HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-09-16" RES|DortlTlAL" APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfieLd, 1r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 # SPFlINGFTELD J*/-o, lll\ q>> g,^l'Y C.- Date: CeneraL Reati-rerl I^t i8 the rcspotrsibililV of -tlc plti* Mtda' b see '"M aL?- iaspectione ee made at the pz,ope" tine, that each <d.,lness is TenCahie I!o,:_tln stect, @d tlrat the-yrnrit-wd ns Lwtd at tlte fwtti of the propertg.*BuiTdirq Ntivi,@n qgwaed.plwz slw)["Z r,win on t\v wr:.u+r& site-at aLL'tlmes." PPOC9DUPiE, FOR XNWTTTIOW ilgQIixEST:CALL 7Itequested ard at*.en gow t-,i.Lt be ready laruill be nade tke s&," a*-r, peque-sts-r;de job aCi:oess, type Requests receixed of inspec=icn befcre 7:00 c:i ?6-3769 (teeopder) state yout, Citg designated job nrmber, 'f"nspeetion, funtraetors ov, armers ncme end plane numbez,.afte? 7:O0 ad wiLL be made the nett uolking dag. *wnber,,, fffi A4/Ya.! CiW Desi-grated Job Job Locaticn:/77 A A,/, n0 3o 3Assessots lubo ll ?ca Lot # Subdittisio*: Atmey: Address: l3qe /- 2/?/Phane:I Deseyibe Nark: Additicn ?ta -rr lfolueDate of frlrtq*La Q-/eo *wAh-n ELeetrical l,techa nical Page 1 of 2 SfiE LNSVECII0N: Ya be nnde a.ft* eccaoaf,,kn4, htrt Wto? Xc set ary of fonns. UNDERSLAB WLIEIIYG. ELECTRIT,W & MECHA-11IC,4I: To be wde before onjuork is cos@d- rilSiI,T"AIT ON / VAPO R BA RRIE R I II SPE C ? I O N : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and. reqwired, tqor burie?s @e in p|aee ba* befoz,e utg Lath, gApswn boarC or rw-Ll cooeting is applied, and befone otg .i,nswlati,on is concealed. DEI.IOLTTTA!! OR I1OWD BUILDIiJGS Sanitaty se"ter capped tt properLg- Line Septic tank pur:ped and filled uith gta.;el r FOO?ING & IAWDA|TIAN: ya be tmLe - alter ttwehes ce eteattatd od. forns oe e*ec:ted., but pniar topouriq co-nwete- UNDZRCTATD F!,\IT4ETTTC, SflTd'?. W.4Tf3} DRAINA@: To b,e ns,ie prri.ot bo fi,l-Ling t"enekee. ailDqRFI@R pE;tlWEflG E MECWALflTCAI":Io be nwde E "io? lLa i.atsXaV-VaXian af floor insulaxiqt or deelchg" POST AND tsEAl*$: 3o be rwde prton toinstallatisn o! fl"oor dtusu7.eti-o?r ap deckittg. ROUGH PLIIIIBTPC. ELE*BTCAL A IECfl- ANfCAL: No twrl:. .is ta be utte;ted.until tkese iraspeetions lwve be* made qtd qproteC. FIPEPTA4: Pyi"ar to p'laatrq faciqmaterlals and. before fy@w*/b i,rlsp@-tion. FRA-\I!fNG: ituet be reqteated af,tet approua'L of, rueegh plur,bing, electr"i-eal & meclwtical" ALl twaf,izq braeing & chfuwtxEs, eta. ;r;rst be : conpleted.. ilo tmtk is to be eon- " cealed until thir inspeeti.an tmsl been nade and ryprooed" DBIWALrt fNSWCTT1N: Tc a{itex a'|,L dtyuall is in be made place, but prtat to ang taping M,ASANRI: Ste.e'L Location, bond heans, grroatLrq or uerticals in aaeayrlstce witk U.B.C. Section C{JRE & APWoACH APNN: After fornsoe stsgetaC bwt prior to pouring anetete- SIDWAIK & DRTlthlAI: Eot aLL con- erc*e gtxi;ag within st?eet r.ight- af-a,mA, & be zw.de aftet all erea- oabf.ng canplete & forn uonk & sub- fuse w*eria.l. ia place. linal - hlten abcue itens ate eqaleted and ahen Cenolition is eornplete'or stnic-ture moued and. ptertri,ses cleaneC up. @3&,, instaltation ie Hcnes Blocking od, Set-up PLtnbirq