HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-07-06ll..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATJ 225 Nov,th |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 /PilRMIT SPFIINGFIELD you" City Desigrur.ted Job Nunber fs l+3A5J Date: rt ie the responaibility of the permit holder to see that aLL inspec-tions are nade at the propetl tine, that each cddrees is reaCabi'e fnoot the street, and, that the permit catd is Located at .L,h.e front of the--proper"ty. iBuildinS Nuici.on app,o"*ed plan sht:L-\. nemain on t.ha BuilclLn,j !.tL: at aLL tines. pRocsDUpE= Fo4 ryspEctloN ,g-!,Qtl1sTrcall 726-3769(yecotcler) state yout City designated iob rutnber, iob acdtess, type of inspeclior @uLLLbeready!of,t.nspection,Cotttl,actol,so7o,^","',*,eindphonenumber,Requestereceixedbefcre7:0Cant"iil be made the sine dcy, requests made after, 7:00 qn viLL be macle the ncrt uorking day. SITE INSPECT.I'ON: etcattation, but To be nade afterpriar tc set up of IL:R IIISPEC'I ?o be matle LI irtsuleticn DRY\IALL INSPECTI0N: Tc be made after-dT@;itft,s in place, but prior to cny taPing. MASONRY: liteeZ loeation, bond 6i66]grotttLrtg t>t' uerticals irt accovdattce. t'vitll U, B.C, Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: "",nfi;iA. After installation is I. FLL'I,DJNC, ELECTRTI:AL & MECHN.IlICAL To be nade before any ICN: To be naCe er es a?e eacaDa ted and are erected, but prior to pow,ing ccncrete ,D tl.1 priot, to required uapor bcu,'iers are in place but before any lath' gAp$Lon boarC or unLL coueving is applied, and before any instrl,ttiott is concealed. ': To UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & I'1EC!]ANICAL : io-6e ffie pilii-iTlnnt t"tlon of floor ineulation or decking. POST AND BEAII: ?o be nade Prior' to TiiTdTTill}i-of floor insulation ot' decking. ROTIGI] PLUIIBIIIC. ELECiIRICAL ,S MECil. lUtUf,: No uork is to be aouet'ed GlTTthesn inspecl;tons haue been nade cruL approueC. FIREPLACE: Prior to plcairq facing mdtertals and before frotning inspee- UAL|!|}: Must be requested aftet, approual of rough plwnbing, electti- cal & meclr,tnieal. ALL noofitt4 btaeing E chinmerls, etc. mtst be .; completed. Ilo ucrk is to be aon- . . cealed until this inspecticn has:been nade anC approtted. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL IiECHANICAI, FINAL ELEC'I'RICAL CUBB & APPR1ACII A?!QN: After fotms ,1" ""ect;I-dn p;l;; to pcuring eoncrete. SIDELTALK ,8 DRII'tiI'lA!: for aLL con- c"et. pqolrrcGmi stu'eet right- of-txy, to be rnacle after aLL exca- oating eonplete & forn uot'k & eub- base matetial in place. IENCE: ra\tert conPl;te -- Pt'ouiCej&ei or mouablb sections thr'ough P. U. E. Es+rol-'l-€-S ALL projeaL aonclittons, suc!: us the !nt;tallation of stt,eet trees, conoleLion-of the *nqu|n"-d Landsccp.ing, cLc., mtst be saL'i.sfie<l before the BIJILDfNG FfNAL aan be tequested. \INAL BU]1pINC: 'l'ha I''trtal Building Inapection nwst be requested after the Final Plwnbing Electt"ical, arul !,lealw.taol lnspections ltqlue been made and appnoued. trr : ? ,r" Job locaticn:I &T Aesesaoz,s Map ll , \ 1 A)ner: Zii-t; ['hortc ci tt/o /tAddtess: /) DescrLbe h'orl<: 6a24€F value 4a4,a fua - 4d*'"' t-l \t ile llone uDate of