HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1996-12-13C'TY OF SPR,/NCFIELD, OREGO'V DEVELOP M ENT S ERVICES DE PARTM E NT December 13,1996 Resident I l8l 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 :ilrflr,-!iFlE( () Map #17023034 Lot #6301 ll79 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 I l8l 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 Springfi eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 9l I Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-37s3 FAX (541) 726-368e h, Re Lane County Assessor Lane Counfy Reference Address: Address numbers on residence: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department US Post Office US West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cablevision Springfield News This letter is to supersede the correspondence date November 27, 1996. Recently, it was brought to our attention that some addresses on 32nd Street are not in sequential order. After reviewing the current addresses with Emergency Services, and phone calls from residents, it would be more effective to keep your addresses with the address numbers listed on your home, and to change the address listed on Tax Lot #6200 to I 187 32nd Street. This will put the addresses back into sequential order. Your property commonly known as I179 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon is located on Lane County reference number 17023035, Tax Lot #6301, Springfield, Oregon will now be referred to as ll8l 32nd Street. I am enclosing another copy of a Lane Counfy Reference Map, identifying lots and addresses for your reference. I will be notifoing the following agencies of this change: If I maybe of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at '716-3653 Sincerely, Brenda Jones Building Safety Community Services Division Lisa Hopper Building Safety Coordinator cc: file frl ,^ I Iit i( I I i 4200. /h/p "/1. .5 60t -33G 75 F'^O 7 400 7501 7600 77 0l 780t 8000 /)1f nP /v1 vtP 79C tt/3 \ ( : It Iil.: : R .sr 1J n o E. ro ro oz N to F @ ro 6o R \ 5o s. ac-tl t. A I i b a& 'mP 4000 t l. 0 ) t/37.., 4t02 lU t z. I '4 IOO /.2/' \ nPl o\/7f ./2. 4to t T- \\ o Sl- 4202i, dr 42(-r-1 aa/' lnP I s 4300 /r., t\i 4302 4400 tI 4500 /z/. t' 2 t l3 ob t 441J-1 /nF /dy - /tr" 4600 /nr I 460r a //f /2t ' l4 4700 7 4lt (nP 107 4BOO l6 b , t2t4900 "! l77'2t.4 \ o E I \ ob -:----=.#_5700 /)tr) 570 | 4ao/ B 580t.(o /ltr' sBoo s3/ 9 59 01 /1t ) s900 3t3 lo a/ l 6000 I I600t az' 6too /7/ t2 /t2 7{l;- r3 4) kfurt Lr8 - ,z/' 6? t4 l5 bo 640t 7s 650t nP )t 6500 ,vF t?'/ l6 F tZr.a 7' .,D /r1 tazl 3{ t7 ! 6EOO .l l2r.<7' 790t NP B too MP t{ 8?OO (\{ lVP B;- /t1 P 8300 o\ 8400' ,2r.4, . ah ! .17 ,NDUSTRIAL Sec. MoptT OZ gt Z I 60 JOUZ 620t /Lr o'dl,/rc,% 6r trtl t il t5 \ C'TY OF OFEGOA' D EV ELO P M E NT S ERVI C ES DE PARTM E NT December 13,1996 John Shama 90567 Lure Lane Leaburg, Oregon 97489 Re: StDlrrl(:FlEl r) Map #17023034 Lot #6200 I l8l 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 I165 32nd Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478 Springfield Uriliry Board Lane Council of Covernments 9l I Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District ' Register Cuard 225 FIFTH STREET SPNNGFIELD, OR 97477 (s4t) 726-3753 FAX (s41) 726-368s This letter is to supersede the correspondence date November27,1996. Recently, it was brought to our attention that some addresses on 32nd Street are not in sequential order. After reviewing the current addresses with Emergency Services, and phone calls from residents, it would be more effective to keep your addresses with the address numbers tisted on your home, and to change the address listed on Tax Lot #6200 to I 187 32nd Street. This will put the addresses back into sequential order. YourpropertycommonlyknownasffiSpringfield,oregonislocatedonLaneCounty reference number 17023035, Tax Lot #6200, Springlield, Oregon willnow be referred to aEfi3 *I am enclosing another copy of a Lane County Refereice Map, identiffing tots and Jdresses for your reference. I willbe notifying the following agencies of this change: Lane County Assessor Lane County Reference Address: Address numbers on residence: Springfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department US Post Office US West Comnrunications Northwest Natural Cas TCI Cablevision Springfield News If I maybe of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 't 16-3653 Sincerely, Brenda Jones Building Safety Community Services Division Lisa Hopper Building Safety Coordinator cc: file 4200 J(fL'< A/p,/:.560t TF, 5.10 33t 7 z7- 7 400 /tlf 7501 7600 77 0t 780t 8000 )nP rvl 7tP 79C //3 ( : II I .:l.:,. :A _ot, rn \ oo I \ ob o E. ro ro oz N to Fa ro 6o So .s.es-zrt A c)4000 i o 4t02 )./37... \4ioo ". $P \ /./ o\ 4tot /7f ./z/ 4202 / sl- \ ro I /2./.rr $ 42Ot rnP I i 4300 430?.t /z/.4400 , /nF t'F{tb 441C-t /.fy 4500 zlt t l3 o lO t4t.' 4600 ln /' t 460t 14 //d ! 4700 r5 (tvl P 1o? 4800 ^iv l6 7 t2l4900 "! l7tzt47' ----:--=.F<_ 5700 1DP I 57O I 4ao/ B 5BOl(o lt t' 5BOO s3/ 9 59 0t nt) 5900 3t3 lo .z' 600t t 6too /7/ t2 /+a tt8 OdfurOc5 6201 /Lr r3 lUJ (L rl8 /2/. ,iJ.6300 ,4 6? c!) I 11 q t5640t ?s 650t wP )j mf t?'/ l6 * \ 6500 ..blnt221td t zl t7 ! 6600 ,. :| 790t nr) a,z o. B loo MP $ /tJ . 8200 tvt P s a7-8300 /t1 P o\ B4@'z', ;h lO' R .17 ,2r.4, + INDUSTRIAL Sec. MoplT 02 gt A l 6o I t il 6000 I I