAPPLrcATr0N/PERMT? SprLngfield, Onegon 97477 ButLding Dtuision 726-3753 Job Ipcaticn: Aesessote Map # SPFlINGFTEI-D Icz l-at # fu774t*22 S*- :" CC, C,C Rccet Siqred: { Sttbdiuision: Asner: Addtess: ci Describe t"ork:1)QL lt) tOE .tr,Loorce rssg_r UrecL..A d.u-f,C/< dr- &lt Additicn RenoCeL Date of Aoo Lieaticn General ELeetrieal 14echar:ica * -a 4 -8t-l .l Lue L ooa\) Phone: -_Izip: I-t i'e the resaonsibi-LilV of tle penrit lzoller to aee that atl insoections oe nade at lhe proper tine, that s-sl2 .i,ltess is vsasrhi:1'mn the at?eet' anC that the penrtt eard ie T,oeated at the ftptt of the nrooeyat -tEuiUing Diuisio- appro"-ed. pl^an siull remain on the Bunldnng- site-"ax "1t'"i^"-"."P:?2C!DUPE Fo4 IySP-frI1lt,E-9=8ry5r;CALL726-3769 (reeorden) state Aou City desigrated job ntonber, job aifuess, type oi ir:soee=icn ::-f":"^"1-1y-'-::lo, uili be ready fot'inspection, cont"dctc"s olr an.,er"-rrcr,,e cni p'noie rutr.tbcr.' R"qrn""" reLeii:'ed bLicre'Z:00 c:tLaLL be made the sone <icy, ?equests ncde cfter ?:00 611 trill be nad.e the nc.xx uorkirq'cag. your City Desigra.ted Job Number fs:Kqc58 - Sm l:ts?:::rc::: Io be natie after I e.zcaoaxion, but pricr tc set up of -1 UIIDERSLA? ?LUI$TNG. ELEC?PIC,1L &lnauo?K LS COUe?ed. I pc-ormc t rou;to,trrcn: ro be np,ceI \ I afcer xtenches are eseauated and. forms ote erected, but prior topourtr,g ccnerete. 1 u:t0sncpou::c ptutprNc, ssntp. wlir*.I DRAIITAGI: To be naie prtor to fil-Lirq treneies. 1 uttpzrrtccs pLU:sr:tG I tlECeAtrcAL: lI To De r,ane orior xo installaxion ftoor insulction or decking. IIISULA.?ION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISP9C?fiII : Io be made after aLL insulaticn a.d. nequited oapot baTie?s @e in place bat befcre ozy 'La.th, Wpswn boarC or tnLL couering is appliea, and. befote oty insulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL TNSPETfON: ?c be nade aftet, aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to dny taping. WS)NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, gzouting or verticcls in accotd.otce Ltith U.B.C. Section 241 5. IIOCDSTOllE: cctnpLeted. Aftet' instalZation is CURB & APPRCACII APP)N: Aftet formsue etecteC but ptior to pourirq conc"ete. SIDEWALK & DRTIEWAI: Por aLL eon- crete pauirg uithin styeet tight-of-txy" to be ma.de after aLL erea- oating conrpLete & fora tsork & sub- base naterial in place. A!!L: hthen eonplete -- ProuiCe gate6 ol mooable aectians through DIID DErfiLrTr2r! 0R :.:ow) ts1, Sanitaty seaer capped st propert! line Septie totk p'.iryed ed fi.lled trtth g'rawL Final - hhen abctse i.taes are canoleted ard uhen Certclition is eonolete ot struc-ture moued orC. prerLses elZanei up. of Hcmes Blocking od Set-up Plunbing connections -- saner otC. ualet 1 posr AND BtA!.r: ?o be nade D?io? to) Gstalli;G;-of floot, insutation or decking. -- ROUGI| PLLI:9r:]G, ELECTI?ICAL ,4 IIEEH-I4NICAL:@ --tt:til these inspeetions hanse- been nade aryi coototei. I pnzptlqzi p.to, to plceira fceingI mc-terials ar,.d. before froning inspee-tion. -1 fA.U:tttC: ttust be recuested aftp-n ) "ppirurl of rough plwrbing, e-Lectni-cal & necinanical. ALL toofing btacing E ehinmcys, etc. rrust be . cornpleteci. llo wtk is to be con-. cealed until this inspection llas'been