HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-10-17" RESlDEf.'rlAL" zzs ito,th sth streeAPPLrcA?rolt>l,RM* Springfteld, Oregon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 >b Locaticn: raeooot c Map ll tbdiurJsion: Jner: ldre:ts I SPNINGFIELI)1 ,iI t), r r --llz H,u\- i -l ,,',, 1 ^rorrr"n Ajrb Deoct.ibe 5vu + \ eirL$rrdi /0 tr Sq h'otl:.: iAL J&0 1 ,,oorro ,,o^,&lto: Date of App licatictr VaLue lres cnera.L ) Tct Lot ll cbt\t \t(\, ,' lurnb 1ng echan ica l ccCf cil uDervlsin El.ecrr e<ntinei! (' Lilrr c ia lha reaponoibi-lity of _tto permit ho_tden to aee that aL'!,. inopeotiona oto nada at the propcr thg, that ocoh &reao ie readab'.e't'otn the atreet, anc that the pct'mtt oard ia Lxated at the frent of the orooertv.9uilding D"lvi:ior. approveLl plan shcll remain on the Duilding sitc ot aLL' tiheo.- l?ocsDUPE, Fo4 IttsPECII1tt .qlQyESr;CALL 726-3769 (tccorder) Btat$ your Ctty deaigruted Job nwnben, job aCdnoa, typo of incpec2icno.questccl anl ulen you -uiLL be ready for inapeotion, Contractont o_i a.mers-ranai*l pto"" nwnbcrl.' a"quiui" releiild b'eyore'?:00 ctill be nade the oante dcy, requesto ncde afier ?:00 on urill be nada the n*t wrkinj iliy, Iout: Ctty Deaigratcd Job Nwnber fo: ti-cnslSIT'E INSPECTION:?o be m-tde after I NSUt,A',t' rON / vApoq BA nR_r EB I ilgl'llclrl)N : rcquired vapor ban,ie?a ote in plaoe but befot e any Lath, gypswn boatl ortnLL aouering ie applied, crd befote ory inculatiort is concealed. DETIOLITION OR Sani'-aty aetten capped it propartl- Lixe Septic totk ptonped atd filled uith gnatal ercauaticn, but prior tc aet up of forme, UNDERSLAB PLL'I,IBI NC, ELEC'TRICAL E,utcllWny wtk io oouct'ed, FOOTINC E FOUNDATICTI: To be naCei|i e r - tiin ciiiiiii x c au a t e cl a rl forno are erected, but pt'iot, to pouring ccncretc. u il D sR c !?0 u lt D I'!.uM 2 t N g, j s,t E t?r-_yl!!!, DllAItlACt: 'l'o be talle prior to !'iL-T{r4-ti6nchee. UIIDERPLOON PT,UI,IDINC T, ilECIIANICAT,:to be iale prioi-to iniiiT{aI[on of floon inoulction on decking. POST AND BgAtl: To be nadc prior toGfrtTiWof floor insulbtion on deckin5. 'AL: No aou ur.thcee inspecttons lnve beer FIIIAT, PLUT:ITIT.; FINAL lttCllAilIC'At, FINAL ELECTSICAL DRYtlAl,t, INSPIIC'|'ION: To ba nnda aftet; af,fii:ytxttT-io in place, but prior to any tapiruS. A!9!-8!: Sbeel location, bond beons, gtwrtling ot, ueytiaala in accordence oith tt,B.C. Section 24 15. L\9ODS'IOVE: Aftcr inetallation to ccnpLeted. CURA E APPnCiCll 4!P3ON.: Aftar fonnoar.e;C;t;I-6;t prl;; to pourins eonore te. SIDillAl,K .l DRII'EIIAY: For all con-.,vTV-pauiiGii;i a tr e ot right- of-rx:y, to be nade after all etca- uoting conplete & !'orm uork E tub- base natertal in place. Final - l{hen above itena are ccnpletecl and uhen danplttion ia oonplete o,' ernrr-turo npoed and ptenrisea oleaneC up. l l l l l JCo e llcnea Blooking cnd, Set-:tp Plumbtng connections -- oc")et' anC uater Elootnioal Conneotion - Blooking, oet-ue ard pltnbing conneotione rruat be apprcteC baforc nequeeting eleolyioal inapec|ion Aoceoeory Duilding made arul approuel. FMEPLACE: Prior to plccir4 facingmcterials and bcfore fratning inopec- tion. FBA\|INC: I'lust be requeotecl after approval of rough plwr,L,ing, electri-cal & ncclnnical. ALI roofittg braciwl C chinncyo, ete. trust be . completcd, llo ucrk is to be con- . cecled unttl thio