HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-14i, -.. ..RESIDT lTlAL.. APPLncnrtdw/psawr 225 North Sth Street Spz,ingfield" )z'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 I,lechanica ]ectri-ca E Srr El-ec t r:c 1an |I?E INSPEC?I)N: To be nnde after "scaoatlo",6l pr.tor tc set ip of fonna. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made before ang t'totk ie cotset,ed. P)1TING & E1UNDATICN: ?o be tmCe AF;; treW;-a; *ccuated' and. forns ate etected, but prior to pout'ing ccncrete. SFr{i}JGF:ELD INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER il]SPEC?TON: ?o be nade atter aLL insulaticn axd. required zsqor bavie?s @e in place but befone ory lath, gApsun baarC or tnLL couering is applied, and. befote ay irauT,ation is eoncealed. DRWALL IilSPECtf?N: Ic be made@er.-dT@trts in pl,ace, but prior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or uerticals in aceordorce LrLth U.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOW: @mpT;tA. Aftet installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP)N: A,fter forns @.e etect;AErV&o" tu pour|ng @ne?ete. SIDEI,TALK & DRItTttAI: Fot aLL eon- c"A;VA@Affi etreet right- gfax7, to be nade after aLL eaca- oating conplete & fot';a ttork & sltb- base naterLal in pl,ace. Date DEI.DLTTTN OR !,!OWD BUILDI|ICS SanitarA saner eapped at properzy" Line Septic totk y"nped and filled rrLth gra;tel Final - khen abcue itens are canpleted and uhen Cqtolition is canplete o" st?uc- ture moued atd. pretrLaes cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-:tp Plunbing connectione -- aa)e? od, uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-ua and plwrbing conneetions mtst be apprc"^ed before requesting eleelrical insptection Accessory BuilCing Fi-ral - After pctckee" skit'tittg, decks, etc. @e eompleted. # AJF € It ia tlw rcepoaa,ibility of tlc pentit ,@Ua. to aee that all inspectiota ee nade at the ptope? time, that each a,74ness is req?,able fran tlu at?eet, ald tltat the penr|t eard ie T,ocated at the frott of tlte propetdl.*Building Dioiciol cpprw-ed plbt slall remain on tlp Ounlding Site'at aLL' tihes.- PPOCEDUPE FOR INEPETION Rgql/isflCall 726-3769 (tecotdey) state you? Citg desi.gnated job nlnrber, job aCdtess, type of inspec;icn eadyfolinspection,cont"actoo"oiasners'rtane"",,aet.7"ru,l,,bi..-ae4listsreZn;iLabLfcre.7:00antill be nade the sane &g, "eEtests nad.e aft* ?:00 ant ttLll be nade the nect:,ntking day. yott" CitA Deeigzated Job llurnbet fs a UIIDERGPAUIID PLUMPTNG. S!ilER, W,A?ER, DRAINAGE: ?o be nad.e prLot to fil-lirq trenchee. AIIDEREL))R PLUI\EI\|G & MECIIANICAL : o7 floor insulcti.on ot decking. l--1 posr AND BEIN: To be male prLor toi I ffiTatG;oi ft.oor irauT)tion ot iLeckitq. ROUGH PLUI-EIIIG. ELECIRICAL & MCH: Aurcnr,: No uork is to be cotset'ed u* T-theae inspeetions ha'oe been made and approoed. Ptlor to plaeirq faeing and before froning inspee- tion. PRALIINC: lrtust be requested after apptoual of rough phtnbi.ng, electrt- eal & necltani,cal. Alt toofing brucing & ehinmeys, ete. rrust be . cortpleted. llo wtk ie to be cott- . cecled unttl this inspectLon \as 'been tlade anC approued. FTPEPLACE mat;AA; FTilAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL X IENCE: When conplete -- Proui.Ce gates or nooable aections through P,U.E. ALL project eondttions, such as the i.nstallation of 8+-Yeet ttees, conpletion-of tie "nq"Z"L|- i*eiping, -ete., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDII\G P|NAL ean be reqtested. IINAL BUfLDING: The Final Buildiry Inspection m$t be requested aftet the Fitnl Plunbing Electrical, attl Mec?ntical Inspeetions l14oe been made ard approued' Aosesso"s Map # /(OJob locaticn: 'Z Subdioision: Amer: 7r!8 Phone:Address Date of AppL NeD p,-n*a*) Additicn RanoCel Describe Hotk: €.gtzZeP .