HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-10-29225 FIFTH STREET SPzuNGFIELD, OREGON 97.177 INSPECTION REeUEST : j 26_37 69 OFFICE: 72(:-3i59 ELL CAL PERMIT APPLICATION /27City Job I. LOCATI ON OF INS TAILA TIONf LEGAL DESCRIPTI ON o 3oz 6tZ n5 JOB DESCRTPTION nO\ 3. COIV{PLETE A. Nen'Rc.sid entill-Single or Multi -Family per tlrlelling u Scn,i ce Included: .o 7, sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Horne or Modular Drvelling Sen'ice or Feeder B. Serlices or Feeders In.stallation, Altcrations or Relocation: 20() irrrrps or lcss 201 anrps .10 I anrps 60 I anrps ; Oirer 1000 Reconnect nit. Ilems Cost Sum ---- $ io6.o0 =-_- $ 19.00 Perntits are if rvork is not started rvithin v ofissuance orifrvork ItiO days Nutno(t 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor Addre PIrone Supcn'isor Liceuse Constr Col*6. Number Expiration Date Signaturc of Super-vising Electrician Ol,ners ,| $50oo i-b $50.00 -- .s69.()0 $100 00 _ see or less 201 anrps Over 401 Over 600 "B" abo\re Pump or irngation Sign/Oulline Lighting Limited Energr,/Res Liutited EnergtlComm 11 OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being utade on propen!'I or.vn rvlich is not intended for sale. lease or rent. i.1 r/n Cit1,.F Orrners Signature:M $ 3.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 s+5 00 0 N{inimum Electric Permit Inspection Fec is S{5.00 * Surch:rrgcs 1. SUBTOTALOFABOVE 77, Stnte Surchltrge 8%, Administrative Fcc -=55--qee :;?) TOTAL t 7 5o 7(}()7- Expiration OAR sq.ft. or less additional 500 amps amps amps amps/volts }IOTICE: r80 CIAY -Each installation $43.00