App Licatiort addi-tion Renot!eL rs1S Generirl Plurnbin l.lecharrica calectrE Superv 1n Elecl-riciirn BU ILDIi'|CSDEMOLTTOR Sanitary seuer cqpPed at plopertr- Line Septic totk puntped and filled uith gra:sel Final - l{hen aboue itetns ate ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is conplete ot' sttas- ture motted and prewises cleaneC up. e Hctnes and, 1et-up eonnectione -- saoe? anC uateY' L Connection - Bloeking, set-ue and plwnbing connect'ions nast be apptctecl befot,e requesting eleclrical inspecliot Acceseorg- Building pcrch.es, skirting, decks, 1,eted.etc. a.ve comp L - After il Tcs Lat ll Ncr^\fu-\D\ilq-m N JOB NO ffiDG,(-l \{(Zone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Bedrooms L-CO G+ Enerq4 Sources TyoeLnt Faces - Setbacks lteat House Gan aqe Accesa.llater lleatetlP. L. RangeNot,th FireplaceEast South Woodstote llest Lat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooenaga I of Stories Iotal Height Iopography LOT TYPE _ Intertor Corner Panh.andle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- ITEM SQ, FTG x Value Main ln PA?t(t:rao e I Cat'port Accessortt TO?AL VALUE (ualue)/s.D.c. 1.5 r L Fee: Date Patd: Reeeipt ll Signed Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on thd etpress condition that the said_construction sLnLL', in all r"Lspects, conforTn to the ordinance adopted 6iy the City 9fSpringfield,' including'the Zoning Crdinance, reguLati-ng the ccnstructicn ind ui. of buildiryTs, and mey be suspended or reookeC at cny time upon oic- l,ation of anu prcuisions of said ordinances. * Building Permit Iotal Cln"geo State cant FEE CHARGENO 1D Sani Seuer C) ,( a person naa teci by the appLegal poseessor plunbing uork to No dothatLi- ned ctl eristinginstall, alter or ehange cnYLL constntct'is the, unless such persontan in uhale or in Part.or drainage syspLwnbing Lumbet,'s Li.cense, e$ceptof a oalid p is ooned, Leased o" oPeraproperty uhich ITEM Fiztures Plwnbing Pernit State Total lumbing Perm Electricol Permit i Were State La"t requiyes th.at the electnical uork be done by -an ELectrtcal Conttael;or,, the elicttical portion of this permit shall not be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Eleetrical Contvactot' NOITEM C) CP L Neu/Eotend CIIARCENCFEErTXM Mechqnicol Permit Erhanst HooC ETUIS vent Fot llcodstotle Permit Issucnce Mechanical Penmit -. ENCROACHMENT -- Secur"ity Deposit Storage Maintenantce Permit Cvrbcut Sida,talk lence Eleotrical Iabel Mobile Hone ()= t_ O,o\ TOTAL AMOUNT ?3 ,t I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI'|INED the completed appltcation fo-n permit' and do i"';:;L;;;;;1;fu-ih";-it-t-t"ioi"ti.lon hereoi^is true artd correct, cnd r iiotl"nn cnnttiy that ang o"d otl ugrk pe^r,f-otned alnll be dote i.n aceor- 'i)n e vLth thle" OrdLnanii" o7 ine City of bpz"ingfield, .and the I'a;s of the ;t:;12;f- ir;,i""- piiti,tiiis to the work Cesbribbd here:.n, and' ttat No occu- PANcv tnill be rmde o1 ii,v" "tru.ture uithout pentisaion of the aulldiye (-- uision. I further ;ertiil1 tlat only con-ttactore and anplcyeea dho are Ln L*p1,1"""2 "rl.tt, ons 701.0'55 ai.LL be used on this proiect Signed Total Date .e @t Natct I5tr\ann ;f; el()O.R,r-+-ftu nn N I I Terwo?arlt Sentice 0 ,A General Plurnb Su e l_Elec Er c].an tesponoibilitg of tte penrt t hoZder to eeepermtt Lan shcl that aLL inapeetiotts ate nade lt -t4e frcnt of tlte propertu.BuiZdrng Site at alt'tiines.' It ie the front*Eui the e !ding ..REsIDF\ITIAL.. 