HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1996-12-13 (2)SPFlINGFIELO C'TY OF OREGON DEV E LOP M ENT S ERVIC ES DE PARTM E NT December 13,1996 Resident I 179 32nd Street Springfi eld, Oregon 97 47 B Re: 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41 ) 726_37ss FAX (541) 726-s689 This letter is to supersede the correspondence date Novemb er 27, 1996. Recently, it was brought to our aftention that some addresses on 32nd Street are not in sequential order.After reviewing the current addresses with Emergency Services, and phone calls from residents, it wouldbe more effective to keep your addresses with thi address numbers listed on your home, and to change theaddress listed on Tax Lot #6200 to ll87 32ndSheet. This wil put it i uaa."rr., uact< into sequentialorder. Your property commonly known as I 165 32nd street, Springfield, oregon is tocated on Lane countyreference number 17023035; Tax Lot #6400, Springflreli, oigon will now be referred to as I179 32ndstreet' I am enclosing another copy of a Lane couity Refereice tutap, la"ntirying lots and addresses foryour reference. I will be noti$ing the following agencies of this change: Lane County Assessor Lane County Reference Address: Address numbers on residence: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department US Post Office US West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cablevision Springfield News Map #17023034 Lor #6400 I 165 32nd Street, Springfietd, Oregon 9747g ll79 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 9747g Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 9l I Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Register Guard If I maybe of further assistance, prease feer free to contact me at 7 16-3653. Sincerely, Brenda Jones Building Safety Community Services Division Lisa Hoppel Building Safety Coordinator cc: file 4200 Jc,r-r<.560t rEa 5. 10 33 t- 7 7 400 tttf 750t )nP I lhr p "/, ( l I Iii i: 770t 780t 8000 ru 1nP 79C ///3 otd nRo -1J ;o I \ ob oE ro ro oZ N ro t--o ro 6o 5o 60 s. ee-2, t. A i Bb00 MP 40 i o ) 137... 4to? /r/,4 loo \ nP/.2.' o\ 4tol /7f /z 4202 Sl- \ ro \i I \ i, i 42Ot / E/. s-t43OO n1P t E t\ 0 ;4302 4400 /z/' t't /nF \I 441o.t /sy zlt4500 l3 ob t 4600 /nf t 460t 14 /zf //d at' ! 4700 15 ( a nP 1o? ^iF l6 o{ 7 4BOO t2l4900 t7 \! 47',Zr. ----F-:-_-=#_ 5700 /)lr) 57o t 4, o /,,,. I 5BO I(o fil t) sBoo s3/ I 590t nt) s900 3t3 lo 42. hI 6000 I I /:2a' 6001 t? 620t t3 /6F /la 6too /7/ 6lOlgn ord"o,trL% /nl tt I lur &dd/ft /z// Lr8 t463 67 I t1q u)l56401 ?s 650t nP )t mF t?'/ l6 t2r.a 7' F 6500 6qoo I ..olnta2l 3d t7,zr.<7 7901 nP B too /v1 P r{ 8200 lv, P i fi1P 8300 o\ 84@'z', /2r.4 7 . \l7 ah a + INDUSTRIAL Sec. Mopt7 OZ 3t Z I I 7600 tlt' afr 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-3753 FAX (s41) 726-368e D EV ELOP M E NT S E RVI C ES DE PART M E NT December 13, 1996 Resident I 18l 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Re I witl be notifying the following agencies of this change: Springfi eld Police DePartment Springfield Fire DePartment US Post Office US West Communications Northwest Natural Cas TCI Cablevision Springfield News If I maybe of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 716-3653. Sincerely, Brenda Jones Building Safety Communiry Services Division Lisa Hopper Building Safety Coordinator Lane CountY Assessor Lane CountY Reference Address: Address numbers on residence: Map #1?023034 Lot #6301 I l?9 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 I l8l 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 This letter is to supersede the correspondence date November 21 ' 1996' Recently, it was brought to our attention that some addresses on 32nd Strcct are not in sequential order' After reviewing the current acldresses with Emergency Services, and.phone calls from residents' it would be more effective to Xeep your addresses with thJ adiress numbers listed on your home' and to change the address listed on Tax t-ot #6200 to I187 32nd Street. This will put the addresses back into sequential order. yourpropertr"*'e;jro};,Hffi iir!"{-"'l1;"T,;ffi 1t}ffi, #H,liiHffi uno,t., copv ora Lane cou-nry Rererence Matr Springfield UtilitY Board Lane Council of Governments 9l I Dispatch, Public Safety Lane CountY Elections DePartment Sanipac Rainbow Water District Register Guard cc: file 1'l'rlr. -., ll I t) C'TY OF 4200 J()tJ< o 7I.5 60t E 5r^o ar. 7 400 750t 77 0t TBOt 8000 /h/p "/) 33G ( /r1f )nP lvl lvt P 79C /t/3 l t { I .;l,i nRo iJ :B I \ oh o E. ro ro oz N ro Fa to ( 60'\ INDUSTRIAL 5o 5. ar.. J i c) MP o4 oo ! i o ) 137.., 4t02 \ /AP 100 /"?/' 4tol o\/7{ \\ o o 4202 / 51- S( 42o^1 az/.4500 rnP I i 4302c t\ a,o I >1 , /nf 4400 t /z/. t' tb 44(J. t /{y /2 r' 4500 Z t l3 ob 7t-i- 4600 lnr t 460t 14 //,f I - a4{ 4700 (ty\ P 1o? 4BOO l6 47 o ,Y u tzl4900 ; ! t7t zt.4 7' ----:-----#- 5700 /)lr) 570 | ao/ B 4 5B0t(o fit t' sBoo s3/ 9 59 0t nt) s900 3t3 lo a? [ 6000 il a2/' 600r 6too /7/ t2 /yz T[i.-**-:--lzt 6201 t3 /Lr LID U Lt8 /z-/" ,ir-6300 t4 6? /2// U) Ad r r1q t5640t ?s 650t mP at 6500 { l6 F ?/ /Zr.a 7' tvlf I qoo I ..b /r1 t ).21td ial $ t7 Zt6 790t MP art o B too MP q i tv, P' 8200 /t1 P 8300 ol0 Lh \,! .17 ,2r.4, , 8 400 See.MoPlT02 51 2l CO A 7600 i ir'-1-