HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-01-11.. RES'*\ENTIAL.. 22s Nonth sth s;treelwLi[tr,N /PERttrr SprLngfield, Oregon 974?7 ButLding Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIELI) I. Job Locaticn: odAeseesors Map #?cz I-ot # S:ubdiuision: Otmet: Addt ess:1 n a* zip Desq.ibe htoyk: \Ju* n n Value J*r'tr" &^nl-.-Atwi,ticn RemoCeL 5st"U g" Gerzeral Pege 1 of 2 Reeei t# D/<-t/ t\\ | Date: t',?, 8tr Plrnbi,ng Electrical MechanicaL Cona*uetion_Lende?_ I-t ie the teeponaibi-Lily of -tl9 perwit hotd* to eee tlzat all inspecttons ee nade at the ptope! tine, that each ad4tess is Teqaabi,efnan the at?eet' atd tltat the petnrtt card. is Located at the frcni of the orooertu-*Building D,iticiot approxed plan shc.Ll remain on the oul.lal.nli iil"-Lt-ih"li1^u."- P-RocEDtfPEa FoR. I\SPECfi)N 1g-q- yEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordet) state yout, City Cesignated job mmber, job aCiyess, tgpe of inspee=icn ::Y"11<_Y-a,hen gou uiLL beieady for inspection, contvactars oi a,nnr""r-,,nL"a enoin numbet. anqri"it reLel.i:Za b|1cre'z:00 an'*nLL be na.de the sane dcg, ?equests made after ?:00 on uLLL be nade the nert wtkiS d.ag. Iout, City Desigr"ated Job Nurnbey fs:E8605 SITE INSPEC?f)N: ?o be nade aftez, escaoation, but prtar tc set up of fotne. qyDpRSLAB PLUMBIN?, ELECTRTCAL & WCH4-IIICAL: To be made before Zng .tlotk is cotseted. P)1fINc & FOUNDATICN: To be maCeAfi;;ffit; ar.e escatsated. and. forns ote etected, but priot, to -poul.inS ccnerete. . i UND9RGPOUTID PLIJMEINC, SEHER, W,ATER,nialr@ Litq trenehes. V uaowrzooR pLur.ErNc & TnECHANTIAL:ttof floot insul,ction or decking. P)SI AND BEAI4: ?o be nade prtor tofiffiT&an of flooz, insutation or deckitlg. ROUGH PLAIBII|G. ELEC?RICAL & MECH- .ffilTthose inspeetions haue beqn mad,e and approoeC, FIPEPI,ACE: Pz"ion to plaeirq facingnatertals and. before franring inspeb-tion. !W!!9: ltust be requested after appz,otsal of rough plwnbing, electyi-cal & mec?nnical. ALL roofing bracLng & chintneys, etc. rntst be . eonpleted. llo uctk is to be con- .' eealed until this inspection lwe'been made anC approoed. ,y\ ?TilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECIIANICAL TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn e"d. required oapor baruie?a @e in pl.a.ce but before ory Lath, gApsun baatC or tnLL cooeting is cppli.ed, and beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Ic be madeafrer';t T@;t-is in place, but prior to cng tapittg. IIAS0NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or uetti,cals in accordorce uith A,B.C. Section 2415, WOODSTO],/E: @mpTetA. After installation is DEI.IOLrufuI] OR A dUJ Sanitaty seuer capped at properts- Line Septic tank pur,ped and fi,Lled tttth gta;sel linal - l{hen abcte itens are conpleted and uhen CarcLition is complete o? struc-ture mooed ord. prerises cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aclre? od. oatet CaRB & APPRCACH APPON: After fo?rnsee erecteC but ptior to pouring conct ete. SfDEWALK & DRf'4EWAI: For all con- Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-ua and plutnbing conneetions rn;st be apprcued b efor e reques ting eleetr.ical i.nspt e e tio,-t Aeeessory Bui.LCnng Pital - Aftet pctches, skitting, decks, ete. ate eompleted. crete patsing uithin stteet right- of-uay, to be mad.e after aLL erca- oating catplete & forn wyk & sttb- base mater.ial in place. ?_t!!E: gates When conpl,ete -- PyouiCe or mouable sections thz,ough P, A.E, ALL g,oject conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of stteet trees, co:tpletion of the required Landscepirg, ete., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUfLDfNG FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BAILDING: The Final Buildin4 Inspection nust be requested aftet the Final Plumbing Electtical, anl Meclanieal Inspections ttq,tte been made and. approoeC. PINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{EII! TO BE WDE /,.? IIO CCST ?O CPY 7 ,ourrn ro n Date of eppu*tton l'- ll -:* 4\U l JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Lot Faces - Iteat P.L House Cdrage Access. No"th Range East ll EirepLace South ll waodstoxe West l LCT TWE _ fntericr _ Coraer _ Panltand.Le CuL-de-sac Bedtoons: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Casetage_ # of StorLes Total Height Iopogrqhy -- Fees -- ruEt4 SQ. ETG x Value Building Vqlue & Permit ?his pennt is granted on the erppess condition ttat the said-construction slnll', in all rZspects, confotm to the 7rdirnnce adop.ted biy the city gf SpringTi.eLd, includ.tng- the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd, u-s-e of buildings,- urd may be suspend.ed ov' r'etsokeC at o1U time upon uic- Lation of cnA ptcttisions of said ordirances. TO?AL VALUE s. D. c.1.5 x Euilding Pet'mtt State Date Paid: Total Chargea Signed N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No person sllall constntet, instal'!.' altev ot' ehange -ang ne?/)-c? etisting plr,itbi.ng or drainage systm in uhole or in part' unless such person is tlp iegal p-ossessor of a uialid plwtber's License, etcept tltat a pe?son rnal qo^ plinAing uork to propert7 ihi.ch is offied, Leased or operated by the rppli.- cd|tt. Fi.ctr,ttes Residentia.L (1 bath) Sati Setler QO Plwtbing PernrLt State FEE Electricql Permit Wev,e State Lan requiz,es th,at the electrical uotk be ilone by cn Eleetrieal Contractor,, the electrLcaL portion of this permit slnll not be taliC until the Label lns been signed by the Eleetri,cal Contt'actor. Ileu/Ettend. Citcuits lanporeg Seroice Stdte ?otal ITlM FEE CIIARGE I Mechqnicql Permit bhanet HooC llcodstope Vent Fot Perwtt fssuanee Meclnnical Pendt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seeurity Deposit Storage Maintetunrce Pemrtt Ctttbcut Silzualk Fence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile llone TOTAL A],IOUIIT DUE: *4 f ilAW CAREEULLY SXAilINED the eotnpleted application for pennit, and da hereby certi.fg that aLL infornation het,eon is t?ue and eorrect, anC I futther certify that ang ard. aLL aork perforaed slwll be dane in accor- dance ,,tith the Ordinances of the City of SprLngfield, and the Lae of the State of )regon pe?taining to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd. thdt N0 1CCU- PANCY l'lill be nnCe of any st"uctuve uithout permisaion of the Suilding Di.-tision. f further eez,tify tlat otly eont"actors ad. enplcyees uho are in eanpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project ?otaL Date Da Plart Esaniner Reeeipt #: SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development January 5, 1988 CERTIFIED LETTER Planning and Development Department Res i dent 4.l4 N. 32nd Street Springfield, 0R 97477 Dear Resident: It was recently discovered that the storm water drainage ditch adiacent to your property at fil 1 dirt has been deposited with4.l4 N. 32nd Street This ditch is part of the City-wide storm sewer drainage system and must be kept free of debris in order for the system to work properly. Many kinds of waste matter, as they decompose, create a potential public health hazard as well. The City of Springfield does not allow the deposit of garden trimmings, fi1'l dirt or other debris in this ditch. If the debris is not removed from the drainage system by 4:00 p.m., January 22, 1988 -, the City's Maintenance Division will clea to the owner in accordance with the current schedule of rental rates for equipment, plus labor at double time. There will also be an administrative fee of 45% of all 'labor costs The City of Springfield requests your cooperation in this effort to reduce safety hazards, unsightliness and damage to public improvements. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Maintenance Division at 726t376L. Si ncerely, $rt ft"-Zl,;7* Bob MiIlus Mai ntenance Supervi sor cd cc: Jackie Murdoch, Code Enforcement 0fficer Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Property Owner - Marla Edwards #163 225 Fifttr Street o Springfield, OR 97477 o 5031726-37 53