HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-06-22SPFlINGFIELE'I // 7os Phone: " Rt5llJhN llAL" Zzs North *n irr"ff"'cArro*/P,Rt'4rr SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Iocaticn:EJ Aesessors Mao #Ic,s Ipt #o svbdiuision: A.mer: Address: ci .&K fo'7 l/ e ,L). '3 ! I I .t I I i i I UIV t-t t\\\ N etn Additicn RanoCel Date of App Descrlbe Hork: Value a_ Licatian (t >z-trtr $1,+ot Date:L- Phone GeneraL Pltnbing ELectrLcaL 14eclto:ieaL Construetiott Lendet It i8 the responaibi-lily of tte pettrit hoZdet to eee that aLL inspections ae nade at the p?opet tine, thdt ecch cl4reas ie vsasahig fran the at?eet, and tiu.t the pettrit catl, id Located at the froni of the oraeytu*Buildi.g b|uicion avpraed pl.an s?aLL remain on tle a";./a;"ig- ii.L"-Lt-"1t't+in|5 ."- i P!?OCIDUPE FOR TNSPEC?TOTI RI1WST:CALL 7 requested ari uhen you uiLL be ready fot'*iLL be rmde the eone dcy, tequests mad.e 26-376 9 (z,ecorder) state yout, Ci.ty designated job ntot:bet,,inspection,Contractors ot, Oumet's rtctne cttd. pTane rulnb*after 7:00 an ttLL be trude the nett :,nrking das* job aCiress, tyxe Pequests reeeixed of it"spee--icn befcre 7:00 o:t you! Ci.ty Desigrated Job Nwnber Is:ksos,le Reouired - SITE INSPEC?I2N: Io be narie after ) *cA;ffi;A priar zc ser ip oJ'. rorms. -I UNDERSLAB PLAMBING. ELECTRICAL &lMnyuo?K Ls cooered.. -1 yoormc & FLqNDATT\N: lo be np.Ce ) 7f1i;;- t/, e"cn;;-G;Zc au at ed. atld: forms are etected, but ptior topoufinS ccnc?et€. 7 umgncpoultD pLUMErNc. sghyp, w.ATER.)Lir4 trenches. -1 uuomruoaR pLUlErNG & uEcsANrcAL:tof floor insulation or decking. I POST AliD BEAM: Io be made prioz, to ) ffi-'a"ro" of iioor insu-r.axion or deckirg, .-I RO'.'CH PLUEI!|C, ELECTPICAL E MECH- I - .until these irapectiors haue been _ nade ard approueC I rrPtPuct: PrLoz, to olceira facino -) mct;i;G a,td before'franini li"pnl-tion. 1 fnulnc: Must be requested after ) 6pp"ooal of nough plttrbing, eieca"i-cal & meclwnical. AL?, roofing ..' btaci.ng & chittmeys, etc. mtst be i eotnpleted. llo tptk is to be con- ......cecled until this inspection lus I been nad.e anC apptooed- DRYI|ALL INSPEtrrON: Ic be madeafter aLL C,tyuaLL is in place, but ptior to anA tapirry. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accordotce uith U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOIIE: ampLeted. After installation i.e CURB & IPPR1ACH APPON: Aftez, formsee eyeeteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SID9WALK & DR|IEWAI: For a|,L con- crete patsing uithin stteet right- 9f-txA, to be nade aftet aLL e.aca- oating canplete & forn tsotk & sub- base naterLal in place. !!!!L: h1ren conplete -- PtooiCe gates or mouable seetians throughP.A.E. : ALL pnoiect conditions, sueh as the installation of stteet trees, conoletion of the required landsccping, etc., rmtst be eatisficd befote the BUILDING FfNAL can be reques n Fr-NAL BUTLDTN|: The Einal Building rnspection nast be requested after the Firal Plunbing \-,/ Electrtcal, od Meclurical Inspeetlons lwue been nade ard'approued. TNSULATIOI'I/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON : Io be mad.e aftez, aLL 'Lnsulati-cn ed. z,equired oapor bctie?s @e in pl,aee but befoz,e ory la.th, Wpsun baarC ot tnLL eoueying is applied, attd before oty ir*ulation is concealed. ,,ntBr ottTfiT'tac Scni:ary saset capped ct properfii line Septic tmk pr.ped and filled ttth gta;tel Final - hthen abcue itens aye eamleted and uhen d.qrcli,ti-on is eonplete,'o:, sttuc- tuye nooed otC prenrLses cleanei up.'