connectians -- seoe? and, uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing connections tn;st be apprc;-Zd before requesting electz.ical inspectdon Aecessory Buildtng i Pinal - After etc. ate ccmp ,11:1k.", skit ting, decks, wfr- @"" ' NIasft *npkte -- Pwo,tCe or *netoble seatiarts tlnrough FTilAL PLUAAING FINAL MTCHANICAL FTNAL ELEC?RTCAL P"A"E. ALl' praiect con&itions, such as the installat.ton of street tz,ees, conDletion of thetequired Landsccping' ate." mtet be satisfied. befote *e aui-tiiic fiNAL can be requested.. ?rNAL BaILDING: ?he Fi.nal Building. rnspection mtst be requested, after the linal plwnbingElectrical, and Meclnnical rnspectioro 'hsun been naie- ind'ipb"ii"ri. *ALL I'IANH1LES AND cLEANours MUS? BE A71ESSTBLE, ADJasrilEnr ro BE 1L4DE A? po cosr ro cr?r Constmret'te trEd* u n t--t ,fReno'leL SOLAR AC,<ESS REQ.- Type/Const:Zone:0ccupancu Grouo:BeC,roons L-co * % of Lct Cotterage_ # of Stori.es Total Height Interior Connet' Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac LCT ?WEbt Sq. Ftg Topography eat Access Lace Df House Lot Faces - -- ?ees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pennt is granted on the etpress condition t?nt the said-eonstnLction shall-, in al.L respects, conform to the Crdinance adopte,l b:y the City of SpringfieLd, ineluding the ioning Crdinance, z'egulating the ecnsttucticn and use of buiLdings, cnd nay be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1t,dinances. Value TOTAL VALUE ITEM FTG x ,e *s.D.c. L,5 x Building Pet'wtt Iotal Clntges State Reeeipt #: Date yaad PLan Plumbing Permit No peveon slnll constntct, instal1-, altet ot elwnge anA neD cr eristlng plwnbing or dtainage sAsten in uhole or in patt, unless such pet'son is the iegal pbssessor of a ualid plwtbet's Lieense, escept that a pe?son mail Qopluntl.itg uork to property ihieh is oumed, Leased ot' operated by the appli- cant. NO CHARGE * Ei.atw,es Resid.mtial (1 bath) Seuer PLumblng vennt State Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleefical Cont"aeto", the elictrLcal pottion of thi,s permit slnlL not be oalil. until the Label lns been signed by the Electtieal Conttactor- Total Na,t/Eetend Circuits Setwice rT!M NC FEE FI' A D'F I os 1 so Mechqnicql Permit >v 5, fuTranst Hood llcodstoise Vent Fo'r Permtt fssuance Meclwnical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -. 9ec"a"Ltu Deposit Sto!age Maintenance Perttrit Cwbcut Sideualk lence Eleetrieal Ia.beL Mobile Hone VTanz;ffine" /*-tZ ffi f EAw CAREPULLY ELAMLNED the eompleted appl.Lcation for pernit, and'- do hereby certify that aLL itforrnation hereoi is tt'ue and. correct, and I fuz,ther eertify that any ard aLL aork perfot-ned shal_L be done in aecot--dance vtth the- Ordinancbs of the City of Spt'i-ngfield, and' the Laus of the* State of 7z,egon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed hev'ein' end. tlnt NO )CCU- pl.Ncy ;tL bZ ,*zZe of any structur,e dithout pe?rnissi_on of the Building Di- ttision. f further e-ertiiy that only contractors and enplcyees uho are in conpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pt'oject TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*15 7s Signed Date