HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/23/2022;tel JJ docs;: 39.�pce136 STATE of dkili30N, j County Of. :.._Lane .................................... BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this.......... '.---day of ........ ....Uril..... ............... :...:.: before nue, the undersigned, a ...... :.._NgULZY --- PgUle........... ......... ........................ ................................. ,.:..:� in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named.. As.._J. Perkihs aid ", SadiePerk ......................................................................,.................................................... 711.1. .......................... ............... :............................................................................. who .... are ............ known to me to be the identical ivdivuluats dexeribed in awl who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that .... heY....... executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOR, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day anW or, last above written Ti t �'t ` Nofart�i6iw Jor OrsBbn. My Commission Expirese ..... R� ' tltlA a q�. 5 R� ' to them. , .Pars by LhNE CQUNTY [1NZON IR G11. CI{i]Oy.,NIS.fp7,C,r'„j1A, .iS.,... ............ a municipal corporation . ... .......... ....... __.. ........ do hesaby groat 5argain, aeA and son ey unto nad..,Lane County. Un ion High Seho 1 __ District No 15 s_municlya l,cor pare tion,, .,,,,, .... ........_. t................ ....__ ........._. _.. . 1ts_succeasars„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,Nally and nteigru, all the fo1hnang reef property, with the tone. menti, hereditamenta and aPPurtol na,e, Mooted in the ......._ ................... .......... ..... _.____._............. Oosely of.Lane ................ --andtat Se of Oregon, botoeda and deaceibed as folk. , to-mik __............. Beginning at a paint 553.73 feet N 0. 10' V; anu 60 feet East of the NW corner of Paul orattain DLC #63, said point being 150 feet S no 10' E of the South line of nS” Street in Spring- field, Oregon, running thence N 89° 54' E 120 feet. thence N On 10' W 10 Feet; thence N 69° 54' E 81U feet. thence 6 0. 10' E 180 feat; thence N 89- S,' E 169.1, feet; t'neace 5 0° 101 1 143 feet; thence S 89° 54' V! 1,099.4 feet; thence N O° iOl a 313 feet to place of beginning, all situated in Lane County, Oregon, e ce t for that portion of the alley within the above-described property deeded to the City of Springfield ea recorded on page 100, Deed Book 325, in t'ne County Hecorder's office, Lane County„ Oregon, and except that portion of "I" Street deeded to Springfield, Oregon, as recorded on page 96 Deed Book 325, in the County Baeorder's office, Lane County, Oregon. The Tract, exclusive of street and ailey deeded to the City of Springfield, contains 5.55 acres more or less. It is the intent of this description to include all of Lots 19 to 36, inclusive, in Bleck 2 of do unrecorded plat knorcn as perkside Hamr and the property abutting on the South side of aID Street betea.ea 10th Street and a point 1,099) feet,N . 89° 54',E of the East side of 10th Street in Spridr*Pdeld, Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the ab000 deeoribed mid e—ted p.aa, .,to thevo id...Dg R7... , L.-' County, Union Hlgh School DS trict No 15, a_mpni ipal Corporation ,its,,, sup_cos s.Ars_..__._____.J,58L arK uefpm larever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.,.—.....__ fhe gmntoe.d., above named hereunto M.—.Vleir ........... hood m:d aea1.3... 1h0................Z...r'._......_..dny of._.___Aprl]._._._........................A. D. 19-- 49 ..rU 8p m Toa aBE ." or ........_....