/- I '--/ ted.l ll l FTilAL PLUMBING FTNAL UCCHAITCAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Le llcnes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing connectians -- aane? std. uatet I Electrical Ccnneeti.on - Bloekirq, set-up and plunbing conneetions rrust be apprctsed before tequesting electrical inspectio:t Accessory- BuilCing Pitnl - After pct:ekes, skirting, decl<,s, etc. a?e ccnpleled. Pege 7 of 2'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSJBLE, ADJUST\1E\T rO BE I,L4DE AT NO CCST ?O ery JOB No ttrD tq 7 5(JLAX AUUE)J KEV.-L-COG- Df House Can aae Aeeess. NoPth East ll FinepLace South ll Hoo6stoxe INT ?WE _ Inter.tor _ Corner _ Panhand,Le CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - BedtoonsInt Sq. F*. Z of Lct Coverage I of Stories Total Height ?opogrcphy Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt ie granted on the express eondition tlat the ecii.d eonsttwetionslul.L, in aLL reepects, eonfonn to the Orditwce ad.opted 6:y the City ofSpryngfield, inchtdtng the Zoning Cydinance, regulating th-e ccnstra-ctibn otd. -use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC it ang tine upon oic- Lation of oty ptctsisione of eaid Ordinances. Value TOTAL VALUE Date Pa;-d: I?lN FTG x ,t Signed: S.D.C. I.5 c -- Fees -- Building Petirit ?otal Charges State Plumbing Permit No_ pe?son shall cot'tstract, inetal!, alter ot ehange anA neo cr eristing plwnbittg on dtainage sqstan in ulole or in patt, unless such person is- tlte Legal poseeesor of a oalid plwtbet's L.teense, escept that a pe?son nay do plwrbing uork to p"ope?ty uhich is otned, Leased or opetated by the appli- cdnt. NO CHARGE Fi.ztures Resil.ential (1. bath) Seuet Pl;nbing Perrit Electricol Permit tthe"e State La,t requites tlnt the electrtcal uotk be dore bj im Eleetrteal Contractor,, the electr.Lcal portion of this petnit sltall not be ualil untilthe label lns been signed by the ElectrLeal Contrdctor. ?otal FEE * ll a,t / Ezt end. C i r cui t s ?arpcroy Seruice PtrT t Mechqnicql Permit blwst HooC llcodsto;te Vent Fot PermLt fssuoee Meehanicel Pexvrtt F^ 605. Lectr.Lc Receipt #: -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Seeuri Penrit ?otal Cvtbeut iia^,ottl, Mobile Hane TfiTAL A},IOUilT DUE:1 PLqn Ezatrinez,uate I ILAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED tle cornpleted application fot petmit, and do het'eby certify that aLL infoxmation hereon is trnte and. cow,eet, and f fut'ther certify that any atd aLL uotk perforned slnll be done in aceot- dance vLth the Ordinances of the City of Spr.ingfield, and the Lcas of the State of Otegcn pertaining to the uotk Ceecrtbed herein, cr1d. that N0 OCCU- PANCy vtll be naCe of any stntcture tLthout pernrission of the Building Di-ttision. f further certif'g thet otly contractors ad. enplogees uho dre in canpliance uith )RS 701.05s uiLL be used on this pt'oject L ItfD .rIlII S Date l tlai-n Cnaaa CdrDort Accessoru PLan Check Fee: h@nace P?ll's