HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-10-14-- RESIDENIT.TL -- CO:,IBIIiATION /A.PPLICATION PERMIT tEcEr* t SPRINGFIELD '-J:.! -t: J(:l::i'Jt!LlJl) -lqa ttaw <-d a-ucf, {:PFT:ICFIELD, O}1ECO;]i 97477 tsuildit4 Diuisio- 726-i7 53 iob Location:3 gtbdi,uieion: .d.iasssa,.s r,ta? # 17 _ aa _31_ A t IG Lot # Deacr[be ilorkrt|I4lr n rt Axa- -+/ 3 2- l{ p Ad&itiol Saacd,eL A&e! Addtaaa ?lr.ane # zip &u*tfr tk EIT Ehro E \t/ n LL fr uto gptoea-so Li,ontm.cxo"s ilaqe Cene.eaL ?lacLztla.l l.teciosticc,l €otzetmtctiaa Lcnd,et REQUIRED INSPECTIONS rt is the responsibility of the permit hclder tc see thlt al1 iespections ane made at the proper tlne, that each address isr€ad-hle frcm the street' aad tha: th. perriit card is ro"ateJ ii-irr" front of ttre piopertl,+ .{:.1 nanhores anc creanouts arc tc ue ialusted at no cost to the city SI?E IIISPEC?ICN: excavation, but forr.s. To be nrade aftenprior to s:t up of ETFEP}'{9E: Prior tc Pl::I9 fl:in. [J woonsrows: After installationmateriaLs and befo::'c Ition. rraltlng rnspe.-l I i- compfeted. I ,t*onk is cotercd. F9O?IIIG 6 FOUTTDATION: To be madeaiter trenches are e::cavated andforos ale enect:d, but pnicr topolrring c€nc3ate. w€3-_llrrr4BrNc r !{EcHANrctL::: := i.EGe gr^-"-Gffi otfloon insuLeticn or decking. POST E BEAH: - :.nsrallation FRqMIYG: approval Electrical , and l{echanical lhlst bG requasted afterof rough plurnbing, electri-CURB E APPROAC!{ APP.ON: are erccred but prior After fornsto pcuringcal 6 mechanical. AII r.oofing,braeing t chirnaeys, etc. must beconpleted. No nork is to be con-cealed until thjs inspection hasbeen nad. an<i approved. DEII{ALL INSPECfION: To be made -aner aJ.I d::'yeall is ia place,but prior to .iny tapiog. S9NaY: Steel location, bondbeams, grouting er venticaJ,s inaccordance rith U.B.C. Section2q15. SIDEi/ALK 6 DRIyEiiAy: Fon aII con-crete pav:Et rith:a st:ree: right_of-way, ta be nade after all ixca-?ating ccragletc 6 forra work 6 sub-base roaterid iu place. coocrete OTHER IITSPECTTONS::'rB accordance nithto be indieateC intice fron Building may be required Building CoCe, ;J.a::s on by no-fnspector.To bc aadc prlor toof fleor insulatioa until these inspeetions have beennade and approved. or Cecking. FIIIAL PLUMBING FIIIAL ELECTRIC.{L FINAL I.IECHAIICI.L A11 projeet conditions , such as the installation of st:raet t:tees,conplction of thelandscaping,etc., must be satisfied befo:re the BUILDING ffNAL can be requested. EIIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection rmrst_be nequested after the pinal plumbingrnspections have been *a" .ri'rfl;;;J: -=' c.:.ty designated ;.obreadyfor inspec- before 7:00 a.m.)age L of 2 the next norkingday. YOUR CITY DlSIGNATED JOB NUUBER l5: a.m. will be llo occupancy of- the Dremises can be made unt-il the Final Building fnspection has beenIiffi iffi i55ili"fu;;; ru;lliii.^i'"'o'i=oElJpeuii-Hai'!;d'ffiffi By rHE BUiLDrlrc Drvr_ Call 726-376e (reccrder )state you:. you will benequested and whentlon,Contractors or Or.Jners nane and phone nurbers,Requests receiveCtril-!. be nade the sane day 'requests made afte:r 7:00 l 5 (7 p /lt oQ, r; IIP:ge 2 JOB }IINIEER.REFFRENCE NII!,IBERS L-COr: '-. I orcuPANcY cRouP - 3 rYPr/co!',srRucrrolr - )/ BEDRoollsZONE So'-,:,ces ilea.te?llo"th Eaat South veat Lot 9otate gtg. :i cJ' Lot Coveredi of Siories -ctaL He7.oh! -c?og*QJ4! Setbacke 0ther Lot ?ype Interiot Cor.net Sq. Ftg. Cotege Sq. Ftg. Cqo", o tlalve Oarqea TOTAL CIL4RGES State Thi.s pctttrit is granted, ot the esqeas cc.di'-')on ;hct the eaid. corst?Ltction sirall, in ali z,es=ecte, confor to tlu 2tditte.cea odoptel bg tha Ct:1 o;' ipz-lngfieLd, ineluiing the Zoning Mitotce, reVtlai')ng -.i.d ecn- struction otd. uea of buildirqe, oti na1 be ita;e?d.ed or revoked a! oty tilne tqon tLolaticn ci drl prali- eiona of said. 2tdittotces. BATI.DINO VALW/PERIIZT PLan Cheek ?ee Date Pdd # Sarti Sa,t* No pe?son elall coaatnrct, inetzll, zltet cr cttoryeqt! neu ot er-eting plunbtrq at dtcznage syazant in ulole or in pet, unlase eteh pensot is :he legzl poseeaso" of a talid plnber'a Lieerse, ezcelt ihat Z p"o"on *il ac phnlnng wotk to Pr.o?1?:! ,,ti':eh is outned, Leased ot opetated by the qilicant. PLIJMEINO PMilE! ,Wql.s,L TAIAL CIIARCES State Swehatge N0. Ithste Stale La! raquites tlat the eiEct-icc! uork be dne bu a Slactrical C2nt"detot, th.a elect-lcal pot- ttoa o7 tkis pxtrit etall tlot be uali.d untii the La' bel lrzs been big.ed bg tle ilectti-c:L Ccntlceto?' fhe {Lectrical Safety Ia't doee tlot rcquite. c ?1?lon i ottain a Licettsc a an electrici* a!/cr elec' dcal coqtructc" tc nake st ekctrieal ins=:Llaticn i r"opitt uhich is aned bg hinsel'! or a -atbe: of-is'-i^ea;L;" fartly ukleh ii ttot ir'reniad ;'cr sale' Leose ct nent. qIEC?RTCAL PE?.T4fi SU??EAL L 'IIARGES Vent Foz llood AECEAIIC.4L PSRMIT Staia EIICROACH\IEIIT gepositSe;qi !.ldinenelce ir,f!oTllL Si,daalk Zlectieal La.bel \ Bui times. at 6,17 Diuision aqPto.teti PLct slull the Buildingon$z,aaAT4OUilT DAE Penrit