22s North 5th streeaPPLrcATrwPERMrr Spz"irryfield" }regon TZ4ZZBuilding Diui.sion 7 26-37 53 Recei tll Oq(, t t u Date: numbet,.Requests reeeixed b efcte 7:00 an :t?eett ad tlnt theDiuicion appro"*ed p catd is Located L renain on the 26-3769 (recorder. inspection,Conttaetcrs oi SPTtNGFtEL.D Attez,s rcne cnd phone at the prope? tine, that each ad.jness is neadabie ) state gout Ci ty designated job iob aCdress, type of inspeeticnnwnbet, Pt?ocgprlpE, FoT rNSpE riCaU zre.quested, and uhen gou uitT bineadu fot,:'1ZZ be nade the e;1e dca, "Zq""it7^irlZ aftet 7:00 on urill be nade the neot aotking t'f.on*lout City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs: Job Locaticn: ?cs Iot # Aasesso?s Map # Sabdioision: A,met: Address Phone ci Describl Hotk: Additicn Date of Applieaticn.Va!.ue LuLu;,6 rS l,lechanical ectric SanitatA seuer capped at p?ope"ur- Lire Septic tank pto:rped and filled ttth gra;tel FinaL - hrlten ahctse itens ote eanpleted.and uhen denoll.tion is eonrplete Zr stuuc- tu.z,e noueC attd. pterrises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing conneetione -- aaie! qd, uatet Eleetrical Coanection - Blockittg, set-up and pltmbing conneetions rntst be apprc"^bd befote nequeeting eleelrtcal inspeelion Aceessory- Building pcz,ehee Leted. skirting, decks,Pinal - Aftez, etc. ote comp trude after set up of been facinginspec- Io made DEMOLTf)\I 0R !.,:OWDaLL uotk is eouet,ed. yequTted oqot boz,ie?s @e in plaeebut_before ory Lath, Wpsum bcaiC or LuLL -couering is applied, cnd beforeotg ittsulation is concealed. Po!ruNc & FqUNpATrcy ?o be rmCealter ttenches a?e eteat;ated and. fozns- are erected, but ptiot, topout-ing ccncrete. UIIDERGROUTID PLUMEING. SE\]ER. IL.LTER, DRIIIIACE: To be naCe g,ior to fil-Lirq trenehes. ,7 uaowrnooR pLUlEttG & MEIHANTIAL:ttof floot ineuT,ation or decking. DRWALL INSPEC?I)N: ?c be madeafter aLL dryuall is in pl.a.ce, but prior to any tapirq. MAS)NR! Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouti.ng ot, .ueyticals in accotdotce Lrith a,B.C. Section 2415, POST AND BEAI4:.r--.:---i.__^LnstaLLatlon or deeking. No these i EIPEPLACE;;t;;l;G PrLor to placirq and before froning ilo1DS?O\/E: ccntpTeteA. After instalZation is CURB & APPRCACH APP.)N: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRI,,WAI: For aLL con- cz,ete pauirq uithin st?eet ilght- of-teA, to be nade after aLL erea- oating catplete & forn wrk & sub- base natertal in plaee. to or tion. FRAI'IIIIG: ltust be requested after apptooal of rough plwrbing, eLectrt- eal & neclnnical. AL! r'oofing bructng 8 chimneys, etc. rrust be cotnpleted, llo uctk is to be con- . cecled until thi,s inspection las 'been nade anC app"oved. IENCE: gates When conplete -- PtouiCe or motsable sections thtough P.U.E ALL projeet condLtions, such as the installation of street tt,ees, conpletion of tie requited Landsecpirg, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FINAL can be requesxed-FIIIAL