HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-06-11INO legol Fqmi Bu i'l d Gara Sho Addresr Phone n PhoneAddress 489 Nor th 32nd Street Lot 49 0ld t.lindmill -3 TINE Describe Work (i.e.,Build Single votue or w"'k, $7 r4.l 0.00 Sq. Ftg, Orher Owner Addrers 7263753 ig i'ermit lnfo: Sq. Ftg. Accerr. Sq. Ftg. lrtoin INSPECTION IINE 726.3759 CITY OF SPRINGFIETD COMBINATION APPIICAIION / PERMII ENERGY SOURCES: Heot Woter Heoter .==---- -Other -New-Add-Altar-ReP... -Fence-Demo-Chonge/ Use @ O(})(tlq) (lics, no.) DESIGN TEAM (phone(oddress)(nome) [iaPrimo Electricol Mecho te Electricol Mechonicol MECHANICALETECTRICAT rEE CHARGENO. PLUMEING CHARGErEE furnoce/burner lo --BTU'S Residence of fr.Eoch single fixture Applion<e vent seporote15. 00 15.00?+ New circuils, olterotions or extensionsRelocoted building (naw fix. odditionol)Slolionory evop. coolerSERVICES S,F. Reridence (l both)Vent fon with sinqle duclTemporory ConslruclionDuplex (l borh) eoch 25. 00 Vent system oport from heoting or A.C.25. 00IAmps. 200Additionol both Mechonicol exhousl hood ond duclWoter Wood sfove/heoler Sewer H€ot PumpFEEDERSStorm Sewer Air hondler to r0,000 cFMAmpr. Air hondler over r0,000 cFM ISSUANCE OT PERMIT TOIAI CHARGES -0-TOTAT CHARGES 40.00-0- I HAVE CAREFUtty EXAI INED rhe completed opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby. certify thol. oll .infomotion hereon ir true qnd correct, ond I further .citiff rhor ony ond olt *orr p"rf".-ei sholl bE done in oclrdonce with the ordinonces of the City of Springfield ond the.Lows of the Stote of oregon p"rioining to tie work described herin, ond rhot No occUpANcY will be mode of ony slruclure without the permis:ion of the Building Division. I furiher certlfy thot my regirrrotion wirh ihe Builder,r Boord is in full force ond effect os required by ORS 701.055, lhot if exempt the bosir for exemplion is notad heron. ond thor o'nly subcontroctors ond employees who ore in complionce wirh ORS 70I'055 will be used on this proiect' DATESIGNATURE E thirof rhall bcnol vslid orlcctricolrhcdoncElcctricolrheConttqclot,portion pcrmitthotworkElcctricolbsTEsrAREQUIRESbylAWWHERE rlclcctricooilschedsndtholoElccricoIonCont?qclor ponel.hoslobcl bcen signrd by Bosir for Bui NAIIE (pleose prinr) Flood Ploin Srories-occy Group-sq, Ftg. Other-.- x Volue , Q-50 volr. x -Volue TOTAT VATUATION n ils One Sq- Frg. lAoin ----:--lood --Sq. Ftg. Access FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -zgnc Rl Type/Conrr. Fire Zone- Bcdrooms -------------Occy 11.50/"1 DevelopmentSystems Choroe Plon Ck. Comm/lnd 65%/Bldq Per fee ).20 i,ecetPL tr3o33v ;8.40 od 5/22/81 el ect. I abe'l feIPlon Ck. Rer 30"/ol Blds Per Fee BUll.DlNG PER/v{lT Chorge: ond Surchorges ____44.00 plan ck fee 4.80Fence 92.36 Tolol Comb. PermitDcmo PTUMBING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges -0- ___4!,-00_Sidewolk Curb Cut TOTAI. PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorges MECHANICAT PEN,MIT lhorges ond lurchqrger 0: i-t I1UIIIUTJ I LIK.L TOIAT CHARGES untilrhc 7.410.00 1.76 lAn A/C Povino I coMBtNAT|ON APPUCAT|ON/PERM|T (CAp) l. Applicont to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description l. exomple-tox_lot I00, tone Counry Mop Reference I7 03 432. exomple-Lor L Block 3,2nd Addition to Spring{i.lJ E-r^u- C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender i C ID. Energy Sources {. TY OF SPRINGFIETD City Hol! Springfield, Oregon Deportmenl of Public Works OFFIC!At RECEIPT No. B 5870e bd PERMIT VAIIDATION I. exomple-heot/electricol ceilingz,or forced oir o,2. e xo m plE-wo re r Teo re-ElEiiiio 1,, o iEiEi- E. Squore fooroge o. rolrotioi] "il-l. exomple-.8!9 rq.foot house, 500 sq. foot gorcz. exompte-if new proiect, check new_if oddition,;aa=t. F. Building permit informotion:l. exomple-construct single fomily house wilh ongoroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge into fomily rr3. exompfe-convert single fi;ily iesidence inro reslouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Secrion 303 (o) of theStructurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To o-void design or construction deloys, Building DiStoff must be oble to contoct opp.opiiof" p"r.o-n. ,design informolion or iob site corrections, etc. ll. Abbreviored Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Schedu . A. Except where blonk spoces occur in the description of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the opp need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the oppr irem(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building DivisionI. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedt hove been obbrevioted 2. lf rhe item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on t oted schedules you should consult the full schedrC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES. CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, ihe initiol opplicotion will be used r. worksheet only. Where possible, 'Building Division Stoff prepore o. typewritten copy ond return it to the opplicor the time the octuol permii is issued for his signoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the pli, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid \. other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when ihe d=.,..,,is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Dote Address Received For:P,. 10n /lq 09 ()a3 OO 4oln /,ry ( ry &o.= ( ( Amount Received AY i ( AUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE SXCLlOi.YUiNrULt rlrntiRS t!c$ - a \I -l Permit Clerk l \l PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ired contact City Maintenance Department, 726-3761Culvert re u Additionol Proiect tnformotion: Improvement Agreement Required for North 32nd Street PTANS REVIEWED BY: 6l2lB1ngmqsignaturedolenTam <ha;n 79 *rj, ot)- GJN ( t. ( (' <--# ttol{2 4"K7%3v TePe,rz I / tS7 Ftcr/AnD P.-uD gUHiiSR cHohtl cH0fto s"EclFlcf,TloNS 2x{ rl D.F.L.2X{ rt D,F.L. 2XT STRNDRRD 0RRDE D.F.L.'TENTEI FfiCE8 FROI LEFT TO ITO{TroZ '"Zb'lflt i.oI g ' ,I@ (sz (2 LOCNIE INIER.PNilEL SPLICES NT I/{ PRilEL LENDTH 'I- 12 IIICHES FROT ETTHER END O' IHE Pf,XEL II'OICAIEO. ro? cr{nDT t. -tt9BT a- -tltlf 3. -97tT 4r tA9 IOTTCI CH(NDI l- ta96e 2- lA2lt 3- tOOI {. la!! l- -{XI ta l- l?7l. 2- -l7EL 3- 777 a- -48al- 6aota- -1316 9-t NEACTI(}'8 REACTTD{ e tr tE,}CTtOfl t t- a ta ta T 914 I 375 (r I I . t 1r, *s" 'iJ 1' ;l I olbxn' oF 4o'-0" w/cAlrrf oN I{Rch[3 E{D.- fl?JfrrE- Iflfi{ CANT 0N OP$ITE HqD. ,, z-' z';4'Drr, smj rvms STTCERD AS SIOITN, C['.IE Ct'{ EACII SIDE OF IBUSS w/{ - 10d. NAIIS r\ l[ ' IN EACII }VEB IN TOP & UITO{ ' ' .1, QioRD (16 "tYItAL) 2-3 { 3-9 | 44 ,. .( i It) ( lt" !/' ,- L" PLY$d GtJSSr- itt6- 64 NAIIS IlIt tr - 44 i l/"t,t A}.ID UTNU CIi0NDS (' I llit T(IIAL, 2"o. c. ) nffis q{Affimp) ,.." ){ I I tr4 t-l34I 3-6' I t a 30'{.0' ovERcL CANI 5'ET 30'-0. 0' caot UBC s?Fc t ir6 2rl' 0. c. I to/9/81 0ert RN OPTIMRX@ DESIGN LtvE tono.... 25. 0"..'. Dtno Lom,... 7. 0'...,. cttLm6 0,1., t 0, 0'.,.'. roril- D-;. I5l ouannn rncror H COHPBNYt i/\7\ '{oii5 5lNT0x h0 C0r0f,n00 SFhlNG c010fiH00 609J3 ilOSIIOFSIff OR 1of 1 7m10 USIHG TOUIPIIEXT IHI IFOT flNilUNL. EY .THE 88HCtX6 nel]UIHE0 0t PL NlE Y I OUPL IOX OF T RUSStr0l ESTCI RNIrx Pno- FilOFhr ilNti 5HLHIH l0r{ 8I EHPORNRI EBECTIr6 k000 Titu5s u0u5L r 8BnCt0 Bnnc t[6c0f,rtiIInt ff00t t.tlLI! xls G lslht 0l'BIL. 0E 80 n tnlFocEnritl]n,lLL ThE Pi0 EBnCE0 nllcI L0A0sL)Yf t0R05 5'IRUCIUfL THItilt OF s 0flRrlil6Lol , Bl,In€ I h-" , UIITIIt I nP05f nE0uln€ r0fit EE B€ 0lric nnt Lr8 OUI r trilnl C INL 0h I r-n0 iBl l'J0, Ynt IG8L IEPLF I nffE ES80I r lI. 8I L8f IO )i6 n TIIEEITlxGJOCHPFOOU C €LL 2BlL nxs Ii FOB ]HE 5tl fl6LhtH IBI]Y 0t5 R5ct 5UXES fE Bt F BtcnR0 ilr6 IIR IO'8RflC il0RlJ ctiltjP IE i0 Ti E0l \6THE NPPL ITO at5P0rs nc lunLOFtFHEhH 80 IO IOf5n5 0E5 hE15l ir JLTX lll NE cx6I XTthu r iHl r0 5lI hInt0n.Btt 5irEf 5 I rtN5tiHnh0HTII forPnx rttI t! Gr) 80se )