inspcction llaa'been nnde anC approved, Pinal - tiftatsto. ote oanp, pcroheo, akirting, decka, loted. ?ENCE: Hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gatet or nottable aootiona thnough P, U. E. AIL pnojcct aondttiona, :suc!; cro the i.notallation of stroot troeo, conplotion ol the re.cptire<! lontltccp'ir.g, cto,, rmtut bo oa.tiafiod bafora the BUILDINC FINA\ qan.be recptoated. FINAL BUII,DINC: ')'\rc I'irlr'l Buitiling ftrapeotion mtst be raqueotad after tlrc Final Plwnbinn tlectrtcal, anC Mcclwr.ical Inapeotiono hqtta been nnde atd approved Parlc 1 of J v IAI,I. I,IANIICLTS AND CLI:^NOU'I': IILI:7'DT: ACCI:SSIDLE, ADJUSTITENr TO I].E TI4DE AT NO COS? IO EIIY -1 nu^o,t"t tu*Pliotte: n. eql'\:l l JOO NO Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot, Couarage_ ! of Storiee Tot;al ltaight Topograplry ' Build,ing Pemrit State Total Clargaa Plunbing Parnit State ta Total a Pertt feeuooa lleclanioal Perqrit Total Atbcu! SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- LOT TYPE Interion':' .','. - Con'ner' "' Panharulle _ Cul-de-oao L.CO G,I BeCrooniG: Int Faceo - llca t Ra PLan Datc Paid Rece ipt ll Signed: Sottraa L(1cr toce -- Feea -- Building Vcllue & Permit Thio permit; io granl:ad on tha axpreon corul.i.Lion tlnL the n,tia conattac'Lton nlall., in alt- rcnpccLi,- rrorrlirit'Lo Llrc omlirutt;t:c :t'lo.'t'e'! l.ty Lha Ctiu ol Sprt"Of;nU, inc!lttrl'-n1' Lhe iJening Crdlna.nc.,, rc'iuk;Li.ttg Lha acncLttcLictt and u'c'e of Luildtqc, ancl rney bi aucltentled or reuokcC aL ctill tir:to ttpot't uic taLion of atry prcuiaioro of aaid'ordir,arrcee , Plumbing Permit No Dcrcort alnll concLtttct, ina!al!., alLer or clnngc crllJ ned cr e:istirtg ilrhid or drainage oytl;en in ahol.e or in part, wtlcss such person is the ingal pioaocsnon oi'n vZli.d plu bor'a Lic.cvs_'e, eaccpl Lltat a .Paison may do- ptlunbiig uork to pt,opart,!! which ia odncd, Leaccd or operated by tl,c apL,Li- cant. Electricql Permit Mrcre State [an,t rcquiras tlat tha olactrical uot'k be rlona by .an glect|icaL conLractor, tha clactrical portiort of ';hia pctntt clnll not be ualic until the Label lno been aigned by Lhe Electrical CottLractor. Mechcl nicol Permit FfAn {i.dn,tar DaLc I ttAVE CARE\ULLy EXAMINED 7!a lsnpleted application for permit, and do horeby certify that aLL ixfo:nntion hereoir ia true and correct, an'C I fut,th,-er certi/y that arry atd aLL uotk perfotned alnl! be dote in accon' dance oith tlie- ordinencia of tln City of Springficld, and tha tc'sa of tha sLate of 0regcn pct,l;airrirtg to tlrc |U,.rk ceocribcd herein, cttd llnt N0 occl- PANCI uiLL b'e mtdc of any atruaturz dithout petmio:tion of the SuildLnlt D.i- vioion. f furthcr c-ortiir; thcL otly cotttrae-tot'| ar.d enplcycee ul:o are itt canpl;.ancc utth CRS 701.1ss uiLL be uoed on thia proiect Df Ilouoe Cat,aeo.A<:cc o n Not tlr Eaot tt South ll l,la ot l ITEN SQ, FTG x VqLuo I'ktirr Ca'aoe Carpot't Accessoru TOTAL VAT,UE s,D,c. 1.5 c NO.FEE cilAnctITEM FirtuiaB ReaidenLi-o.L (1 bath) :;anitany Seuet, l.lct or ITEI'I NO.CITARGI:reRotr. So. fto Ji.so ,5-oONeu/Ettend Circuita Tanporory Sentice NC.PTF F\rruce YIUTS Ezhant llooC Vent Fot tlcodato'oa caD( -- ENCROACIIMENT -- Soctri I .9 ! ft,' I Mai.nt,onancc Pcrmit. Sideuatk !crea Elec L L t'lobila llane T1TAL tl'tOUllT DtlE: .3q rB Dc tc ./7 A I F t t'c1t FT:E t a I