PLUINIUC F L ILECHANICAL FII:IAL ELEC?RICAL FINAL B(IILDING: rhe Pi-nal Bui Eleetrical, and Mechanical Ins Ldittg fnspection mtst be requested a-fter the Ftnal Pltnbitzg pections have been made and approlec, T n L\4 *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEI\I TO BE I'L4DE AT N0 C1ST T0 CI?v Pcge 1 of 2 ?o pz,ioz, forns. mad.e and LAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d JOB NO. Lot Faces - AccessCd."ageP. L.House North East South I West Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ctoerage # of Stories Iotal Hei,ght lTopog$P\ry Bedtoons: Zone:Gr Panhandle CUL-de-sac LOT TWE _ Interior Cot'ner ValueYSQ, FTG l'lain AccessotY TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1-5 x Signed: Date Pai.d: t. Building Volue & Permit This pernrLt is granteion the erpress cotdi'tion t'at the said'consttwction shall-, in all ,espeets,"';t;:';;;i;- the crdiince ed'opted t)v the cLtv of sprLngfieLd, incl.udins' t1Z"'zZlit"i" c;:;;;;;' ;;s"t"ti"s thb ccnsttacticn ' and use of buildi.ngs" ii ^"y be" suspended -or r-eookeC at cnu t:'me upon otc- Lation of anA prcoisions of said oTd'Lncnces' Buildi.ng PermLt ?otal Clarges State NO FEE CIlARGE Plumbing Permit No person slnll consttttct, instal!' alter, or change gnA Tled'cr existing iL"i,itiiin""i,2;:,;1;|#,ii j;X,y"iZZ{;i::ZAi",*f "!r2Z:itr;;'ff Legal possesso? oI a L plw|bing uo"k to pr"rJl!i*''lni;;"2't;;e' tZl"ia olr opetated bv the cppli'- cartt. Fistutes Resilanti.al (1 bath) Sa*r Pt"ambing Petnit 9tate F Electricol Permit WhereStateLanrequilestlwttheelectri,caluoykbedoneby-anEleetri.cal Contractor, the eleca'iZ"i'f,Z"tiZ"- of t\'"-o"i"i "t-tt 'oibe oali'c until i;;;b;1- tr" L"* si'gned tv the Electrical cont"actor'Nzu/Ectend Circutts Setoice h State Total NC EEE CHARCE Mechqnicol Permit bhanst Hood Vent For Hcods Per'1tLt fssustee Meclnnical Perrtt * -- ENCROACIIMENT -. Petwit Clttbatt Sila,salk MoAtLe Eotne PLal7 ExanLner Tate I HAW CAREPALLY 1XAI4INED the completed application for pennit' atd' do hereby certify ttat aLL infonnrttion het'eon is tmte and cortect, and I furtk-er certify that ang ard all uotk perforned slwll be done in aecor- dance ."tLth the 1rdinances of the ctty of Springfield" and, the Laas of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the wt'k Cescribed hetein, and' tlat N0 )cCU' pLnCy tiLL be nade of any structut'e uithout permission of the Building DL- uision. I further certiiy that only contractors od a:nplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie p*oiect TotaL ?O7AZ AMOUI,IT DUE: *&3,6 Signed Date fr4aae Cartart i ,.'e ,':..RESIDFNTIAL.. APPLICAT*-I/PERIIN 225 North |th Sireet SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD \ 1t 0q), ,$1 Date l) ,lob Locaticn Aesessorc Map ll T'cz Lol: ll Subdioision: A)ner I'lioneAddt'ess: City: DescrLbe b'ork: Val.ueDate of Applicat n NeD Additicn RemodeL fienera l t's llo;tr i) I r.r rtb :i. 1 I'leciran Lcal Electrica 1 S up ej4_qj-ng_!!ec t r i c iir n DEtf)Lr?ro!! ()n i.:ov,i BU. Sanitary seaez' capped ct pr.operty Line Septic tank p'"o.ped and filled aith grattel Final - tv'hen abctle 'Ltens are ccrnpleted and uhen ienol:-tion is cotnplete or straJ- tw,e mooeC an^C. pranises cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Plzanbing connectians -- aaier anC uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing conneetions rnisl; be apprcted before requestirtg el,eclrtcal inspeclion Aeeescory BuilCing pcrekes, skirttng, decks Leted. Blocking and Set-u1t Final - After eLc. ate comlt Pe,.:e 1 of 2 It ie the responsibility of tle permit hokler to aee that aLL i.nqtocti.ons are nadc at thp- from tle etreet, and that the,permit card is Located al; the front of t:he property.*BuiTdirrg Dioicion approted plan,slall remain on tlrc Buildtng Lii.L;,tl: aLL'tiines.- PROC9pUPE FOR INSPECII1N R1QUEST.'CALL726-3769(recorder) state uour Citu ilesiqrnted job eadgforinspection,Cotttt,actorsiuo,,,).,".n.-.",nipt,o,.n *-iLL be rade the sane dcy, ?equeste made after ?:00 Gn uiLL be naCe the ner.t rnrktng daii. Iour City Desigr.ttted Job Nunbey fs SITE INSPECTION: To be rrude after eceaoation, but prior tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUWING, ELECTRICAL 8 MECHAilICAL: To be nade before any ttotk ie couet,ed. P))TINC & E)UNDATICN: ?o be rm.Ce aftey s.Gnifrss ar;ZlcauaLed and forns are erected, but prior to pouning ccncrete. UN DEI?FLOOR PLI-II.E ING,g I|ECITANICAL ?o be nade prior to installation of floon insula.tion or decking, POS! AND BEAM: To be nade prior toTiiittdllii-of floot, insulation ot, decking. ROUCII PLA!,IBING. ELECIRICAL & MECE:- ANICAL: No uork is 1;o bc cotered unllTthese inspections haoe been nade and approoeC. EIPEPLACE: Pr"ior to plccirq fccittgmc;;;l;G and before'franinij inupi.- tion. FRAIIING: ltust be requested after approttal of rough plunbing, electr.i-cal & neelnnicaL. ALL roofi.rq braeittg & chttmcgs, ete. rntst be eonrpleted. tto uork is to be con- cecled until this inspection has'been made anC approoed. INSUT,A'I'ION / VA?OR BARRIETI I !\SI'ECTION : ?o be made after aLL insul;Licn and tequired oapor bat,riers a?e in place but before any lal;h, gypsutn baarC or unLL eooeting1 is applierl, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI1N: Tc be made after aLL dryuall ts in pktee, but prior to cny taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or rerticcls in accor<lnnce LtLth U,D.C. Section 2415 . WOODSTOVE: ccmpT;T;A. Aftet' irts taLlation ts q0 ,9 APPRCACH AI!?ON are erecteC but pt,'i.,.tr to pouring concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRII'EI,|AI: For all con- ct etpnAnng-;lii;n s breet right- of-uny, to be naCe after aLL e*ea- oating canplete & forn uork & eub- base naterial in place. p?oper time, that each cdtlress is readabie ' numbet,, job aCdress, type of inapec:i,,ct'l nunbcr'. P.equests receited befcre 7:00 an --1 ulomcnoutD pLuMl-ltq_Slwlr- w!r!R)J Lirq trenchee.il Afte;: forms IENCE: h1ten conplate -- PtotiCe gates on nooable secttons tl*ough P. U.E. ALL project conditions, sur:h as tlrc i.nstallation of s!,reet trees, conoleLion of the requtred Lanlsccping, cLe., mtsL be satisfied before t\;e BUILDING FI1IAL can be requested. TINAL BUILDING: The [inal Building Inepectiort nust be requesteC after th't Final Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mechanicc.L lnspccti.ons ltauc been nade and. approoed. *Ar,r, \IANIICLDS