HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2003-04-02Building/Combination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2003-00225ISSUED: 0410212003APPLIED: 04102/2003 EXPIRESz 1010212003VALUE: $ 500.00 SITE ADDRESS: 1179 32ND ST ASSESSOR'SPARCELNO.: 1702303406400 PROJECT DESCRJPTION: Demo MH and sewer cap Owner: LyMAN WILLIAM L TE Address: 1179 N 32ND ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Site Work OnIy TYPE OF USE: Demolition Residential Contractor Type General Owner Contractor STANTON GREGORY PAYNE LYMAN WILLIAM L TE License 27323 Expiration Date 0st09t2004 Phone 541-688-7038 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group : Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvgrnents: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: oh of Lot Coverage: Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Impervious Surface Area: VN ts s,N\ REQUIRED PARI(NG Total: Handicapped: Compact: Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft Square Footage TION Pase I of2 Value Date Calculated I' U I LL'II\ U 11\ I' (JI(.IYIA I T\-,].\ I )" N( Valuation Descriotion I Building/Combination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541 -7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2003-00225ISSUED: 0410212003 APPLIEDz 0410212003EXPIRES: 1010212003VALUE: $ 500.00 Fee Description + l0%o Administrative Fee + 7oh State Surcharge Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Total Amount Paid Amount Paid Total Value of Project Date Pai 4t2t03 4t2t03 4t2t03 4t2t03 Receipt Number 2200200000000000674 2200200000000000674 2200200000000000674 2200200000000000674 $9.00 $6.30 $45.00 $4s.00 $105.30 'ees Paid Plan Reviews To Request an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Demolition: After demolition is complete, sewer is capped or septic is pumped and filled and inspection is requested and approved, and all debris is removed from the site. 2 Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. /9%4-z ^ aJ Owner or Contractors Signature Pase2 of2 Date Kequrreo Inspecuolls l 4/2/2003 9:50:34AM City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 54L-726-3759 Phone Receipt #z 22002000000000 0067 4 Date: 0410212003 Line Items: Job/Journal Number Description Amount Paid coM2003-00225 coM2003-0022s coM2003-00225 coM2003-00225 Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap + 7Yo State Surcharge + lUYo Administrative Fee Payments: 45.00 45.00 6.30 9.00 Line ltem Total:$105.30 Type ofPayment Paid By Received By CheckNumber Confirm No How Received Amount Paid Cash WILLIAM LYMAN djb Total:$10s.30 In Person 105.30 I Page I of I cReceipt.rpt ,':r.SPFIINGFIELE, DEVELO P M ENT SERV I C ES D EPARTMENT 225 FIFTH SI"BEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689t Address ll-7 1 32*S Structure to be Demolished:il*,,qr^{il"vryl{ Job Numb er; COwtZo o 3 -- O O ZZi The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, policies and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditions associated with the present developmenl Exarnples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set-backs from properfy lines; correction of substandard sidewalls and steet impiovements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which may be trecessary to comply with existing development