HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-09" RESTszENTIAL" 225 North r* iro"ff"rcAYroN/PERMTY SprLngfield" )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision / 40-o / ao SPF|INGFIELD rnN -J-a-c* iltu+je,llel I5 ibD i0.oo ,lO ,9e oo3s OO ,/tr t ,, C*^dra Date: Job Locaticn:) Aaseesors Map # I Subdiuision: ctmer: 1q -10/bAdtiz,ess:Phone: 1tSe Descrtbe htork: VaLueDate of AppL a-7-8 Adlitian Re:noCel 5^"" Genet'aL rcru._r i4ecltoiceL DEI,IOLITION OR liOW) Soti:ary seaer eapped:t proper\i Lite Septic totk y,tryed and, fiLled uith gra:;el Ftnal - ilher. abcue itens ate ccnoleied. cd. ohea Cq,plr,tion is carcLele Zr str"ie- btre nooed ord. orenrLses eLZaneC up. ,/ ilcmes connections -- sare? od. aater Pital - After pcrches, skirting, deeks, etc. @e catryLelad. Electrtcal Ccmnection - Blockin4, set-uD and. plunbing ccnneetions nt;st be apprcueC before z,equesting elee..rical inspeclian Accessoz-i But',Ldttg Locking aui Set-ug Pege 1 of 2 Constn ct'icn_Lender SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be tmde after ezcansation, but priar tc set up of fctme. UNDERSLAB PLL?,IBING. ELEC?RICAL & MECH|IIICAL: ?o be nade before any wrk is cottered. FCOtnC 4 FAUNDA?ICN: To be naCe I AftA-ttecne, at,e *cauated and forns ote etacted, but prtor to portttng ccncreta. AilDZRGPOAXD PLUMBTNG. S9WP, H,4?ER. DRAilIAGE: To be ma.C.e prLor to fil-Lirq tuenchee. UIIDEPFLOOR PLUTIB ING 4 }4ECqAilTCAL:@o7floor insulction or deeking. P1S? AND BEAI4: ?o be nde pt'iot toffiof floot insuktio>z ov decking, ROUGE PLA,BI\IG. ELEtrRTCAL & ITECH- ANfCAL: No uoyk ,is to be co"^eredffil-these inspections imne been nade ard. appz,oued,. IIPEPLACE: kiot to plccirq faci.ngnaterials ard. before franing inspec- tion. IRAI.'IIIIG: ttust be reotested afterqproual of rough plur,bing, electri.- cal & necltotieal. ALI toofizt4 btact-ng & chinmeys, ete. mtst be . arnpleted. llo uork is to be con- . cecled mtil thi6 inspeotian las 'been nade anC approued. Iottt City Desigrated iob Nwtber Is IN.SULA? ION /VA.POR BARRTER iIISPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn dA tequired uqor bawie?a @e in place but before @ry 7,ath, Wpsm boatC ot, tnLL aoering ',,s qplied, a'nd, beforeay insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL INSPICII1N: ?c be nade @a at|@lTrs in ptaee, but prior to any taping, W&lNt Steel Location, botui beans, gtouting or ueyticals in accordarce uLth U.B,C. Section UO1DST)'/E: After iratalT.ction is anpLeted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornste erect.eC but priot to potu"Lng cot1,2?ete. STDEWALK 8 DRf',ElAl: For aLL catt-ffi@Atffi st?eet right- of-uny, to be naCe after aLL ecca- oating canplete & fotn upz,k & eub- base nzaterial in place. It ia the respoas'ibility of tle pennit hold* to aee ttwt alt itspectiona cre nade at lhe proper tin€, thdt ecch address is rendabl,e frcn the at?eet, and, tizat the penrtt cail, is Lzcated at the fzont of the gope"tA.*luilding Viuicion apprw^ed plbt sitcli reaain on tle Building iite zt zLL'tines.