AND C|,I;:ANOU'1'C MUST BE l1CL-n-qSrRLn, AD,ItlSTtlIiN! T0 BE t!.4D8 !.T U0 f:ST T0 CTTY o \ t--l n C/ FIIIAT, PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL L-co #OLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB N Se t AacessHouseCarageP. t, Not' t lt QCellDastItSouthltlle t:t Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccoerage_ # of Stortes lotal Height TopographY T,CT ?YPE _ fnterior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - BedroornsCrot. Building Vtllue & Permit Thts pernit is granted on the er'Press cond-ition tlnt the said'constntctton shz[Ll, in all respects,-.oi,1o*1 \bo th-e. ,rd'irunce adopted by the C.ity of i1\,'i7,1fir|ti' +rtotlud;-n,J' til \uni"'J crclinane-e, regulath'tg the ccnstrwcttcn atrl use ol'bu1Ldings' ";,i,r;; be'susp.encletl ot' rbuokeC at cna time upon u'Lc- lation oJ' any prcuisions oJ' saitl Ordi'nances' -- fees -- Value ,I'OTAL VALUE S.D.C Date Paid x Fee Sigtted ITEM I'lain 1.5 x Total Clntges Building Pernrit State ITEM I(.)t- [:F:CIlAI.X;E Plumbing Permit No pers:ort ::hnl.L aottsttnct, insl;<tlL-, alter ot' c?nnge,cnlJ neU.Cr existi.ng 'ii.jri,lntr ""rlt)"r""iZ "i"tln ti "toi." or in part,lnless such pe,son is the Legal possessot' of o rirl,:i pt*rber's LicensZ' eicept that a pelso.n mail do pluntting uov'k to prop."ty-i,t"l' iu o"tnnd' Leased ot operated by the appli- cant. Fiztures Residential (1 llath) Sani Seuet, Plwnbing Petm:it State Srachav'qe CHA Electricql Permit I,/he,,e Stdte |,at,l t,equit,es tlut the electy,ical uoyk be done by an Electt,ical contpactor,, the electrlical plrtion of this _pennit sLnLL not be oalic until the Label'tns been signed by the Electtical Contractot"Nau/Ettend. Cit'cuits Setwic:e u Stcte Total s IT!M NA CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Eshanst HooC Vent Fat llcodstote Pennit fssucnce MecLnn'tctl Penmt b -- UNCROACHI'IENT -. tSecat'i Permit Cvrbcut Sideualk L Label Mobil.e Home Receipt ll PLan Eronittet' TotaL I I}AVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application for pennit' and do inilrti certify tnoi'- ilt- ,:"fornatiZn hereon' is true ard correet' qnd I jrrth"nr certiis- that any ar'd aLL uo.lk pe.nforrned s?nLL be dote in accot'- dance wibh the ordinenc'es--of the City of bpringfield,.and the Las of the t SLaLe of oregcn ,"i,ir,;iiig 'to the ao;k Ces'cribed het,ein, cnd tlnt No oCCU' pANCy attl be made o7- o),y" "t*u.ture uithout pennission of the Building Di- r-\. uision. I further L'n"liii1 ti"t orly contractors and etrplcyees Dho are in \ f Z"*ilirr"nn L"tt oRS ?01 --055 aiLL be used on this project 7- Date '17TAL Ai.!)tJllT LtLtil: a t3/6 /2-ry Aeecsso?1) Sto?aqe Mointemnce B\ffi !ena,2 TaTe - ( S.0. P. P. #T-4. I a APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY DATE: '7t- Bl APPLICANT (PROPERTY ol,tNER) :04.rotl rA, 1c ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEWAY: APPLICANT'S TELEPHOIIE NO. : ZZa 5 //o. 32'r' -9f, The-follorving conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for thjsapplication to be consjdered for approval: l). Property is either a sing're famjly residence or dupiex. yES x No_ 2). The proposed drivervay wj11 take direct access from a minor street(not a col I ector or irteri al street) . YES_L N0_. 