HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-05-08SPRINGFIELD. ORECON 97+77 INSPECTION REQUEST: 7 26-3'/ 69 OFFICE: 726-3759 I. LOCATION OF INSTAILATION ! l(,O *'72& ELEC.,iJCA-,,ERMIT APPLI CATION Citl'Job Numt,e,'C? -C'' O liZ 7-Cl 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW A. Nen' Residential-Single or Multi-Family per drvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost has ft. or less $ 106.00 additional 500 $ r 9.00 tl 1,/d Horne or rvelling Service or Feeder B. Serlices or Feeders Inst:rllirtion, Altcrations or Rclocltion: 200 anrps or less 201 arrrps to -100 arnps -101 amps to 600 anlps (l0 1 lrrnps to l0{)0 antps Oi'er 1000 amps/r'olts 125.00 s375.00 Reconnect Only 50.00 S 225 FIFTH STREET '"fYo"e'fH'io* o't Lo t Sum JOB DESCRIPTION €,*,*.-l' Uil Permits are rlon if lvork is not started lv ofissuance or ifrvork is suspended 180 dai's. 2. CONTRACTOR INST &rt. not $ 5o.oo _ Electrical contrn.tf @ "5fr^, r- $ 63.00 _ $ 75.00 _ 63.00 - $+i.(){) - or u ith Scrv'icc $ 3.00 _ 'ccder not included) Expi rarion Dare @</tso /a v.- -- T--- 1 . Signature of Srqtcnising Electriciitn NY'1 amps Ovcr 600 amps or 1000 r,olts see "B" abolc D. Branch Circuits Nor Alteriltiou or Extension Per Panel One Circuit U amps h E. (-) orvne rs N"*" U ,'c k '\ C -t ( Attttress I ( b(? 7) ', LkL Srgt J,Phone OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on prope rty I orvn u'hich is not intended for sale. lease or rent. ;lone itication _ $5o.oo _an _ $50.00 _ $25.00 N'[inimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is S]5.00 * Surcharges ->c) Limited Energv/Cornm J. SUBTOTALOFABOVE 7%o Stile Surchtrge 8%o Atlministratil'e Fce _ $-15 o0 _ Js.) qoo 97 Oryners Signlture: TOTAL 9a ZG Cin' w4+t*<*.2,'lh Phonc 7 t/Y-O?oS- 3AQG:S Srrpcrr isor Licerrsc Nurnber TA* Zct i C Expiration Date l0/zo /o4 r0B $5o.oo _ $69.00 _ $i00.00 Q, I l\Jl\:ut