HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 12/28/2022Completeness Check Meeting Development and Public Works Department Conference Room 616 & Zoom COMPLETENESS CHECK MEETING DATE: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. DPW Conference Room 616 and Zoom Completeness Check Mtg (Site Plan Review) #811 -22 -000277 -PRE 811-22-000246-PROJ Springfield Public Schools Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-14 TL: 11100, 11200, 11300 Address: 425 10'h Street Existing Use: high school campus Applicant has submitted plans to install a modular building for classroom space Planner: Liz Miller Meeting: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:00 — 11:00 via Zoom and Conference Rm 616 VICINITY MAP 811 -22 -000277 -PRE Completeness Check Meeting 17-03-35-14 TL 11100, 11200, 11300 425 10`" Street Springfield School District City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPN FIELL �7 Application Type (Applicant., check Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: x❑ Major Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal • ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: ❑ Major Site Plan Modification Submittal: Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Brett Yancey Phone: (541)747-3331 ❑ Company: Springfield School District 19breft. ance Email: Y Y@springfeld. Address: 640 A Street, Springfield OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: Eric Favreau Phone: (541) 556-4425 Company: Favreau Engineering Email: favreaueng@gmail.com Address: 2206 Country Haven Dr, Eugene OR 97408 Property Owner: Springfield School District 19 Phone (541) 747-3331 Company: Email: Address: 640 A Street, Springfield OR. 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-35-14 TAX LOT NO S : 11100, 11200, 11300 Property Address: 42510th St Size of Property: 271 Acres [fl Square Feet LiProposed No. ofD Il;a a;las per 0 Proposed Name of Project: Modularbuilding far cosmetology program/classrooms Description of 11 you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Installation of classroom space for proposed cosmetology program as part of High School. Existing Use: High School Campus New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 3,200 sf Si natures: Please si n and Qtint vour name and date in theannrnnrfafe Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next complete this section) Signs: a e. Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 KL 1 of 11 12.or.us 1 ENGINEERING December 22, 2022 FINAL SITE PLAN REVIEW NARRATIVE Applicant: Applicant's Representative: Springfield Public Schools Favreau Engineering, LLC 2206 Country Haven Or Eugene, OR 97408 541-556-4425 favreaueng@gmaii.com Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-14 Tax Lots: 11100, 11200, 11300 Favteau Engineering 2206 Country Haven Dr Eugene, OR 97408 (5411 556,4425 LAND USE REQUEST The applicant is seeking approval of a new modular building for the school district's cosmetology program located at the Gateways High School Brattain Campus. SITE AND SURROUNDING CHARACTERISTICS The subject site is currently utilized as Gateways High School Brattain Campus. The subject site is zoned Public Land and Open Space. Because the properties to the north, south, and east of the subject property are zoned residential, a Site Plan Review is required. SITE PLAN APPROVAL The applicant is seeking an approval of the construction of a new modular building to host classrooms for the school district's cosmetology program plus required utility connections. The proposal also includes the installation of two new parking stalls. The facility will be ADA compliant and will include an accessible route to the building. The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding developments. The proposed building is setback at least 20' from all neighboring residential zoning. The application also includes the installation of a public fire hydrant along C St south of the proposed modular building. The existing parking area allows for emergency access within 150' of the proposed building. The building has been located so that the entire building is within 400' of the proposed hydrant, measured as the Fire Department's hoses are laid. Therefore the building is not required to have sprinklers. There will be no hazardous materials stored on site as a part of this construction. SITE DRAINAGE The proposed building will discharge roof runoff to splash blocks that will drain into the existing vegetation on the east side of the building. Per the attached City of Eugene SIM form, 560 SF of vegetated filter strip will be required to adequately treat the runoff from the new building. There is approximately 924 SF of vegetation between the proposed building and residential property to the east, and therefore satisfies. The site does not currently experience drainage issues. Page 1 of 2 F&R E U 2206 uge eryHaven Dr R 47408 (5411 556,4425 APPROVAL STANDARDS (SDC 5.17.125) (A) (1) The proposed land use is a permitted use within the Public Land and Open Space land use district and therefore satisfies this criteria. (2) A discretionary use is not required for this proposed land use. Therefore, this criteria does not apply. (3) The proposal complies with the standards of Public Land and Open Space land use district and therefore satisfies this criteria. (4) The proposal is not in conflict with any approved master plan, master facilities plan, refinement plan, and/or special planned district. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (5) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.2, Infrastructure Standards — Transportation. As noted by staff, no public improvements are required as part of this development. All private improvements are designed in accordance with applicable standards. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (6) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.3, Infrastructure Standards — Utilities. As noted by staff, no public improvements are required as part of this development. All private utilities are designed in accordance with applicable standards. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (7) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.4, Landscaping, Screening, and Fence Standards. As noted by staff, no additional landscaping, screening, or fencing is required as part of this proposal. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (8) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.5, On -Site Lighting Standards. As noted by staff, no additional on-site lighting is required as part of this proposal. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (9) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.6, Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking Standards. As stated before, two additional parking stalls have been provided, as required. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (10) The proposal complies with the applicable sections of SDC 4.7, Specific Development Standards. Specifically, the standards of SDC 4.7.203 Public land and Open Space do not apply as the proposal is an ancillary building to an existing school. It is not a traffic generator, cause for additional access, it is not a major noise generator, community park, RV park or campground, private/public elementary or middle school, wellness center, or public building and therefore does not trigger any of the additional requirements listed in this criterion. As noted by staff, no additional landscaping, screening, or additional fencing is required as part of this proposal. Therefore, this criteria is satisfied. (11) The criteria of SDC 4.8, Temporary Use Standards do not apply as this is a permanent structure for an existing high school campus. Page 2 of 2 SIM FORM: 2014 (Simplified Approach for Stormwater Management) Application Brattain Campus Modular Building Building Permit# Address 425 1 Oth St sf Springfield, OR 97477 Residentia Commercial Tax Lot# 17-03-35-14-11200 Iorcko�e) NRCS Soil Type or sf Measured Infikraiton Rate C Facility Sizing for Water Facility Sizing 2'800 Total Proposed New or Replaced Impervious Surface Area Box 1 Impervious Area Reduction sf Permeable Pavements sf Stormwater Planter Eco -Roof sf x 0.11 = Contained Planter sf sf Tree Credit sf Total Impervious Area ReductionNdBox Box2 Total Impervious Area Requiring Stormwater Managemment 3 IBov l - Box 2) Facility Sizine for Water Quality Only Surface Facilities Impervious Area Managed Sizing Factor Faclity Surface Area Rain Garden sf x 0.05 = Stormwater Planter sf x 0.03 = Swale sf x 0.06 = Vegetated Filter Strip 2,800 sf x 0.2 = 560 Sand Filter sf x 0.03 = Facility Sizine for Water Ouality and Flow Control Surface Facilities Impervious Area Managed Sizing Factor Faclity Surface Area Rain Garden sf x 0.11 = Stormwater Planter sf x 0.07 = Sand Filter sf x 0.07 = Facility Sizing for Water Quality, Flow Control and Flood Control "' Only for use in Type A & B Soils Surface Facilities Impervious Area Managed Sizing Factor Faclity Surface Area Rain Garden sf x 0.13 = Stormwater Planter sf x 0.11 = Sand Filter sf x 0.11 = Sum of Total 2'800 Impervious Area Managed Box (Box 4 must be equal or greater than Box 3) Point of Discharge (check one) Overflow to gutter (weephole) Overflow to public storm drain pipe Overflow to Open Drainage Subsurface lnfiltmtion 9X 2014 SIM FORM: Tree Credit and Rainwater Harvesting Worksheet See "Tree Credits" section for more information regarding the use of Reesto meet StorrowMer Impervious Area Reduction. New Evergreen Trees To receive Impervious Area Reduction Credit, new evergreen trees must be planted within 25 feet of the new or replaced impervious surfaces. New trees cannot be credited against rooftop areas. Minimum tree height (at the time of planting) to receive credit is 6 feet Enter number of new evergreen trees that meet qualification requirements in Box A H Bo%A Multiply Box A by 200 and enter result in Box B Box B New Deciduous Trees To receive Impervious Area Reduction Credit new large deciduous trees must be planted within 25 feet of the newer replaced impervious surfaces and new small deciduous trees must be plants! within 10 feet of new or replaced impervious Surfaces. New trees cannot be credited against rooftop areas. Minimum tree caliper (at the time of planting) to receive credit is 2 inches. Enter number of new deciduous trees that meet qualification requirements in Box C Box C Multiply Box C by 100 and enter result in Box D Box D Existing Tree Canopy To receive Impervious Area Reduction Credit existing large tree carppies must be within 25 feet and existing small tree canopies must be within 10 feet of ground level impervious surfaces (cannot be credit against roof top surfaces). Existing tree campy credited towards Impervious Area Reduction must be preserved during and after construction throughout the life of the development. Minimum tree caliper to receive credit is 4 inches. No credit will be given to existing tree canopy located within environmental conservation areas. Enter square footage of existing tree canopy that meet qualification requirements in Box E. F—]BoxE Multiply Box Eby 0.5 and enter result in Box F. JBox F Total Tree Credit Add Boxes B, D and F and enter the result in Box G Box G Multiply Box I of Form SIM by 0.1 and enter the result in Box H. Enter the lesser of Box G and H in Box 1. mals Is the amount to be entered as "nee Credits on Form SIM.) SIM FORM 2014 Instructions 1. Enter square footage (sf) of total impervious area being developed into BOX 1. 2. Enter square footage(sf) for impervious area reduction techniques. 3. Enter sum of the impervious area reduction techniques into BOX 2. 4. Subtract BOX 2 from BOX 1 to find BOX 3, the amount of impervious area that requires stormwater management. 5. Select appropriate stormwater management facilities. 6. Enter the square footage of impervious area managed that will flow into each facility type. 7. Multiply each impervious area managed by the corresponding sizing factor. Enterthis area as the facility surface area, This is the size of faclity required to manage runoff 9. Where selecting facilities that will overflow, select the point of discharge location. 10. Enterthe sum of the total of all the impervious area managed into BOX 4. BOX 4 must be greaerthan or equal to BOX 3.