=ft€D a ?Oa6> oo '/ai.ueIf4)oEFZ> General Plumbi Page 1 of 2 T *ALL I,IAIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITENI TO BE I'LADE AT NO COST TO CITY .J ciht: -5?2,/,<,148/€./-D OrZ zip: 47.y'27 n Lot Faces - CarageDTHouse Noz,th eEast South West LCT TWE i- Inteti.cr Co?aler Panl'wndle - CUl-de-sac ^*L, Zone: SOLAR ACC ESS REQ.-JOB NO. # of StorLes L-CO geCtcons Grot^ Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Ccoe?aqe Total Hei,ght il / Toposraphy /-etZC -- Fees -- ITEM ETG x Building Volue & Permit This pertntt is granted on the er?ress condition tlat the said-eonsttaction s1nLL, in aLL,espects'-'ioiioiTo the Or&i'nance adopted !;'! the c1'tv of springfi.eLd, incl.udi,ng'tirZ1zliL"g ctdinance' regulating the ccnstructicn ord use of buildtngs' ;i^A-L"" "iiin"dnd or rbrsokec at cna tl)me upon oic- Lation of ata prcolsions of satd ot'dirwnces' Iilain 2 3c c-c: %o Ailue7p y',At)fl06 futYfrnd TOTAL VALUE oF /,aLuE s. D. c.lruftc-rr-VaA Bui,Ldi.ng PetmLt 7t( 6 Date Paid State Reeeipt #:z TotaL Clntges /3 Sigr.ed:4-azl N0.ILL CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person slwll constract, inetal!-'- altetot'clun'ge -anA nett-cr esisting ;i*,biQ or drainage "i"t^ ti ittie or in patt, mless such person is the Legal possesson of ",1itia p\,*^i,ii,i ti."n"tZ, ercept tltat a pe"sonnatl do plhuiri "*k to prope|4-"i;i;;i" oarted, Leased o? operated bg the appli'- eant. Firtu,es Residzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing PenrLt State taL FEE Electricol Permit whe"eSt\teLantequit,estl1attheelectt"i,caluorkbetloneby-anElectrical cont"aeto?, the etectilcol pirt;,on of this,permit shall not be oalic until the Label -lns been signed iy the Elech'tcal Contractot"Na,t/Exterd Circuits Sentice Iotal ILL CIlARCENCITIM bha$t Hood Vent E@r tlcodstote State Mechqnicol Permit Perwit rssuoee Meclwnical Peylrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Permtt Cutbcu! Sida,talk ?ence Mobile Home ffitr3 (I/,+-/,gt 5 2 * f HAW CAREFULLL EXLAINED th.e cotnpleted application for pennit' and' do teiety ierti.fy tnat ait- t:niorr*t;.b" hereoi- is true anl' ebrrect, a'1ld' r ' fa?th"er certi-|y that any i"a ott uork penfor*ned slnll be done in acoor- 'dance vLth the-Ordinai;ils-of ine City of Springfield, and. the Laas of Lhe State of lr'egcn pertaining to the uork Cesct'ibed hetein, end that N0 1ccu- pLncy uitt b"e ,mZe of ang'structure uithout permission of the Suilding DL- uision. I furthe? c-ertiiy that otly contractot,s ad. enplcyees uho are in cazpliance -rith OnS ?01.-055 uiLL be used on thie proiect Iotal TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *ts36.ob Signed Date Value cdn.ft /4 /e Aeop-sso?u ,y/A hnnace ETU'S Total Chatqes . Storaqe Permit No: q Address: lssued STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILTTIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants yvfo a1e not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Arcnitect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), neednot submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2P. 1 I own, reside in, or will res My general contractor is Contractor registration nu ide in the c mber ructure. 2. A. OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARDt24t 1u24t8p I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with theConstruction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and Eo hire a oeneralcontractor, lwill contract with a contrabtor-who is reoistered with theConstruction Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the officeissuing this building permit of the name of the contraitor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnlormation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. q/rA Dat-e - COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE COPY TO APPLICANT @s rt \. -/ d Date:ql ( n Sigiiafure of Permit Applicant