HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1977-02-25CITY OI' S?RINGIIIULD
Applicatio.r'is lrcrcby madc by thc trndersigned propcrty otvlrcr for pcrmission
to connecE, thc f ollowirrg dcscribr:d propcrty to a city sarli tary scwcr linc, otnrcd
and maintain.-:d by rhc city of sprirrgf icld, and I agrce to pay such a hoolcup chargc
of $4.50 per fronc foor of the propcrty for titc first 150 fcct in depth Eo be
served by such city seucr line in licu of an assessttrcnt againsE the described
property. An adclitionai $0.03 per square foot will be chargcd for any addiLional
propcrty beyond Ehe first 150 fecE.
PropcrEY DcscriPtion:Address:
Beginning at a point on the West line of Lot 3, Block l0 of Douglas Gardens, as
platted and recorded in Volume 4, Page 73, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said
point being South 0o15' West .l72.96 feet from the Northwest corner of sa"id Lot 3, Block10;
said Northwest corner bejnq at the Intersect'ion of the center'l'ine of Oregon Avenue of
said Plat w'ith the centerline of County Road No. 49; thence South 89'4.I' East 221.0 feet;
thence South 0ol5'West .l24.17 feet to the South l'ine of the North 1/2 of Lot 4 in
Block 10, ?2.l.0 feet to the West line of said Lot 4,'in Block l0; thence North 0".l5' east
along the West line of said Lots 3 and 4'in Block .l0, 124.17 feet to the point of
beginning, being part of Lots 2, 3 and 4 jn Block l0 of Douglas Gardens.
EXCEPT THEREFROM the North 60.0 feet thereof, in Lane County,0regon
Sewer hookup charge:64.17 fronE feeE @ $4.50 per fronE fooE = \?8a 77
square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft.
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CounEy of Lane
BE IT REiEllB[RtD, that on this
before nc, tlrc rrndcrsigned, a Not"ry'lrblic in ancl for tlrc said County
personally appcared the r.'ithin narncd
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ancl Stfltq,
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idcnEical iutlivitlual
--and acknorvlc<lgcd to llc Lirat
linot.n to tnc to btl tlle
rlcscriocd in aud ruito c-xecutcd Llrc rviLlrin illst:i-l'rlrlunt
'11 E- cxcctrtcd t.hc salntr f rtrcly arr<l voltrrtEarily
Nl'fNUSS m), lrand and scal tlris day and ycar lasE atovc writtcn.
NoL aI'v i'trb I ic
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Ily Couurri rls i ott l.sp irt'l;
This agreerrent has bcen computed aS being one-half (i) of the equivalcnE cosE
of an eight (B) jnch lateral sanitary server at tlte r-ate of $4.50 per abutting
f ronE f oot and does not. :-nclude the cost of a house cc)nnect ion to said cit'y sewer,
se\.rer user charges, plunrbing perreits or other such cosEs to be assumed by the
properEy ovrrter