nade anC approoed. Electt:ieal Cotnection - Bloekittg, eet-uo and plwnbing conneetions m;st be apprct;bC before ?equesting eleclrtcal inspectio:t Accescory BuilCing Finzl - After pcrel..es, skirting, decl<,s,etc. ane conpleted. l l f l FIIIAL PLUI.IBIIIC FTilAL MECHAIIICAL PTNAL EEtrRICAL ALL proiect eodi,tions, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion of tierequired Landsccpirg, etc., ttust be satisficd before the BUILDI\\C FIiAL can be requested. FINAL BIJfLDIN|: The Fi1at Buitd,ing. fnsoeetion nwet be requesteC aftet the Fina| PtwbitqElectrical, od Meclanieal fnspect-.ons lsoe been nade ard'approoed,. d 'ALL I.|ANHCLES AND 1WANOWS NAS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSa!!?tt? ?O BE n!1DE /,.? rO ClS? TO Cpy Page 1 of 2 ) x Cong!"".tio"_Ln"de!_ tr T tr o JOB NO.81Cs El SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G* 3o,!c 1csu7anet Grct Lot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Couerage_ i of Stortes lotal P.eight ?opogrohy !?E:.! .{ceess TOTAI I'!.LUE LUCS.D.C. 1.5 s Euilding Pertrrtt ?otal Charges rnT qDa _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac karwa I'irc -- fccs -- Building Volue & Permit This oertn'tt is granted on the ecpress eondition that the said.consttwetion slnll, in all respeets, conform to the Crdinance edopted by the City of Springfi.eld, including the -Zoning C'rdinance, regulctittg tiTe ccnstruciicn aid use of builditzgs, and may be suspended or reookeC at cru t:.ne upon vic- Lation of anA prcui.sions of said 1rdir,ances. - r Z.-. Sesiier.tiaL (1 bcti:) ;'ct. C+-+ ^ C-,e- Sigred 'c-/- Plumbing Per it No pe?eon siuZl constntet, instal?., alter or eionge cnY ne) cr e:isting plurioing or arainage Eysten in uhole or in pott, unless sucn person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's License, escept th.at a pe"son ra'1 do plwnbing uork to p/,ope"t! uhich is ouned, Leased. or operated by the appli- iol: t, t it ous t Lot Faees -Sources leat Wdte? t--i^ Cataoe x L'aiuc ,f*-* b €P-Plan Check Fee @ ,e 8-tt- 1Date Paid# Reeeipt #: /-2.-t t/a s6 ls* /a;tt at> -1 V. I /** 2e.* * //;"" /5n /,97a* v/..q> ?ci: ! i -ts / E zx er,,C. C ;. r cti t s Electyieal Petzit Stcte ?otal Cnatces Electricol Fermit Were Stete Lan reouires tha.t the electrical aork be d.one b'1 en Slectvical Contraexcr, tne elee:r,tcaL aorxion of tnis oer::it siicll x,at be .*clii until xize Label itas been aignei by xhe Eleetrical Conircc.o". ts f=ito,rst HooC it€'t1t Fc1 .'cotisto;te -n,*'+., h--^-"'+ Tatal Cnaroes ide.taL'r 'cbile Hqne PetT it Issuenee llec'rnr:icz7. Perit -- L,tofr-ALdr:l,t1 -- e I\4echonicol Permit 8-= 7-e- uaaa I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI\II|ED the eonoleted aoplication for penrit, cnd da hereby certify ti@t aLL info:,nation hereon is true anC ecrrec;, dnl f furthet, cettify that any ard aLL uot'k perlotned sitall be dote in accot- oznce with the Ordinances of titt: City of Sprini1ficld., ani. th: Lc;s of the State of 1regcn pcrtaining to the uork Ceseribcd heneitz, cnd ;iu*- l:0 CCCU- PAllCy Lrill be nale of any st?uctut'e uitho;tt permission of the Sui.lding Di- tision. f further certif'g tiut only contraetops ai;d enplcltees uho are in co;npliance aith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project? 