HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-09-07..RESIDENTIAL.. . APPLICATION/PERI4IT 225 North Sth Street SprLnqfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLdirry Di,uiston 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.t) L,JoodslDr<-5oo ,t c ls.bo q-Date: Job Iocaticn: Aesessore Map #Toi Lat # Subdittision: Phone 1qq Iznd Cl.mer: Addtess d_zip: Q r t-l-rCL Describe ttork: LdcodsJ-ore, / ""t .*'' tr/s Value OOODate of tI llers aD Addition RetnoCel Etpires Pllone General Plrnbin4 -+4 nn t'.0 il-,^o ruln-f,a t4eetutieal LO-v L1 CR :,iCWi tsUiLDI;iCS Sanitary serter eapped et F,opat4i Lite Septic tank p'tryed and filled uith g.ra:.;ei ?inal - it4ten cbcoe itens are cqalexeC ozd alen Cq.tclition is conclere or slny- ase nouei ori prerises cT,eaned up. Le ilcnes Blocking od. Set+p PlunbinX conneciians -- sa)e! d, ualer Final - After pcz,ches, skiz,ting, decks, etc. ate eonoleled. Electy)cal Ccnneetion - tsLocking, set-ut and plmbing coanections mtst be approea befor e z.equestin g el,ee:r|cal,)nsceeliar: Aeeeesory* BuiHittg Pege 1 of 2 It id the reepons'ibility of tle perwLt hold.et to see that aLL i,nspections are nade at lhe ptopet tine, that acch cddress is vsasa^ig 1'ron the street, and ib,t the pemtrtt eod ie Loeated at the fuwnt of the DtoDertu.*eui1.din? D')uiciot apptoted pTbt aiull renain on thz Bt^ii<itng Sitr'at eLL' tines.- PROcgDUPg=F04 I,(SPgcrc)lr.!9=Q!EST;CALL726-3769 (recordet,) state yout Citg deeignated iob twrber, job alitess, type cf inspec=icnie@eadyiorinspection,cot7ttdeto?soia,,","-,-,,e"a,npu7enunbel,.-RequestsreLeliieabLpre.7:00ci rtLL be nade the sane dag, "equests ncde afta ?:00 an urill be nad.e the nest wtking'ddy. 8arq tro Consfruclicn_!ende!_ FTIIAL PLAAAIrc FIIIAL I'TECHAIIICAL EftlA t FT?afior^t f SITE INSPEC?i)N: To be tmde aflet, e.rcauation, but pm\ar tc set up of fcnns. ANDERSLAB PLUI4BINC, SLEC?RT,:A1,9 MECH!.IIICAL: ?o be nade before cngwtk is eotsered. lCCffNG , IAUI\DATICN: lo be naCe &6ffiD{ are-escaated etd farns ate erected, but pr.Lor in pouting ccncrc-t€. - u r DiR G,?c ut D p LuMe_Igq_;*tti2_ il.Ar!!,J Lirq tra-nehee. 71 uuceff:ccR PLnEflc & :4lcsANrcAL:rt@cf floot ineulation or decking. P1ST AilD pqAl4: ?o be nad.e prLor to --- instali.aticn oi fl.oor insuTation or deckirtg. Dnn.p DrtntpTtt. -r?noTCA, t :,tgCX_ ANICA.L: llo 'nork is to be co"^ere<i ffilT-these inspeetions h.aoe beer, nad.e and approueC. EIPEPLACE: ?rtor io plcctrq fceingmater.ials and. before fradn4 inspee- tior.. FRA].'!f)lC: ltust be neqtested aftet approual of rough pLuraing, electrt-cal & neciunieal, AL'!. roofin4 bracLng & ehinmegs, etc. rttst be contpleted. llo acrk ie to be con- . ceclel. unttl this inspeettcn tras'been nade anC apptooed. you! CitV Deeigra.ted Job llwtber fs INSULATION/Vt,POR EARRIER iI]SPICTION : ?o be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn ed requited uqor ba.z.ie?s @e in p'La,ce but before otg La.th, Wpsutn baayi or unLL couering is cpplied, a'nd. befareay insulation is concealed. DRYilALL INSPYIICN: Ic be nade -.. aiter aLL ctyuali is in place, but prior to ctty taping. WW: Steel Location, bond. beans, gzoutinq or ue?ticdls in accordotce ttth U.B.C, Section 2415. iICODSTOT,E: errrpLetA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APSON: Aftet fonnsee erecteC but pt"ion to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRt;|EWA!: Eor aLL cctt- crete pauing aithin st-reet right- of-tnA, to be naCe after all- ecea- Dating canplete & forn ,,nz,k & sub- base rnaterLal in p/a.ce. !EIVC!: L4en cotn'plete -- ProtiCe gates or notsabLe seeticns th.rough P. a. E. ALL project condicions, such as the installation of stl,eet t?ees, ecncletton of tie required LanCseqitg, atc., trast be satisfied befoz,e the BUILDING FDIAL ean be reqtested. TINAL BUILDING: Tne Final Build,in4 fnspection rwst be requested aftc-r the iinal PlwnbingElecttical, otd Mechariccl inspections 'naile been nacie anri aoptcued. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADiASTlttil? ?O 3S t.t408.,1.? llo CSST TC CI?y I lto 9 I..-) . 52nd S+ . q-- Y2-- rr r Peqe 2 JOB NO.3 q y?) soLAR I )ESS REQ.-L-co d Reeeipt I Mechqnicql Permit Beitoons Lot laces - Setbacks !!eat Df ilouse Ca?age Access,llater leatetNo?th East FirepLaee South ilaodstoxe # of Stories lotal Hetght Topog'rcphy LCT TWE _ Inte*tot _ Cor.net _ Panhand,Le Cul-de-sac bt Sq. Ftg. ,1 cf Lct Cooetage West -- Fees -- IlEI4 x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This pernlt is granted on the ese"ess conditicn tlat the sciid constmtetion sha,Ll, in all respects, .onfom to xhe Crdinanee edopted iig the City of Spr.ingileld, inektding the Zoning Cvdinatce, regalcting the ccr.str,tcticn otd use cf bu"Jldin?s, and ncy be suspetnl.ed. or reuckei e; cnr- tine upon oic- Lation of oty ptcuisions of said 1rdirances. TOTAL VALUE Euilding PerwLt PLan Stdte ^-+ - D--') total *anoea ;!EM N0.C tlA(lrE Plumbing Permit No pez,son slnll constzact, install., alter or ehange anA neo cr esisting plmbing cr drainage sAstqn in ulole or in part, unless such person is tle Legal possessot of a ualid plumber's License, escept ttnt a pelson nag do plwtbing aork to ptopettl ahich is ou'ned, Leased or operated by the dppli- @?tt. lthttes Residcatial (1 bath) State Electricol Permit llheve State La,t requires ti"at the electrical wrk be done by dn 9leetrtcal Conttlactor, the electrtcal portion of thia penntt ahdll rat be oaliC until the l.abel lns been. aigned by the Electrical Contracto?. lotal Pextri,t t Nar,/Estend. Cire"dts Semtice r7?V h,t''z,zee 9?U I S bha/st i!oo,L Vent !@t i{codstcte //s ?b /t.00 60 1 r.b6 -- EilCRCACULIENT -- 9ea.Ettg Deposit Storage i"ldintevatge Curbea! sLd.A)d.Lr !ense llobLle Hone ?OTAL AMOUilI DAE: * I EAW CA-RSEULLY EX.lAfilED xhe cornpleted application for oernit, @d. da hereby certify tltat all infctnation hereon ts tmte anl. ccrrect, rnd. I futthe" eertify that dty ar,C aLL aork perfonted shall be dote in accon- dance '"tLth the 1rdinances of the Ci.ty of Sprtngfield., and the La:;s of the State of Cregcn pettaining to the Dork Cesa"ibed herein, cnd tlal N0 CCCA- PtLtlClt ttill be rm.Ce cf dnA stracb,tle tyithout petrnisaion cf the 3uilding DL-uision. I further eertify vhet otly eontractots cd. r,rpLcyees dho d?e in eonpli..ance ui.th CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on thie projeci PLdn Etam.ner 'L',atd.L 3 Uu 4 Q-"1'I r Perm[t fssuowz Meehanical Pennt Ene?au Soutees Tuoe FEE Scnitart Sa,tez, 'ldte! Plunbing PetrrLt ELeetr%ccL tdbeL /{./,h