%/..._................._...................._..... f Brun) 2 Transfer Certificate of Title No. 12s,G - First ltegt%texed—�eYt�RfioeP-5�___1B 11 Trm+afer from Certiflczle No.' .12675 NumbaT ftext Ccrdfisate_4152 REGISTRAR'S OFFICE, LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON STATB e! OREGON � 0a ' (`RUSTY eS LANE T, W. B. Dillard, Regieher of Titlra In and for said State and Cmmty, de hereby cevtify that — _ Consolidated Union Hinn 9 hool Di.atai,�t_N t5 - ,o S fi 1d _ -- Cmmfy of_ - Lena— swe--- " ie____Ihe owner in fee simple of tic,follmaing deacrlbed land aitunled in the County of Lere and State of Oregon W At: Beginning at a pclnt slhich iA South B9" 52' Eaat 536 feet from a poi 2399.1 feet ;Iorbh: 0141 East from the Soutfceest corner of tihe Pavl Bratbain's D.L.C. #63 Tormahip Pl South Range Thre West of "", Lp Lane Covnty, OPepon; running thonce Squth B9052' East 479 feet; thence South 004' Alost 32 feet, more or less to the North line o1 0 Street, if extend. thence North 69052' ;"t 497 foet;'thence Horth 0°4' neat 32 feet, More to the .lace of beginning, all is NpIll"i"eld, Lano County, Oregon. Subjeet to the.'take, Pavements, G+eumblealln and dargea l+ereundu noted, and nlso, subJectto soy apnaild oi�_Aaseeemeatx wht.h the Statutes of this Stoll do eat regnixo to appear of recm'd in lho Repief+'Ar'n otNCB. _ ' T%tnP_as my hand and official seal this—.. 2J4,1— —day of — FAjc'—. ; —to el Fmnsed xee Inatl'e"ot No. -- lg R. DILLARD, Far Tax Gel'UiState ace loOrcot6ca No. — Roxidrax of 'Vitro, Tare County, Oregon 1 For Plot see I trnmevtN -.-' C lA By For Ae Ft sae Iostrume+E N NOTES R :me H 5 CERTP cw x TAANSFEPs wry A9RAxars w�� a � � o dp�'a A o � e � �� " fr o d � �'� F �" �� ,�._ � � � H � � �„' � ,� � a � n �,' `O 3 ,ggp r � d r A a ' � n ii � N P _ _ ` _ __.. __ _ _ F^ _1____ _.. j_..... _.___. _. ___ I _. _ � -.. __. � - r� _ _... __. _._ _. i �_ .. 1 _ .w„� o,: .�.�ioaa .wm m�,�' � "'1°' fid” J � ^" ��,���a i alIIy;o aaeagiaxape�ry ui puaq aµ3 uo saazayp pue awuvAqummq aex�.om 'sa;aps;q ;o s�suoucayq (quitclaim Deed THIS INDENTURE WITNESSTH: That Cyrus 0. Shutt, a single man the, Granter for and In ronsideratea of the sum of NO DOLLARS, to 'a, do beach,Grant, RemtaS Release and forear, Qeirehie gato Springfield School District 19 Grantee the following described preadsce, to-wh: Theea aon half of 9th Street, a$ vacated by C1Ly 11 Sprin,fleld Vessels. OrdinaneeEa.2240, Letuee„ the North line of Its 14 foot alley x ,mtug East and West betceen '1' Street sea 'd' Street asd Lhe xouLh 1,- a£'d' Street. xhaa. as no nonetar, 1-11,1cxstion for this co veyanc.. TO HAVE AND 4'0 HOLD the said prem6es, with their aopustensncta, unto the said Grantee heirs.nd... W, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i h ... onto ae4 hand and real this dayof l,,,Ma,,h A.D. 19 ]l, In tth/hheJe presence of .(SEAL)y.S.mL:1 ..(i'i✓."%F ._..._...(SEAL) .......(SEAL) ..... ...._... . ...._......_WEAL) STATE OF Oa.sca VD N'LY DY LAN L' ra a, m n an m, 10th a .1 March as 71 n 2 „ a ,l a Lybe - .v"le"m I, ar (... a.-11 d ..w a ,D n Y tha Jr1G1. Cyrus .0 Shutt 4 ea q a single man 8•DN , I vNt6pil iF411'n+tre,.nm Etm varaar.l n,,..o.a s.?y �uwam atna;�ar�w a yN M p FYaW1 M16H�6h {, d Ih—ettleL, rTt11 sae cs o` rue2s � � 9rR b o h A o c�J (gi(pp a a s tail [� A o c�J (gi(pp a A a s a a s a 5 Ux dvx, i J 99. 25th tar' d OG KOJaD ._.. A. P, 19_ i¢ Clot., tublio._..... ......xwdfor�ld roxner. .. h ,.u.x namN..... A J Verklne-and 9adio L Perking fit e_x1Ye ,om<p.awnilF kxawvmhtM1e,Jamimt peemne d:+e"Ced i„and wAaumtN thea I ,axd e,tnowL mmmt MgMmne ehaC_SbW ...... tLe.arn bxlS and rolmuaiff loe tAaxs aW ywtxeanmxed Wit—my M1md d sal tM1iz......._.. Jly (]: mission ¢cpieax ...1.iSIhR_.. _... NahayP 6lclx, Oaegx� 011 bs CY 9 m_,