standards. Furthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, ttren the system development charge credit for the prwiously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issuance of the demolition permit or other removal of the previously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code 3.416(1). My signature below indicates that I have the above conditions relating to the demolition of the $4-z-c3 Signature Date Page I of I I :\WORDFILE\PERMITS\Demosdc.doc OREGO'I'.CTTV OF SPFrINGFTELO DE]/ELOPMENTSEFY'CES PUBUC l,VlOEr(S M ETR O PO LITA N WAST EWATER M AN AG E M ENT If you rtould prefer to 'lete thicompngiCity w ith the followi nfo el evati on, a floor plan with measurements. Thank you for I grant the C a 0nta Date:4-2-o3 ck and white pho vide theof each and a set of elevation drawings with 225 FIFTH STREET SP8/NGF/ErD, OR97477 (tus)726-s7s3 your demolition permit is currently be_ing..processed. There.may..be a slight iiiiy,-oi up to i working days for-small ltructures, due to.the time. required to'r6,iiew ttie history of [he itructure to determine if it needs to be documented ilflri airotltion. -Thls documentation is for arch'iva'l purposes only and-will nii-iffJci the grinting of the demolition permi.t. If the structure is-very large i.-.rirpiilated -ifre aoclmentation process .may take u.p- to a .maximum of 4 working aiys. ' Documeniation will consist of photographing. the p_u_i'l.ding'. taking meisurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken iii-it. Ciiy at no cost-to you. Oocumentation is being.{on.^.on aII structures iitej prioi to 1940 that mai have historic importance to the City's development. ., T,HIS DOCUI'IE}{rATION T{ILL NOT II'IPEDE THE DEHOLITION PROCESS. DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS An ag e cut-off of 194 0 was chosen because this is the date that the Nationa'l Parks Service and the Springfield Devel t Code use to determine potentia'l hi storical significance. ation yourse'lf you must pro tographs , ssion to enter my property to complete demo'lition of the structure located at C_O7v^Zr5O3 - Property .owner signature:flr.y'' / ,/7.. J $ ililffiffiHil lllil llllI lllllI llEl.lHlrElillHilHHB$ttHBilflllsssllH ilqcH t#HEqgq ll il llll il il il 1il il BID PROPOSAL PREDEMOLITION ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT 1179 N. 32ND SPRINGFIELD, OB February 7, 2003 b First of all, thank you for the opportunity to bid your project. ATEZ, lnc. is prepared to properly remove and dispose of the metal roof from your mobile home at'1179 North 32nd, Springfield for a total amount of $1,386.00, as a non-friable proiect. All asbestos removal will be completed by Oregon Certified Asbestos Abatement Workers, under the'direction of an Oregon Certified Supervisor, and will be in compliance with all Federal and State regulations applicable to asbestos abatement' This bid will be honored for thirty days from date this proposal was written. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS:1. Overtime, week-end or shift work GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE BID: 1. Delays or condensed scheduling caused by others will result in additional costs to the General Contractor/Owner. 