2,r--rtta /t r'. -.it n).j.ti)' iuz:' D 2?.2 76 flAf.f t.7 t- ttrT 6- -3 {c 2V5b i,';ri,;: I I (n _E I SPEINGFIEL.D Phone - 3s75Address " RESID,*,lTlAL" APPLICAYION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield' 2tegon 97477 Bui,Lding Nutsio.n 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn:33 /vo MA P lT',frY L'I' Alaercore llap ll Subdiuieion: Qsner: ?cs lat # ll,. t--l Add.iticn DescrLbe h'orlc VaLue CC{-l RenoCel Date of App Licaticn Conxtactors Getera (-[/{a.mt Date ELeetrLeaL Mecinr.iezL Cottstntctiott Lendet It i., the reepotwibility of tlc penrit lzold* to aee tlut al.l inapeetioaa oe nade at tltc pro?er tine, tlat 264h 4'#2ss is t'easnii. ftzz the atreet, atd tiu,t the penmt, ear<i ia Located at the frpnt of the prcperty..Buidi.g Diutctbt: apprw^ed pl,ot sItcLL remain on the Bual<iitrg Sitc at aLL tines. PI?OCSDUPE FOI? 4ls?iltult -?l?yrST:CALL726-3769(reeorder) state lot" City desiglated job ntmber, iob ;iness, type of -incpeelictlrequestcci ar.a uien'gou uiLL be reaay fot, irspcction, Conxraeto?s or A,ne"s ncne cnd pione nstnbcr. ?,equests receiteri befcre 7:00 c' tiLL be tttade the eone tby, "equests ncie afxer ?:00 on aLLL be nade the ncst:,mrking dcg yollr City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs:81 8l Reatite4 Trsnoaf,icnsr I _l l l l l l FCOTING 1 FOUND,ITIC\|: ?o be rmCe afcer crenci,zes a"e eecauatei anC forns are erected, but prior to pw.irq ccnctete. UND2RCP)U::D PLUl.tDIl;C, SS''E?, w.1T5.1' DRAI\|AGI: Io be naae prior to fil-Lir4 crencines. UIIDEP,FLCAP PLUI-BTi]G A EZC!]A::ICAL: o1 floot insulction ot, deckino. P1S! AllD BEAII: To be nadc prior to fiGtlTitliTof floor insulation or deckinE, Rolci! PlltS-::c, ,LEr!?!c.!,1 r Htc!-- AI|ICAL: iio uork ts to oc co"*ered. Gi-these inspeclions izave been node ara qorooe!, F|PEPLACE: L?Lon to plccir:t fccincmccerials and bcfore iraning inspee- tion. 7 FRnl:r::c: l'tu.t be recuected after -) "pp*""L of rou-oh plunbina, e'Lectr'L- cal ti neciunical. AL! roofir4 bnastto 6 chtnmcys, etc. mtst be : corapletci, Ilo ucrk ie to bc con- .'-cecled until this inspeetion lad 'been runie anC approved. lEllCE: h4ter: conolete -- Prouile qate6 or. mooable aections throuqh SM MS?SC?rcI: ?o be tneie after e.;"tra;lon, 5G prtcr tc se! up of forns. UNDERSL4B PLUt4gItlG. EL,CIPTCAL A tECllLl:iC;L: To be naae beiore any uork is eouered. I ilSULATrON./VAP1R BA\RrEj M!!!!!. lt : Io be naie after aLL insuLaxi.cn cd. rceuzred oqor bavie?a @e in pLace bttt before ozy lath, Wpswt boari or rnLL coueting is cpplied, otd before oty insulation is eoncealeC. DRYI.IALL IilSPTfrION: Ic be made -. a1'ter aLL ctyuall is in place, but prior to cnA tapir-7. !'LAS)NI?!: Steel loeation, bond bects, qrouting ot, De"ticcls in accotciotce Lllth U.B.C. Section After installation is CUPB 8 APPRCAC'|] APPOI]:After forms pouringee erecteC but prior to con2tete. SIDEIALX 8 DRfIEVA!: Eor aLL eon- c"ete nate-Gtd; stTeet right- of-rcy, to be maie after aLL eeca- oatinq canplete & forn r,tork & sub- base ncterial in plaee. aa BU Soti:oy se.ter capped et ?topat4i Lire Se?tic totk p'r,7ed cnn fi.Lled tith gra;se; linal - hhen abcue it.ens ote cawleted ari uhen iatclition