- PR)C!DUR9.F1R INSPECTI1N R1O.WST:CALL726-3769(tecotder) state you" City desigmzted job ntm,bet,, iob aCitess, tgpe of insoec-.icn tequested and ahen you uiLL be reoly for inspeetion, Cort?actors cr A,)ners ttane Znd plane number, Requelts teceit:ed befcre 7:C0 an ,vtLL be nade the sane da1, reqests nad.e aftet 7:00 an urill be nale the nest:,nrkinq'day. SLtl(o{ Ir r n?ildi . ffi rlhen carnplete -- ProuiCe on norsable sectians thrcugh P, U. E. EIi'|AL PLUMBIIIG FTNAL I,IECUI.NICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL A,LL projee! conditions, suck as th.e insxallatlon of s*leet trees, eottalett-on of tie required ZanCsecpirq, ate., nwst be satisfiedbefore the BUILDI\IG lIllAL canbe requesteci. *ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEANOATS \UST BE .ACCESSTBLE, !.DJUSTltZil! T0 3E :.1ADE Lr ilo cSsr T0 cily FINAL rufLDmC: Tne Pinal Building Inspeetion nust be tequested cfter the ?inal ?lwnbing \-/ Electrical, qnl, Mecharical Inspections hate been nade and' anntoueC. ra Lot # O3r,:f) t, f1 ,_, Rece.lpt # 5'q r]q- Liac. Ai:on'Etac+.ors Addresa n r Y 2 /OSi"LAR Ac ^ "s REe.-JOB NO.dL-CO Bedtooms: Lot Faces -Xnerql Soutees Setbacks !{eat Df ilouse Calaqe Access llater lleateeNotth East F,Jz.eoLace South lloocisto"'e Iit 5q. F4. % cf Lct Cooerage LCT TWE _ Inter.tor _ Corqd _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac I of Storiee Total Eeight Topogr.ap?ry West -- Pees -- ITEM x Value i"lain Csace Cutcrx Accessory /l/l++35.oo TOTAL VALUE oo an^ r i- 3s,ec Date Paid: Signe<i, Plumbing Permit No petson shall ccnstmtct, instal'!., alcet ot charqe cflA neo cr esisting plunbinq cr drainage slstat i,n alole or in part, mless such person is th.e Legal possessor of a ualid plunbe"'s License, escept that a pelson nay do plmbing aork to propett! uhich is ooud, Laased or operated by the appli-qnt. CHAR,GE /5 I .,c c Ft?"rutes Resil.antia.L (1 bath) Seuer PLunMng Petrit I?E14 :10 !EE C|IARCE Res. Sa. ftq. New/Ecterd. Citanits Tatporey Seruice MJ4,/r>.OO /o.oo .qD t0.qc t, i1;1fi4 LNC Flsrace 9?U'S bhal.at HooC Vent Fot 'tlcodsto:se -- INCROACE}HIT .- Seclr'itg Depoait Storaoe !,lainterance Perwit Cu?ba* Sl4anaLk "qenee 7 L ?-J'A ?OTAL AilOUII? DUE: *0i ec Building Volue & Permit This perntt is granted on the etp"ess condition tlnt tle said-consttwction slnll-, i,n aLL z.Zspeets, eonforTn to the Crdinar.ce adopted'ey the City c-f Spr"Lr,gfield, inelud.tng the ionrng CrCincnce, regaLctirtg th.e ccnstntcticn al, use of butLdin4s, and nag be suspended or reuckei at cny time uton oic- Lation of zny prcuisions of saiC CvCircnces. Building Permri.t Stute lotal Cltogee State lotal Penrrit fsau,sree Meclwnicel Perwit TotaL Electricol Permit llhere State La,t requiree that the electrtcaL uork be done by an Eleetr-ical Cont?dcto?, the electrtcaL porlion of thia permit elull not be ualiC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contrdcto". Mechqnicql Permit PLan Eoatriner Date I HAW CAREPULLY EXAUINED the eotrpleted agplication for perrtrit, cnd do Itereby certify t?wt aLL infotnation heteon La t?ue and. ebrz,ect, anC I f,stke" certil'g that cny and aLL wrk perfotned ahall be done in accor- dance,,nth t"he Ardin"znees of the City of SprLngfield, ard. :he Lans of the State of Cregon pertaining to the ao"k Cescribed herein, etd, t\@i NO OCCA- P!.NC:[ ulLll be raCe of @ty st?uctu?e aitho."tt penttisaion of the 3ui\ding DL-tision. i furiher eettifE that otLy ccnt?actorl ad. enployees aho eb in cat^.pliance aith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this ptoject Mobile Hone 7- P|on Cheek ?ce: ITFM itlo. ilctat M-H Tctal Cndraes i!z!,1 ?otal C1'craes State St*eharue u.