2. Liability lnsurance limits of $5,000,000/$5,000,000.3. Temporary ventilation, lights, power and water are to be provided within reasonable distance from the work by others at no cost to ATEZ, lnc. 4. Billing is due net thirty days, a 1t/z7o per month interest will be charged on any unpaid balances. The DEQ requires 5 days notice prior to any non-friable asbestos abatement. The DEQ will allow less time for notice if your proiect is considered an emergency. The DEQ charges an extr4 50% fep increase in such case$. lf lcan be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, {t'v v I Robert R. Kinyon President Mr. William Lyman 1 1 79 North 32nd Springf ield, OR 97477 PRE_DEMOLITION ASBESTOS SAMPLING THIS IS NOT AN AHERA SUBVEY February 7,2003 On January 30, 2003, AHERA lnspector Robert R. Kinyon, Certificate No. 02- 11-46, inspected the mobile home at 1179 North 32nd, Springfield, for Mr. William Lyman. The only materials inside the mobile home that I found suspect for asbestos were the sheetvinyl floor covering (Sample BA01W1013003) and the ceiling board (Sample BA02W1013003) which both tested no asbestos detected (NAD). The only supect material I found on the exterior of the mobile home was the roof sealant (Sample 8A03W1013003) which tested positive for asbestos (20o/o Chrysotile) See attached report f rom Environmental Hazards Services titled "Bulk Asbestos Sample Analysis Summary". This last material must be removed by an asbestos contractor, handled and disposed of in compliance with many Lane Regional Air Pollution Authorities (L.R.A.P.A.) and Oregon O.S.H.A. regulations. I recommend you contact these agencies and satisfy yourself as to what the regulations are' This is not an AHERA Survey. lt is a good faith type survey. There is always the possibility that during demoliton suspect material may be uncovered that this inspector did not find. lf suspect material is uncovered, work must stop and the material must be tested for asbestos. Attached please find a bid from ATEZ, lnc. for removal and proper disposal of the roof, lf I can be of any further assistance pl ease do not hesitate to call 995-6008 R. Ki lY< ATEZ, lnc. RRK/ad Attach. nyon,As ding pector Cert. 02-1 1 -46 ,/ e iiLE No.438 02t05 '03 16:3r ID:FAX ENVIRONM ENTAL HA,,ARDS SERV]CE$ 80+275-47EE FN( 80+2754e07 BULK AS,B-ESTqS SATIPtE ANALYSIS SUMIUARY POGE lt :: ,CLIENT: CLTENT NUIIEER: EHS PRGIECT #: PROJECT: ATEZ,Inc- P.O. Bor 126 Harrisbrug, OR 97446 $&1287 A 02.03-0215 03020?; William LYman L..L,C, DATE 0F RECEIPT: 04 FI]B t]00S DATE OF AN.ILYSIS: 05 F]TB ?OO3 DATE OF IIEPORT; 05 F;i]B 2OO3 0I 0z 03 8A01wL018003/ Orange/Dark Brown Vinyl'Like; Green/ Pale Beige Fib. NAD NAD L&orqtory Dirccnr Qtntity Aa s ur an ce C oor di nai o r 80% Cellubse 1570 }Iai:r 55% Nor'I'ibrou: 90?6 Oellulost: 10% Non-Fibrousi 3% CeU'.riose ??9'o l'{orr-Itibrc,u s QC SAIJIPLE: QC BLANK: REPORTING LIMIT: METHOD: AI{ALYST: Rovievred BY Authorized Slgnatory: BA02WL0r3003/ Tas Fib.; Off-White Brittle BA0SWL013003/ LishtiDark Gray Pliable; Silver Brittle 20% ChrYsotile * 2096 Total Asbestos * Present tbroughout saurPle. Ml.1998-4 SRM 1866 Fiberglass Polarized Light Mio'oscopy, EPA Method 6001R'93/1I6 " Mark Case HotwrdVuw\ IrmaFu*wshi, Daaid Xu, MS, *niar Chcmiat FerE JianE, MS, Senior Geologist Uinaet,S,. Uueltar, Qwlitv Atsurlnce MotWer -PAGE01 of02- EHS CLIENT SAITPLE #/ 7C ASBE$IOS OTHER I[ATHFU,(\'; i -#c. FILE No.438 02t05 '03 