is conalete o? atnte- ture mouei ati prerrLses cleanei up. llcbile iicnes Blocking od. set-up Plumbing eonnectiona -- aa;,e? otd, uatet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, aelu-ue anC plwnbino connections nrist be apprc"*ec be f or c ?eque sxLng elec'-rical inspectio:': Accescor; BuilC'-ng Final - Aftcr pcrckes, akirting, decla, etc. aue ccnoleled. WOODSTO'IE: @mpLe-A. f FrtAL pluttBrt:c ) runet itE:nAitrcAL f o ALI pnoieet conditions, suc!', as the i.nstallataon of s:reet ttees, eoiDlction of tile required T.andsccpirq, ctc., iast be satisfied bcfore the BUILDII:G FIIIAL can be rzquested. FINAL BUfLDINI: The Einal Build.ing Inspeetion rrnr;t be nequesteC cfte" the Final PlunbiryElectrical, dnC Neehu,ical Inspections ltaue been made anti aporooeC. 'ALL t,At:llcLrs AND CLEANOUTS HUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IE:]? TO pt I.'iD' t? t:0 CtST T0 eM Pzge 2 of 2 I,-, pg JOB NO.c SOLAR A.-'.ESS REQ..L-CO G+ Beitoons: -- Fees -- ieaa PLan Datc Paid: Reeaiot #: Signeti: Building Volue & Permit This penr:.t ia granted on the eir"ess eondition that the sai.d constntctiotta_lall, -in all nespeets, conform to the O?ditunce adooted. by the City ofSpr-ingfield, includ,ing the Zoning Cyd)nance, reguleiinq thZ ccnstrtitiZnord.use of buildinps, otd meu be suspended or reuoke! it cry t--ne upon uic-la.tion of ary prcoisiona of said Orci,irances. a Builiino Pehrtt State ?otal Ch.cges Resiienti-a,L (1 bcth) Pl'anbing Perrtt State &cchanve Cil;EJ:Plumbing Permit Ng percon sllall eonstntet, install, alter or cianae d.nV rcu cr e:i.sting ylwying or drainaae ;yltan in uiole or in pott, unless euch person is- trz Le-gal.posseasor of a ualid plwtber,s License, ezcept thdt a De?sotr ia! do OH:r"n uonk to ptope?ty uhich is otsneC, Leased or operated by the qpli- Iat Facee - Setbaeks Df Houae Cataoe Access Notth East South I$ TWE _ Inter.ior _ Conet _ Pat'itandle _ CUl-de-sac VaZucl tot Sq. Fti. Z of Lot Cooerage I of Stortea Total Eeight Topogttphy Ueet lI:in bdce C@ocrt Aecessoru TOTAL VALUE LUCS.D.C. 1.5 r Soiitant Serter ,lctey Nz1,r/btend Ciradts Sentice ?otal Cnarces Electricql Permit t{he?e stdte la,t reouires tlu.t the electrtcal uork be done bu an gLectical Conxraetar, the electrical oortion of titis pernic si.all ?ot be uali.C, wttilthe label has been sigtzed by xhe Electrieal Contyactor. tr ati.:-: Mechonicql Permit '*|w,tdt Hool Vent F@t llcoCsto;tc Perrit'Issuotce Me:ianiczl Perit -- E;,lcitcACHt:!:;T -- Seetitu Dccosi: Storaoe Penrit Totc! Ctarocs Ctrbat2 Si-dddlk Yobile Harc I'Lanz Lraniner f HAW CARSFULLy ,Y/LUINED th.e comoleted atplication for oentit, atd d.o hereby certifll that aLL itfo:z-ation hereon is xrue and eorrcet, cnl, f further certify that any ard aLL uork penlornei shctt be ciote it accor- <iance with the Oriiinances of xhe City of Sortnitiictd, anl th: Ian:s of theState of Ore?cn pcrtainino to the utork Ceseribcd hcre)n, cr..C. :tst IIO CCCU- Pl.tlcy viLL be nade of anu st?ucture uitho:tt permission of the 3uitding Di-vision. f furthen certi'f.g that otly contractors ati. enpicyee" il,.o are inerrpl;.ance ul-th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project 5" oD :CTAL M)Uiii DU!:'{CD L)' l4) Dite /{ -r I LTPO