HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1964-08-18.s.p{g3.J!E!--4r9,lgirNErr,Hj!-ur,qlENr, KN0t, ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for a;'rd ln consiCeratlon of the pro- vlslon of a publlc seurer facltllty constructed by the City o'i Springfield, a municlpal corporatlon In Lane County, Oregun, for tire t>enef!t of the real property hereln described, we ta t. savlr and ?Iil E. Drylt ffi',,1:""::;": ?Tffi';'ll :f 3::iil:l benefited and descrlbed as follovrs: l8C forth llnd Strtt3prlryflrld, Orrlm Lot l, Old YIB-lll tr.ct. Llltr Ccraty. 0rrfm rr plrtrrd ml rlcordrd, 9qn tl. voln ll. l.rlrr CffitY 0rqm llrt i*rdr. tmt Gtrrty. Orqor. Arnount of LIen: $ ltIr.ga Sald real property descrlbed sh.rll be held as securlty for the re-payment of the above sum ln ten equal senri-annual installments, plus accured lnterest at the rate of 6% from the date hereof on tl-le baiance of the unpatd assessment. The in!tlol payment of prlnclpal and f rr'terest wi ll be made by the property or'Iner slx (0) months from the date oi this agreement. It is further provlded that tl'rls lien may be foreclosecl as other clty liena in accordance wlth the provislons of the 0rillnances ai:d Charter of the Clty o'f Springfleld ln the event that i;rstailirrent payment3 lncludlng !nterest, are nct pald wlth slx (O) mcnths of thelr due date" Thts ?len has been coriputed a$ being *ne- helf (i') of the equtvalent cost of an elght (B"L,l1c!r lateral sanitary sewer at ther.te oi'$3.40 per abrrttinE front fcot t'oi-- -4.0 _--'Ieet arrd doei not Include the ccst of a irouse co,rnuitlon to sata trfii[EEilffi user clrarges, plumbing permlts or other such cos,ts to be assumed by tt:e property owner. This llen and agreement to pay the sarne shall be bir"rcilng upon the'lnderslgned who are the owners of the rea! prcperty l':ereln descrlbed end shali blnd thelt helrs, er(ectltors, adnlalstra0ors, asslgns and successors ln ii:terest, and until pa!d, sha'll be construed to be a cove:rafit ru:iniirg wlti: the land Dated at Sprlngf !eld, O:'egon, this* 18 ciay Au$.rt , re.I-. (scnu) (senl) STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ss on thlr--j!:h me. a Notary Publ ic lnhrtln U.'Orvlr rad County air State, l9-6f , personal ly ca:ne before the wlthin named day of fryltlt , andFInr sa. DLv a , to me personal ly knorvn to be ldentlcal persons descrlbed ln and who executed the wlthln Instrument, and acknow- ledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarl ly for the uses and purposes therein namcd. lrl-fi{ESs rly hand ls day and year last above wrltten. t-tc \\, R t{y Commlsslon Explres ) ) ) /qzt.^ n ^.j'-