HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-06-15._ . .-.-j, :..ji:<i::..Ni#,-,.1.. ja', I.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION /PBRI4IT 225 Noz.th Sth Stv'eet SprLngfield, )negon 97477 Building Diuision qoe 2nE2I LU-O/ dO SPRINGFIEI.D Aesessore Map #?c,s lat # Ormer: Address: City: n NeD Descri,be Hork: /ryrrz.. paa^la l/vp€ fragrrce- fupe ofl 5oa^2tY/r/6q Aa7. NaAt ze fa>7t7.1 /r*rz.?/,ec. -:b L L/ru ldditicn RenoCeL V ,rouorn ron"Date: Date of App Li.catian o6 aaJob Incaticn:o Stbdi,tision: -07Phone: GeneraL Plwtbi.ng l4eclrarzieaL i Consln ctio"-!.det- It io the respone,ibility o! the penrit holl* to aee tlnt aL'|, inspeetions ee r,ad.e at the p?o?e! tine' that eceh cddress is ren)'abi,e fran tlu atteet, atd that the permit catd. ie Located at the frcnt of the property.tsuiAing bitisiot appro"*ed plan slnll remain on the euilding Site at aLL tines. ?EOCEDUPE FOR INSPEefilA fipUEQ\.'CALL726-3769 (z,eeorden) etate Aou! City Cesigrnted job nzmber., iob aCiress, type of inspec!'icn eadgforinspection,contyd'etcrso,-,as,,ez,s-,o,,eLndpianenunber.E'equestsreceixedbefcre7:00ctt"ill be rrude the sane dcg, l,equests mcde aftx 7:00 an tiLL be made the nest aorkirg dag. Iour. Citg Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs:8>a3a5- Reouired fnsoe,etions 71 utmnrLoaR pLur.ErNG & uEcrrANrcAL:;lof fl,oor insuktion ot' deeking. 7 posr nwo auu: To be nade prior to, I installation of floon insulation or I I l _l l _l SI?E INSPIC?ION: ?o be nade aftet, ezcansation, but pz*Lor tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELEORICAL &W&!!IAL: ?o be nade befoz.e any t'totk is eouet ed. P))TING 4 F)UNDATIC\|: To be naCe after tz,enches a?e eccauated and forms are erected, but priot, to pour-irq ccncz,ete. qILEECR)UN D PLAMEtrNc, EEWE!,_ tlllE R, Wtofil- @-6dnehee. decking. ROUGH PLANBIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & I,TECH- ANfCAL: No uotk is to be eouet'ed ,ffiil these irnpeetions haue beer, made and approoed.. FLPEPLACE: Pt"ior to plaeirg fceing;AAA; and before franirfi irrpnl- tion. FRAIU|Q: Must be requested aften apirouat of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & meclwnieal. AL! roofittg btacLng & chinmeys, etc. rrust be . eornpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspection haa'been made anC apptoued. ETilAL PLUMBINC FTNAL MECHAI'IICAL FTITAL ELEC?RICAL r N saLArr2N /vAp1R B\BBLEB J !0!!M9l!DEITOLITIOII OR i.:OW) B',,,]ILDi:JCSIo be made after aLL insulattcn and required oapor burie?s @e in plaee but before any Lath, Wpsutn boatC or rnLL eouering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEtrTON: Tc be NAde Zfte"Zt@Tls in plaee, but prior to ang taping. !$SON!!, Steel Location, bond beons, groutirrg ot oerticals in aceordorce Lith A.B.C. Section 2415. After installation ;s !0 cI CARB & APPR1ACH APPON: After forns @,e e"ectA6, pio" to pourLng concrete. ,t € SID4\IALK & DRfVEWAI: For aLL eon- c"A;nffiGffi st?eet risht- t t of-tnA" to be nade after aLL esca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base material in place. !.:" SanLtuy seser eapped ct ptopertV L'lne Septic totk y"aped ann fill,ed rrith gra;sel Final - h1ren abcoe itens are ecmpleted and uhen Cqnclition is complete o! stnte- tuye moued and pretmses eleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectians -- aar)e? od. uater Electtical Connection - Blocking, set-uD and plutnbing eonneetions m;st be apprc"^ed befot,e requesting elee*-r'tcal inspectiol Accessory BuilCing WOODS?OVE: ecntpT;T;a. oatA P.A.E Pirnl - After etc. ate conry) pcrekes, skitting, decks, 1^t^) l hhen contplete -- ProtsiCe ot, mooable seetians tht'ough ALL pt'oject eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conoletion of ile required Landseapirg, ctc., nust be satisficd before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. a\ P_LNAL B.urLDrNGt_ m? Final Build,ing Inspeetion nruet be requested after the Pinal Plunbing\-r/ Eleetrical, od, Meclunical fnspeetions late been nade od'approtted. Pege 1 of 2 T tr TALL LTA]IHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T'IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIEIIT TO BE I.I.