3). The driveway w'ii1 have a minimum setback of 30 feet from thecurb return of an intersection (for corner lots). yES x No_. 4). The_proposed driveway (parking area) must have a minimum depth of20 feet between the front property line and the garage, carport,fence or..wal1, if any (idenlis3l to setback for girag6;. YES X N0_. 5). The second driveway.must have direct access to a garage, carport,rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trailer-or boat wi I I be stored. YESI_ N0_. 6). If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the sideyard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet between tf,. itor.Jvehicle and the side property line. This setback is for firefighting access and to cornply with the intent of the zoning code.Setback satj sfied yES X N0 7). The proposed parking/storage area must not create a visionobstruct.ion to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movemen t on a publ i c street. Sati sf i ed yES )A N0_. r,App'licant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City of Springfieldstandards. The applicant further agrees to have 6" of c6ncrete in the'sid6walkarea adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the areabehind the back edge-of the sidewalk adjacent to the driveway'with a min.imumdepth of 3" of asphaltic concrete or wiih a minimum depth of6" oi porttanO cement concrete. The area behind the sidervalk shall bb paved to thb property: line or for a dis.tance of 4 feet which ever is greater. The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave the area beh'ind the sidewalkwithin.30 days-of cutt'ing the curb open'ing, the City of Springfield has the'authority to close the driveway access by the removal of the iurb cut. All' incurred costs shall be assumeA Uy tf,e applicant and if unpaid, said costshall become a lien of the property. -2- /: ( ADDRESS 0F APPLICANT: 22a€ S.0. P. P. #T-4 . I a When thi s appl icati on 'is appro must obtai n a dri ve\,ray perm'it Division. ved by the City, the appl icant (property owner) from the Public l,lorks Department Build'ing PERIIIT FEE b C 0n an improved street (existing curb): 5,l2.00 plus 12C per lineal foot of curb cut. 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $.l2.00. 0n currently un'improved streets that are under- constructi on: $l 2.00 PROPERTY OI^INER'S SIGNATURE : DATE: 7 tl-81 APPROVED BY: DATE: /- / /- 5 / BUILDING PERMIT NO.: DATE:{ TRA 9-] i ATTACHMENT: City of Springfie1d Standard Drawing No. 3-ll DatLo 't o/8/82' a. \.s tp UnlLa--. ^r{\)td\. \u 7a.tt \" B 5 - 3 tl.*J{tsa Lo AD6f '''';'y i I I !II I I i I ; I ! It Ii , I i I i : i I ; ! I I Il1t;ll Z:.'.: Llr.i: i3 Cic,r'-r;;;1 =*D\tL CCC,- ,,Afra y LCr,i s, r(,P: i 3 Lt t.q.- C; a:=__ r,.. -T: r, . E.a:.2.. -s ft.s C:lJsr, ;.:- aai:-::!r; 9F-p€ C:. : .; ,,,f . ..|.:iFiitT;:t:.-: t\.?lcr.-..i=,:! -,2.__..?:-: a--,.+.31* _r:., -...cJ ,.:i":c-Ai:el{a t1,.1.12 .rr--.-,:-- l.d:, ...d...--,t.. .;.tr. -,. irl-A,,f.ftC.i'Eo e-a 7 rta gur!.a,:,li ._il?ra. ).:_ CITY CF gPR;r..[GF!:LN s. ,t- _;tJal .- De;e it ('l APPRovEo E,Y €D t \) N&o )-i ,9 e \+ I i i Ii , I ! : tt I ! I i i hocvt Ur.! ) Sdban-t-