16:35 'D FAX FPGE "1,' 1 ENVIRoNMENTALHAZARDSSERVIGES,L.L.c. CLIENT NUMBER: EiHS PROJEGT #: PROJEGT: 3&rlE? A 02.03-0215 030207;WiIIiam LYman ttesurts repressnt tha anatysis of sampros submitted by he dient. .s.qqp- bcatir:n, description, area, volurne' etc" vy,s-p*r'dNl by the dient. ThB report ,annot oe used uy trq ureflto bin pmorct unob",J#nioJi{i*t or anv agencv of tlre u'{i' G,.rv:rt;t'rtt:r"i This remrt shalr not oe reproduceo €xcept in fuil, wifrout ti..,e rrritt* -*""t "i -Environtnenal Hezirds -servir:et; L'L'c' (';aiircr:r;il cerrifidrbn #2319 Ny {;nc #11714. AI ilb;;tun conceming **pilinio*t"i,' ort ' and time can ire fr}urc c'rr'l)hirirt't:'r- r)usbdy. Envionmentat rr#lt'bl*f""", UL.C. Ooes not per'form any sample collection' Envrronmentar Hazard. services, L.L.c. recommends reanarysis ?y point count {for mor', acc,rate quantifrr:a1io') c'r -i'nrr:t:Tistir:t =r€cron Microsmpy flEilj, for lnhanced d"Edril;p;6iriilrl mi'r"r#il';i;i"t"d:y rhg EpA, NEsr-u\p (t{ati?nat '::';ris':ii:t StandardsforHazardous]fi,'ihi.iiJGjanorunj'tE;ta,nb;"trranten}ercl-nr(<10%)asbestosbypolarizadlightmi:."cS,i:J!..:/ iPiM): B"tr seMces are available for an additionalfee' * All California samples analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy, EPA M€tlod 600/l#'82'0i10' Dec' 1982' LEGEND MD = no agbestos detested plm1.dov07 - PAGE 02 ol02 - E0{D oF REPORT - , ^wvyqur!i iru;tt:lr:;;rrir,ir. l:l tr r'tr()rr(l Vr(orIlt^ ?.1).ll Phnnr: ll\(14\') l5-dl Hli l-av lfllta\ ') ttt'rttttt tI ()<f 'i--: r -i-/ I l\. ATCT 1.,'. Contaci ttiame: Froiecl #: amnlor Aiomo.e...r.v.rta- ?.-.^ ,t-.ull9_ JtdtE- zru.iio'rioirr rra fiF iTnn^",Y":"u1V! Y.)u':rv ><<tl.! Client Accaunt#: 3B-1287 A' Phone#: (541)995$0OB Dfi 4.r.v. t- E^- *. {5,41\ qg5-1015 )I 3 ; I(o cY)9 LOo CUo @ C')a oz. t-LlJ LT Asbestos Lead Other Motals lsoccifu nretals belowl lndoor Air Quality Padiculate: Tolal Nulsenco {NIOSH 0500} Gespl,-abl6 (NlOSll 0G00) fIE Sample Number -Sarnnla Date & Time =J o ev f tD C, =o(_) q,€ll- =()(L c:,o ,coo- Jo- ().E (l) _c Cl(, J(L (r TU- rxh fl:,d) ! Q) (o -c UJF -oo\ .g(\, (L a(L .E 6il(L N Ec c E .g Go. :oa o cz q o U. oc = o+ LJoF U (o B o (tt (I, = @ ao& (LJ(-)F o Ef,IL (f: .trEo = (, lEg n E (l) z -9xoF o) oovt(tlo .om q)s v) ofi B U) oto(Uts =ct) Eu rUF 8)ooE:fa .Y =co Air Volume (L) rrD Wipe Area (flz) OR Scrape Area(cm2) Comrnents t/Br]..t, r!t trrt^6a l4o.rra $^rr-+ F{oon16 Y" it,r,,*> fin"rDt,t-rr'rdB Y l.i'k{ /i'-*'P il-i.n E.'rt :t-^t r-D l-ilq Q^-C*n^[o^.L60rf,fu,x-fvarr?V Lrr-* 0 $tq]'ttog U Do wipe sarnples submitted meet ASTM 81792 requirements? Yes No Released by:Signature.Date/Time Date/TimeReceived by:Signature:4, , Signalrrre:1 I \N,r l\ n DateiTimeReleased by r )<-, IReceivecl by Siqnature.l I iur t A----te/Time \ ---. -:--^.a 'tranna|-v|)t:t, at/tlr,a FUUi tsr. Gertificate of Completion has euccsssfuly mmpbted ho rcquislto kelnlng lor acfirdlhton under TSCA Tlth tt EPA NIERA (A8bcBlo6 Hazard Emergercy Rcrpnr Ad), ud ASHARA Model Accrcdltillon Prcgnm rcquircrnrntr for AHERA INIPECTOR R,EFR.EE{ ER aD Hetent€d by Chylon Oroup Sclior, lru clarlfi]GBpscrrk r. lns. 1$00N!lnlg.sultr4.l0,Porurnd,or.€on 97232 {c71)2r4nm +ix(c7t)214-120e Robert R, Kinyon GR I Glrdu' r€tauclctt Cowre Dale: 0|f,21lg,t C6nl'lcdiql # 0ati{5 Ceilllorb ErCndon Dctr: g1l1/et Ul]t7t00z[,id0?:i0i{rlZ l0d