^.DE A? IIO CCST TO CTIY JOB NO.7a Lot Sq. Ftg.{ % of Lct Couerage B49o # of Stories Total lleight lopography 4:??a Building Permtt State Total Clnrges i ITEM Resilztttial (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrit State Sut'el"an qe i Nau/Extend Citcuits ce Pevmit Total Eehanst Hood. Vent Fot ilcodstote Permtt fssucnee Mecttanieel Permtt -- ENCROACIIMENT -- SOLAR A(XESS REQ.- LC? TWE _ Intericz, X Conner _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac L-co * Bedroons Building Volue & Permir This pennt t is gt'anted on the e,press cond.ition tlnt the said. eonsttactions^lwll, in-all.z.es_pe-c-ts, eonform -to the Oz,dinance adopted.6;y the City ofspringfieLd' including the zoning cvdinanee, regulatZrry thZ ecnstmictiZn otd' .use o_f buildings,, ord nay be suspended ot, rZuokec it "ry time upon zsic-Latlon of anA prcuisiots of said 1ydirances. ) Plumbing Perrnit No_ pereon slnll coastraet, inatall, alter ot, elunge any nel) cr eristinc qlwnb-irry or dr.ainage systa-n in uhole oz, in patt, inlesi sueh person is theLegal.possessot, of a talid plunber,s LicensZ, escept that a pZr"o, nay doplwnbing uork to property which is or,tned, Leased or operatea 4 Are ippli,-cant. * * ) ) Electricol Permit were state Lan requites that the eleetrical uork be done by an Electricalcont?acto!' the electricaL portion of this permit slnll not be tsalic untilthe Label has been signed bA the Electtical Conttactoz,. Mechqnicol Permit Pcrmit Total Cutbca! Sida'talk Electrical llobile Hane f ilAW CAREFULLY EXAIIfNED the ccrnpleted applieation for pennit, and da hereby certify that aLL infoxmation hereon is tnue and. eoz,z'eet, anC f futther certify that any ard. aLL uork perfoz.ned slall be done in acoor- dance tith the 1rdintnces of the City of SprLngfield, anri the Las of the State of )regcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribcd herein, end t\nt N0 )CCU- Pr'.NCI uill be rmd.e of ang st?ucture uithout per'misaion of the Buitding DL-uision. I further eertif'g that only cont?actops o.id enplcyees uho arb in eotplianee Dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptoject 6 -/f-er -- Fees -- Value !!eat Access rTEM x pr.House Lot Faces - Lace toxe Llain !,oaoe CarPot't Aecessort,t F*r*..^{42.-> TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c 625.a7 /6z.ae , Date Paid Cheek .5a-/q-- '/2 CHAP,GE e-.p Sigzed: NO FEE 1u--- /2z2oo l{ctet /u -' 5r"zr., b.r**<i 2e- oo ?o.* ? -80 77.3o NO FEE /s-' /,, oo -,o E / .2a 7/ 2a L;iMALNC /7.4 3/.7r 3 ).2o ]OTAL AI.!OU!,]T DUE:' ?q/ dz?/.72 I #: )) tuet //rur,r,z rlI i Lot Faces - HouseP,L Lace toDeth l-nd -- Valuext iuITEil llain ?>{e. TOTAL VALUE 625 .17S.D.C. 1.5 x 4>o -/q-Date Pald:-.P ReceiPt #: Signede_rp CHAR,GEFEEu0 d? Resilenti-al (1 bath) €C/SeuerSctti aro aa -/o O L-co d JOB NO. Iat Sq. Etg % of Lct Caerage # of StorLes Total Hei,ght TopograPhY SOLAR AC^ESS REQ'- BeCtoons: t ZD'to Zt^"'%' GtouD LCT TWE _ Intericr X Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac Duildi-ng PermLt ?otal Clarges ltLt) Plwnbing Pesrtt State Sureh,arge ; Nea/Extend.Circuits ce (/. Str.te No person plwnbirq Legal Pos plwnbing )l- 4re 7e-"' / ^2a 7/. ?z an ELectrical be oalil until ) ^TJ A D'FFEENC Total iry?L4 bhatst Hood' Veit Eo1 llcodsto;se Seclrt Permit Curbcu! Sidanlk L L nobile Hone Mechq nicql Permit PerttrLt Issucnee Me clwnicaL Permit -- ENCROA CHMENT -- ?otaL ?q' q /7.@_ iL7f- ) b -lf-&F ]OTAL N,!OU]]T DUE:'dz?/.72 i ' cant. 4-,//@ r}. r3 3.20